Contemplation on Failure

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Contemplation on Failure

Post by Starwalker »

I recently graduated with an electrical engineering degree, but I still haven’t found a job. I had set my hopes on a particular job that required pre-screening testing. There were many different positions that you could try out for, so I picked a couple that were suited to my skillset and wrote the tests. Yesterday, I received an email informing me that I had failed all sub-tests and that my application would not be further considered. I wasn’t overly disappointed because they were difficult tests that were slightly beyond my level, and I knew I had not scored well on them. Plus, this job would have required me to move to a new city, and learn a new language, so it was a bit of relief in a sense. I would have accepted that challenge had I gotten the job, but it would have been daunting. I’m not sure that I’m up for that right now, to be honest. But the words “failed ALL sub-tests” still burned into my mind.

Later on, I remembered that these are the cosmic testing grounds. We are being tried and tested every step of the way. But we should not fear failure. Failure is to be expected, especially at this stage of our existence. Even if we fail every test, as long as we have love for God and the desire to become like Him, we will eventually be successful. If we are to become resilient, we must welcome our failures and learn from them. One cannot build resilience without failure. We cannot rise again if we never fall. How great is our God who has made all this possible and let’s each creature develop at his or her own pace!
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
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Re: Contemplation on Failure

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jonathon,
This lesson you speak of in this post (Not exactly in those words) hits home with this ole gal as I have always struggled with failure. In fact, fear of failure has caused me some grief over my lifetime, preventing me in some cases from spreading my wings and applying myself to something challenging. .. or at least trying.
It even used to be daunting for me to think about the long journey to Paradise where there would be tasks and challenges. Obviously, it would be helpful to explore and conquer this aversion here in the mortal realm...So with all that, your words found fertile ground in my being. :D
"We are being tried and tested every step of the way. But we should not fear failure. Failure is to be expected, especially at this stage of our existence. Even if we fail every test, as long as we have love for God and the desire to become like Him, we will eventually be successful. If we are to become resilient, we must welcome our failures and learn from them. One cannot build resilience without failure. We cannot rise again if we never fall. How great is our God who has made all this possible and let’s each creature develop at his or her own pace!"
Thank you!
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Re: Contemplation on Failure

Post by Seeker13 »

I too was touched by the illumination of your words. That company was obviously not a good fit for you. Although the rejection may have stung a bit, thank goodness it kept you available for the one that is!

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Re: Contemplation on Failure

Post by pointman19 »

I've seen a lot of failure first hand. Some of them sting, but I try to chalk it up as a learning experience and grow from it.

It's a process for me though...its just not on the internet that I have these obstacles..but trying to live in "authenticity" really runs people the wrong way for WHATEVER reason. Jobs lately, have been a horrible experience. I could keep to myself and just do my job and people would go out of their way to undercut me, take credit for things I've done....I've been taken advantage of over my skillset so much and so often in the food service industry (I'm a chef), that I nearly gave up in my passion.

I decided yesterday, that I was determined to get out of my comfort zone, find one more resteraunt, and give it yet, another go.

If I fail, I fail. At least I can say...I tried 😁

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Re: Contemplation on Failure

Post by Seeker13 »

Reading your post I can't help but think looking into the Law Of Attraction would be helpful for you, even if it may be a revisit. It's been an ongoing concept I've been trying to wrap my brain and behaviors around for a few years now. I love listening to Abraham/Hicks on YouTube especially when I'm going through a hard time, it helps me to refocus my perspective.

It was very hard for me, finally accepted that everything in my life was put there by me. Getting out of the blame game and taking personal responsibility for my words and actions has proved over and over again more beneficial than anything else.
pointman19 wrote: Tue Jul 20, 2021 3:40 pmI try to chalk it up as a learning experience and grow from it.
If you can do this, you are much further ahead of individuals who cannot.

Being in the restaurant industry is competitive, fast paced, HARD WORK! If it's your passion then by all means keep at it.

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Re: Contemplation on Failure

Post by Starwalker »

Im glad you found my words useful, Sandy. Fear has kept me back from many things as well. Especially in the social arena. I’ve been plagued by shyness for much of my life. You bring up a good point about the challenges of the Paradise ascent. But even if we fail to attain the Father, we still get to try again. How great is it to have the eternal viewpoint!

Thanks for the kind words, Kim. I think you’re right, that job probably wouldn’t be a good fit for me. I sure hope I find the right one soon.

Jason, I’m sorry to hear you have a hard time at your chosen trade. I’ve had similar experiences. I guess that’s one reason why I went back to school and got an engineering degree at 38 years of age. Now I just have to put it to good use.

I find the teachings of Jesus about self-forgetfulness helpful in the workforce. I aim to do my best at my tasks, and try to remove my self from the equation as much as possible. My Thought Adjuster knows what I deserve credit for, and that’s good enough for me. Of course it is also really nice to be recognized by our associates. But less is to be expected from some people. Good luck with finding a new chef gig!
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Re: Contemplation on Failure

Post by Seeker13 »

I am not one to quote the Bible...ever! Surprisingly, reading your post two snippets came to mind. "The meek shall inherit the Earth," and "Those who are first will be last." Those who speak the loudest,... well, they're just loud. Our caveman brains are at long last evolving, most of us recognize the difference between those stealing the credit and those deserving of it. Remnants of a bygone era remain, but eventually will become obsolete. For those who dared to stay true to themselves, despite outside influences telling them they are wrong or unworthy, will be recognized for their true value. Patience will be rewarded if we can turn a deaf ear to those trying to tear others down because of their own fear. It sounds like you did exactly that! Believing in yourself will pay off.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Contemplation on Failure

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Kim,

I really like those Bible quotes. Bring on the inheritance! I don't hesitate to use the words of the Bible when conversing with some of our less evolved brothers and sisters. I know there is truth in the Bible too. It is sad that many Christians reject the Urantia Book without even reading it. The differences aren't that stark. To me, the Urantia Book helped me understand the Bible. But they are free to believe as they chose, though their fetish for the blood of Christ is a bit much sometimes. I find it can even ruin an otherwise beautiful song for me. But perhaps I should be more tolerant.

When it comes to rising above the noise of the cavemen mentality I am making good strides I think. But I still have a way to go since I can still be knocked off my perch sometimes. But I then recall that even a virtue can become a vice when taken to extremes. Sometimes we have to stand up to people, much like Jesus threw the money lenders out of the temple. It is a hard line to walk though. And when I do find myself reacting to things, its sometimes hard for me to regain peace. Hopefully I will get the hang of it soon.

Thanks for your post!

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
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