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An interesting Deja-vu

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 3:16 pm
by blue nova
Good morning,

I would like to share in interesting deja-vu type ordeal I had when I was younger.

I was on my bed on night writing parables in my journal. I then had a sense of someone above me which startled me quite because it was strong. I dropped my pen and thought to myself, Oh Lord who is it this time???? I gave in and took a look over my shoulder to the ceiling and saw someone that looked like me, but what was up with that hairstyle...that can't be me could it ?????????????
We "stared" at eachother in amazement for a short time before I freaked out and went under the covers :lol:

Recently, "they" have been showing me signifigant events in my past.

I laid down one night going into stillness and the lights started and soon I was taken back to that night when I had that deja-vu as a kid.

When we came into my room we came in from the point of where I had supposedly seen myself from the ceiling. Clear as a bell I had the Deja-vu all over again from the other an adult.

WOW what a trip !!!!!!!!!!! :D I actually went into my past and stared at myself.


I had just gotten my haircut right before I had the deja-vu as an adult. :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:44 pm
by MichelleP
Wow, that is quite an experience, neat. :shock: :thumleft:


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:44 pm
by Sandy
Oh my Anne, that is the coolest thing I have ever heard! :shock: 8)

Love and a great big hug for you too!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:02 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hey Anne,
but what was up with that hairstyle...that can't be me could it ?????????????

That's pretty cool Anne, thanks for sharing that!

Love pet XXX

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:07 pm
by CathyLynn
Wow! What an experience! I have deja-vu quite often but nothing to that degree!

Hugs to all,
Cathy :loves

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:44 pm
by Geoff
Dear Anne,

That was amazing.


Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:09 pm
by Seeker13
Dear Anne,
How cool is that?


Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:26 pm
by Deborini
Wow Anne I just love it!

Debbie :)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:41 am
by Judy
Wow, that one was great. :D Thanks for sharing it. I loved reading that.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:54 am
by blue nova
Good morning,

I'm so happy I am able to share these experiences with you....I love you guys. Thanks for your support.


(((( Group hug ))))


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:18 pm
by spiritualgal
Wow that is so cool! Thank you for sharing this with us. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:55 pm
by starchild
that's an awesome story what an experience Anne!

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:53 am
by gypsie
Thanks Anne I loved the story amazing just loved it :hithere

Love Gypsy

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:32 am
by tomix
totally awesome!!!

Never thought of a dejavu that way and never experienced it like that either

very interesting!

Anyone have more input regarding dejavu's? it will be nice to understand them better.

I think that some dejavus happen when we leave the moment into a different realm and then we experience the sense of familiarity of space when we come back to our body.

Zoning out, returning to the moment, experiencing familiarity.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:22 pm
by George
Supposedly they are reference points.

Avatars (Personalities that enter time-space from eternity called downstepping) need lengthy educations, just as we would need lengthy educations to begin to understand "eternity."

Thought Adjusters come from eternity, and are educated on Divinington in time-space. Without that education (of foreseeing the future of their charges) they would be totally stumped in time-space, DESPITE being particles of the Creator of all.

Without these points of reference, and uneducated, They would only be aware of your soul growth, which in part They produce.

Some references (deja vues) are perhaps accidentally shared with you when you are relaxed. If not relaxed there are no dela vues of that previous moment -- experience -- at that moment, only prior.

Most of the above is theory, based on what Teacher Tomas taught me.

See Ah! Wrong one, I think. I'll search further.

Can't find it for now.

God bless.........

God bless.....

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:50 pm
by George
I got this from Didn't find it by title in our archives.

Part of

PAULO: It is my pleasure to be able to advise and counsel as our family approaches truth, as you attempt to understand your work in the kingdom. Were you going to also ask a question, George?

GEORGE: Yes, I have two questions. My first question is (and this takes me back to the mid-70's when there appears to be, what I have described in my documentation, as an embrace by the planetary child of the Supreme Being. Am I mistaken there? Could you tell me please? Or did I get that not right?

PAULO: You are right; however, this child of the Supreme Being is as yet a foetus.

GEORGE: Therefore the embrace might have been ill-timed since it happened smack in the middle of a psychology lecture.

PAULO: It's very possible that you were triggered to recall a reality that you brought with you from Divinington. A flash of reality that was not intended to reflect itself into your mortal experience but did, much like a deja vu, and since you were keenly focused on a concept and open to insight, an illumination of that order may have been planted in your mind and come to fruition, as it were. Even so, it is possible for you to accept the embrace as the taking into yourself, into your heart, into your consciousness, the concept of the potential of the Supreme in terms of it being a future being, an evolving reality, one which would naturally become Parent to future realities, even to a new life.

Do not be completely cut and dried in your assessments, George. Give yourself error allowance, and allow for shades of grey. It's not "either/or" all the time. It can often be both. All being relative, after all. Okay?

GEORGE: Okay. That's great. Thank you for that answer. I have one more question if I may ask this.

PAULO: I am warmed up now.

GEORGE: Okay. There have been a number of bi-locations where people have spotted me to be elsewhere, other than where I should be perhaps at that time, and that mostly would be in my bed fast asleep. Can you explain whether it is in fact my soul self that was being perceived?

PAULO: I need to check to see if I am allowed to dabble in this subject. Can you wait a moment please?

GEORGE: Yes, I can.

TOMAS: This is Tomas. I'll take that one up. It is not quite as experimental as your former question. I am going to hold it to the line somewhat and infer that while your Self Acting Adjuster may make nocturnal visitations, your soul self is not yet opportuned to do so.

GEORGE: That was interesting, considering people have actually spotted me.

TOMAS: I can venture to explain but I am not keen on explanations. I find that explanations tend to lock one into the grey matter, but Thought Adjusters are able to recognize each other, and in that, if a Thought Adjuster attached to a specific mortal encounters an Adjuster of yet another mortal, it is in keeping, appropriate, that they may reflect their association with their intended personality, thus reflecting the mortal being in potential to the other. It would be very much like two women who met at the shopping center to discuss their children, and in that way the parents go home having "seen" their friend's child, you see.

GEORGE: Yes, I certainly do. Thank you so much.

TOMAS: You are welcome.