Memorial Day

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Memorial Day

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning.

It is Memorial day, the first Memorial day that I have spent in the states in many years. And as I revel in the peace and beauty of the morning I am thinking of those who have passed before me....

I am remembering dear friends we have recently said a temporary good bye. Do our lovies have to be dead for us to remember them today because a host of people come to mind? There are people from this board that I have not seen or spoken to in what feels like an eternity but they changed me for the better and had a huge impact on my life. I just had a thought... the same person can impact another person differently …sort of push us in, perhaps, a needed direction. And with that thought, even people who annoy, are serving the creator in some capacity. Right? Without being pushed would any of us learn better serving behaviours?

I am thinking of the leaders in the many and varied spiritual communities who have changed the world for the better with their commitment, faith and trust and by their examples.
We are only on this planet a limited number of seasons. What an opportunity right? What can we do to add to the legacy of love, discovery, mastery, and peace? We aren't without our own rich gifts! We are after all children of the universe and with even a small amount of consistent effort we can discover something of great use to power our lives, propelling them into the stuff of legends...well, at least in the Midwayer archives, ;) those long serving beings, who set the best example next to Christ Michel's of faith perseverance, patience and acceptance as they accept us as we are... (not without a few eye rolls from time to time. :lol: )
We do not have to be spiritual giants to contribute to something we long for...a world at full of hope and opportunity and outright joy for all people of all nations...One family. Is that worth fighting for? Is that worth 15 minutes a day of spiritual practice? (at least in the me...we will want more that that...crave more than that.)
The best way we can remember those who have joined the forces of the divine perhaps is continue what they began in some way even if they didn't realize it...

...and so, with all that on a personal note...I am remembering my husband, George Barnard. The love of my life whose courage and trust and faith knew no bounds when it came to following Divine direction. I am thinking of Donna, one of the most patient and loving friends I have ever known. I am thinking of Wingzie, Carol, who walked with me hand in hand in the early days of my spiritual journey. I will see you all again doubt.

Please feel free to talk about those you remember and love or anyone you wish to memorialize and spotlight.

With love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Memorial Day

Post by Welles »

That was a lovely post, Sandy. Because I served (unwillingly and resentfully) in the Air Force during the Viet Nam horror, I don't really do memorial day justice. Your post started changing my internal dialog away from the military aspects of the day.

Thank you!


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