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Hey Everyone It has been a long while

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 9:26 pm
by murlin99
Hey everyone,
I know I pop in and out of here with very long pauses sometimes so here I am again.

The last year has been a wild ride. As I had mentioned in my last post so long ago my prompts had slowed down a lot, then they picked up again and then slowed down again. Now I only get them every now and then but a lot of things changed. After the events of the last 1 - 1.5 years I am starting to lean towards the prompts were telling me to wake up, as in wake up spiritually, take control of your life and quit letting others control you.

I think now that the prompts were the guardians telling me I needed to change my path. I did change that path, drastically just about 14 months ago, which coincidentally was the same time my prompts slowed down. The changes had to do with anxiety problems, finally opening up about bad experiences from long ago, self doubt, self esteem problems, leaving a toxic job that dragged me down every day and lots of other life changes.

Now I live for who I am and not who others want me to be.

I will try to write a post with more detail soon, just wanted to say hey and let everyone know I am still alive and doing great these days.

Peace and Happiness,

Re: Hey Everyone It has been a long while

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:47 am
by happyrain
:D :bana: :hithere
Happy to see your post!

Re: Hey Everyone It has been a long while

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 8:10 pm
by Welles

Sounds like you've had an extraordinary burst of growth in dredging up the anchors of the past (which are usually epigenetic i.e. inherited) in order to grow beyond those limitations. That is the hardest work in the process that we all call spiritual growth. It is also vital.

Good for you and Cheers!



Re: Hey Everyone It has been a long while

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 1:05 pm
by Sandy
What a great day this has been! Not only is it Geoff's birthday... but I miss a couple days and here big as life is our dear friend Bryan with some good news about growth and changes in his life.

Bryan, I am over the moon to hear that you are doing so well! :sunflower:
You wrote:
Now I live for who I am and not who others want me to be.
Those are wise words to live by. Thank you. :happy
Please come back and share as often as you can.