Angels As Platonic Solids-Geometric Shapes (Josephine Maccarthy))

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Angels As Platonic Solids-Geometric Shapes (Josephine Maccarthy))

Post by dron »

An interesting view from an adept witch with decades of experience of working with beings.
This is an extract from her about the real form of angels.

''Platonic solids and geometric shapes often appear in magic simply because they are a natural part of our world. They are the purest form of a power expression in harmony with itself and when a being appears to you as a platonic solid you know you have reached one of its deepest and most powerful forms.

The forms that beings take to appear to us, i.e. wings, eyes, swords, teeth, fire etc is their way of talking slowly to us: they play down their size, cool their power and dress up from images in our cultural imagination so that we can interact with them and understand what they are about. If an angelic being appeared before you as a cube, you would blink and scratch your head before finding yourself fried to a crisp. If an angelic being appeared before you with a flaming sword, fancy armour, nice hair do, big wings and a cheesy grin, then you know that the angel is really down playing it for the ants (or it is a parasite dressing up for you).

So back to platonic solids: if you see one in vision then chances are you are hitting an angel full on, or something connected with angels: platonic solids or geometric shapes are often used as angelic sigils. If the angel appears to you in that form, then chances are it is safe for you if you can communicate at a level which uses no imagination or emotion: angels are really like aspergers physicists.

You will have to communicate in mathematics, physics and logic.''
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Re: Angels As Platonic Solids-Geometric Shapes (Josephine Maccarthy))

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm no expert, but here are multiple ways spirit communicates with humans, no one person can know all there is about the spiritual contact. I truly believe that celestials appear and communicate to us how ever we are able to comprehend them. Spirit is so wanting and willing to partner with us, if we believe certain rituals have to be performed, or elements present to have a connection, then they will accommodate that. In other words, "They meet us where we are." And depending on the level of their own spiritual progression of the entity, they may have an inaccurate understanding of how the spiritual world works.

My brother is much more in tune with the mathematical explanation than I could ever comprehend. I lean towards finding the uncomplicated or simplest explanation. He finds answers his way and I find it mine. As an example, one time while my sister, daughter and I were listening intently at one of my brother's explanations. My daughter was communicating with someone in spirit at the same time. Later she said a family from an earlier time period 'stopped in'. The father knelt down on one knee in front of my brother, also listening very carefully to his mathematical explanations. As confused and perplexed as we were he said, "Mister. I have no idea what you are talking about." He shrugged, waved to my daughter and left.

Also, it's my understanding that not all entities of spirit are benevolent. So we must ask for protection from our TA, guardians, and guides to not let anything/one who may be harmful to interact with us.
dron wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:51 amIf an angelic being appeared before you as a cube, you would blink and scratch your head before finding yourself fried to a crisp. If an angelic being appeared before you with a flaming sword, fancy armour, nice hair do, big wings and a cheesy grin, then you know that the angel is really down playing it for the ants (or it is a parasite dressing up for you).
None of these types of contacts would be acceptable to me. If they did appear I would immediately tell them to go away. If they didn't comply, I'd ask my guardians for help. I'd also have to think very carefully about what vibration I was functioning at, and of the person who perceives them in this way, as like attracts like.
dron wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:51 amangels are really like aspergers physicists.
Not a name recognized in the dictionary. This may be the experience this person has had with celestials, but I can't remember ever encountering one that wasn't loving and kind, feeling a deep sense of love in their presence. In their defense, I find this description...offensive.
dron wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:51 amYou will have to communicate in mathematics, physics and logic.''
Um, not in my experience. If this were so, then only a select few of us humans would ever be able to establish contact, so would defeat the purpose of celestial hope of us progressing to light and life.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Angels As Platonic Solids-Geometric Shapes (Josephine Maccarthy))

Post by dron »

Thanks for the input.
Some people confirmed what she writes about angelics.I remember when i invoked an angel and suddenly a bizzare goemetric shape appeared in my mind's eye.
It cought me by suprise,because i had the sense it was 'alive'.I try to communicate with it and it was responding to my questions by spinning-rotating,expanding,changing shape and making sounds.
Then i had a vision of some dudes coming and grab an ugly creature from inside me and taking it away.Immediately i felt peace and relief.

