Group Meditations

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Kim,

I like reading your experiences.

I smiled and laughed at the imagery of us in these suits all bungled together trying to move as one.

I like this idea about getting to know our TA's. I hope we can explore that more.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »


Yes the same grandpa. We celebrated his 90th yesterday. Today is my last day in York, PA.

I had an impromptu meditation in the cool weather listening to the night critters, it was awesome.

And- your music notes remind me of this scene.

Maybe because we're all learning how to communicate with the Living Spirit
An unseen but very much alive and guiding intelligence

Close encounters of the third kind, have you ever seen this film?
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hello Everyone,

Have a safe trip home, Eric. Something I find interesting in reading your Australian friend, Kelly, told me that this week that her mother and her mother's other three siblings were traveling together to visit their Father who had turned 90 on Wednesday.

Kim, how much fun it would be to have one of those suits in real life, but now, I suppose it could be rather hazardous, so forget that...I wonder if some symbolism may also be involved with our wearing magnetized suits. LOL well, I suppose that would be a no-brainer... :lol: :oops:
It made my heart lighten as I read and re-read your experience and the peace surrounding Eric's post.
Mine too was gentle and peaceful. I believe I was experiencing some healing. I felt the heat in my hands as I asked to join my spiritual family and then I drifted for awhile. I ended with a deep sense of peace and love for all of you.

Take care, everybody! :love
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

:kiss: to you all!

Your mentioning it reminded me I'd thought of the notes from the movie(even thought they ere not the same) as I was writing the meditation down!

Ahh, I remember your Pappy joining us in the river a few times. Lol, he was singing with my brother. He reminded me of my own grandpa I loved so dearly. Sending him a happy birthday air hug. :bana:

I think the delight of our laughter would protect us completely from hazards while wearing the suits! :D :lol: :)

Meditation August 24, 2023

It was not my intention to drag the other members of the meditation group with me during a personal meditation,... but as we all know, it's happened on many other occasions.

Went through meditation prep felt several symbols, including my TAs. Met Nebadonia on the bridge. Walked to the other side. Banyan(mt TA) and Shane were there(I really love that Shane joins in our meditations!). I greeted them thinking my TA was going to lead this meditation, surprisingly I kept walking by myself, growing younger with each step until appearing to be maybe 8 years old... It was like I was watching my spirit self, take control of the meditation.

I turned to wave at them still standing by the bridge, got an impish expression on my face, leaped up into the air, quickly arriving on Mansonia 1! (Many times in meditation I've spent several minutes waiting for a teacher to lead the meditation and no one shows up. A while ago I was told by spirit it was time I took on the role myself sometimes. Often that was as far as the meditation went,as I was resistant to trust and go on by myself,)

When arriving on Masonia 1, I always arrive at the same place. It's how I envision an expansive piazza would look in a old European city. Beautiful white architecture, a bridge over a river, a wide open space in the center with a few small amphitheaters where people are gathered listening to a teacher, various parks and gardens scattered around, many people in couples and groups milling around.

Looking about, wondering where to go next, my grandma gave me her symbol, appearing by my side. She was very excited to show me a garden I'd not visited yet. I thought, “Of course it's a garden, it's grandma!” I was more than happy to follow her. Pleasantly surprised I saw thousands of small crystal flowers and leaves suspended midair. All else was completely white, no delineation between the ground or sky. It did have a closed in feeling with walls, but they too were white an indiscernible. A slight breeze blew creating a continuous chiming sound. I was so happy to share this experience with her, in life she was a consummate gardener. In spirit she and my grandpa are caretakers of a cave filled with crystals for the family. There too the crystals appear suspended in midair. After a time of pure delight we exited the crystal garden and grandma left.

I stood alone again in the center of dozens of teachers, students, and several others going on about their day. My heart swelling I reached up drawing in the air. The words, “There Are No Limits,” appeared as clouds before me. They grew exponentially in size as they rose higher and higher for all to see. I was giddy seeing this!

Deciding what I would do next, I looked over and Lynn(about eight years old too), waved and beaconed for me to join her! Running to her we giggled and hugged. She wanted to show me the garden she'd just discovered. It was the same one grandma had taken me to. We walked around marveling at the scintillating display, when I spied a darkened doorway at the back. Upon inspection, we saw a narrow enclosed spiral staircase. Amethyst crystal facets lined the walls and made up the steps. Following downward it open up into a massive geode amethyst amphitheater.

The only way t describe it was, “SPECTACULAR!!!” We ran to the center, sat down, and closed our eyes. Every tiny sound was amplified and directed to the very spot we were sitting in. Spying another doorway, it revealed a clear crystal spiraling staircase. The space became tighter and tighter as we progressed, almost to the point we could hardly move any further.

