Help? Ringing in ears?

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Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Anony »

Hello! For the past year, I've been having a bunch of difficulties that have stressed me out to the point where I have constant nightmares of my loved ones dying or leaving me due to losing all my close friends last year (now I have no one to talk to) and losing 5 other people last year due to death and now I currently have lost another person to death earlier this month and I'm about to lose another person to death soon (they are in the hospital now on their death bed) so that in total will be about 7. I've dealt with a lot of loss (as you can see lol) and I don't really have people to talk to about things anymore so I often find myself crying a lot and very... Lonely wishing that I had some help from anyone and I also lost the only person I talked to for 5 years he was the only one that helped me through my hard times, like a saviour, he was the only one that made me happy and the only one I could talk to and it was a one sided love (he called me annoying, clingy and a bother to my face). I have been thinking about not existing but I refuse to carry out any actions because of my belief, everything in life has been going downhill for the past well, life, I don't even remember having an uphill moment. But now it's really getting to me because on top of that I am a young high school student in senior year trying to graduate and in this job program where I need to have a job, I finally got a job in February and I got fired in February for not being able to do "multipositions" they made the word up since they didn't want to sign a time card and employer evaluation from my school. And I'm about to get kicked out the class but I really need to stay since it allows me to leave early and I need a job badly. Me and my parents have to move out by this summer due to our landlord wanting us to either buy their house or move out and we do not have the money at all, not only that I need to go to college which we also don't have money for and I am trying to make my way to South Korea which I'm not supported at all for wanting to do, my parents refuse to let me go even though it is my dream to become a singer but now I'm going there to become a dermatologist since they crushed my that dream in middle school, so all in all I really need a job either way or else I'll get kicked out of my class or you know the other options.. I have been searching and searching and searching but have been constantly rejected and all they tell me is "you were great but they were just other more qualified people" type of rubbish. So now these days I never find myself happy and it's been like this ever since the guy I loved left since that was when it started to go downhill, along with the traumatic nightmares where I wake up crying to and recently I've been getting ringing in my ear for a short amount of time sometimes in the left and sometimes in the right and really recently like the day before yesterday I've been hearing noises. In the middle of the night I'd hear things moving in the room next to me (my sister's room but she sleeps over my grandma's house so she isn't there) so I struggled to fall asleep until it was 5:40 in the morning since I was kind of scared and then when I woke up in the afternoon (my parents are at work during the day so no one was in the house) I started hearing movements and voices sounding like my father's and mother's voice but I wasn't able to make out what they said since it was really fast and it sounded like a word that got cut off on top of that. Now today as I'm sitting here alone, I was staring at the blank TV (it is dead quiet) thinking that I'm alone, very lonely and then I had a really quick high pitched ringing in my left ear and I just started to think about my friend and grandma that passed away. That friend that passed away connected me with my grandma late last year like around November and acted as a messenger between me and my grandma since I loved and missed her very much, still do and that friend passed away this December after we got into a fight that I wish didn't happen. So what is going on here? Does anyone know how I can understand these sounds and how I can develop connections with my angels? What does the ringing mean? Can someone help me?
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Anony,
From your post it seems you have had more heart ache then anyone should ever have to bear. Loosing so many friends just plain hurts and it would be a struggle for anyone to deal with such overlapping fresh grief. Top that off with being a senior in High school and all that entails with the future bearing down on you... Well, bless your dear heart. That would be enough to floor nearly everyone. But here you are being very courageous and telling us how you feel. I hope that it gives you a little release of that pain and pressure at least for a moment. The tears...they're good I think and another way to release the pressure a bit and hopefully allows you to feel a smidgen better afterwards, helping maybe to look again at another day with faith and courage that you are worthy of your dreams, a loving partner, a chance to show your skills in a new job, even go to college and perhaps hone your voice or learn a valuable skill that helps others.

You are facing so much but please do continue to hang in there, continue to try and find your happiness again. I'd be hard pressed to say I have ever met anyone braver... But despite the harshness of your life right now. I am a firm believer that it can change abruptly for the better. Think about it for a moment. Imagine how things might change with one phone call from a potential employer... see yourself happily employed, or imagine meeting a new friend who sees the real you, understands you and support you as you understand and support them. .. a healthy relationship not based on a savior but a soul mate who loves you for who you are....

