
We will post here messages received about the coming of Monjoronson.
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Post by norton72 »

Even Jesus did'nt know what day He was born, because He was too young to count.
Only the stars, His Angels, and God.
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Post by Rainer »

Anyone ever heard of the pheonix journals;...

It is truly startling the amount of data available to us in this age; all we need to do is look for it;


This is an image I constantly find during my research; repeating itself; here is the description:
This reproduction is from an actual photograph taken on June 1st, 1961, in Chichen Itza, Yucatan, by one of thirty archeologists working in the area at the time. Sananda(Jesus) appeared in visible, tangible body and permitted his photograph to be taken.

Stare into the eyes; what do you feel?
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Post by Morning Light »

I Love this picture Ranier,
Thank You for posting it here!
Morning Light
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Post by Petra Wilson »

He looks so sad. Even looking deep into the eyes, all I felt was sorrow.

The few times I saw and felt Him, I was on a high for days afterwards.

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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello Rainer, i like the picture... i have seen that picture many times, but don't know the story behind it... you said:
Stare into the eyes; what do you feel?
It gave me the creeps, really, i felt like i was staring into a mirror at myself, (i dont mean literally)... then i felt like his eyes were staring right through mine and reading my thoughts... if you keep focussing just on the eyes.... :? .. and you also feel like he is in the room with you, not just a photograph... very hypnotizing... huge eyes, i can't stare at them for long :? ...? I'm not sure about the story behind it though... :)

Love Sarah xx
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Post by Rainer »

I am also not sure about the story behind it ; but I can't say that I disbelieve it either; I can see how you detect sorrow in those eyes; but mayhaps it is deep longing mixed in with deep love and compassion; a longing to help lift the souls of earth from a pitiable state; yeah a bit creepy too lol; creepily profound depth to those eyes....


Post by norton72 »

Petra; your faith is inspiring.
And your avitar reminds me of the what Ranier gave us.
Thanks to both of you.
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Post by artguys »

Dear Rainer,

At the risk of raining (forgive the pun) on your parade, I have to question a couple of things you've presented.

First, the image of Sananda is pretty well known online as is the information that you offer with it:
This reproduction is from an actual photograph taken on June 1st, 1961, in Chichen Itza, Yucatan, by one of thirty archeologists working in the area at the time. Sananda(Jesus) appeared in visible, tangible body and permitted his photograph to be taken.
It is a beautiful man's face without question. But as an artist, I don't see anything that could not be rendered in charcoal by any number of competent artists. As well, the quality of the image resembles more a 19th century tin type image than a 20th century 35mm image. It is quite soft and grainy, resembling more a lithograph than a photograph.

Secondly, the "photographic" image appears to me to be the product of the darkroom with the vignette effect of fading to light around the face. It is very attractive, but where is the background of the Yucatan jungle in which it was taken? Of course, one could argue that he was a being of light and therefore.... But I go for the simpler explanation of a darkroom effect often seen before and since 1961.

As for the Phoenix Journals, I've read them and found them to be irregular, at best. I don't know who has the definitive story of the life of Jesus - the Urantia Book, Padgett Papers, the Bible, etc. It would be presumptuous of me to say that I know which is best, more true or legitimate. But I will call your attention to one example that calls the veracity of the Phoenix Journals into question.

At the beginning of Chapter 7 the speaker tells the story of the how Jesus/Immanuel/Sananda... "and some of his disciples walked through a field of corn, the disciples pulled out some of the ears from the corn stalks and ate them." That is pretty straight forward except that corn was not grown in the Meditterranean basin until after it was brought across the Atlantic by the Europeans who had brought it from the Western Hemisphere fifteen centuries later.

Perhaps it is a picky detail. Perhaps it is a telling detail. Perhaps the truth of any story of Jesus is not in any book, but in our personal interactions with Him. And perhaps those personal experiences are all so different as to point out that there is no single truth at all, only our own, unique experiences and interpretations.

I apologize in advance for perhaps appearing argumentative.