In perfect childlike candor I asked, “Want to see something else?!” Lynn nodded enthusiastically, in a blink we were watching a celestial meeting. (I've been here a handful of times in previous meditations.)
It's a large room with marble walls and sweeping ceiling, high ranking celestials were seated around in a wide circle. They're positioned about 15 foot higher than the circular space between them. A long wide staircase leads down to the lower area. Lynn and I were tucked up against the wall of the lower area thinking we were invisible to everyone. I smiled when Christ Michael, who was leading the meeting, winked and waved to us. We stayed and listened silently as the meeting continued. They were discussing a serious problem I either didn't hear, or didn't understand.

After a short time, my hand went up, at the same time observing as Lynn and I appeared to have grown up to about 15 years old. The whole group quieted as Christ Michael nodded to me in acknowledgment, to go ahead and speak. I felt very confident in my answer to their problem stating simply, “Love,” then continued, “Love,... it's the answer to every problem.” I heard this phrase echo as it repeated and reverberated around the room.

This was a group of super intelligent beings, minutely aware of the inner working of the cosmos,… of course they already knew that. The room went silent as they took a moment to ponder what I'd said. At that point Lynn and I began to feel the weight of the situation and place we found ourselves. Thankfully, directly behind us our TA materialized, relief washed over us both. An understanding passed from them to us without words, “We are always here for you even when you can't see, feel, or hear us.” They conveyed a look of complete love and understanding for us. Our bodies sagged backward a bit into them, felt like we were wrapped in a cocoon of... all things protective and loving. Banyan appeared as I've always seen him. I was awed by the image of Lynn's. Immediately wondered, “Am I supposed to be able to see the TAs of others?” Her TA was much taller than Lynn, but looked just like her, with short curly gray hair. At that moment a 15 year old version of Sandy and Eric appeared with their TAs!

The thought hit me, “Oh! That's what this meditation is about, us following through with getting to know our TAs, and understanding they are always with us! The business like tone of the meeting changed completely with the appearance of the newcomers. There didn't feel like a separation at all between the elders of the spiritual core and ourselves. It felt comfortable, accepting, equal.

The meditation was over, it lasted for an hour. I held a green calcite in my left hand, a heart shaped apatite in my right, and a smaller azurite over my heart. The song Mad World played throughout the meditation... as it has for over the past few days. I'd done some research right before meditating realizing there was a message in the lyrics for myself. Although I consider myself on the fringe of materialism and taking life to seriously, I do own that most times I'm more concerned with the expectation of the material world over simply stopping and seeking refuge in my spiritual seeking... I'm truly working on it.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Awe shucks that was a nice journey Kim, thank you. =)
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

So is 9PM Eastern time working OK for everyone? Same time tomorrow night ladies? :hithere
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

I’ll set my timer for tonight and try to eat earlier
Thanks for the heads up. Much appreciated
Love you all do
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

Kim that med was awesome. I didn’t find it till just now. And I’m quite speechless but the feelings I have are speechless too. It might sound silly but I didn’t know we could meet our own TAs
You had the right words. There are no limits!! And a reminder of what Nebadonia said to me once. Be open to what is!
See y’all tonight.
Blessings. pp
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm all set to meditate at 9:00 tonight guys!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Good morning all :loves
How was it?

I ended up having an impromptu discussion with my Sister and her boyfriend which caused me to be late.

I apologize. I knew it was time to meditate when our internet went out.

So, I came in later.

I prayed for us and prayed for God.

That's all. :hithere

See you next week!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

That's the beauty of 'no time'. Lol! Spirit let you know it was time to unplug!

I joined in at the regular time, ... but it was strange. Like we were all there, but not with each other. As if we all saw something shiny, and poof, wandered off in separate directions. :roll that's the way it happens sometimes!

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Kim,

Maybe your senses are spot on, and proves I was missing from the scene. It's why I would like to continue practicing at the set time. I hope to make it again 9PM- 8PM CST Monday September 4th. My heart was there and recognized each of you at 8:04PM CST before becoming preoccupied with the company in the kitchen. I ended up, "signing on" at 9 which is 10PM your time. What inspired me to keep at it was seeing both you and Lynn confirm you'd be practicing on time. So instead of engaging in undesirable habits before bedtime- like being on my laptop.. I took the time to stretch and begin meditating. Thank you to the both of you, for encouraging me to build good habits.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

Oh Kim. That’s almost funny as I seemed to have had a very strange Time trying to connect. I called up my A/C yet kept slipping in and out of what seemed like lucid dreaming. However…Mother said…Be open to what is. I will keep planning for the 9 pm eastern time. It’s a bit awkward but workable.
Especially thank you Kim for the reminder. So there we are,,, we help each other out And I have started to research some things in the UB too. Love you all
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

I think knowing others are going to join in the group meditation is a great incentive for the rest of us to commit to meditating. What ever works right?

