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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello Sandy, yes im hoping to buy a laptop soon for my travels, if it all works out.. As long as i have internet access and a digi watch on my arm, im sorted... :lol:

Love Sarah xxxxx
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Sarah,

Well that is good news, especially if you were going to be away a year! Are you going by yourself or taking the girls? Either way I hope you carry a can of mace and a whistle! Gee! Did I just say that...I guess I am my mother's daughter after all. :oops:

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey Guys, Hey Sandy & Sarah,
Well as long as you stay here with us guys and dont abandon us, it doesnt matter where you are in the world....
I would sooner chop my head off than abandon my gooorgeous 11:11 Family!! All o' ya's! I love you All so much! and now I'm very teary and deeply touched! Thank you...Image
About the only thing we're bringing is the computer...first and foremost, and the dog! hehehe!!

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Petra,

I bet Patches will enjoy running with the kids in that gorgeous valley. Do you know roughly when you will be moving?

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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hi everyone,

This subject jots across giving up smoking and eating healthier. These are my next goals to conquer. I know my diet sucks I grew up during the Fast Food era, plus I hear things like additives not just to preserve food but to make you crave it, thats very scary :evil: . They already did that to the cigarettes to make folks more addicted and got the pants sued off of them :lol: . Of course, the government took it all and nothing put in place to help others stop smoking :roll: , but litature that I've been reading my whole life.

I guess my only solution is to keep asking my angels to help me quit smoking and to venture more towards a vegetarian diet. I read the link Sandy. by Rayson and I'll tell you I need to move to a farm where I can grow my own fruits and veggie's because I went to the store a day ago and tomatoes (not organic) $2.98 lb, banana's (not organic) $.98 lb. I cant afford to pay what the organic farmers charge, its ridiculous. About a year ago I tried to do the Carb diet and just purchasing the food tripled my food bill :cry: So its one of the reasons I know that my diet is poor (literally the poor man's diet).

I was watching something on TBN a religious station the other day and apparently they are discovering that diet may very well be linked to blood types. It seemed interesting and they state that some blood types can't tolerate what another blood type could, it does make some sense. So, I would imagine Maku, if you feel its getting in your way and blocking you, perhaps its like food and doesn't help you excell.

I want to ask you what Maku means to you because my sister uses that name as a grandmother :wink: .
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Maku »

Hi memawlaura,

Maku is the name that was delivered to me one night when I asked what my Higher Self is called. It got in there and kept repeating over and over and over.

Back to the smoking, some believe that nicotine impedes transfers, and some believe that it helps. I find it a personal thing. I'm smoking about half a pack a day now and I'm still bringing through really high frequencies in my energy treatment sessions. What I do find it hurting is my lungs. The more oxygen we bring into our systems, the less chaotic and confused we feel, I find. I'm a shallow breather to begin with, so smoking only reduces my oxygen intake. Breathing is essential. Take a deep one, everyone! Better yet, make all your breaths deep!

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Post by memawlaura »

:D Thanks, Maku.

I know what you mean about the smoking, I guess when its meant to be done it will happen.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Memawlaura,

I remember several years ago how shocked I was when I first began looking into the organic food market myself. In most cases the organic produce was much more expensive. :shock: What I did was make a beginning and started switching just a few items at first and at the same time cleaned out the worst of the junk food from my diet. I eliminated things I thought I could live without like soda pop, and chips...etc..., and allowed myself to have some of my not so healthy foods only occasionally. I slowed down and really thought about the food I was it smelled, how it really tasted instead of mindlessly inhaling it. I imagined the many hands that was part of the process of bringing it to my table and I thanked God for each of them. You know what I found? As my body adjusted and thrived on the good healthy food that I was introducing, I felt so much better both mentally and physically... and because I was trading the high priced junk food for the better choices I didn't see a huge difference in the grocery bill. With that said, now I must admit that I have been eating more junk food as of late than I should. :lol: When I return home, it's time to make some changes again I think.

Hi Erik! So nice to see you around and read your wise words. I am a bit of a shallow breather myself, which may explain my chaotic mind at times. I'll start to practice some deep breathing too!

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Post by memawlaura »

:D Thanks Sandy,

Give up my Pepsi :shock: :lol: :lol: . I know that I really need to give this up, my problem is that I believe my body is a Carb Mongral and it also causes sugar surges and shakes, so I really need to get with the fresh veggies and fruits and they are outragiously expensive. I will work on my diet because its one of my specific requests when I visit my AC.

I have not heard anything back on it but I'm sure my celestial friends are wisking me away and teaching me what to do, I sure wish they would wisk away the expensive prices at my grocers :lol: .

