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Personality Disorders

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:46 pm
by blue nova
Good morning,

There has been much talk going on about personality & mental disorders, it's got me thinkin' a little.....

Could most of these be originating from our Souls ? I just sense, in some cases anyway, that a lot of dis-ease could be caused by Soul imbalances.
AND should they be treated this way and not in a physical mind sorta way.


Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:39 pm
by Mamo
Dear Anne,

Funny you bring this up. I was myself diagnosed with bipolar disorder some years ago and have been on Lithium and the occasional sleeping pill since then.. and so far none of the doctors I've had contact with have been able to give me a proper explanation as to why or what the cause is. Some have even considered changing this diagnose because it doesn't seem to fit all too well.. long story. But yes, I personally believe that it's all deeper rooted. I also think that when we "hold things in" and go against our deep nature or soul desire it reflects physically and can cause "mental disorder".

Love, :loves

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:01 pm
by blue nova
Hi Mamo,
also think that when we "hold things in" and go against our deep nature or soul desire it reflects physically and can cause "mental disorder".
Yes, and also addictions I believe. When we hold things in they start to manifest on the outside. Some mis-interpret this manifestation ( due to whatever reason is behind it) and they then follow the egoic interpretation, which in turn always seems the way not to go.

Everything is made of energy, which includes our Souls.

So.....this then turns my mind to Energy Healing & healers and the impact that it could have in the "physical-medical-world".

So....when the he** is the medical community going to realize that is a connection here :?: Am I the only one slightly irritated by this fact or am I just catching up here with the rest ?


Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:53 pm
by Mamo
Heya Anne,

Absolutely, addiction is in my mind the result when one tries to escape reality and not go to the bottom of whatever might be the issue.
And even though I know all is energy I can't really say that I know much about how "energy healing" works.. I've always thought that healing only works if the reciever is "open" to and believe in the healing energy, it's power and effect, that is beeing sent out.. dunno.. And oh.. no! You are not alone in your frustration.. the sad thing is that there probably are very wise people with a lot of knowledge about how all of this works.. but they either live in a village somewhere in India and only speak Urdu or something.. or their methods and theories are considered "unconventional" and never taken seriously..


Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:47 pm
by Maku
Hi everyone!

I've had my battles with addictions. They are not a pleasant thing to experience (the battle, not so much the addiction, though that's bad too).
However, I believe that a lot of the time people turn to substance (I believe this is what we're all talking about) in order to gain the answers, not escape 'reality'.

At the end of the day, what is reality? It's simply just the individual's perspective. The shifting of that perspective in no way discredits it's basis as reality for that individual. No, I do not recommend everyone go and get high, drunk, or worse. I'm simply stating that induced altered states of consciousness have been used for eons of time by shamans, holy men/women, priestesses, seers, etc, and all for a reason.

Not to say that all addicts undertake this perspective, but this was mine for the time that I was addicted. I wanted the answers. I had many friends who felt/feel the same way. I felt the shift in consciousness open up certain doors. Reading a transcript here one night my mind was changed about all that, though. I can't recall whom it was transmitted/received by, but it was something along the lines of:

"Meditation connects one to the super-conscious, where all creation is one.
Drugs connects one to the sub-conscious, where it's difficult to tell what is what."

I read this a long time ago, it's very rough, but it's what I remember.

Now if we're talking about things like caffeine, chocolate and red meat, well that's a different story altogether.

Anne, I agree with you. When will they realize the potential that exists in the 'unseen'? It's just a matter of time. I'm confident we'll start to see the shift in our lifetime. The Correcting Time is nigh.

I also believe that all disease is the cause of certain energy blockages in our energy systems. Treating the root, on the energy level, is where true healing takes place. This is how our midwayer friends do it, no?

Mamo, I have a friend who is also bi-polar, and sometimes manic. He's been hospitalized a few times. The connection that this guy has with his guides, though, is astounding. He's been a natural channel for years, unaware of the gift he had for a long time. I think people with such 'diseases' are the truly powerful ones. Not to say the 'healthy' are weak, but I think when you have that much potential, when you feel that much different, you come up with a way to deal with it, and it doesn't always express itself in the best way. He's on Lithium too, and he's doing amazing lately.