My meditation lasted for an hour. I was really surprised, as it felt like minutes. I remember asking myself during the meditation, "Am I lucid dreaming?"

So, did your mom tell you to, "Be open to what is," while lucid dreaming, or was that something she used to say to you?
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

Hey Kim no it wasn’t my earth mother. But Mother Nebadonia. It was a long time ago and I was doing a meditation. I can’t remember what I was asking her. Probably something about wanting to “see” during a meditation. And that was her answer to me. She only said it once but I remember her voice, smile and hug. Great advice and a great help.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Nebadonia is one of those calm, quiet voices worth listening to and remembring. Thanks for the words and the image!

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by peacockplume »

Thanks for the confirmation Kim
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Good morning everyone.

See you all tonight. I am praying to develop in my discernment, to trust my inner knowing.

Continued prayer request for Ruby's nephew Bryan and his safe return to his family.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all,
I would be up for placing Brian and his fmily in a circle of protective healing light as part of tonight'a group meditation.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Kim!!!

I saw this before jumping in on meditation and it warmed my heart something fierce.

I appreciate you.

How was your meditation?

Mine was nice, and I am glad to be getting in the practice. :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi all,
Group Meditation September 4, 2023

Before going through my normal meditation prep, I thought of Brian. I envisioned the healing circle we've gone to so many times in meditation. Invited Brian and his whole family to go into the circle. We all know when something happens to a loved one, they're not the only ones suffering and needing prayers. Then thought of so many others needing spiritual support. So, began inviting everyone who came to mind, Charlie, Liz and their family. Sandy's parents and family. Lynn and Alan. Sammy Jo and her family. Eric, his Pappy, and all his relatives. Me and my family... you get the picture. :lol: None of us were left to send healing into the circle, but there were plenty of angels, guides, and guardians to envelop us all. That must have been my main mission for the meditation, because right after that I fell asleep.

Woke up at 10:00 because I felt someone touch the back of my left hand. Awaken from a dead sleep to this, I recoiled on high alert! Then relaxed immediately seeing an image in my head, saying out loud, “Grandma was that you?” Saw her again, she gave me her symbol, smiled at me, and disappeared. It was 10:00 so I turned over to go back to sleep.

Woke up at 11:30 after dreaming of seeing my 10 month old granddaughter appear in front of me as a broadly smiling Chinese Dragon! She was about 2 ½ feet tall, dancing and undulating like a very happy dragonm in the air in front of me! I reached out my hand, touching her where I imagined her heart would be. I smiled, my heart so full of joy! “I love you Dahlia!!!” Pulling my hand back, very clearly I'd left a bright yellow flaming hand print over her heart. I knew the print wasn't painful for her, she was a dragon after all. Was also keenly aware it was permanent and would never disappear.

Decided to get up and write this down so I wouldn't forget. The only light in the room was from my phone, which I'd set on the dresser with the light facing upward. Aleah had gotten home the night before and had bought me a little gift while they were gone. It was one of those little copper wire trees with all kinds of stones attached as leaves, set on a green stone base. When she gave it to me I kid you not it vibrated in my hand. Every time it was set down and picked it up again, it felt the same. I really loved it. Wondered at the time if the person who had made it, had also put a blessing on it. You could tell care was taken in it's construction.

Excited Aleah and fam had finally gotten home after almost three weeks, I'd forgotten the tree in the living room. All ready to settle down to meditate I'd remembered the tree, really wanting it to be in the room when I meditated. So I went and got it, laughed at myself for having to decide the perfect spot to place it while meditating. Would have meditated holding it, but it's too fragile for that.

Later, in my bleary state of state of wakefulness, my mind cleared immediately seeing the tree lit up by the phone light set right beneath it. The dresser is tallish, so the top is even with my line of sight. I thought, “You know it looks just like a dancing Chinese Dragon!” I looked at it for a minute, finding this very curious, thinking of my grandma touching my hand, and then placing my own hand on my granddaughter, replaying a few times the dream that woke me up. Aleah had bought the tree it in China Town in Chicago. I wondered why she'd decided to buy that particular tree.
It left me feeling very loving, protected,... and connected.

I will try to join the group meditation later this week in 'no time'. Lol, will post it if I don't fall asleep!


P.S. Several times during the day I stop to send loving healing light to Brian and his family. I do hope this has a happy ending. Eric please keep us posted.
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Kim what an amazing experience. They always blow me away.

I have discovered a lovely song for you all. I hope you enjoy.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

What a fun song! I closed my eyes as it began to play. Joy rose up inside of me leaving a wide smile on my face! :bana: :sunflower: :bana:

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Glad you enjoy it. = )

See y'all tonight. :alien:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Holding space tonight for my 1111 spiritual family. :loves
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