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Energy body development

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:56 am
by atsguy
For a while now I have been researching and speaking to individuals that have had tremendous experience in developing their energy body. Allot of these individuals are regularly in contact with celestials, and I suspect midwayers. Their practice involves a very specific set of exercises and steps of progress that can be gauged.

Often times when reading some posts by celestials I feel like they are just giving us basic exercises that are just ment to basically open the door. Nothing concrete, and honestly I get the feeling that allot of the advice is basically ment for us as being on the level of school children. So why explain to them how to truly develop their energy and mind when they can barely sit still for 10min.

But every so often I come across a post like this one: ... eart-space ... f-part-one

now one has can read this and say wow it’s amazing and beautiful. but what are the real mechanics and conduits that are being used here.

I have hardly ever heard of celestials messages that talk about dan tiens, but I always hear about chakras, and focusing on the third eye. Which a lot of Eastern practices say can be dangerous without proper grounding, and developing the lower centers first

and if you go onto Eastern practices they have a very healthy way of developing the energy body. Which starts with building a foundation.

1) learning to fully ground yourself into the earth and both absorb and dispell energy into it.

2) Activating, then filling and developing the lower dan tien. Which absorbs energy located at the sub navel. This energy once it reaches a certain point then naturally goes into the heart center ( middle dan tien), and then overflows and rises into the upper dan tien. And some clairvoyants have noticed a 4th dan tien also inside the human energy body.

These dan tiens are not chakras. But more like energy storage centers. And their conduits are closely aligned with chakras, and the other meridians. Filling them ends up just making everything work in a healthy way naturally.


Some may say doing this is the natural love path. While the divine love path goes directly to asking for transformation from god without the natural love training. I personally see that they are one in the same. and both utilize the same circuits.

In the past the dan tiens have been called cauldrons, elixir fields, and in the Middle Ages they called them stones ( moon, earth, and sun stones). These days we call them dantiens or energy storage centers.

So when you have the second celestial message saying:

“ “Picture this connection in your mind: Above your head hovers this brilliant shining orb like a small star that moves with you and is a part of you – an extension of you. Extending out from the top of this divine brilliance is a cord like an illuminated wire-way that reaches up and connects to the center of infinity – directly to the Universal Father on Paradise – the home of deity. This is the circuit of the Father and you are directly connected in the eternal moment – the forever now. This connection is always present and remains with you throughout your life. ”

This is an actual technique in some schools like qi gong, or mo pai. Even Montak chia has specific exercises that develop this.


But even he says without the proper foundation, exercises like the above will not produce any results because you are basically short circuiting your body by not having the proper foundation set up, to be able to even handle the celestial energy from the top of the head.

Do you guys have any input on this?

Re: Energy body development

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:51 pm
by Seeker13
Hi atsguy,
Well,... I think the truth and the path for some, are not the truth and path for all. You can be exposed to twenty different ways of connecting to God. Each one believes their way is the correct path to achieving oneness. Obviously there's more than one way to achieve this. Personally I like to keep it simple. If my TA needed me to follow a certain step by step practice,... then I assume I would have been guided to that. However, I was guided to this site! Learned to meditate and connect with spirit with George's Akashic Construct CD. Over the years I've added and changed some things. It seems to work for me. My opinion, "What works for the individual, is the best practice for that person."

Never heard the terms Energy Body Development, or dan tiens, maybe they are something I should look into, but always considered myself a bit of a feral child on the spiritual level! :lol:


Re: Energy body development

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:41 am
by atsguy
Seeker13 wrote: Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:51 pm Hi atsguy,
Well,... I think the truth and the path for some, are not the truth and path for all. You can be exposed to twenty different ways of connecting to God. Each one believes their way is the correct path to achieving oneness. Obviously there's more than one way to achieve this. Personally I like to keep it simple. If my TA needed me to follow a certain step by step practice,... then I assume I would have been guided to that. However, I was guided to this site! Learned to meditate and connect with spirit with George's Akashic Construct CD. Over the years I've added and changed some things. It seems to work for me. My opinion, "What works for the individual, is the best practice for that person."

Never heard the terms Energy Body Development, or dan tiens, maybe they are something I should look into, but always considered myself a bit of a feral child on the spiritual level! :lol:

Here is the thing though, these are circuits, and pathways that are universal to the human body. The energy body is what it is. In the urantia book, and even in the celestial messages there is always talk about energetic circuits and how they are used by celestials. And even our own thought adjuster to facilitate communication with us.

