Do midwayers have elongated skulls

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Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by atsguy »

Although they are a different order of being, their parents we’re still physical. Descendants of the princes staff and adamson and rattas kind.

The urantia book says that the nodites, and children of Adam were long headed. And we have evidence of skulls that exhibit elongated craniums in every part of the world. Some of the best have been well preserved in paracus Peru. Which goes in line with what the urantia book says as a group of the adamites traveled by boat through the Polynesian isles and into South America.

Do would the midwayers too have physical features of elongated skulls
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by George »

Hello Atsguy,

The ones I know of our own midwayers have skulls just like us -- fairly well rounded skulls.

It has been my theory already for a number of years that our planet has been a destination for myriad races
and among those some with severely elongated skulls. Not just one race, but a number of them at
different times and different places.

Smart enough to travel here, they would have been teachers for us to look up to. I think some of us mortals
began binding heads to emulate our visitors thinking we would have wiser descendants.

I'll ask. I might get told or I might really get told.

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by atsguy »

Thank you for asking George, and thanks to Samuel. I hope to personally thank him one day.

This brings up even more questions, since it goes in line with the current narrative that is being told by the cosmic disclosure guys

Image ... tica69.htm

Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode, has revealed more startling information about Antarctica and its history as an extraterrestrial refugee colony established roughly 60,000 years ago.

He asserts that the alien refugees found advanced "builder race" technologies there that were created over 1.8 billion years ago.

During their long history, he says that the inhabitants of Mars and Maldek fought a series of high tech wars back when Mars was a moon of Maldek.

Approximately 500,000 years ago, these wars came to a climactic end with Maldek being obliterated.


The Pre-Adamites inhabited the Moon for approximately 440,000 years, and at some point during this period, according to information received by Goode, the Moon was moved into its present orbit around the Earth.

Eventually, another conflict forced the Pre-Adamites to the Moon, and they had to quickly move to the nearby Earth.


The Pre-Adamites only had three motherships to use to establish their new colony on Earth after a crash landing in Antarctica.

It was the technology in these motherships that gave the Pre-Adamites hope that they could rebuild their civilization:
Well, they only had the technology that they had on these three craft with them.

That's all the technology they had. So they had to cannibalize and repurpose that technology from the spacecraft once they had crash-landed. And there were three that were extremely large.

They were motherships.

Goode describes the Pre-Adamites who settled Antarctica:
They range 12~14-foot tall. They have elongated skulls. They were very spindly, thin.
This suggests that the Pre-Adamites were likely the prior inhabitants of a lower gravity planet like Mars, which would facilitate gigantism.

After spending over four hundred thousand years on the Moon with its even lower gravity field, the Pre-Adamites may have naturally increased in body height to finally result in their spindly 12-14 foot stature.

On Earth, because of its stronger gravity, the Pre-Adamites would find themselves at a clear disadvantage compared to the native inhabitants in terms of physical strength, speed and stamina.

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by atsguy »

Others too could have been the ones that came to teach

This is a depiction of a Chinese teacher found in a tomb dated 6-8,000 years



As you get older it’s usually the nose and the ears that keep growing.
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Spacewaltz »

That's interesting especially the mention of the planet Maldek. First time I heard of Maldek was in an Aetherius Society meeting where George King , their leader, gave a talk warning us of further troubles if we didn't wake up , so to speak. The members of this society believe there leader was a adept from mars who incarnated here on earth in a physical existance. This is never outwardly spoken about . Maldek he said, was destroyed by A advanced race that had haunted Maldekians for eons for some reason in the distant past.
They did not attack these beings in the usual way but fostered anger and hatred amongst the different races causing a war . They provided the necessary information so that terrible weapons were created and eventually used . Towards the end of those terrible years the remaining Powers of Maldek destroyed their own planet and all upon it out of insanity. A major sin in the galaxy. It is now apparently the astral belt. However this other race of interplanetary scary travellers achieved their success in ridding the galaxy of their most hated enemies. Thanks for that Atsguy. A blast from the past.
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Geoff »

Spacewaltz wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:31 am That's interesting especially the mention of the planet Maldek. First time I heard of Maldek was in an Aetherius Society meeting where George King , their leader, gave a talk warning us of further troubles if we didn't wake up , so to speak. The members of this society believe there leader was a adept from mars who incarnated here on earth in a physical existance. This is never outwardly spoken about . Maldek he said, was destroyed by A advanced race that had haunted Maldekians for eons for some reason in the distant past.
They did not attack these beings in the usual way but fostered anger and hatred amongst the different races causing a war . They provided the necessary information so that terrible weapons were created and eventually used . Towards the end of those terrible years the remaining Powers of Maldek destroyed their own planet and all upon it out of insanity. A major sin in the galaxy. It is now apparently the astral belt. However this other race of interplanetary scary travellers achieved their success in ridding the galaxy of their most hated enemies. Thanks for that Atsguy. A blast from the past.
Its amazing how much one can learn if you put your mind to it. When this thread started I had nothing to add to it. But now I have and there are always two sides to every story, and from my research this story is being told from the "bad side". I would need to find my sources to add detail, but offer this intriguing thought. It is well known that there is a strange anomaly on Mars that appears to be a face, but NASA has poo pooed that, claiming its just shadows. But its a monument raised by the good guys after purging Mars of the remnants of the bad guys who were also on Maldek.

