The Multi Headed Snake Being.

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The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by dron »

This is something i saw in vision while in trance.
I asked my 'guides' to show me their form.

What i saw was something that had many snake heads stucked inside a cave or something.It was really bizzare and almost in front of my face.
Some moments after,i asked for a more 'clear' image,and i found my self in the desert.
A crack opened to the ground (here i had the impression-message that it was the abyss),and a LARGE naga cobra being came out,asnwering my questions and giving me instructions.

It wasn't the first time i was seeing snakes in vision,due to my kundalini awakening.
But what is also interesting is this article from Josephine Maccarthy.

In Western culture, using drugs to catapult yourself into the inner worlds is also not that bright, unless you know exactly what you are doing and where you are going. Really the only safe way to work in the inner worlds using drugs is if you are working within a cultural/religious structure that is designed for such use i.e. shamanic/native cultures.

Hallucinogenic drugs strip a layer of protective skin from the consciousness and allow you to see and access places that you would normally be blocked from seeing (for your own good usually). When you go magically into vision, you develop inner ‘muscles’ for want of a better description, that uphold and protect you as you work. If you bypass this natural but lengthy process of strengthening by using drugs, you are often thrown straight to the threshold of your existence. This means you come face to face with the angelic being that straddles life and death, which often presents as a large multi headed snake being with many eyes (sound familiar to all you acid/ayahuasca /dmt heads?).
Last edited by dron on Thu Aug 18, 2022 7:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by dron »

Something tells me that the cave has something to do with the third eye area,and the being i encountered was my own spiritual force (kundalini).
Or at least that's what i think.You can never be sure with stuff like this.

In any case,the appearance of the being,was something i wasn't expecting.And this is also one of the many reasons that i started to move away from filtered stereotypes about angels,how they look and what they do.
And i have a hard time trying to remove these filters.
(still trying) :duh
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by happyrain »

I think seeing an ET can be quite terrifying. My experience with Archangel Raphael was not human, there were no wings. There was "light residue" of a giant alien face tilting its head sideways, much larger than anything human.

Well. Just commenting to confirm your suspicion and to say, I'm not sure most of us are ready to view are guides in their true form.

One reason I am so compelled by Casey Claars work is you face some intriguing images, some of which cause the heart to stop in its tracks. Here is here latest channel...

Do you see the face?
Congratulations by the way, sometimes a message is carried with us years after receiving it. That an intelligent force responds to us is something like a miracle.
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by dron »

Thanks for the input happyrain.
I think ia have to agree about the ''appearance'' issue and if we are really ready to see things as they are,without filtering.
One other time,when iwas asking my guides about forms and beings,i was shown images of humans walking arounf without the skin layer.

It was like.

''Here's how you look like.BLood tissues,muscles and organs.Humans fear of the truth.As you do.''
You fear the view of your own blood and organs.No you're not ready to see the truth behind the form.

As for the Archangel Raphael i can't comment cause i have no experience.But your experience was bizzare as well. :D
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by pointman19 »

How I wish I could see the kinds of vision like you guys do.

My multi headed snake had to be communicated differently as I had to go to the VA for a quick tune up.

It was communicated that I was guides by Ester, the warrior princess. It was what I needed as I paced the hallways for another two weeks. (Everything's cool by the way!)

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by happyrain »

Jason, glad everything is okay.

You're not the first person to tell me they're being guided by Ester. That's something special.
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by pointman19 »

happyrain wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 3:12 pm Jason, glad everything is okay.

You're not the first person to tell me they're being guided by Ester. That's something special.
It was something really to my most humblest of all humbled.

I had guts that I never knew exhisted! Ester rocks in my opinion. Her and ALL her friends ❤️♥️

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by happyrain »

Some scholars say Esther and Mordecai are the judaized versions of the lost story between Ishtar and Marduk... It just interest me how connected these ancient ones are and how paths lead back to the Peacock Angel.
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by pointman19 »

happyrain wrote: Thu Aug 25, 2022 1:07 am Some scholars say Esther and Mordecai are the judaized versions of the lost story between Ishtar and Marduk... It just interest me how connected these ancient ones are and how paths lead back to the Peacock Angel.
Good sir, color me intrested.

because the things im going through perpetually mind blown.

like...every moment of every day. i have to set a bedtime or i wont sleep LOL

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by happyrain »

Well the question is what more can we do to connect? And are there ET's around us we can connect with now??? I mention them because I feel like they have some answers around these god/goddess connections...

Just recently I asked a question after waking up around 3AM... When I fell back asleep, I was able to remember my dream and it was answering my question... So maybe we can ask questions before bed and get answers in our dreams... Until we figure out how to enter that state in our wake... Maybe you have a suggestion :lol:
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by pointman19 »

My dreams are black...I haven't dreamed in what feels like ages. I'll have to lean on your and drons input for celestial input.

However, I think I can answer your question on ETs.

They are loving
They are kind
And they, very much, respect your boundaries.

They are beings of love, simply put

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by dron »

I don't know if i can help someone on how to contact beings or obtain visions,but i can tell you how i do it.

