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What draws us here?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:54 am
by happyrain
I found this forum in 2008 after having one of the most profound spiritual experiences to date.

It was Sandy's loving, accepting attitude that lured me into the nest. Now I find my self perusing these forums frequently, 13 years later. We aren't the most active forum. A part of me realizes my appreciation for writing, another- community.

Our ability to explore our spiritual interest openly, comfortably and even somewhat anonymously.

What draws you here?

Re: What draws us here?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:00 am
by Sandy
What draws me here... hmmm let's see...

Family!... This place is my home and has been since 2005. I feel safe and comfortable with people who are kind, caring and desire to improve not only their own spirituality but also give me and others a hand up when needed. I am comfortable here because this place has allowed me to grow, explore and adept as my spiritual journey creates new branches, all this without my spiritual ideals having to conform to anybody else's. I am not judged or held tightly to any kind of belief system, yet love is rampant... love and respect for our celestial family and each other.

Now with all that said, as with every family, life it isn't always rosy, but with love also goes understanding and acceptance and even sometimes forgiveness.
Everyone who posts here is important, the newbies just as much as old timers. Some of our newest members, Winebojo and Starwalker have provided me with some needed spiritual insight and are so appreciated. I hope you both know that and I am sorry I haven't told you this before.

It is easy to feel some intimidation when you see a group of people that you do not know and who are already so comfortable with each other. (sort of like being the new kid in a new school) but please do join us and let us get to know you too. ..and who may be the one who changes someone's life with your sharing... one never knows, eh? :) :cheers:


I would just like to say that over the years I have not been as loving as I could be... there are moments I would like to change. But one cannot revisit the past and change what was...just move forward and try to learn from it and be prepared to do better. If I have ever wronged someone or overlooked someone...I am so sorry and will try to do better. "Try" being the important word as I am a major construction job in progress. :kiss:
We'll all get there! :bana: :bana: :bana:

Re: What draws us here?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:08 pm
by happyrain
Hey Big Sister!

Family, definitely. What wonderful insight. Thank you. And- agreed, I don't think you need to spend time worrying about the times you could have done better. We all have that and you have been there to help me whenever I tried reaching out- that's 13 years running! But you offer so much more!

Dad just said outloud, "Happy Family sounds great to me"

Unrelated- related? He's ordering take out and that's the name of the meal he wants to share with Mom. :lol:

Thanks for sharing!

Re: What draws us here?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:36 pm
by Welles
What drew me here was the level of inspiration I felt in the work of George and the other folks who shared their lessons from relatively divine sources. They were so powerful to me, especially as they were aligned with the teachings of the Urantia Book that I inhaled all of them. Really. I read everything George published. I stay because it is a comfortable place of kindred spirits.


Re: What draws us here?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:26 am
by Sandy
Dad just said outloud, "Happy Family sounds great to me"

Unrelated- related? He's ordering take out and that's the name of the meal he wants to share with Mom. :lol:
:lol: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