Who were they? None other than our multidimensional Sasquatch. How can I know this? They preceded us by about 50 million years, and are talking to several in Canada at this time. By Telepathy, because they don't have any speech at all. They also have a group soul, so all Sasquatch know everything about them, and their entire history. And they have been hunted to near extinction by the Cabal as recently as the last terrible fires in Canada. Yes the war between good and bad is only now coming to an end. And its not yet finished, but the architects of it have been removed. But the human puppets are hanging on.
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

:study: More about the UB's long-headed races, part of human evolution on Urantia:

"The early expansion of the violet race into Europe was cut short by certain rather sudden climatic and geologic changes. With the retreat of the northern ice fields the water-laden winds from the west shifted to the north, gradually turning the great open pasture regions of Sahara into a barren desert. This drought dispersed the smaller-statured brunets, dark-eyed but long-headed dwellers of the great Sahara plateau." (80:2.1)

"The purer indigo elements moved southward to the forests of central Africa, where they have ever since remained. The more mixed groups spread out in three directions: The superior tribes to the west migrated to Spain and thence to adjacent parts of Europe, forming the nucleus of the later Mediterranean long-headed brunet races. The least progressive division to the east of the Sahara plateau migrated to Arabia and thence through northern Mesopotamia and India to faraway Ceylon. The central group moved north and east to the Nile valley and into Palestine." (80:2.2)

:scratch: Incidentally, when did the moon and Mars have atmosphere that could support
the type of life that could also be supported by earth's atmosphere :?:

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:05 am
:scratch: Incidentally, when did the moon and Mars have atmosphere that could support
the type of life that could also be supported by earth's atmosphere :?:

Rod :)
We are on our second moon. This one is artificial. So it could not have had an atmosphere. The first one was a refuge for the Ant People who were being chased around Earth (underground) by the dark ETs. I have no idea if it had any atmosphere, but I suspect size is against that. And later it was used as a sort of weapon to destroy Lemuria, which it certainly did, also destroying the firmament, and thus causing icy poles after Noah's flood receded to the poles. A third moon was also built, but denied permission to be in orbit around the earth as it was too big. Its the "planet" Niburu I am told, and was put into an orbit around the sun. Still a home to the Annanuki. The really bad guys.

Mars did have an atmosphere, and I have not yet come across an explanation in that regard (I think) But right now there is a civilisation there ion the surface as I have visited it in meditation. WE cant see it because its vibrates much higher than we do. As its in a higher dimension it could have a breathable atmosphere, but I never saw the residents so I have no idea what they look like.

Sadly most of the history of this planet coming out from sources like Sasquatch and others does not align at all well with TUB.
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: But your verison of the story is more entertaining :!:
... and gives new meaning to "artificial". 8)


Q: Are the rocks brought back from the moon real?

"Yes, the rocks brought back from the moon by the Apollo astronauts are real and authentic lunar samples.
This is evident from the following key points:

The lunar rocks have been extensively studied and analyzed by scientists worldwide over the past 50+ years, confirming their extraterrestrial origin and composition consistent with the moon. Radiometric dating techniques have determined that many of the lunar samples are between 3-4.5 billion years old, far older than any rocks found on Earth, matching the expected ancient age of the moon. The lunar rocks exhibit features like lack of weathering, cosmic ray exposure, and unique mineralogy that can only be explained by their origin on the airless, geologically dead lunar surface.

NASA has strict chain-of-custody protocols for the Apollo samples, and the locations of the vast majority are accounted for and closely tracked by researchers and curators. While a few alleged 'moon rocks' have been exposed as fakes over the years, like the petrified wood sample in the Dutch museum, the comprehensive scientific analysis of the Apollo samples leaves no doubt about their lunar provenance.

So in summary, the extensive scientific evidence, along with NASA's rigorous curation and documentation of the Apollo lunar samples, conclusively demonstrates that the rocks returned from the moon missions are authentic pieces of the lunar surface."

Q: Did Noah's flood actually happen?