I had to smile a little as I wrote the above because we do have friends like that in the celestial world, our angels , guides, midwayers and teachers and something else very special within us...a part of the Creator of all, a gift of God within us who long to comfort and assist us as we live our life and grow our souls. I have found them to be very good friends to me when I was alone and hurting. Sometimes when they are close by, reacting to something I have thought or sent out to them... I hear a ringing in my ear. Now it doesn't continue always in the background it is just for a few moments, as if to remind me of something or to ask me to listen with my heart and soul to what they wish me to know and experience. This ringing has been a comfort to me when I have been too wound -up to sense them in other ways. :) You see, to make a connection with our Angels, Guides, Teachers and other beautiful high Celestials we need to at least meet them halfway with a quiet mind and open heart. It is this openhearted state that allows the connection in the first place and it does get clearer and easier with consistent practice, patience with yourself, and an approach likened to joy... joy and enthusiasm at the opportunity to have an outing with our celestial kin. I know all this seems strange and I don't want to overload you not knowing what your spiritual/religious background is but it really isn't as hard as some people make it seem to get some kind of connection... For instance, one of the easiest ways is to get quiet. Then form and intention such as I would like to connect in a meaningful way with the Creator of All. And begin writing Him/Her a letter. Do this every day...speaking to this Divine Being about anything and everything you want. As time goes on you may notice the language you use does not seem like you. You may find you are answering what you say, you may feel a sense of peace, a kind of joy, strange pressures within you that you've never felt before... Well... so it begins :) ... even though it actually began well before you took pen to paper.
It has been a comfort to me to know that I am not alone. That around me are my Angel guardians, my Midwayer friends and my God within.

Please consider us your friends too, the humans visiting this website and anytime you need or want to talk please do it either on the board or via personal message. I hope and pray you find the peace, love and joy in life that you are so deserving of, Anony.
With love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by happyrain »

hello anony,
welcome... i am sorry for your losses. i can't imagine how hard it must be at times... i do hope you continue to practice singing. you don't have to crush your dreams while pursuing a job. i believe, from the sounds of it, you are connecting to the very strong and loving bond that exist between you and your grandma and friend. it can be very scary but i think it means you have an ability and that these energies want you to be happy. i don't have much advice... just think on those you love, pray and try to find the love as something that is still alive and can be shared or experienced today- now.
i wish you the very best with school, don't give up. and i hope to read more from you.
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Anony »