The same shape appeared another time,and it helped me to manifest something i need.

One other time i asked for the name of an angel i had invoked,and a word i never heard before crossed my mind.I google it,and i found out that it was a geometric shape as well.
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Re: Angels As Platonic Solids-Geometric Shapes (Josephine Maccarthy))

Post by Seeker13 »

My post was not meant to reject Ms. Maccarthy's ideas or beliefs, only to put it out there that there are unlimited forms of interacting with entities in the spirit realm. My experiences may not mirror anyone else's, but that does not make any of them less valid. If a person just beginning their journey comes across ideas contrary to their hopes, it might stop them from continuing, or cause them to be fearful, thus also halting their progression. On the other hand if those things are outside their vibration, I guess they probably wouldn't find them in their path in the first place!

Your explorations are pretty amazing. Sorry, but I'm extremely curious about, well many things. Were you aware of angelic communication responding in geometric shapes before it happened to you? Is your tendency to look at the world with more of a mathematical perspective? Your angelic geometric encounters are fantastic!. Thanks for posting here so the rest of us can be aware of the possibilities!
dron wrote: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:43 amThen i had a vision of some dudes coming and grab an ugly creature from inside me and taking it away.Immediately i felt peace and relief.
This reminds me of a thread Geoff responded to a few months ago about entity attachments. Sounds like your guardians are on the job! At the time did you have any suspicions about the ugly creature, or ask for help in any way?

Okay, enough questions, again I find it all very interesting.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Angels As Platonic Solids-Geometric Shapes (Josephine Maccarthy))

Post by dron »

Seeker13 wrote: Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:26 pm Dron,
My post was not meant to reject Ms. Maccarthy's ideas or beliefs, only to put it out there that there are unlimited forms of interacting with entities in the spirit realm. My experiences may not mirror anyone else's, but that does not make any of them less valid. If a person just beginning their journey comes across ideas contrary to their hopes, it might stop them from continuing, or cause them to be fearful, thus also halting their progression. On the other hand if those things are outside their vibration, I guess they probably wouldn't find them in their path in the first place!

Your explorations are pretty amazing. Sorry, but I'm extremely curious about, well many things. Were you aware of angelic communication responding in geometric shapes before it happened to you? Is your tendency to look at the world with more of a mathematical perspective? Your angelic geometric encounters are fantastic!. Thanks for posting here so the rest of us can be aware of the possibilities!
dron wrote: Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:43 amThen i had a vision of some dudes coming and grab an ugly creature from inside me and taking it away.Immediately i felt peace and relief.
This reminds me of a thread Geoff responded to a few months ago about entity attachments. Sounds like your guardians are on the job! At the time did you have any suspicions about the ugly creature, or ask for help in any way?

Okay, enough questions, again I find it all very interesting.

I know and i agree with what you wrote.It's just that i'm impressed by her teachings.
No i didn't expect from the angelic to appear like that.In fact i didn't asked for visual contact at all.Sometimes i receive downloads of infos,sometimes signs,visions,etc.
As for spirit contact,plenty of people are parasited without knowing it,and that's because of some new age authors,suggesting people that angels are handholders,ready to rush and bring your ex back etc....

i know others might have different opinions and i respect that.
At the very end,the only way to 'learn' who is who and what is what,is by experience.(And that includes the ugly side of things as well).
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Re: Angels As Platonic Solids-Geometric Shapes (Josephine Maccarthy))

Post by happyrain »

That's awesome! Thank you Dron for sharing your experiences. :alien:
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Angels As Platonic Solids-Geometric Shapes (Josephine Maccarthy))

Post by dron »

Here's a very interesting article to read.

The olympic spirit of mercury appeares to the magician as a geometric shape,and communicate with him.
''If you don't feel comfortable reading about magical teqniques,scroll down to the communion part.''
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