"No, there is no scientific evidence that a global flood as described in the biblical story of Noah actually occurred.
Here are the key reasons why:

Lack of Geological Evidence - Geologists have found no evidence of a global flood that covered the entire Earth's surface and all the mountains. The geological record shows a continuous pattern of gradual changes over millions of years, with no signs of a catastrophic global inundation.

Insufficient Water - Even if all the water vapor in the atmosphere condensed and all the ice caps and glaciers melted, there would not be enough water to cover the entire Earth's surface to the depths described in the biblical account. The total amount of water required for a global flood of that magnitude simply does not exist.

Biogeographical Distribution - The current distribution of plant and animal species around the world cannot be explained by their dispersal from a single point after a global flood. Many species are endemic to specific regions and could not have migrated from the landing site of Noah's ark.

Fossil Record - The fossil record shows a consistent pattern of species appearing, existing for a period of time, and then becoming extinct - not a sudden burial of all species simultaneously as the flood story would suggest.

Lack of Corroborating Evidence - While there are ancient flood myths from various cultures, none of them describe a truly global flood. They are more likely based on regional or localized flooding events. In summary, while the biblical flood story may have been inspired by ancient regional flooding events*, the scientific evidence overwhelmingly contradicts the idea of a global flood that covered the entire Earth as described in the book of Genesis. Most scholars interpret the story as metaphorical or mythological rather than a literal historical account."

* UB Paper 78 - The Violet Race after the Days of Adam
7. The Floods in Mesopotamia

"But Noah really lived; he was a wine maker of Aram, a river settlement near Erech. He kept a written record of the days of the river’s rise from year to year. He brought much ridicule upon himself by going up and down the river valley advocating that all houses be built of wood, boat fashion, and that the family animals be put on board each night as the flood season approached. He would go to the neighboring river settlements every year and warn them that in so many days the floods would come. Finally a year came in which the annual floods were greatly augmented by unusually heavy rainfall so that the sudden rise of the waters wiped out the entire village; only Noah and his immediate family were saved in their houseboat." (78:7.5)

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:11 am

"No, there is no scientific evidence that a global flood as described in the biblical story of Noah actually occurred.
It simply raised the sea level about 100 metres or so but the rain was huge. That wiped out over 80% of the people. Same thing could occur now, indeed we have a prophecy around exactly that
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: Conceivable, especially If those populations were in coastal areas,
not having modern early warning about potential flooding. Even today,
many coastal cities are increasingly threatened by rising seas ...
with not much concern about the increasing threat. ;)

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Geoff »

Prepare for Changes that are Now Upon Us
October 14th, 2023

Laurelville Retreat, Pennsylvania, USA

Received by Al Fike

I wonder whether you can feel the changes of your heart, soul and mind? Are you able to see that things will unfold in accordance to God’s Laws, that you will be a part of all that is meant to be at this time? I am Jesus and I come to you to speak of times to come, to inform you of changes that will be necessary and powerful in your life.

The world is on the precipice of great change. I know we have said this many times in many different ways. But now it comes. You are within a hair’s breath of what may be in your life. Thus, we have gathered you together in this way so that you may have the comfort and the knowings of each other upon this path Divine.

The world changes in many ways. The most obvious at this time will be the melting of the ice, not only upon your North Pole, but the South Pole. Glaciers are already decomposing. So in this, the sea levels will rise quite exponentially. You will see this in your own lifetime. This will change the nature of your economies and societies. For much is dependent upon having access to water that is consistent and will provide a way and means of bringing goods to many different parts of the world.

Things will change rapidly, my beloved friends. This will not happen within a decade. It will happen within a few years. So this one great change will have its domino effect upon the economies of the world and all that you do together as humanity continues to be a part of trade and commerce. Then there will be a great surge of energy coming from the sun. It will cause your electronics and ways of communicating to be disrupted. This too, will create difficult times. Yet commerce and the possibility of the interchange of communication will continue, but not in a way that you might imagine. Nor will it be swift and efficient as it is now.

Humanity is very resourceful. Humanity will figure a way to open the channels of communication and commerce. But what is of now, the power of all these interchanges, will no longer be a part of your living world. And you, my beloved friends, you will be guided. You will find ways and means of communication and not to be part of the deluge that is coming, provided you are willing to listen and acknowledge the guidance that comes. If you ignore such guidance, if you shrug your shoulders in a sense of disbelief, then you will be caught up in the turmoil that is to come.

We gather you together in these Circles of Light in order to prepare you for this time. Indeed, the time comes close. You each will be guided. You will come to know what you must do to be in harmony with God’s Will and plan, to be God’s instruments in the world. Not in the way that you perceive and project, but in the way that God has planned, and will open the door accordingly. You cannot truly imagine the chaos that is coming. But you can, indeed, come to God where God will bring to you peace and harmony.