Thank you for all your kind words and reassurance. Time has passed and it still passes at this moment, I just wanted to let everyone know that currently I graduated high school successfully, 9 people have passed in total instead of 7 now, it is about to turn to 10, I found a job at a library, I have been working there for 8 months. I still don't really have anyone to talk to or lean on and my whole family has been stressing me out to the point where I almost go insane sometimes. On the bright side, I am going to Korea still, even though I'm broke I got fed up with everything and bought the ticket and Airbnb for 16 days, I am going this year. My parents have been trying to make me spend money so that I can't go on the trip by: not teaching me how to drive so I have to take Uber to work 5 days a week and it is $30 every day. My Mom pays for it mostly cause she is the one that forced all this upon me in the first place, but when it comes to me going on the trip they'll randomly say: "oh you need to pay for uber tomorrow" right before going to bed, they won't buy me anything I need yet they spoil my jobless older sister who does nothing and my older brother who makes enough to live on his own who also does nothing. I feel like I am being treated quite unfairly and I cannot stand it... I cannot go out cause we successfully moved to a new area, the only places they let me go is to work and over family members houses (which I do not want to go to). Everyone has been giving me hell about this trip saying "oh I'm going to put a tracker on you, I'm going to buy a ticket too, you shouldn't go, you shouldn't do this and that, it's too dangerous, etc." I understand they are worried, but every time they open their mouths its about that or how "bad" my skin and makeup looks which kind of makes me super self-conscious. Then it turns to me being "selfish and ungrateful" or "rude". I still cannot afford college, my parents don't want to pay for squat, I got dumped from a one-month relationship (he left me for his ex) a couple days ago and that also lowered my self-esteem after he took advantage of me, I feel extremely lonely now and it makes me feel so trapped inside since I cannot even express my emotions not even to my family. I feel like I have the world on my shoulders... All I do is give and help others, but in return they leave still or do me wrong. I still don't mind giving and helping but I'm tired, i'm so tired and when I need help, no one is there. So the nightmares stopped, but they come and go sometimes cause I'm going through a lot of stress right now still, I ended up begging my parents to take me to a therapist for it but they never did or listened like the usual, but I went to a psychic and did a cleansing for my aura. She told me that I was a very old soul, extremely wise and the reason why I have those nightmares was from the amount of loss I've had in this life and in past lives, then after that I stopped having the nightmares. Then all of a sudden even to this day, I have been looking at the clock and every time I look at it at least once a day it is either 11:11, 1:11 or 2:22, sometimes 3:33. I see it as like a sign but I'm not sure what these mean after looking it up and getting many different results on top of that, I'm going to sound crazy... But I think my twin flame is an idol. I've been having a series of coincidences between us and we are both extremely alike personality wise. Our birthdays are close together, we like the same things and dislike the same things, we act the same way, think the same way, we both even named our pets the same name for the same reason and have had owned a lot of pets, we both have similar pasts when it comes to school and our talents (dancing) I have even started seeing the numbers 7, 1, 1111, and 2 on the posts I like of him (no I'm not obsessed cause I wasn't like this from before) this had me thinking about his birthday (July 1st) and mine (July 7th). One time I even prayed "lord if this man is my twin flame please let him release his favorite/lucky numbers in an interview or something and let those numbers be 7 or something" the next day I woke up, the first thing I see on social media is that he did an interview and released his favorite numbers were "7 or 3". I told another psychic and she felt our energies stating that she thinks we are twin flames, she said the guy would be 4-6 years older than m (she said that before I told her about him) and what do you know? He's 5 years older than me and I later on ended up getting second row at one of their concerts.. He kept on looking at me. Sometimes he'd straight up stare at me and when I wasn't noticing he'd constantly do like quick glances at me when I wasn't even in front of him.. He'd go out of his way to turn his head and look and I only saw this on camera. He blew me a kiss, made me a peace sign and heart for fan service and tried to throw me a ball with his signature on it, his last ball that he had (they were throwing them out to the crowd and his eyes were surfing the crowd to see who he should throw it at, I pointed at him and he pointed back at me and nodded and tried to throw it but this girl caught it in front of me and he ended up making a :/ face and walking off). And when he'd stare at me it was like... All my troubles went away, it felt like I already knew him as a person like he seemed familiar to me, I have never felt so peaceful and warm inside in my life when I looked into his eyes, it was like time stopped and everything around us slowed down and turned black, like I was hypnotized, the music during the performance even got drowned out. He'd just look at me with his eyebrows up while nodding and just straight up stare into my eyes. he even started mimicking my dance moves when he was sitting far away from me, I have pictures and videos to prove it, he was staring directly at me the majority of the time and I didn't get nervous or anything, I was happy and I continued dancing (this is getting really off topic but I just wanted to give you an update). When I first saw him, I never even saw his face yet I was automatically drawn to him in a youtube group dance practice where he was wearing a mask, later on I was surfing youtube and they released a rap video of him and I was drawn to that as well randomly (i don't know what made me click on it) and it was him (but I didn't know), later on his group debuted and once again I was drawn to him again automatically and I didn't know it was all the same person until now.. Every single time I click on a video where his 10+ member group is in, my eyes automatically dart to him. One time I was in a groupchat saying good night and I said something else but I do not remember what it was, but right when I said that he posted exactly what I said on social media closing with a selfie, when I also sent a selfie to the groupchat if I remember correctly, there are more coincidences but it is too much to list cause these things keep on happening... I do not experience the ringing as much anymore and have been unable to understand what they are saying, although I really want to :/ and I am having a lot of difficulties financially (since I have to pay for everything and no one is helping when I'm only 18). My family gives me trouble for not going to college even though we don't have money for it and i'm basically just really stuck right now. I feel like I'm drowning a lot of times and a lot of times these days I want to drown since I have a lake in my backyard, but I have my trip and the fact that I think I found my twin flame that keeps me going. After being bullied and left behind all my life, people have left once again and although I don't get bullied anymore, people often try to use me or drift away from me. I don't know what's wrong with me, but thank you so much for everything and I hope you guys stay happy, healthy and successful.
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Anony,
My impression while reading your posts is of a person standing at the center of chaos. You looking out from the middle of it all desperately trying to keep up, ... fighting a loosing battle. As a person standing on the outside looking in, to me that appears impossible. It would be impossible for anyone to keep up with chaos. What if you got a big piece of paper and wrote down absolutely every thing going on, putting each thing in it's own bubble. When that is done keep the most important bubbles, the others, rip them up and get rid of them. They may still be in your life, but you can' t deal with them at this time. Now for those few things left, decide what is the most important thing you need to work on. Get another large piece of paper and write down everything you can think of that will be helpful in that situation. When that is completed, choose a few of those solutions that you can work on right now, rip up the others and toss them out. With those few things left, make up a plan with a reachable goal.