From what I have gathered no matter the path, these will be activated. Everyone is born with a dan tien, and chakras. And they will be filled and activated during any “practice”. Wether as a residual side effect of that practice or direct work.

I saved this from a post someone made on a experienced meditation from years ago:

So I just got back from a 2 month trek thru India, visiting various holy sites, solitude, intuition, practice, and trying to get to what a friend told me was a fully enlightened Buddha who was teaching at the foothills of the Himalayas, and I found him, here's what he had to say:

(By the way, if you guys want a photo of my airlines itineraries as proof, I can very much offer to post here, however, I think we are all very much very serious practitioners who are at a high degree of maturity, respect, honor, and a certain level of trust. If you still want the proof, let me know.)

So what did he have to say?

Quite simple. He said no matter the path, it boils down to the 3 Dan Tiens. The 3 energetic gateways to Consciousness, Truth, Enlightenment

Upper Dan Tien is Pure Subjectivity, but also simultaneously Pure Consciousness. So there is both a center point or the pure light of cognition/attention, but also it is a spacious field and is what creates the Halo of Light around the head you see in pictures of Saints. Think Buddha, Christ, Various Sikh Masters, etc

Middle Dan Tien is the Source of Conscious, the Soul, the Portal for the head based Consciousness to reach its Source, like a drop of water entering the Ocean, an Ocean of Infinite Light, Infinite Bliss, the Multi-Faceted Diamond, the Inner Spark of Life, existence, Consciousness. The Zero point of Non-duality it is the centerless center. At this point as well, is the Light of Consciousness which begins to flood and change the body. Eventually one reaches the Light Body via a flooding of and living off this light of consciousness

Lower Dan Tian is the point at the very bottom of the breath, when you breath deep, it is the small crack between the end of exhalation, the begining of inhalation. This point is the Source of Vitality, the Source of Beingness, the Unborn Emptiness prior to all things including Consciousness. The void the precedes everything and anything. It is the point where Buddha reached Enlightenment, where emptiness is form, and form is emptiness.

Eventually The upper DT merges with the middle, the middle then merges with the lower, and all 3 become one.

Additionally, kundalini occurs eventually in the path, opens all channels & chakras. He spoke of the Solar Plexus Chakra which when opened, unlocks the rib cage and unlocks breathing. He spoke of an unlocking of the Lower DT where breathing becomes alive and deepens naturally and becomes extremely slow, all on its own, sometime leading to extremely long periods of no breathing at all for days.

He also something very interesting. Speaking of the hundreds of thousands of tiny meridian like channels that flow through the body, all become unblocked with stagnant life force, to be replaced by emptiness, consciousness, and light of consciousness, a process he had undergone and now had access to attainment of rainbow body, but saw in his karma he needed to teach a bit before "leaving that way." Even so, he only sees a few people a week and is very much hidden, saying that only those who are supposed to find him by sheer grace and luck are the one's he speaks with.

Other interesting things he said were that The conscious mind and subconscious mind where directly linked to the middle Dan Tian & Source of Consciousness. So those who use mantra and attention, are getting to middle DT via the channel that the subconscious arises through upon waking in the morning, and falls away to when falling asleep at night.

He also said he has the ability for him as pure consciousness to leave the body at will and see/visit heaven and hell realms of various sorts as well as who is and isn't awakened to a high degree, because you can see their light of Consciousness shining from space and affecting the reality around them like a rock thrown in a pond making waves. Surprisingly, he mentioned the Eastern Orthodox Monks of Christianity as being highly developed and many who are also fully Enlightened. So too are Sufi masters, a large number of Yogi's around the world, some Sikhs, and Masters of various Paths including some new agers who use a conglomerate of techniques to penetrate into the inner mysteries.

He said entering middle DT via mantra/attention, feeling your way into there, was the front door, whereas activating the upper DT and then surrendering so it drops down the spine into Middle DT was the back door. That surrender with minute level of will was the absolute master key key, however that to find the channel where Consciousness can return to its source at the front of the spine was something akin to entering a huge completely dark warehouse and trying to feel your way around with your hands in order to locate a single strand of a spider's web.