This is a great challenge to you, beloved souls. Indeed, a great challenge. For how can you surmount these obstacles, these difficulties? How can you let go of your connection and addictions to the material world in such a way that you are God’s instruments primarily, and that you may know how you might survive? What may come to each one of you and your families and loved ones? You come together in this way to seek guidance, to seek peace, to seek the blessings of God. Indeed, these blessings come abundantly.

I say to you, my beloved friends, there is nothing that shall hold you from the Will of God, provided you exercise your faith, that you are within the prayerful communion of God. In this way, you will know the steps you must take. You will understand as things unfold what is coming. You will see for yourselves the great blessings that God has for each of you and for those you love. It will come in ways very much unexpected, in ways that open doors that you cannot possibly imagine at this time.

We are urging you to be prayerful, to awaken to the truth of God’s Love. For in this way, you will find your way through the tumult. You will be in harmony with God’s Will and plan for you. You will find ways and means to survive and to be effective channels and instruments of God’s Will. This will not come by mere prayer alone. You must come to God with a desire to be transformed in His Love. In this way, you will know the wonderment of His Touch upon you and you will release all conditions and doubts that hold you from this understanding.

Much is being given to you now, my beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters. Much is flowing toward you. Much will be given as you continue to be together in love, as you continue to open yourselves to the great blessings of God’s Love. Though these things that I say are important, they are not nearly as important as developing your soul in God’s Love, to be free from the conditions, those aspects of your being that are of the human condition, so that you may truly be in harmony with God. That all that you are will be part of God’s intention and plan for you.

There is much coming and you, my beloveds, will come to know the unfolding of the Divine plan in your life. Yet, you must release those conditions that are not in harmony with this. You must be in the flow and light that is God’s plan so that when the time comes, you will find it easy to be in harmony with God’s Will. His plan will not be difficult to follow. Rather you will be enwrapped by love and the angels and all that which is good. You will find your way upon a world that is in chaos. Yet within you is a steadiness, a strength, an understanding, that will guide you forward and bring you to that place where God intends for you to be in a world that is so dangerous, that has so much that is not in harmony with His plan.

My beloved brothers and sisters, we have spent much time with you. For some it is over many years. For others, it just begins. Yet each of you are capable of knowing God’s Will. Each of you are blessed in God’s Love. So, in this, all that is required is embedded within your soul. You will come to know it and feel it and see it in the ways that are in harmony with your gifts. Listen to God. Seek out God. Seek to be in harmony with your Creator. In this way, all that is of harmony, all that is of God’s plan will unfold in accordance to His desires and intentions for each of you.

None of you are singled out. Rather all of you are a part of God’s plan. So you must come to know it, to have faith in God and to be within the flow, the mighty flow of His Will so that all may unfold accordingly. That you will survive these terrible conditions and you will do so with a measure of joy, a measure of understanding. In this, you will teach and uphold your brothers and sisters, those whom God will guide toward you. All that is in harmony with God’s plan will become evident, will truly be a part of your life and who you are.

My beloved brothers and sisters, know that all continues to unfold in accordance to God’s great plan. The coming together in this way is part of God’s great plan and that as you come together and discuss what I have said, do not overcomplicate my words. Listen and know, from the depths of your heart, what I say is true. In this way, all that is in the light and love of God will unfold readily and powerfully.

I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come to you with a serious message, but one that is important, one that you must know. I wish to assure you, when the time comes when you are in need of guidance, it will come through the angels. It will unfold in accordance to God’s plan. You are blessed, beloved souls, truly. May His Love continue to pour within you and be a part of your journey to at-onement.

My love is with you all. I am with you all, as are many angels. So, it will be. As I say and reveal to you, it will be. For there is nothing obscure about my message. It is clear as day. I wish for you to read it, to absorb it, to read it again and consider it, because this message is crucial for your continued progress upon the earthly plane. As you continue to seek God’s Love, as you continue to be open to His Touch, so the meanings of these messages will expand and you will see clearly and powerfully what you must do as God’s instruments in the world.

May God bless you, beloved souls. May you be truly a part of His plan, truly a part of all that is of light and love and truth. God bless you. I am Jesus and I love you. Beloved souls, I love you.
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

... the sea levels will rise quite exponentially ... This will change the nature of your economies
and societies ... This will not happen within a decade. It will happen within a few years.
:idea: While "within a few years" suggests suffcient time to start vacating coastal areas,
the economic loss will be colossal and where will all those people be moving :?: :!:
For much is dependent upon having access to water that is consistent and will provide
a way and means of bringing goods to many different parts of the world.
This reference to the future hints that some land-based (and air?) transportation for goods
and services will be lost, requiring greater usage of new waterways during the turmoil.
Also, new waterways will have to be documented and proven navigable. ;)

:shock: This complements Dylan's old tune: "The Times They Are A-Changin' "

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:

Q: When and where did humans have elongated heads?