I will just have to work on this one day at a time because it of course has been a lifetime of bad eating habits.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Irit »

Sandy wrote:What I did was make a beginning and started switching just a few items at first and at the same time cleaned out the worst of the junk food from my diet. I eliminated things I thought I could live without like soda pop, and chips...etc..., and allowed myself to have some of my not so healthy foods only occasionally.
Hi memawlaura,
I understand what you are saying about organic food being expensive. Like Sandy suggested start by replacing just a few items with organics. Buy what is in season and it will almost be the same price as non-organic. Also use unrefined grains for your "carbs". Usually you will not get the shakes as it is slow burning fuel.

Hope that helps you.

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Post by memawlaura »

:D Thank you Irene,

I hope after the holidays to get a complete physical and somebody to help me based on my bloodwork to give me a healthier diet plan. I trield Atkins, which uses unrefined carbs and grains, but it was a little too drastic for me. I know that there's a diet and I have learned what ingredients to avoid. However, I live in such a small area not much offered to purchase these types of foods. I will probably have to go on line and trust I'm getting what I order, if the price is better.

I just hope one day I can have my own land and grow my own veggies and fruits, of course the place will have to have fruit trees I doubt I could wait on them to grow :lol:
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Memawlaura,
I just hope one day I can have my own land and grow my own veggies and fruits, of course the place will have to have fruit trees I doubt I could wait on them to grow
I was just thinking...have you ever considered maybe starting a patio garden? You would be amazed at what can be produced in a small space with proper light and good old fashioned compost.

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Post by memawlaura »

:D First Sandy, I would have to have a patio :lol: :lol: . I stay at my sisters and I'm sure I can start me a little garden for the spring, but no fence and the deer and other animals like to eat what you grow :?. I don't know why they cant eat what they eat the rest of the year, but my neighbor had them in his corn all the time. You cant even grow flowers they come and eat them too. I will have to make sometype of secure system just to grow a garden. I'm just not sure its worth all that trouble.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by MichelleP »

Hello Maku,

I am not a doctor so keep that in mind but I have observed some things over the years that I find interesting. As for your lung capacity I had surgery years ago and afterward they use to give you a breathing exercise machine. The machine had directions that have the lung capacity for males and females at different ages and the older people got the lower the lung capacity. Could be due to pollution, gravity, breathing habits but I think it is probably something that everyone experiences as they get older. If you wanted to go online and buy one of the exercisers to possibly gain more capacity back it is called an Incentive Spirometer.

But I know what you mean about the breathing thing. I have been a smoker for 25 years and didn't really have any issues until the past couple of years. It is also timed with all this negative hate thrown at smokers so I percieve for myself that I possibly am being swayed by everyone elses fear of imploding around smokers. In any event, I have tried numerous ways to quit and nothing has worked until trying the Chantix pill. The first week it didn't do much but once I got to the 1mg level I started to feel less cravings and the cravings I do get seem actually managable. I was hovering around half a pack myself for quite awhile and the past three days I've only had 4 and today I am going to try and not have any. Anyways if you want more info about it just let me know.

I have struggled with whether doing the pill to quit was cheating on some level. That I should be strong enough in spirit to do it on my own. Well I guess I am not but spending a lot of time thinking about addictions has led me to observe how very very much our bodies really are a creature of habit. When we get hunger cravings it isn't necessarily because we are hungry but because our body is use to eating at a certain time of day. When we get cravings for cigarettes it is usually tied in to the body being use to having a cigarette at a certain time or after a certain activity. In any event I guess I always thought our brains worked a lot harder then they actually do if they work at all in the way I always assumed. But just knowing that all my addiction is is that my body is stuck in a habit gives me a sense of power over the addiction though through the help of the pill. Oh well as long as I quit. In any event you all probably know all this stuff I have rambled about but though I have been told about addictions for years to have that spiritual understanding about it where you really get it is pretty cool. So thanks for letting me spill my guts here. It is a very timely post for me and was quite helpful for me to get it out.

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Post by Maku »

Hi everyone!

Michelle, thanks for all that info! A lot of that stuff actually came as news. I'm 22, and I've only been smoking for about 5 years, yet it's incredible the challenge the nicotine addiction places on our lives regardless of how long we've been smoking. I've tried to quit on a few occasions, and I'll tell you, the closest and easiest way I've ever done it is through Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It's a book that my dad introduced to me to that helped him conquer the little demon even after failed attempts with the patch, the gum, etc.

That's good that you found something that works for you! It's different for everyone, right, and if it works for you that's all that matters. Onward towards a healthy breathing apparatus!

It's remarkable the amount of inaccurate brainwashing that permeates the media and therefore the minds of the masses regarding smoking. Hopefully one day we'll have spiritually minded folk in power with the media, and we can slowly start to turn back the counter-productive work they've been doing for decades or longer regarding not only smoking but propagating fear, anger and hatred. *sigh* a boy can dream....

Thanks again for the post Michelle, it was wonderful.