It is my prayer that the maturing relationship between human beings, God and our home in space will continue to strengthen and all of us will embrace the extraordinary Divine Love being offered.
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello: :) .. that is what i thought about the eyes.. they look like they have been touched up.... like you see in old photographs. I have some photos of my great great and so on grand parents etc from the early 1800's...and they have the same quality, but still maybe thats why the eyes on this photo are so mesmerising, because they are not real, nice picture anyway.... Yeah thats right Columbus discovered corn, its from Mexico originally... i think...???

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Post by Geoff »

Dear William,
At the beginning of Chapter 7 the speaker tells the story of the how Jesus/Immanuel/Sananda... "and some of his disciples walked through a field of corn, the disciples pulled out some of the ears from the corn stalks and ate them."
Without wishing to support or deny that source, since I have not read it, that sort of error is extremely easy to get in chanelled works.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.


Post by norton72 »

I began sneezing.
Help me Lord, i said.
If me heart stops there is a group of people i need to tell.
That i love them.
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Post by Daddy - O »

Hi William,

I enjoyed reading your post and I did not find it argumentative. I particularly enjoyed this:
...Perhaps the truth of any story of Jesus is not in any book, but in our personal interactions with Him. And perhaps those personal experiences are all so different as to point out that there is no single truth at all, only our own, unique experiences and interpretations...
I personally believe that Jesus' story is spread out, throughout many books and sources. As we develop our own unique relationship with him, his spirit (the spirit of truth, which is part of us) helps us to discern what is true, and know what is truth.

Daddy - O
Those who master their own spirit - are mightier than those who conquer a city.

Post by norton72 »

4 Jesus said, "The person old in days won't hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and that person will live.

For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one."


Well Now. Or then?

My Healer.

Petra. The pain is gone.

Morning Light has absorbed more of the blood than She knows.

Petra; i thank You for this day. It is Magic. All the meat in the bottom of my feet was screaming. Me dancing now. Happy Injun!
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Post by Petra Wilson »

:D Glad to be of help. Give us a holler the next time you're in need of a healing?

As I was doing this healing I saw orange pulsating rings and my arms and hands tingled throughout!

{{{hugs}}} Pet XXX

Feel so good.

Post by norton72 »

Yes yes.
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Post by Morning Light »

Wow Greg!
That is your 111th post!

Maybe you could PM or email me about this :wink:
Morning Light has absorbed more of the blood than She knows.
Not sure if I know what you mean :scratch:

Identify with Love, and you are safe. Identify with Love, and you are home. Identify with Love, and find your Self.


Post by norton72 »

Sure do!!!!


Post by norton72 »

When asking God for help.
The best day is the day that comes automatically.
Not once in my 52 years has God denyed me.
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Post by Morning Light »

Thanks for that one Greg!
It is so good to see your beautiful face and to listen to your words of Love, Faith and Knowing!

As you have said... Evil is an illusion and Love is the only thing that is REAL and you are that and we all are that.
Identify with Love, and you are safe. Identify with Love, and you are home. Identify with Love, and find your Self.
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Post by Rainer »

Hey this thread is a real treat; wonderful reading; Artguys you are so polite to me and it makes me want to take a patient walk with you in some pretty place or other; I am pretty funny you know; I can make you cry; lol; I'm just grateful that "Dear" precedes my alias. I just posted that pic because it made me wonder..could it be? ; and I feel that in those moments of wondering and opening up; that something true might get its flaming foot in the door and set it all ablaze!


Post by norton72 »

Nice tat 8) People have referred to me as 'doctor'.
i like it.
Ranier Loves. I like it.
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hi William,

I enjoyed reading your post and I did not find it argumentative. I particularly enjoyed this:


...Perhaps the truth of any story of Jesus is not in any book, but in our personal interactions with Him. And perhaps those personal experiences are all so different as to point out that there is no single truth at all, only our own, unique experiences and interpretations...

I personally believe that Jesus' story is spread out, throughout many books and sources. As we develop our own unique relationship with him, his spirit (the spirit of truth, which is part of us) helps us to discern what is true, and know what is truth.

Daddy - O
I believe the same goes for all religions around the world also, and our interaction with God, whether it be personal or in the form of Revelation .....

With Love

Sarah xxx

Goodness and fire

Post by norton72 »

Raw Meat will make us sick; so we cook.
Conversation is like that.
Define and Love.
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