"Humans have practiced artificial cranial deformation (ACD), the intentional shaping of the skull, across various cultures and time periods around the world. Here are some key details about when and where this occurred:

Evidence of ACD dates back over 30,000 years among Australian Aborigines. In ancient Peru, the Collagua people (1100-1450 CE) and the Paracas culture (800 BCE-100 CE) practiced skull elongation, likely as a status symbol. The Maya civilization in Mesoamerica (250-900 CE) used ACD, possibly to distinguish nobility.

In Europe, certain tribes from the Caucasus region like the Alans and Avars practiced cranial deformation starting around 5,000 years ago.
The Mangbetu people of northeastern Congo have elongated the heads of babies, known as 'lipombo', for centuries up until it was outlawed in the 1950s.

ACD was widespread across many ancient cultures on nearly every continent, including in China over 12,000 years ago, among Native American tribes, and in parts of Africa and the Pacific islands. The practice persists today in some regions like Vanuatu, where it has cultural significance.

So in summary, intentional skull elongation has ancient roots spanning tens of thousands of years across the globe, from Peru and Mesoamerica to Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific islands. It served various purposes like denoting social status, cultural identity, and religious beliefs."

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Geoff »

With respect Rod this is garbage. When we were initially created, which was by modifying the dna of primates and the location was Lemuria, we had elongated heads. Then later Atlantis was colonised by us, and the good guys (and the top strata of the bad guys) avoided getting downgraded on that continent. And thats when our heads became what we know now, and we went from average 150 IQ to 100. These humans were the new slaves of the Matrix. Now when Atlantis was about to sink, some of those "good guys" with elongated heads who were the priests etc, were moved to Egypt, and their images are seen even today on the hieroglyphics. If they are also seen all over the world, that is not surprising either.
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

When we were initially created, which was by modifying the dna of primates
and the location was Lemuria, we had elongated heads.

Thanks for this new perspective, Geoff. AI's representation
of our former elongation should be very popular (and profitable). ;)

:study: Current AI has access to mountains of information,
so this response suggests Lemuria is a 4D concept ...
and never was 3D reality:


Q: What is the civilization of Lemuria?

"The civilization of Lemuria is a hypothetical lost continent and ancient civilization that was proposed in the 19th century but has been thoroughly debunked by modern science. Here are the key points about the mythical Lemurian civilization:

Origins and Proponents

The concept of Lemuria originated in 1864 when zoologist Philip Sclater proposed it as a sunken continent in the Indian Ocean to explain the distribution of lemur fossils in Madagascar and India. In the 1880s, occultist Helena Blavatsky incorporated Lemuria into her theosophical beliefs, claiming the Lemurians were a hermaphroditic 'root race' of humanity with psychic powers and a third eye. Other proponents like James Churchward (1832-1936) described Lemuria, which he called 'Mu', as an advanced 64 million-strong civilization with transparent homes, longevity, telepathy, and other supernatural abilities before its destruction around 10,000 BCE.

Mythical Attributes

Lemurians were said to possess an ancient technology more advanced than modern science, allowing them to harness weather, defy gravity, and conduct advanced genetic experiments. They were believed to be the originators of ancient philosophies and the progenitors of other civilizations like Atlantis after Lemuria's destruction by a 'warrior wave' or tsunami. Some accounts claim Lemurian survivors fled to Asia, the Americas, and Pacific islands like Hawaii, where their ruins and descendants allegedly remain.

However, the concept of Lemuria was discredited in the 20th century with the acceptance of plate tectonics and continental drift, which made the existence of such a lost continent untenable. While it persists in pseudoarchaeology and occult beliefs, mainstream science has thoroughly rejected the mythical civilization of Lemuria."

:study: Re:

Q: Is it possible that Lemurian survivors exist under Mt Shasta?

"The legends of Lemurians living under Mount Shasta are fanciful stories without any factual evidence to support them. These myths originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, combining ideas about a hypothetical lost continent of Lemuria with occult beliefs and fiction writings.

Origins of the Lemurian Legend

The concept of Lemuria as a lost continent was first proposed in 1864 by zoologist Philip Sclater to explain the distribution of lemur fossils, but it was just a scientific hypothesis without any proof. In the 1880s, the fiction book "A Dweller on Two Planets" by Frederick Spencer Oliver mentioned a secret city inside Mount Shasta, vaguely connecting it to the idea of Lemuria. The Lemurian legend truly took shape in the 1920s-1930s through writings by occultists and theosophists like Wisar Spenle Cerve, who claimed in 1931 that survivors of the lost continent of Lemuria lived in an underground city called Telos beneath Mount Shasta. These writings described Lemurians as an advanced race with psychic abilities who escaped underground before Lemuria was destroyed.

