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Seven Generations of Love — by Kim Morrow

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 6:06 pm
by Welles
Kim tells a story of the dawning of a realization that has implications for all of us, I believe.
We’re not going to reverse climate change, but there will be a future, and that future will contain good and loving and just pieces. And I know that my job, no matter how depressing the climate reports are, no matter how strangely the weather behaves, is to contribute to the through-line of love and justice. My job is to love for seven generations into the future. And I think that’s your job too. Can we love the people and the creatures who are going to live right here in the year 2229? How would that change what we do if we were conscious of them every day?

None of us need to save the whole world. We just need to love our section of earth. We need to love our communities. We need to spread kindness, and love, and justice.

Seven Generations of Love — by Kim Morrow ... im-morrow/


Re: Seven Generations of Love — by Kim Morrow

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:57 pm
by Sandy
I have been looking for something..anything I could do to combat climate change.... and in this wonderfully sweet, descriptive essay lies the answers for all of us I think. It doesn't require battles and pitting one view against another and its out workings will never be the same, unique just as each of us is unique. .. brilliant! Thanks so much Welles... my heart is lighter and so glad "that guy" is "still in the authors "personal story." :D
