Hello and question

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Hello and question

Post by samwich8888 »

Hello from Columbus OH

I ordered George's CD about 2 years ago. I'm curious if anyone has had a similar experience?

Around that time, I had a period of about 4 months where I felt myself becoming incredibly enlightened. Very long story short, I was aboard a plane. The "person" next to me had the most amazing skin, flawless. I'll call her she, but I really don't couldn't tell if it was male or female. In either case she was very good looking. When we took off, she was trembling, obviously didn't like to fly. We didn't speak, but she had a very strong presence. At one point, she left for the restroom and left her book on her chair face up. It was "The Search for 11:11"

Later in my hotel room, I was curious so I searched and of course, wound up here. I was completely amazed to find what I did here. It made complete sense as to why I was having so many strange but wonderful coincedences in my life. I looked at the clock, and of course it was 11:11pm. I did a little dance around the hotel room.

In any event, I'm about average intellegence. However I was feeling a lot of brainpower (for lack of better description) over those four months. I took the Mensa entrance exam and was off the charts. That slowly faded and I'm back to my old self. I worked on my Akashic Construct and while I had a great experience with it, I was unable to make any sort of contact. I eventually let it go as day to day life took me away from it. I am getting the feeling I need to go back to work on it. Thanks for all the posts here, they are motivating.

Just curious if others have temporary periods of great enlightment?


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Re: Hello and question

Post by sammy »

Hi Sam :hithere

Welcome aboard!

Well...I can tell you I have left the same book face down on a seat on a plane :mrgreen:, and I have had periods where I feel MUCH more enlightened than others, but for me it is a spiritual connection I feel rather than enhanced brain power. (Wicked cool side effect though...sure wish it worked that way for me :roll )

Glad to meet you!

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Re: Hello and question

Post by Sandy »

Welcome Sam and hello Sammy too,

I just left your fair city of Columbus a little over a month ago, Sam. I was helping my son and daughter-in-law just after the birth of their first child and my first grandchild. :sunflower: It is such a lovely city.

I must admit I have periods too of enlightenment as well as those other periods where I can't seem to get my head out of the sand. Not sure why this happens but suspect that I may allow life to get in the way at times...It is so easy for me to drift back into old ways of being...old mind ruts.
The whole enlightenment/spiritual growth experience is supposed to be enjoyable and fun... so let's all go have some fun this week, eh? :D

Nice to meet you, Sam! :hithere
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Re: Hello and question

Post by samwich8888 »

Thank you Sammy and Sandy!

Congrats on the grandbaby Sandy! That is awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed Columbus. I am fairly new here, but it's a great place to live.

Thank you both again for all of your insightful posts and all you do here. You enrich a lot of lives. :)

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Re: Hello and question

Post by murlin99 »

Hello from Columbus OH
Nice to see someone else from Ohio here. I live just outside of Celina, Ohio about 100 miles west of Columbus.

I just started visiting here about 4 months ago when the 11:11's were starting to drive me insane. I saw them everywhere, not just on clocks. I still see them to this day just not quite as frequently as I did in the past. When I started the "Akashic Construct" studies I have periods of enlightenment, hours or even days where everything makes sense and clicks into place and I just generally feel that I am on a slightly higher consciousness level than everyone around me, not saying I am "better" than the people around me, my mind does not think that way, just generally a higher level of thinking. I can for sure feel it when I stop meditation. As Sandy and Sammy know I recently moved to a new home and did not make time for meditation during the month or so that I was preparing to move and during the move. The longer I did not meditate the more I could feel myself loosing the benefits of the meditation. I started again a week ago and am already starting to feel the calm that the meditation brings on.

When I am not on a meditation schedule people around me generally irritate me to no end with the petty things they do. Anyone here that has read my posts could tell you how I feel about needless wars, homelessness, hunger and so forth. We by all means have the power and technology to clear all of these things up. But we do not. So to stunt what could be a very long rant about the needless problems in this world I will just say when I am in a daily meditation schedule I can forgive the failings of greedy self centered people and instead of saying lots of bad words at them or to them I just say "I forgive you for your ways and feel sadness for your soul as you travel this earth." WIthout the meditation I would be stressed out to the point of wanting to severely harm people for some of the things they do.

Over the years I have tried many other forms of meditation but none of them stuck. Something about meditating in the Akashic Construct works and makes sense for me. At first my wife was skeptical about any kind of meditation helping me in any way. Since there is always a man made "drug" to fix the problem, not that she was pushing me to take anything just more or less constantly telling me to go to the doctor for my mood swings. But when I stopped meditating during the move, after we were all settled in she told me more than once that I needed to start my meditation again because my mood swings were coming back.

I am done now, hahah also ask anyone else here, most of the time my posts/replies will run on and on and on, luckily with this one I am at the end of my lunch break at work so I have to cut it short.. ;)

Peace and Happiness,
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Re: Hello and question

Post by Sandy »

I enjoy your posts Bryan, always have. :D You reminded me of something that I noticed of myself a little while after I began meditating. I am generally a pretty nice and friendly person...but some years ago, if you put me behind the steering wheel of a car I would turn into the Dr. Jekyll of the highways! :shock: It's not that I necessarily drove like a bat out of the "bad place"... actually the opposite was true and I drove rather cautiously with every rule noted and observed. But man oh man would I criticise and complain about all the other drivers around me. Nobody could live up to my expectations of proper driving etiquette. And so I usually made it home in a "foulish" mood not always the most pleasant person to be around.

But I noticed several months after completing daily meditation that I naturally just seemed to go with the flow of the highways, allowing and forgiving other's mistakes and even accepting a little observances of the ways I could improve when on the road. I hadn't noticed when or how it happened but it did so gradually without fanfare or drum rolls. Perhaps we all try to hard to change openly these things of self which disturb us instead of allowing the fruits of the spirit and love to gently and painlessly comfort and de stress us in this hard to understand world of ours..

Personally I like you and Sam and Sammy just as you appear today in my spirit vision. You have nothing to live up to and to change ..lovely just the way you are. (Bet you know what song is playing in my hollow little head :mrgreen: )
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Re: Hello and question

Post by samwich8888 »

Thank you Bryan and Sandy!

I'm sorry for the late response. It's a small world Bryan! I moved here from MN about 2 years ago for a job.

In any event, I can completely relate. When I was meditating, I had all the answers I needed. I'm very easy going, like Sandy, but all the troubles in the world and in personal life can take their toll. I've had some struggles lately and haven't handled them very well, both inwardly and outwardly. Long story short, I have someone living in my home that I was trying to help out. She doesn't pay bills of any sort. After repeated attempts to ask her to leave, I called police. They said she is technically a tenant because she gets her mail there so I would need to do a formal eviction. That's the short version.

So I've needed a place to be that was peaceful and I could seek guidance. I was drawn back to the AC. It's been a great help, but I've realized I need to put more work in (which is why I came back to the site). It's been too long.

This may sound crazy, but I have no doubt my IQ was doubled in those few months a couple years ago. I have never had a manic episode, but my brain was on steroids of some sort. It was incredibly pleasant, powerful, and peaceful at the same time. I don't expect to get that back but it was that experience that led me here. I know that was on purpose.

Looking forward to getting back to work on my AC!

Bryan, I joined a Urantia Book club here in Columbus. It's a ways away from you, but I'll keep you posted in case it's something you'd like to look into.

Have a great day!

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