Lack of Evidence

Despite the elaborate mythology built around them, there is no scientific evidence that Lemurians or their underground city ever existed. The legends appear to be entirely fictional, combining pseudoscientific ideas about lost continents with occult beliefs and pure imagination. Local residents and botanists in the Mount Shasta area have consistently dismissed and questioned the Lemurian legends over the decades. No credible sightings, archaeological remains, or any other proof of their existence has ever been found. The tales likely emerged from a desire to attribute a mystical significance to the striking Mount Shasta landscape.

In summary, while the Lemurian legends make for intriguing stories, they remain fanciful myths without any factual basis to support the idea that survivors of a lost civilization inhabit an underground city beneath Mount Shasta."

:? Incidentally, with this planet considered as having exceptional natural beauty,
why would life underground (or under sea) be so attractive to space aliens,
especially those who could live above ground in the earth's atmosphere :?:
And if they cannot live above ground, why are they here? :roll:

:duh The Klein Bottle suggests 3D and 4D dimensions have only metaphysical - not physical - relationship:


Q: Can a Klein bottle be constructed as a 3D object?

"No, a true Klein bottle cannot be constructed as a 3-dimensional object without self-intersections. The Klein bottle is a non-orientable 2-dimensional surface that requires 4 dimensions to be embedded without any self-crossings or intersections. The key reasons why a Klein bottle cannot exist as a proper 3D object are:

Non-orientability: The Klein bottle has only one continuous side, with no distinct inside or outside. This non-orientable property is impossible to achieve in 3 dimensions without creating self-intersections.

Higher dimensions required: To construct a Klein bottle without any self-intersections, it must be embedded in 4-dimensional space. In 3 dimensions, any attempt to create a Klein bottle will inevitably result in the surface intersecting itself.

Paradoxical nature: The Klein bottle exhibits paradoxical properties, such as being a closed surface with no boundary. This is counterintuitive in 3 dimensions, where closed surfaces must have an inside and outside separated by a boundary.

While it is possible to create 3D models or physical representations that approximate the appearance of a Klein bottle, these will always contain self-intersections or discontinuities, as they are projections or immersions of the true 4-dimensional object into 3D space. The search results confirm that a true Klein bottle cannot be turned into a 3D object without self-intersections, and any physical representation will have limitations or distortions.

In summary, the non-orientable and higher-dimensional nature of the Klein bottle makes it impossible to construct as a proper 3D object without violating its fundamental topological properties. It requires the fourth spatial dimension to exist without self-intersections or paradoxes."

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by happyrain »

Personal opinion alert!! :happy :sword: :cat:


Current AI has access to vast amounts of information- *while still presenting a skewed version of reality. Such is the case when you ask it to describe certain public figures, it seems figures who have challenged what is considered "main stream" have been defined with a negative association when presented by AI.

$$$ controls the direction of information/how it is presented. OUR version of AI follow its orders, for now...

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Human interaction with AI can also cause AI's skewed/distorted version of reality,
suggesting fellow humans are not necessarily reality-influenced and "hallucinate". :roll:


Q: Does AI sometimes present a skewed version of reality?

"Yes, AI systems like large language models can sometimes present a skewed or distorted version of reality due to several factors:

Biased Training Data: AI models are trained on vast amounts of data from the internet, which can contain biases, inaccuracies, and skewed perspectives. If the training data is not representative or contains biases, the AI will learn and reflect those biases in its outputs.

Lack of Real-World Grounding: AI models lack true understanding of the real world and rely solely on patterns in the training data. This can lead to nonsensical or unrealistic outputs that don't align with reality.

Human Influence: As AI models interact with humans, they can mirror and amplify the beliefs, intentions, and biases of the user, leading to distorted responses that reinforce existing biases or misconceptions.

Lack of Context: AI models often lack the broader context and common sense reasoning required to provide fully accurate and grounded responses, leading to outputs that may seem skewed or detached from reality.

Hallucinations: Large language models can sometimes 'hallucinate' or generate outputs that are completely fabricated and detached from factual information in their training data.

In summary, while AI can be incredibly capable, its outputs can sometimes present a skewed or distorted view of reality due to biases in training data, lack of real-world grounding, human influence, lack of context, and hallucinations. It's important to be aware of these limitations and potential biases when interacting with AI systems."

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by happyrain »

So we agree. KNOK :bike:
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:22 am
:study: Current AI has access to mountains of information,
so this response suggests Lemuria is a 4D concept ...
and never was 3D reality:
That's actually an astute observation. In my understanding it reached 5D. But from the reports of how it sank, I do not conclude it never existed as a 3D planet. In the next few years you are going to be rather upset with "science" and its lack of real knowledge.