Of course others will be trying to pull you into their problems(their multitude of bubbles). The only person we can solve problems for is ourselves. We can lend support, offer advice even, but when it comes right down to it, no one can solve our problems. Individually we have to make those changes in ourselves that will lead to our own happiness. There are billions of tools available online, meditations, teachings, music, chakra clearings, self-help videos and audio recordings...etc. I choose the ones that feel right to me, ask for protection form anything that will harm me, then go exploring.

What has worked for me is pairing down the problems and making a plan. When life gets overwhelming I go to my tools, stop, close my eyes for a few seconds, breathe deeply, refocusing on my goal and ask for help and guidance from spirit. Ringing in the ears is their way of letting us know we are heard and supported even if it feels we are all alone.

Sending you much love, peace and courage,
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Anony »

Hello Seeker13, I want to thank you for what you are saying, right now I agree my brain and life may be hectic so I'm just going everywhere, all over the place! I will try what you recommended most definitely and hopefully it will help me think more clearly, I treasure your response and I hope all is well for you :) :finger:
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by happyrain »

hey Anony!
Welcome back. Hooray! You're going to Korea, I think this will be a fun trip for you. Sometimes a little break is all you need to refresh your perspective on things.

Are you practicing meditation or taking the time to be still?

You have many more amazing and exciting times ahead. Try to maintain the Peace in Home, knowing there's so much more good to come your way.
Congratulations on finishing school.

Best regards!
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Anony »

Thank you happyrain, you’re so kind yes I’m finally going! I was able to graduate school as well! Now I’m just going through a lot of stress from my family ahah they aren’t easy to live with. I have been meditating and listening to positive vibrations/frequencies? I think that’s what you call it but I’m not exactly sure. At times when I hear ringing I often stand still to see if I can hear or feel anything but I don’t think I’m getting anything through my head unfortunately :/ I’d love to connect with them more though!
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Anony,
So much has happened in the year since you last shared with us. I'm glad you've come back and happy to hear you have graduated. Congratulations! Well done! That is no small feat. At 18 the world awaits you. :) I suppose that is what I remember feeling so many years ago when I was 18... not so much that the world was standing still for me... LoL no... man, it was confusing. I had no idea what I wanted to be and skill levels dreams and desires.. Everything was sort of in limbo. :roll

I am wondering if South Korea may be a clue for you. You have such a strong desire to go there even against the odds...and if I remember correctly you said it was a dream of yours? I hope you do not mind if I share something with you...when I was a child I dreamed about Australia, books about this country, and had a strange knowing that some day I would be here. I lived 7000 miles away for most my life so the odds were pretty slim that this would happen...and so life got busy even "chaotic" as I struggled with adulthood, forgetting those strange early promptings. But then, suddenly 14 years ago the dream returned in a big way and as I went with the flow of events I found myself in this country of Red Earth, the images I saw in my dreams as a child. I guess you could say I sort of found myself along the way and I hope that day by day you, me, all of us, know ourselves better, understand our dreams and how to bring them to fruition, trust in our individual capabilities and gifts, and discover our passion and joys, and the ability to nurture and give back when at all possible. (By the way, I am still working on all of the above...with some successes and some shocking complete failures. :shock: :) But such is life perhaps... all contributes to the awesome beings we are becoming.

