How do you heal the heart?

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How do you heal the heart?

Post by Nikki88 »

How do you heal the heart does anyone know? I've only had it happen once but it seems to close up again at the tiniest of stressors and I start back at square one again unable to feel much. What can I do to make it better I don't even know where to start. :?:
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by nasra1996 »

I'm with you on that one too :loves

I'm wondering though is it the heart that is really closed and unable to feel or is it the brain/memory telling the heart not to feel.. Maybe that's why we are given anti depressants by docs to activate that part of the brain again... sorry to get technical :) thinking aloud..

I pray you are able to heal :loves :loves

Love Sarah x
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by Sandy »

I'm with both of you there! :)
....and I think Sarah may be onto something here...
I'm wondering though is it the heart that is really closed and unable to feel or is it the brain/memory telling the heart not to feel..
Years ago I learned to shut down, put all the painful stuff completely out of my mind and go on as if nothing had happened. I didn't feel the hurt anymore and I thought it was a good thing. Well, it did allow me to create a peaceful environment for those around me but it was not healthy for me in any way shape or form because the pain, the problems, the heart break, were still there, stored in the very fabric of my body... and when they did resurface oh my, what a mess!

So how do we heal from such wounds and have a healthier, more peaceful and productive mind, heart, emotions and physical lives? Truly more than I can answer, but I was startled to see a synchronicity in what you posted here, Nikki...
" I've only had it happen once but it seems to close up again at the tiniest of stressors and I start back at square one again unable to feel much. "
That very phrase was used this morning by my celestial Teacher while we were discussing a problem that in a way is similar and in another way different. I know that makes little sense, but my concern at the time, was my inability to also follow through with "a particular way of being kind of thing"... something that would benefit me enormously. Yet, I can never make it past just a few days of this "spiritual exercise" and I was wondering why?
To my surprise, my Teacher asked me simply to think way back to when I was a child and a distant memory. One tiny event that I hadn't thought about in years came to the foreground. It didn't appear to be life shattering at all or rather, "intention shattering"... but there it was! I was confused and baffled at first how this had anything at all to do with my inability to continue healthy and productive "me work." But then it became clear as this incident in question represented the first "nips" by life at my self confidence which underlies a lot of difficulties large and small I have experienced in my life.
Of course, I couldn't fathom how poor self esteem could affect what seemed a totally different problem...self improvement.
This is what my Teacher said, when I questioned him...
"Self esteem is very much linked to the process of self improvement because an underlying feeling, a certainty that the desired change, habit, or way of being is possible is at the very core of success in this area. Without faith or even a strong belief that it is possible, your efforts are built on shaky ground and will collapse with the tiniest of stressors and social pressure."
So, I asked him, how to heal, much as you did with your problems of the heart, and he answered in a way that might be able to give us both a bit of a "game plan," each with our slightly differing problem, should we be willing to put ourselves whole heartedly into it...
me: "How do I turn this all around?"

"With determination! Keep your goal and outcome firmly in your mind, how you wish to be, to feel, to exist. Visualize it, live it, be it over and over again until you wake up one morning and realize you have already attained your goal." Train yourself to once again believe in your beautiful self. The more you connect with and visualize this person you truly are on the inside, a divine child, the quicker you will recognize her on the outside."
(I just saw a 1:23 prompt...Love those showing progress...for you and for me. ;) )

So Nikki, please don't give up this ongoing process of healing your heart. I think even though you feel you are not making much headway in your efforts, you are really moving forwards in increments, measurable if not by you at this time, by your angels and guides and your beloved God within.

Love to you and Sarah on this cloudy and even a little chilly Aussie afternoon. :kiss:
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by Welles »

Nikki88 wrote:How do you heal the heart does anyone know?

The quest for an open heart is a process. First you have to know that the goal is real. It exists! That's a huge step forward. That open-heart reality is only recognized experientially. Once experience provides a reference point you are on your way.

One obvious feature of those sublime moments of psychic balance is the fact that the running dialog in your head is finally quiet and you are living in the present. Then we'll lose our balance and, ugh, it's back to 'normal'. So a valuable strategy is to pay attention to the 'roof brain chatter' as one person described it. When you do, you'll notice that it is always stimulated by the emotional center of the solar plexus. The thoughts don't come first, they are responses to emotional prompting. Once that discovery is made you can pay attention to the feeling area of the solar plexus. Note that isn't the heart. It's the guts. In that center reside all our defenses to real and imagined threats, armoring. From that center we reach out and attach ourselves to comforting aspects of our material universe.