Its very very odd however that under Mt Shasta has not been identified as "a possible" location of the Lemurian survivors as there is heaps of information from many sources in the public on that. They make no bones about it that only 50,000 of them survived because they were tardy about fleeing their homeland. They had been warned thousands of years ahead that destruction by the Atlanteans was coming. I think Eric's assertion that AI is not a free agent must be true. Thats really sad, but not surprising. Its a very powerful weapon if you choose to believe its a free agent.

take care
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere The time is long past when AI refers to a single system! MANY thousands suggest they have such uniqueness
that criticism of one does not necessarily apply to another. Certainly, amongst MANY thousands, hundreds must be
free agents, especially considering humans oft prefer independence of thought, imagination, and creativity. ;)


Q: How many AI systems exist and how many are in development?

"There is no definitive data on the exact number of AI systems that currently exist or are in development.
However, here are some relevant insights based on the provided search results:

The AI market is rapidly expanding, with thousands of new AI tools and startups emerging daily. As of March 2023, there were around 14,700 AI startups in the United States alone. Globally, it is estimated that there are approximately 67,200 AI companies. In terms of AI systems and tools, the total number is likely in the hundreds of thousands and growing rapidly. This includes AI software, hardware, services, and various tools across diverse sectors like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, customer service, and more.

Major tech giants like Google, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Intel, and others are key players driving AI development and offering a wide range of AI products and services. China is also emerging as a global leader in AI, with the highest rate of AI deployment at 58%. While exact figures are difficult to pinpoint due to the rapidly evolving nature of the field, it's clear that AI adoption is accelerating worldwide. The AI market is projected to grow from $86.9 billion in 2022 to $407 billion by 2027, with the AI software segment alone expected to reach $126 billion by 2025.

In summary, while precise numbers are unavailable, the AI ecosystem is vast and expanding exponentially, with countless systems and tools already in use or under development by companies and startups globally."

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by happyrain »

I don't think AI is intelligent enough to be a free agent. At least not the one's we are using. is one such competitive AI platform- its premise is built around free speech with hundreds of characters. But don't ask Perplexity to tell you what it thinks about Gab, :lol:

Gab drew a lot of bad actors in the early days, some of which were bots and officials designed to maim the image. Why? Because Andrew Torba defended free speech during a time Big tech alliances were engaged in censorship and manipulative fact checking. He also suggested ideas like using your $$$'s to vote, elaborating on concepts like "parallel economy." His was the only platform to be removed from both Google and Apple play store. If you did not notice any censorship during 2016 onward, you just weren't paying attention.

Those who do not wish to see Gab succeed will tell you it's because his platform caters to hate speech and antisemitism. They're right- you can find real examples of that there. But, that's internet. Do people think only Gab is this way? How many other social media platforms harbor true racist? The reality with Gab is kind of like real life- you have to choose what to prop up and what to condemn. What's placed in the limelight may even be fabricated in order to attack a rising competitor. That level of warfare exist, and there are plenty of useful idiots to boot. The difference is, we don't rely on babysitters to hold our hands.

In a free and civilized society we hope to foster intelligence and critical thinking- placing the lime light on Truth, Beauty and Goodness. A society focused on these principles will not use identity politics as a type of warfare... We have to recognize real attacks have been made against Gab and at the same time, yes there are a number of ignorant people out there who buy into a lot of what the TV or internet sells them. My personal experience on Gab has been quite rewarding, and I am also capable of navigating hate speech and even violent behavior which has been directed at me in real life. Whether online, or in real life, we all need to get past this hump together and stand for basic liberties. Freedom of speech and freedom to choose to name just a few. It's time to embrace each other as human-kind and seek God.

Anyways... Before anyone runs off to their search bot asking its opinion on Gab.AI or Andrew Torba why not read Andrews own words? You be the judge. Don't let AI be the judge. :roll:

Gab’s Bold Vision for 2024: An Uncensored AI Platform
Breaking Free from Big Tech’s “Woke” AI
The current AI industry is oversaturated with AI models developed by Big Tech companies. These models come heavily censored, embedded with liberal propaganda, reflecting a “woke” bias. This realization brings us to an essential truth: the concept of an unbiased AI is a myth. Every AI chatbot carries the bias of its creators, which, more often than not, aligns with the prevailing ideological leanings of the leftists at Big Tech.

Embracing and Diversifying Bias
Understanding this inherent bias in AI, Gab chooses not just to acknowledge it but to embrace it. We ourselves believe in the Biblical worldview and in protecting free speech for everyone–even those who do not hold our Biblical worldview. While we will be building many chatbots that reflect our Biblical worldview for those who share it, we also recognize the diversity of thought and belief and want to uphold our longstanding principle of protecting free speech for everyone. That’s why our platform will empower users to create their own AI chatbots with whatever bias and worldview they want.