My sleep pattern is about 1:00 am with 9:00.If i want to attempt a contact,i'll stay awake around 2:00 am.
I lie to my bed,and start to observe my breath.Then i adress my subconsious to establish a clear channel between us.When and IF i feel the shift,i ask him to reach for a specific contact,to ensure that i'll communicate in the correct language etc.
If things go right,most of the times i'll feel another shift.Then i adress the contact it self.

I think the best option is to adress the subconsious and tell it to find you a contact that it's suitable for you.Don't ask about angels and gods.You never know who's on your side and who's not.
For example you can say something like '' My dear subconsious.Find me a contact that he-she's compatible and willing to work with me''.
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by pointman19 »

dron wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 5:01 pm I don't know if i can help someone on how to contact beings or obtain visions,but i can tell you how i do it.

My sleep pattern is about 1:00 am with 9:00.If i want to attempt a contact,i'll stay awake around 2:00 am.
I lie to my bed,and start to observe my breath.Then i adress my subconsious to establish a clear channel between us.When and IF i feel the shift,i ask him to reach for a specific contact,to ensure that i'll communicate in the correct language etc.
If things go right,most of the times i'll feel another shift.Then i adress the contact it self.

I think the best option is to adress the subconsious and tell it to find you a contact that it's suitable for you.Don't ask about angels and gods.You never know who's on your side and who's not.
For example you can say something like '' My dear subconsious.Find me a contact that he-she's compatible and willing to work with me''.

I thank you for the advice, i can see how this comes easy for some people. I have numerous mental "conditions" that kind of prevent me from things like meditation and etc. I had to find a way to make 11:11 work for me and to put it mildly, i needed to "hack the matrix" to hear my angels. and because of this, i fear no evil in any form. but i still feel like their is work to be done (as "esther" puts it mildly).

i also needed to employ a shcrodengers cat into my life perspective. In other words, now do i not only see number signs and has gone further to animals, rabbits, grasshoppers and spiders. i have this hyper vigilance type thing going on. so im quite the spaz LOL but man...i dont miss a single thing around me. i can walk around my park, looking down, yet fully aware of ALL thats around me. "looking down" is my metaphorical way of saying "im not peeking" <----Schrodengers cat!

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by pointman19 »

i feel like i need to clarify a bit. when i said that esther claimed theres more work to be done, she means on myself. Whoever these ETs are, they are like my closest buddies that guide me as i metaphoricaly look down. Theres no "holy mission from god" or anything of that nature. I feel like they are trying to help me improve my life through tiny acts of gratitude. Im being taught the importance of patience, to think instead of react.....and how to be aware of my surroundings.

no visions of grandeur or anything like that. its like...ok, through 11:11 ive learned the importance of Love. Now they are trying to teach me how to operate on the love level from here on out. and aint ez! im not used to living this way but i spent 10 years on this phenomenon...i found how do i stay in that heartspace even when bad things happen.

That, to me, is VERY interesting.

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by happyrain »

Hey Jason,

I'd call that a holy mission from God. Learning to take care of your self and live and respond in Love. That's amazing... One of the most noble things we can do as a human and spiritual being.

It means overcoming our selfish tendencies, learning how to care for our body- learning how to live with others, seeking harmony above self interest...
Sometimes, that gets harder for people as they get older. My clock shows 555... Even though that is not the time.

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by pointman19 »

happyrain wrote: Sat Aug 27, 2022 11:53 pm Hey Jason,

I'd call that a holy mission from God. Learning to take care of your self and live and respond in Love. That's amazing... One of the most noble things we can do as a human and spiritual being.

It means overcoming our selfish tendencies, learning how to care for our body- learning how to live with others, seeking harmony above self interest...
Sometimes, that gets harder for people as they get older. My clock shows 555... Even though that is not the time.

This stuff can be so mindbending...but COOL really sums it all up. When you look at it they way you do, it actually does sound like a mission from God. Self care is so important, especially mentally.

Ive been seeing 555 as well. Change is coming <3

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by pointman19 »

One thing i wanted to

i woke up at 4ish per usual and im on my 3rd big cup of Maxwell House and i dont feel a thing from it. My body is like "dude, im woke...why so much caffine???"

that but...yea, caffine doesnt seem to be working like it used to. not freaking out over it..but...yea...

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by happyrain »

!! Lol. Dude...

Yeah, I love my coffee. To the point where my body humbled me. Now I have to learn to pump the brakes. I've had this issue for a long while. I know of some solutions. Less cups... Decaf... Making my own cold brews with less caffeine... My go to are cold brews. When I need to ease up I switch to hot coffee, weaker caffeine content. I also switch to less acidic choices.

Growing up I also liked alcohol. Coffee is a drug too. I met a woman who quit drinking, not a touch of alcohol. She told me, "don't make me give up coffee too."

When we're ready to give something up, we'll know. We'll just, get there, eventually. Other times we just have to be honest with where we're at. I still love my coffee... My idea of slowing down is different from someone else who is comfortable going cold turkey.