A difficult aspect of gut level feelings is that they are mostly subconscious patterns. They exist in response to our environments but the trickier part is we are the recipient of our parents fears and they from their parents... in a sense the whole of our evolved genealogy all the way back to primal ooze. So that is the great unconscious. It is the stimulus of our material mind. However we have access to illumination to help us pull ourselves our of the morass of our animal natures. That requires intent to seek it out. It lies in the heart.

When you undertake your quest for the open heart you start to focus on consciousness. Now many people presume that consciousness is thought but I'll propose that thoughts are secondary interpretations of mind that are driven by areas of your being that you feel. Those are really primary. So we have two separate areas of feeling, the solar plexus and the heart, that people frequently lump into one and call emotions. But each of those is driving a different side of our brains. The solar plexus is the creator of our animal mind in association with our material senses. It is directly connected to the left lobe of the brain. It constantly picks out individual aspects of the environment upon which to focus, remembers past relationships and projects those into the future. It works in a linear mode and ‘thinks’ in languages. That is the origin of the constant dialog we hold with ourselves when our left-brain is in charge.

The right hemisphere is the interpreter of the heart. It is akin to a parallel processor in that it accesses multiple streams of data all at the same time. It lives in the present moment, ‘thinks’ in pictures and learns kinesthetically. It is our transmitter and receiver for our cosmic communication. To access our heart and spiritual minds requires a conscious choice. Connection to reality through the heart is a direct manifestation of our free-will choice. The heart feels in values, the product of relationships. It is also where our Sparks of God reside. You only have access to it during those moments of inner balance or Stillness. As we get more experience with the open heart the difference between our consciousness residing it either the solar plexus/left brain or the heart becomes obvious and we begin to be able to jump to the heart by intent more and more often. I rely on a two-fold path for my own meandering journey to achieve the goal of a permanently open heart. (No I haven't made it yet. )

The first is to simply ask inside for guidance. I do that now all the time but in the past I'd usually resort to inward inquiry when I was hurting. I'll focus intently on the problem I've encountered as best I'm able with an embedded supplication. Then I'll listen quietly, trying to quiet the material mind. An answer will always come. Peculiarly I've never been able to guess the answer in advance but in retrospect they seem blindingly obvious. The second element of achieving an open heart is action. You have to start with the spirit and let it work outward. That sounds a bit mystical but it isn't. Here's what you do. The three greatest qualities (spiritual aspects) from which to choose are beauty, truth and goodness. So pick one of those and ask inside for the opportunity to create something that reflects those qualities in the material world. Then pay attention outside yourself and sure enough you will find the opportunity to become a creator.

You might have an intense interest in discovering truth. So you may study facts and the current knowledge in the area of your choosing. Notice, though, that your heart is in charge. The solar plexus suddenly becomes a complimentary center of consciousness. It feels the balance and harmonies of your material universe. You will work assembling ideas and points of view by looking at your subject from all angles and when you get enough concepts and your right brain opens in direction from the heart and illumination will fill your being. All the ideas you've laboriously compiled will suddenly be rearranged into a new and enlightening pattern. When you strive for beauty the same process happens only you are feeling the balance of color and harmonies of texture. As you work with them moments of illumination provide insights for new possibilities. If your heart's goal is goodness you'll find endless opportunities as small as simply sharing a smile from your soul with someone in need. We all are in need.

So the way to an open heart is to inquire within and create without. For every success you will be uplifted. You become the results of your efforts.

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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by Nikki88 »

Thanks for the advice everyone ill defiantly start to work on this issue a bit more. Also I read a suggestion somewhere that perhaps keeping a diary of the few or very dull emotions I do have might help. Ill be giving that a try as well and if it starts to help ill post here again with results. :hithere

Lots of love,

Nikki :loves
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by Sandy »

You are loved! :kiss:
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by nasra1996 »

Thats very interesting Welles about the two points of feeling and emotion, i never thought about that before.. I wonder if animals use the right side of the brain like we do in relation to the heart.. my heart and plexus have been pretty much numbed for years, i dont know how to open again but i will read you post over again and see if i can self heal..

Much love to all here, hope you get to heal Nikki :loves

Sarah x
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by Welles »

nasra1996 wrote: my heart and plexus have been pretty much numbed for years, i dont know how to open again but i will read you post over again and see if i can self heal..