Blessings of Light and Love to you all, my friends. Hope I didn't get carried away there. You're wonderful people.


Personality Disorders

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:13 am
by MichelleP
Hello Anne,

You bring up a point I myself struggled with for quite a while. Your whole life you can hear conflicting views about how life works. I've heard many people state that the body is a temple and it must be treated as such and not just by health nuts but by religious people too. And then I've heard conflicting view, or at least they wind up being conflicting in my mind, that we create our reality with our thoughts. Well if this was truly fully the case then it shouldn't really matter what we do with the body as we can just think it healthy and nothing would ever harm us. And then I read a book that gave me a little persepctive. It basically elluded to the idea that we are not our bodies, we are indeed the soul and the soul's job is to manage the body as best it can. But the body itself, as a living organism, can have flaws and defects. These flaws and defects can be challenges for the soul to learn how to overcome. This made sense to me. I can now see that a soul might take on a body that does indeed have a chemical imbalance as someone with a personality disorder might have. This challenge will help the soul become stronger. But that doesn't change the fact that the body does have an imbalance that might not be completely cured with positive thinking. So for my part I think the medical community may jump too quickly to throw a pill at a physical ailment expecting the person to be cured from the pill when there is still a little emotional/mental work on the soul that needs to be done too before they are truly healed from dis-ease. That's my take on it anyways.


Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:17 am
by memawlaura
:D Hi Anne,

I sure have given quite some thought to what your post is on regarding mental and physical disorders.

I'm 50 yrs old so my perception is 70's addiciton, 80's physical dis-ease, 90's mental dis-ease, 00's explosion of mental disorders.

I have had and have addictions, I struggle with mental dis-ease (depression) and I'm beginning to experience physical dis-ease. The one thing I refuse to accept is medicine. I tried taking anti-depressants many times and always it disrupted my being. The last and final time I took anti-depressants, it got to the point after many different types that I was only taking 1/4 of the tiny tablet. However the side effects are still on going and my whole left side from shoulders down went numb and to this day I have not regained the full sensation. The day I started taking the drug my head kept pulling to the left until the event where everything went numb. I will not take anti depressants ever again and I cringe when others do, but thats them and not me. That is why I'm working on conditioning my soul.

The other thing I noticed is that there was an explosion of ADD from the 80's & 90's and quite many of these children live self-destructive lives for so long. I have so many nieces and nephews that suffer with these afflictions. To be perfectly honest I can only count on one hand those that are not self-destructive.

Now, the next generation is going on the medication in kindergarten. I'm so worried about my grandchildren because they both have focus and problem behaviors, however they are beautiful boys. I know my oldest grandson has been medicated already, but I also know he has parent's that give no guidance at all, let alone do they actively participate in his life.

My youngest grandson, he is just now experiencing behavioral problems and he never had much focus. I told my daughter about children being born already spiritually activated and that she might want to educate herself on this material before she resorts to medication. However, I've been telling her about this for 6 months and she still has not researched anything. The other day I asked her to remember asking me, "did I feel like Gavin was seeing or speaking to someone at 3 yrs old". She remembered and I told her that I'm positive he is and without proper guidance, how very confusing it would be for him and that's why I keep nudging her to educate herself on Indigo and Crystal children.

So, my perception is that with no guidance and all the activation we have generations of mental and physical dis-ease. So, what happened to our guides or spiritual personalities. It seems that the parents were the key componet or did the activation get ahead of its self.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:40 am
by 11Prizms
Hi all:
In reading several books recently, there is a suggestion alongside of many theories right now regarding the encroaching 2012 experience that we are in fact experiencing time as 'faster'. We are moving faster, its not just your age, we are. As we get closer to the center of the Milky Way (aka what happens in 2012), that the energy is quickening. Thus bursts of explosive energy in thought, perception, energy levels, sickness, change, enlightenment, awareness, intuition, angels, paranormal, ADD, stress, MUltiple forms of anxiety syndromes...