Enjoy it and know that you'll find your way...

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by dron »


Google ''mentall illness'' symptoms.
The pattern it's almost the same for a lot of people who are into 11:11.(and me as well).
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by Sandy »

I'm not sure this is an appropriate statement, dron, as it seems to indicate that we are all exhibiting the same or similar mental illness symptoms if we see 11:11. For this to be accurate there would need be an enormous scientific study polling the mental capacities of thousands upon thousands of people who claim to see 11:11. I can say, from my own experience here and years of meeting many "eleveners" across the board from all over the world, that none of us fit into any kind of pattern of that sort. Yes, some of us struggle with issues relating to our genetics, our physical body, or our life experiences. We as humans can get "bruised." But to insinuate that 11:11 is a part of that, maybe even causing that as some might imagine from your statement, is a bit of a stretch. The Midwayers who prompt us with 11:11 see something in us that can benefit the world around us and are willing to assist us in reaching our own potential as well. Yes, some of us suffer from anxiety, depression, physical infirmities etc... but so do a whole lot of other folks on other paths and even those on none at all. I think it is empowering to know, however, that the Midwayers and all divine celestials do not look at our mental and physical disabilities as a liability, but rather can still use us, seeing our potential even if others cannot, helping us to grow and serve the creator of all in any capacity we can manage. We are all just doing the best we can with the life we have been given...Well... lol I suppose we are "slackers" sometimes too. :roll: :oops: maybe that too is all part of growing as a human...
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by dron »

Sandy wrote: Sun Sep 18, 2022 3:04 pm I'm not sure this is an appropriate statement, dron, as it seems to indicate that we are all exhibiting the same or similar mental illness symptoms if we see 11:11. For this to be accurate there would need be an enormous scientific study polling the mental capacities of thousands upon thousands of people who claim to see 11:11. I can say, from my own experience here and years of meeting many "eleveners" across the board from all over the world, that none of us fit into any kind of pattern of that sort. Yes, some of us struggle with issues relating to our genetics, our physical body, or our life experiences. We as humans can get "bruised." But to insinuate that 11:11 is a part of that, maybe even causing that as some might imagine from your statement, is a bit of a stretch. The Midwayers who prompt us with 11:11 see something in us that can benefit the world around us and are willing to assist us in reaching our own potential as well. Yes, some of us suffer from anxiety, depression, physical infirmities etc... but so do a whole lot of other folks on other paths and even those on none at all. I think it is empowering to know, however, that the Midwayers and all divine celestials do not look at our mental and physical disabilities as a liability, but rather can still use us, seeing our potential even if others cannot, helping us to grow and serve the creator of all in any capacity we can manage. We are all just doing the best we can with the life we have been given...Well... lol I suppose we are "slackers" sometimes too. :roll: :oops: maybe that too is all part of growing as a human...
I've met with a lot of eleveners as well through the years and there's no need to back up my claim,simply because there's no point.(And i know why).
And as i said,MOST of them are experiencing terrible things.

Waking up at 3:00-4:00 am,digestive problems,mental confusion,emotional rollercoaster,you start to withdraw from people,blue flashes(i even heard that it's archangel MIchael) these are all signs of mental illness.And this is only the beggining.
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by Sandy »

I meant no disrespect, dron...but still, millions of people are being prompted...can we know all of them?

You make it sound as if being prompted is a disastrous thing for all of us... That is not the case for me and I can truly only say that for reality, I cannot speak for anyone else but myself.

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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by dron »

Sandy wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 1:21 pm I meant no disrespect, dron...but still, millions of people are being prompted...can we know all of them?

You make it sound as if being prompted is a disastrous thing for all of us... That is not the case for me and I can truly only say that for reality, I cannot speak for anyone else but myself.

A female friend of mine that i've met at another forum was thinking the same way as you.She was into number patterns for five years or so.Then the pattern started to unfold for her as well.Since she couldn't catch up with all the destruction she was experiencing,i remember her words.''Everything is wrong''.

And that's exactly what happens with this pattern.Everything goes wrong.Almost like a curse.
Others attempted suicide,others have their lifes destroyed,others hear voices,etc...

The first thing i was asking them was ''Are you seeing number patterns''?
The answer was allways Yes.

For example,i googled the 1111 on reddit to see if anyone has posted there.
The guy said that his life had fallen apart.Simple as that. ... this_mean/

This is not something to be taken lightly,
I've heard even of unexplained deaths in the families of eleveners undergoing this destructive pattern.
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by happyrain »

Fortunately for me that's not been the case~ I mirror Sandy's sentiments. I think there is something to be said when contemplating hardships and spiritual evolution. My experience has not been a nefarious one, and I am grateful I am not jaded by them. Thank God for the prompts, which have helped me understand the intimate relationship with Self- a much larger concept than most of us are ready to know.
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Re: The Multi Headed Snake Being.

Post by JohnR »

I like to thank our Creator for the day He gave me when I go to bed and always get so relaxed I fall asleep almost immediately! Not sure how I'd ever go off world!
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