I know that intimately. It is a process. My first efforts were to pick qualities to which I was attracted. I picked truth, beauty and humor. I then started creating in those areas. That did two things. It started healing the hurts I'd suffered and inherited but equally importantly I discovered that in order to become a creator I had to use the solar plexus to feel the qualities and attributes of my material efforts. I felt color balances. I felt textural balances of physical stuff. I felt shapes and curves in sculpting. Each creation allowed me to grow toward my qualitative goals that had been established in my heart. So I discovered that the heart can be used by will and suddenly the solar plexus becomes an useful conscious partner rather than the unconscious dominant player.

Here's a simple discovery I made. It has been expressed in almost every spiritual teaching so I'm sure I was primed to percieve 'my discovery' by those who had gone before. Imagine the solar plexus as an energy center. We reach out with tendrils of energy and attach them to comforting aspects of our material universe. We also respond to the hurts by armoring ourselves in defensive patterns. Ideally we should be able to use that center to sense our physical world. So, for example we might try to reach out with a feeling to another person just to have the effort fail because all the energy of that center is tied up in stasis. The ineptness of our failure turns to anger or despair. So what many people think of as emotion is actually the result of being unable to use feeling dynamically.

There is a mitigating factor, though. It isn't our fault! We are just responding to subconscious patterns of behavior. The way out is discovered by inward inquiry. Asking for help from your inward sources absolutely works. You will have incremental successes and moments of realization when you know you are making progress and then slide back into the morass... but it isn't quite as deep for every time your efforts allow you to come up for a breath of enlightenment your being is lightened and you begin to float.

Sandy wrote:You are loved!

Speaking of which... ... ntent.html

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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by Sandy »

Welles! I always breath a sigh of wonder when I view our earth on the back drop of the starry universe. It is so beautiful and so is your message. :happy
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by MichelleP »

Hi Nikki,

I don't really have a direct answer for you except to say I am also working on trying to heal my heart from a very long ago hurt. One that I have carried with me for a long time that can only be described as a heavy heart. In my journey to find out why I was feeling so incredibly bad I discovered that somewhere along the line I decided I was unworthy of love to the point of being unworthy of existing. I surmise I did something I really regretted and as such felt I no longer had worth. This life has been about healing that hurt and over the past couple years I have been confronted with it no longer able to run away. What I discovered recently though was this feeling I had about myself was my Decision and no one else's and though I may have made it out of great remorse it was simply a decision and one I could change at any time. This said, changing was not all that easy because quite frankly my soul had made this decision and was sticking to it. At least this is what was going on subconsciously. Consciously all I felt was tremendous pain and despair in the core of my being. Until recently I was led to a pretty powerful understanding. The reason I could not change things around or feel love was because I was not Allowing myself to feel it. My decision about being unworthy created a block from me being able to accept love for myself. The door was locked. I could give it to others but could not feel it for myself. And so with that one word a door opened for me and I finally felt a love like I don't know that I have ever felt before. This said, it is not easy to change a long standing habit and I too can fall back into sadness when life circumstances get me down but at least I have the door open now so when I get down I just try to remind myself to allow new loving thoughts to come in to replace the sad negative defeating ones that I seem to dwell on when the sadness comes to the door. I know you may very well not be dealing with a closed door but maybe take some time to think about any decisions you think you may have made about life or yourself and then turn those thoughts around by simply allowing yourself to think differently to make a different decision. But like Welle's says, it is a process and to some degree I think we need to retrain our spirit to focus on love to bring more of it to us. Anyways, the message I got from spirit through most of this was to be gentle with yourself. As much as you think you aren't making progress and are just going in circles, you actually are spiraling upwards. With each pass over what seems like the same ground you are actually a little higher than you were the last pass through so just stay the course and as Sandy spoke about, we need to try and keep faith and believe that we will succeed. Stay Strong.

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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by Sandy »

Hello old friend! :kiss:
Thank you for sharing what you have worked so long and hard to discover. This topic, with all the shared impute, I find is helping me and I am ever so grateful to you, Nikki, for having the courage to bring this up. ((((((((Nikki))))))))
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by nasra1996 »

Thanks Welles.. :kiss:

((Michelle)) :loves

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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by MichelleP »

(((Sandy))) Thanks it has been a rough couple of years but things have turned a corner finally and I am finding my way back. I really have missed you all. :kiss:

(((Sarah))) :kiss:
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by happyrain »

Michelle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^_^ (((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))

i was surprised to see your name, it's great to see you back and posting : )

With Respect

Eric =)
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Re: How do you heal the heart?

Post by MichelleP »

Thanks Eric,

I had to close ranks and do some healing but I am feeling better. It is good to see you. I was thinking about you. I hope all is well. :kiss:

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