Only that the warehouse was the size of your head, and there are ways to turn on the lights, breathing exercises that can be done to activate the spine, and a number of other things.

So I got a transmission from him and it was like everything began to open up. The "strand" he spoke of, I can clearly feel just at the front of the spine and felt exactly how it linked from the center of subjectivity, to middle DT, to Lower DT. It was the most amazing thing ever to get this transmission. I could see this guy completely covered in light, like his whole body was a halo. And from a distance, I can see clearly his field of energy was massive, like a giant warehouse of energy around him, it looked like the mirage you see in the street on a hot summer's day.

The transmission he said he had to do lightly and just enough for you to get a hint of where everything is at because you have to do the rest of the work yourself and plus a few transmissions he did, he literally blew fuses in people and they needed weeks/months to recover. So he doesn't know yet how to greatly control his transmissions other to then give very subtle ones.

Oh, and he's very reluctant to teach. I found him through word of mouth from a friend who is in India on a year long pilgrimage, who has access to an area of the Himalayas where there are caves with Masters meditating in them, being brought food & water by an ancient order/organization of people from small villages who have been donating to those seeking Enlightenment in the caves for over a thousand years now. Some refuse to see or teach people. Others have asked to be completely shored up in the caves with rocks/bricks and not to be brought food or water anymore, only to emerge a decade or two later still alive and full Enlightened.

I only saw this one guy, but my buddy who is there for a year now, said the others he met, he's received transmission from just from being around them, like third eye permanently open, kundalini activation, heart flowering open & the complete disappearance of the I-Self reference structure.

The guy I saw, it took a good three weeks of me being there in the most crappiest conditions ever to make it work. It was sort of like a test. My rooms had no heat, thin blankets, food was scarce and sometimes there was no dinner to be had, roaches, him never showing up because the trek he had to make was completely covered in so much fog you couldnt see your hand in front of your face. My guide who was taking me to the meeting place there fell ill. The guy who replaced him got us lost twice. I finally gave up at the end of week three and booked a driver to take me back out of the deep mountains. And it was that day that the original guide came and said we can go and try one last time. And so I saw him once, and it has changed me forever.

Now Im still fairly new to dharmaoverground, mahasi noting, etc, but have awakened to various degrees of permanent realities and states via a number of other methods, grace, direct pointing, etc. So I wonder how the description of this Buddha fits Daniels models and what everyone else here thinks full Enlightenment is all about.

Re: Energy body development

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:32 pm
by Seeker13
atsguy wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:41 amHere is the thing though, these are circuits, and pathways that are universal to the human body. The energy body is what it is. In the urantia book, and even in the celestial messages there is always talk about energetic circuits and how they are used by celestials. And even our own thought adjuster to facilitate communication with us.

From what I have gathered no matter the path, these will be activated. Everyone is born with a dan tien, and chakras. And they will be filled and activated during any “practice”. Wether as a residual side effect of that practice or direct work.
I believe what you say is true. Because of my life experiences, personality, resources, etc,. I have no experiences with having learned, nor having a complete understanding of these concepts. While grappling with my own experiences and understandings, dantians, are not a part of how I personally have come to understand spiritual connection. I can see an alignment with my experiences, accepted as truth, with what you have sited concerning energy centers, the breath, meridians and the like.

My response was in regards to your original question
atsguy wrote: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:56 amDo you guys have any input on this?
I appreciate when anyone shares their understandings and research, allowing the rest of us the opportunity to consider the findings. For me it usually results in opening up the idea and possibility of something I've not been exposed to. This new understanding might not 'find fertile ground to grow in' right now, but the concept has been planted. I'll also add, having grown up in a household of geniuses(I alone not being one of them), gravitate toward and appreciate the simplicity of explanation.

Considering your posts reinforces for me, "Many paths, same destination."


Re: Energy body development

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:21 am
by atsguy
The way I look at these things is basically like this.

100 years ago exercise science was in its infancy. Today in record time we can take a overweight individual and give them the best diet, and training and produce remarkable results.

Unfortunately the same thing can not be said for energetic development. There are still schools and methods out there that have kept allot of the info secret for thousands of years. And we have not even scratched the surface. And this energetic development effects everything more so than developing the physical body.