You name it, we're feeling it. Everything is a cafeteria choice...we are bombarded with choices in flooring, roofing, clothing, food, drinks, coffees!!! let alone learning all the complexities in technology. I work in technology and we used to get at least a 4-5 yr run with one software 'flavor' things are folding over every year. The experts in technology are antiquated as soon as they are skilled. As soon as we adapt one form of technology, 5 more are coming right behind it with 10 new gadgets for us to learn, configure, master and have crash!

I think meditation, yoga, prayer, centering down during this period is a significant key to maintaining balance...Reiki healing or lightworkers may be another additive to helping settle the beloved during this period. The angels, increased frequencies, increased awakening are all in line as well with this cosmic superexperience moments we have unfurling.

The times today are a cup is half empty/half full moment. For every positive, there is an equally weighted negative. But wow, there is so much positive coming right now...get mired in the positive, it will help you bear through the negative.


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:59 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Interesting topic.. i myself suffer from bipolar disorder, oppositional defiance disorder, ADHD and obsessive compulsive disorder, as well as sleeping disorders. :roll: For these conditions i take zyprexa, catapres, valium, zoloft.. etc etc. due to subconscious self-medicating i also suffer from severe drug addictions, particularly marijuana and prescription medication. The former is a serious problem for me, and has been every day for the last 7 years.. i'm desperate to change my lifestyle but i feel trapped. One of the reasons i want to give it up is to develop more spiritually.. and not have anything there to dull my senses and make it harder for my invisible friends to speak with me. I work full time and am very good at my job, so at least i am doing something right.

I'm interested to read more of this thread..

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:22 am
by memawlaura
:D Hello Star_Struck,

Do you do any meditation? If you could start on a regime of meditation it will help you to maybe get weaned from your medications. I'm not a doctor and I would not tell you to stop taking anything, but I do know that meditation has great influences over our mental state, blood pressure, anxiety etc. So you can check the FAQ'S Forum and find a couple of meditations: Stillness and George's AKashic Construct which is guided.

I have depression, anxiety, OCD and insomnia. I tried the medications but they caused other problems with me. I also used different forms of drugs for almost 30 yrs, almost exclusively marijuana. So, I have some idea what your going through. You will need to become more balanced and the best way I can tell you is by meditation. As you learn to listen to the midwayers and speak with Our Father, they can do wonderful work and healing. I hope this lets you know that there might be other alternatives to Rx's or drugs. However, please dont do anything without consulting your doctor. I sure cant see how meditation would hurt anything at all, its a step in the right direction.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:53 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
memawlaura wrote::D Hello Star_Struck,

Do you do any meditation? If you could start on a regime of meditation it will help you to maybe get weaned from your medications. I'm not a doctor and I would not tell you to stop taking anything, but I do know that meditation has great influences over our mental state, blood pressure, anxiety etc. So you can check the FAQ'S Forum and find a couple of meditations: Stillness and George's AKashic Construct which is guided.

I have depression, anxiety, OCD and insomnia. I tried the medications but they caused other problems with me. I also used different forms of drugs for almost 30 yrs, almost exclusively marijuana. So, I have some idea what your going through. You will need to become more balanced and the best way I can tell you is by meditation. As you learn to listen to the midwayers and speak with Our Father, they can do wonderful work and healing. I hope this lets you know that there might be other alternatives to Rx's or drugs. However, please dont do anything without consulting your doctor. I sure cant see how meditation would hurt anything at all, its a step in the right direction.
Hi Laura
Yup, i have definitely found that meditation helps! I have George's Akashic Construct cd, which i love, but i know i don't use it often enough. It has produced amazing results for me so far. I work full time and my boyfriend is a little mocking towards my meditation and we live together.. which can make it hard... But no drug can compare to how good i feel when using the Akashic Construct.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:02 am
by memawlaura
:oops: Star_Struck,

After I posted on this thread I saw you on the AC Forum boy did I feel silly. I can tell you that making that commitment will be what does it for you. I was sparatic when I began and now I miss a day once in awhile, also I began journaling and its amazing to see what was going on almost a year ago. You will see your own progress. Well sweetie I wish you well and I know you can do it.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:41 pm
by SheraX
Michelle said
So for my part I think the medical community may jump too quickly to throw a pill at a physical ailment expecting the person to be cured from the pill when there is still a little emotional/mental work on the soul that needs to be done too before they are truly healed from dis-ease.
I so agree with that,I have a firend with bi-polar and she has been taken threw the grinder growing up. Its hard for her to let go of the past. I do believe she is taking baby steps tho!