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Wanna Stop Smoking?

Post by SpiritSeeker »


I'm reviving this thread because I just quit smoking 8 days ago. I have not listened to my Akashic Construct CD since being in nicotine recovery, but I am very curious to see whether there will be a difference in what I perceive. If so, I'll come back and let you guys know! :D

I quit cold turkey, meaning: no patches, gums, inhalers, lozenges, OR Chantix. What I did was take the AWESOME advice of John and Joel, two smoking cessation counselors who run the site I read John's PDF book and quit the very same day -- I kid you not.

I did not set any quit dates. I did it spontaneously. I did pray that God help me not smoke for the rest of the day -- and I didn't. Then when I got up the next morning, I prayed for help to get through the rest of that day without smoking. I did. And so on and so on...

Another thing: As a person who has 15 years clean and sober from everything else, I simply applied the same principles to the cigarettes. I don't believe that if I ever have another sip of alcohol that I won't be back to drinking massive amounts daily. Therefore, I don't believe that if I ingest nicotine into my body in any form that I won't immediately be back to smoking a pack and a half a day. This means no cigarettes, no cigars, no patches, gum, or ANYTHING containing nicotine should be allowed anywhere near my body -- period!

Also, it is totally okay for me to want to smoke, as long as I don't pick one up. If I don't pick it up, I won't smoke it (notwithstanding the slim chance that some sick freak might try to tie me down and shove lit cigarettes in my mouth against my will).

One is too many, and a thousand is never enough -- and that, my friends, explains for you very simply what addiction is all about. If you are an addict, don't be ashamed, because it just means you were born with a body that has a different makeup than those who aren't. But once you know this, then you should also learn the right tools to fight the disease.

Hope this helps.

P.S. I am, however, a proud meat-eater and will never be vegan. LOL
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Spiritseeker,

You have given some wonderful positive advice.
I love this...
I did not set any quit dates. I did it spontaneously. I did pray that God help me not smoke for the rest of the day -- and I didn't. Then when I got up the next morning, I prayed for help to get through the rest of that day without smoking. I did. And so on and so on...
Our greatest help and strength come from God. :D
Congradulations on throwing away the nicotine for good!
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Post by blue nova »

whoohoo SpiritSeeker...good for you !!

i am trying to quit too....again. though i am trying chantix... :shock: i am going to check ur link out, thanks for posting ... :D

best wishes to you.
P.S. I am, however, a proud meat-eater and will never be vegan. LOL
never say never.... :wink: i used to, about many i am "eating" those nevers/words ... WHIST
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Post by gypsie »

Back to the nicotine

I know it is killing me along with 2 liters of diet coke a day, after 18 years of recovery and being 8 and a half years clean with a total of 9 months in relapse, I now see I have moved on to other addictions.

I have friends who use food, love, exercise and yet after stopping for 9 months last year I am smoking more than I ever have, I hope my three weeks in the retreat help. Nicotine is a drug which grabs like no other I have ever known, I pray every day for the obsession to be removed, I know it is the first cigarette which does the damage, it starts it all again. I pray for all of us to let this go, it will kill there is no doubt, yet as evolved as some are nicotine rules lives...may the Angels and Midwayers help but most importantly may God hear our cries for help...

Love Gypsie
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Post by sammy »

Amen to that!
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Post by Twinstars »

Well I'm darned sure He heard my cries. The first time I tried smoking I was a kid trying to be cool, so I climbed onto the roof (who even knows why) and lit up, got dizzy and rolled off and broke my arm!!! That was enough for me. :cry:
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Post by AustinRuth »

RE: nicotine:
If I were to analyze this I would say to be aware that you might have an addiction because your brain might function better when you smoke. Maybe if you think of all the pesticide residue and carcinogens, it could help you be motivated to quit.
NEWS FLASH: I just read that many people who smoke are underneath it all really depressed and the nicotine helps them combat the depression. The reason people cannot quit smoking is that they become depressed or have other negative mental effects BUT if they decide to quit, what seems to work for some is that they get a support group, nicotine patch, and get an anti-depressive pill to get them through the "breaking up with the cigarettes" phase, they might permanently quit!
OK, now my Mom's story: I don't think she would mind if I tell it, since she loves to tell anyone who listens and I don't blame her, it is a good one. OK, she lived with my Dad, married forever and at that time about 30 years into the marriage and Dad smokes like 2-3 packs a day back when they were cheaper. So, one day Mom decides that she will quit the menthol Salems she smoked for years, maybe a pack a day. So, she one day had this epiphany. She was thinking she wanted to quit and as she thought it, another one of her sat next to her and told her that if she wanted to quit: "then you don't need these" pointing at the cigarettes. That made sense to Mom. She quit from that moment after that little conversation with her other self. Strange, but that is the story. (She did not tell my Dad for a whole week because you know how any addict wants to rope you back into smoking or whatever so that they feel better about THEIR addiction!). Mom is very proud of quitting back then and thinks that anyone who wants to can quit, and that quitting is all about motivation. Though I disagree with her (not so easy), and I think that motivation and maybe hypnosis is the ticket, well, I don't argue with success. I say, whatever works for you. Mom is going on 90 and maybe you could say that her quitting a nasty habit back in the 1970s has helped her live longer. That, and good medical care! Ha!
Oh, my poor Dad did die back in 1993 from lung cancer that metastasized to his brain. I am almost sure that the cigarettes were a huge risk factor for his getting cancer. So quitting has good reason to it. I am sure there are many other factors, but that is one you can control. Yes, you can! --Ruth :lol: :wink:
Faith, Love, and Hope! from AustinRuth
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Re: Nicotine