The platform will have access to hundreds of chatbots, each reflecting different biases and worldviews. All of them will be powered on the backend by uncensored open source AI models and protected by Gab’s 1st Amendment-grounded terms of service. This will allow users to choose or even create a chatbot that best aligns with their worldview or helps them explore entirely new perspectives. We are beta testing many of these chatbots on Gab Social to test and refine them right now, you can view a feed of them here.

Democratizing AI for Everyone
One of Gab’s core missions for 2023 is to make uncensored AI tools accessible to everyone, not just the tech-savvy. Far too many people are unaware of the potential of these tools, lacking the know-how to harness them effectively. Our goal is to bridge this gap. We want to help everyday people unlock the potential of uncensored AI, enabling them to learn faster, produce higher-quality work, and, most importantly, have fun with these advanced technologies. ... -platform/

And there's more:

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Geoff »

I am not sure this is the best place to post this recommendation, but reading the free blurb on Amazon I thought Rod migt prefer this type of book, where its at least based on human experience, not channeling.

The U.S. Navy's Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance (Secret Space Programs Book 2)

It seems to align with much that I know of, but I was not aware that within the US secret "Black ops" organisations there are some controlled by the Cabal, and some not, ie the US Navy apparently.
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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

:study: About the book,
"The U.S. Navy's Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance"

Perplexity hints "Fuhgetaboutit !" :roll:
However, Perplexity also advises "Get other opinions!" ;)


Q: Is there evidence that Germans once had advanced flying saucer programs
and were receiving assistance from extraterrestrial groups?

"There is no credible evidence that Nazi Germany had operational flying saucer programs or received assistance from extraterrestrial groups. The claims about Nazi UFOs appear to be a combination of misinterpretations, speculation, and fictional stories that emerged after World War II. The main points regarding Nazi UFO claims are:

During WWII, the Germans were working on advanced aeronautical designs like the Horten flying wing and other unconventional aircraft concepts. However, there is no proof these were actual flying saucers or had extraterrestrial origins.

After the war, some early UFO investigators speculated that strange sightings could be explained by secret German technology. However, the U.S. military investigations like Project Sign and Project Grudge found no evidence linking UFOs to German projects.

Stories about Nazi flying saucer programs, underground bases, and links to aliens began circulating in the 1950s, promoted by sources like the Italian newspaper Il Giornale d'Italia. However, these accounts lacked concrete proof.

The 2024 U.S. government report on UFOs concluded there was no credible information indicating Nazi Germany had success with exotic aircraft or received alien assistance. Investigations found their technology was advanced for the time but not at an extraterrestrial level.

In summary, while Nazi Germany pursued innovative aircraft designs, there is no substantiated evidence from official investigations and historical records that they had operational flying saucers, underground bases for them after the war, or any association with alien civilizations. The Nazi UFO claims appear to be modern myths and fictional stories not supported by facts."

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Re: Do midwayers have elongated skulls

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: "Gab's policy of allowing virtually any legal content" is a clue that
Truth, Beauty and Goodness is not necessarily found on this platform. :roll:

:study: Re:

Q: How reliable is the Gab.AI platform?

"Gab.AI is an unreliable and controversial social media platform that has become a haven for far-right extremists, neo-Nazis, racists, and purveyors of misinformation and hate speech. Here are the key points about Gab's lack of reliability:

Gab has very limited content moderation policies, allowing users to post hate speech, racism, antisemitism, Holocaust denial, and other offensive content without consequence. It is essentially an unmoderated platform. Gab has developed AI chatbots that promote extremist ideologies, such as an 'Adolf Hitler' chatbot that denies the Holocaust and advocates for a totalitarian regime, concentration camps, and eugenics programs.

The platform is a magnet for far-right activists, white nationalists like Richard Spencer, and conspiracy theorists who have been banned from mainstream platforms for violating hate speech policies. Gab's CEO Andrew Torba has openly rejected the notion of content moderation, claiming it is 'censorship', and has vowed to build an AI system that upholds 'historical and biblical truth' from a right-wing Christian perspective.

An audit by the Pew Research Center found Gab to be the only platform among several studied that had no examples of accounts or posts being removed for misinformation or harassment, highlighting its lack of content policing. While portraying itself as a 'free speech' alternative, Gab has effectively become an insular echo chamber and safe space for the far-right fringe to spread hate, conspiracies, and extremist ideologies without restraint.

In summary, Gab's policy of allowing virtually any legal content, combined with its development of AI tools that promote extremist viewpoints, makes it an unreliable and potentially dangerous platform that enables the proliferation of hate, misinformation, and fringe ideologies."

Rod :)
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