I’m sure on the future when scientific instruments are sophisticated enough to measure all forms of energy and even subtle energy. Then we will figure out advanced and easy methods for people to develop and activate these circuits in the safest manner possible.

Re: Energy body development

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:26 pm
by Seeker13
Not having been aware of Energetic Body Development, I've also been unaware that information has been kept secret for thousands of years. Why do you think that is?

Taking a few minutes just now to check online, there were pages and pages of sites on the subject. Are you interested in a way of developing the energetic body, or being able to measure it scientifically?

On the subject of exercise science, I believe the problem of obesity isn't magically controlled and overcome because the science and technology has been developed to give individuals the best diet and training. There's so many other factors involved in both weight loss and Energetic Body Development. Mind, body, and spirit are all affected, influenced, and... I don't believe scientifically measurable.

Are you waiting for scientific technology to be created before attempting to energize the energetic field because you're worried that with the information available today it might not be the safe?"


Re: Energy body development

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:09 am
by atsguy
Seeker13 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:26 pm atsguy,
Not having been aware of Energetic Body Development, I've also been unaware that information has been kept secret for thousands of years. Why do you think that is?

Taking a few minutes just now to check online, there were pages and pages of sites on the subject. Are you interested in a way of developing the energetic body, or being able to measure it scientifically?

On the subject of exercise science, I believe the problem of obesity isn't magically controlled and overcome because the science and technology has been developed to give individuals the best diet and training. There's so many other factors involved in both weight loss and Energetic Body Development. Mind, body, and spirit are all affected, influenced, and... I don't believe scientifically measurable.

Are you waiting for scientific technology to be created before attempting to energize the energetic field because you're worried that with the information available today it might not be the safe?"

Sorry it took me so long to reply back. Lol I am about to take you down a rabbit hole.

Even in today’s day and age science is making major breakthroughs in understanding our body, and the functions it has. This knowledge will eventually go much deeper to understanding the many different subtle energy flows that govern the very cells and energetic currents of our body. Recently there was a great study that found out the human body gives out light: ... uman-body/

In the urantia book it says this, that as we near the age of light and life hopefully in a thousand years. Allot of the mysteries of the universe and energy will be solved. And human life will be extended naturally to about 300-500 years, and our vision will be extended to the point that we will be able to see our midwayer cousins like we were supposed to:

“ 55:4.8 (627.6) Acting as interpreters for the seraphic guardians and the finaliters are the exalted and liberated midway creatures. One of the last acts of the Trinity Teacher Sons on their terminal mission is to liberate the midwayers of the realm and to promote (or restore) them to advanced planetary status, assigning them to responsible places in the new administration of the settled sphere. Such changes have already been made in the range of human vision as enable mortals to recognize these heretofore invisible cousins of the early Adamic regime. This is made possible by the final discoveries of physical science in liaison with the enlarged planetary functions of the Master Physical Controllers.”

So basically a combination of our scientific knowledge, combined with spiritual circuitry attainment would give us the range to see our midwayer cousins. Already there are people on the planet like George, that naturally are able to see them wether by the fact that they have a natural energetic attunemtn, or more adamic blood or whatever. They are able, and even if they lose the ability they can develop themselves through meditation to be able to see and converse with them again. As is the basis of this entire forum.

As far as me waiting for the knowledge of this energetic attunemnt process. I am not, ira just kind of difficult to find the right information these days. And there is allot out there that is not wise to do. For example there are allot of people that meditate to open their third eye, without first being properly grounded and connected to the earth. This causes and imbalance and could result in mental issues and going mad.

It’s just like training, there are methods and skills to learn. Some are more effective than others.

Re: Energy body development

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:59 pm
by atsguy
To give you an idea of what can go wrong if there is a balanced progression in the development of the energetic circuitry you can read this post by George from years ago:

Even now there are currently individuals that have gone “ crazy”, some even a part of the teaching mission but not directly related to the 1111progress group.

This is a great example of a individual that was give a mind endowment. And can just read from the post, and this forum: ... the-earth/

That’s why progress down this road is a slippery slope. And may be why the midwayers and other celestials don’t share advanced methods of attainment, because well. We can barely handle it

Re: Energy body development

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:35 pm
by Seeker13
I'm sorry it's taking me so long to reply to this thread. Have been so busy, haven't been able to give the material my undivided attention. Will give it ago when I can, hopefully in the next week or so.