Post by blue nova »

If anyone knows of the effects of nicotine and how it relates to receiving/channeling, I'd be extremely pleased to find that information.
nicotine...dulls the vividness, clarity....

if you smoke...put them down for a day and then see how much more vivid your dreams are....also try meditation,,,and see how much more vivid and clear it becomes... ;)

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Re: Nicotine

Post by peacockplume »

Howdy do folks :hithere

Just got notification of this thread,,,,and since it's been a life long battle (weak minded on this subject only) I took the opportunity to read the thread...

Ruth's reply had a good hit the nail on the Mom always said that when you really just 'make up your mind' then it's a done deal...and I think she had that one spot on....

I also think a little preparation helps, whether it's pills,or patches,,,self hypnosis helps too.

that said,,,sometimes it's not the quitting,,,but staying quit that can be difficult,,,,so I vote for a good support partner...

One day as I was heading up the stairs I had this huge thought that just came over me and I said out loud...

THAT'S IT!!! I'm finished,,,just don't want to do it any more....and didn't smoke for a week... :bana:

it never bothered me...I didn't hanker for it....nothing....

at the end of the week I had a huge emotional experience, and the person I was with lit up...that did it.. :grrr

I said give me one and she did,,,,(that's not the kind of support I was talking about).. :duh

since then I'm on and off,,,,more then less,,,and I'm not going to worry about whether it hampers ones connection with your guides/teachers/celestials, personally I'd say,,,only if you let it...

(I just read my affirmation below and think perhaps some additional Divine presence would do it)

love and blessings
pp xoxoxo
Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Re: Nicotine

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP, :hithere Gosh it was good to see you and your wise eagle on the board! :kiss:

Last night I decided today that today is the first day of the rest of my life (Think that was an old jingle from a Total cereal commercial :roll: ) but anyway, I was working on chapter 5 last night in Louise Hay's book, 'You Can Heal Your Life, and I realized that all the worry and stress I heap on myself...all those, "I should do this and I should do thats" hurt me on many levels. To be harmonious within I must be harmonious without and it starts at the beginning...Too many times I have tried to solve a sympton of a problem not the real underlying problem itself. It is like putting a band aid on my arm for a heart murmur. :lol: So I am going to stop berating myself for my weakness. Yet that doesn't mean my weaknesses won't be solved and from which I will gain some sort of strength. It will be simple and easy when it happens... as it was with Ruth's mom... when you are ready and filled with understanding.
We learn to crawl before we can walk... and walk before we learn to run. It is the same, I think, with letting go unneeded ways of being. When the time is right they will fall away with little fanfare...It is also the same with spiritual growth. We want this and we want that, yet often times we do not want to do the work! I realized this earlier as I read something from Louise Hay. She said...
"Impatience is only another form of resistance. It is resistance to learning and to changing. When we demand that it be done right now, completed at once, then we don't give ourselves time to learn the lessons involved with the problem we have created.

If you want to move to another room, you have to get up and move step by step in that direction. Just sitting in your chair and demanding that you be in the room will not work. It's the same thing, we all want the problem to be overwith but we do not want to do the small things that will add up to the solution."
Actually, when I read that I immediately thought of the correlation between that quote and our desire for spiritual progress as well. We want the results often without doing the little things that aids our progression. We want to speak with our Guides, Teachers and TAs but find reasons to avoid meditation, squeezing time for these things into our week, let's say a couple or three times at best. And then we wonder why we aren't reaching our spiritual goals and potentials. ( I am not berating anyone here..just speaking from my own experience :lol: :oops:)

Once again...
When we are harmonious within, we are harmonious without... Let's all view meditation in whatever form chosen, as the wonderful tool that it is and something allowing eventual peace from which to build an inner and outer "paradise."

Okay...Whew! Got off the subject there... but what I started thinking about in the beginning of the post was that today I will make a new beginning and try to learn to be kind in all ways to all parts of me...The mental, spiritual, and physical Sandy. ;)
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