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“The Peace of Wild Things” — an animated poem by Wendell Berry

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 4:25 pm
by Welles
“The Peace of Wild Things” is a beautifully animated film of a poem written and read by Wendell Berry as part of the “Poetry Films” series of the On Being Project, which features animated interpretations of beloved poems. This poem is a warm invitation to return to our early memories of peace and joy, perhaps lying in the grass on a sunny hill, listening to bird and insect sounds, when suddenly, for a moment, "we are free!"
“The Peace of Wild Things” — an animated poem by Wendell Berry

:kiss: :sunflower: :dwarf:

Re: “The Peace of Wild Things” — an animated poem by Wendell Berry

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 12:57 am
by Sandy
Thank you Welles,

I will keep this one close to my heart. :happy