Good topic :)

Big *hugs* for Star! Will be thinking of you. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:49 pm
by lilaslight
Whoa! Y'all sound like a bunch of former druggies and mental cases!
I never felt so at home before!

So here's my confession. I was addicted to meth/amphedamine from the age of 15 until well into my 40's. Although I was a functional addict, holding jobs and maintaining relationships for the most part, that is a serious chunk of my life so I acknowledge that addiction was/is the biggest trial or battle I've faced. Tried re-hab and it worked--for 6 months only, about as long as sheer will-power took me.
Beneath the addiction lay a deep, long-term depression and low self-esteem. I believe I initially began to self-medicate so I would feel better. Anti-depressants helped at various times over the years but like the less acceptable drugs, never cured the problem. I first started seeing 11:11 when I was struggling to get by and living a lie a lot of the time. It was this angelic intervention that began my journey out.

I think spiritual growth and awareness is the only way I could have ever changed to let go of this other way of life that was so destructive and guilt-producing for me. I thank my angels every day for loving me, not giving up on me and for finally making me aware of their existence. It is amazing that I'm not on meds of the legal or illegal variety but I am not depressed! In fact, I am happy, I am positive and eager to learn more every day. My close family and friends see a whole different person in me but no one is more aware of the transformation of my life than I am.

On the subject of ADD, I would like to say although perhaps more and more children seem to be diagnosed with this disorder and that could be, in part, due to the foods we eat and lifestyle, that it has existed in past generations. My husband, not being born and raised in the U.S., was only diagnosed with Adult Attention Deficit Disorder in the last 10 years. He was a hyperactive child (and dyslexic) but not recognizing at the time an actual brain chemistry problem in the ability to focus or a learning disorder, his teachers and parents thought he was simply "bad", a trouble-maker and stupid. The course of his life and opportunities for education were negatively influenced consequently. Today he takes a Ritalin in the morning and he is able to focus his thoughts to run his business successfully.
When his 5-yr. old wild child grand daughter also was diagnosed with HD/ADD it made perfect sense that she had inherited it. I was hesitant about getting her on a medication so young but her mother was at her wit's end so they tried it and the results have been so beneficial to her at school and at home. I agree not every child diagnosed with ADD needs to be medicated but in these 2 situations I have personal knowledge of, medical science has been most helpful.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:19 pm
by SheraX
Wow Lila! Good to see you are better and doing well.

Yes,meds for son with autism needs to be on risperidone for his agression. I must say,even tho it doesn't show in his blood he is allergic to wheat ...but his blood shows he has many sensitivities to food. Think they would do an allergy testing on him? Nope,they were concerned what the pain may do to him. Soooooo, its better to let him go threw food intolerences for the rest of his life? Sigh. I did have him on a gluten,wheat free diet for months and his attention was better and aggression went down alot! At the time,I had no money and it was hard to keep the diet up,tried to get funding...another no. The home he is in now,are even having a hard time getting him on this diet that I know works for him! I think its because his blood work is neg to celiac disease and the gluten ...but yet shows sensitivities.sigh again. I am going to his home tomorrow,think I will have another chat. Keep at it.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:15 pm
by MichelleP
Hi LilasLight,

How courageous of you to share your story but what a triumphant success story you are. I am so happy for you that you broke through. Thanks for the inspiration.

Hi Star Struck,

I think it is fabulous that you are eager to work through your problems and I am sure you are aware but just want to make sure that you consult your physician before stopping any of your meds. Your body is very well dependent on them now so you should be watched closely by your doc before stopping any of them. I will say though with all you have to overcome it sounds like you are doing just fantastic. That to me is also an inspiration.

OK, an inspired Michelle is going to move along now.