I love Kim's suggestion. Been using it myself to help me clarify and zoom in on the reality of situations around me. Thanks Kim! :kiss:

I am very sorry to hear that in this past year you have suffered more losses... You understand grief in a way few of us do... but you are alive...and maybe even found your twin flame...What a wonderful story!
Yes... it will be very cool to see how this progresses. ;) :bana:

Once again so good to see you again and get an update. I can't believe a year has passed since your first visit. Where does the time go? :shock:
with love,
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by dron »

Old thread and i know i'm too late,but look up for kundalini symptoms.It can trigger a lot of things including the 'dark night of the soul',and wreck your life for a long time.Decline of health is a classic one.You start waking up at 3:00-400 am (for no reason),ringing in the ears (have it as well),and a plethora of other physical symptoms.
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Seeker13 »

Welcome to the boards.

Old thread or not, if you have a question or input its always a good reason to revisit. Especially if someone out there has been wondering about the same thing.

I do not remember ever hearing of kundalini symptoms, of course had to look it up. Was there something about ringing in the ears or kundalini symptoms you were interested in discussing, or experiencing?

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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by dron »

Seeker13 wrote: Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:41 pm Dron,
Welcome to the boards.

Old thread or not, if you have a question or input its always a good reason to revisit. Especially if someone out there has been wondering about the same thing.

I do not remember ever hearing of kundalini symptoms, of course had to look it up. Was there something about ringing in the ears or kundalini symptoms you were interested in discussing, or experiencing?

I was adressing the OP,since it's difficult to explain such things to someone who's not into all this stuff.
These physical symptoms are just a tiny part of the bigger picture.

I don't know from where to start.It's almost like a lifetime of spiritual growth,trying to fit in some years.The poor person will experience a crazy ride,experiencing physical manifestations that can even wreck your body and health for a long time.
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Seeker13 »

A person can view spiritual growth as, "A crazy ride!" :roll Most of us here can identify with that. By sharing our experiences we can hopefully understand the scope of possibilities, and that we're all on the crazy ride together!

Sometimes the explanation that the ringing is merely a spiritual download can change a person's perspective completely! How amazing to learn the ringing is a good thing!
dron wrote: Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:35 pm,experiencing physical manifestations that can even wreck your body and health for a long time.
It feels like this aligns with what I've been working on. The past months have taken their toll. In an attempt to get myself pointed back into a more positive spiritual direction, I've been going back to practices that have been helpful to me in the past. One is immersing myself in Abraham-Hicks YouTube videos about the Law Of Attraction. Your statement about manifestation clicked. For those who are not aware of The Law Of Attraction, we have to understand the universe is always listening. Good or bad we attract those things in our particular vibration. Being in a negative state of mind brings to us all those negative things we've been stewing about, including ill health. None of us actually want bad health. It's tricky wrapping our brains around the concept of how to bring positive things and results to us, and leaving out the bad. Can feel like learning a new language!

In mentioning the Kundalini symptoms, I'm hoping Eric sees this and could repost the link he shared about the breathing and visualization exercises about the Kundalini system. It had a powerful impact on me personally and was thinking about getting back into it.

We welcome new posts, as it might be the exact thing we've been wondering about?

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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by happyrain »

I have been thinking about replying to this but I'm afraid I've not much to provide. If one interprets their awakening as a negative experience, I believe it in part due to one's attitude. It doesn't mean it is any less valid. Just recently I felt completely taken out of my body without any preparation. It was very disheartening. It took me hours to calibrate my own attitude. Why? Because I didn't want to be taken out. I didn't want to be so sensitive in that moment. But I was. And, even though it was uncomfortable- it was beautiful. If I allowed my self, I could breathe and run into peaceful Beings. My Dogs, for one. So much more to relay on this particular subject, but I care not to derail. What I can say is that, for many, treading water in another reality has brought about plenty of discomforting experience- where a rational mind could only describe the hard-to-explain as heart-wrenching, terrifying, painful... Yet it would seem these same folks most always report back as being fine. It is true, for my self, that one ought to be honest in their own assessment- How much are you willing to take on? I don't believe God gives us more than we can handle but that the Ego is a fragile creature and we are collectively experiencing expansion, dancing with infinity. It is best to be Gentle as a response to the events we can not control, this is my experience.

I don't have a link atm Kim. Hope this helps, anyone.

Kind regards...
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Seeker13 »

Spiritual awakening is so vast and varied it's impossible to be aware of all every kind of experience. This is why it's so important we share! Interesting you mentioned being taken out of your body. During a meditation last week that's what it felt like to me, was going to ask you about it, but forgot until reading this.

Sorry this happened to you without your... approval. Does being taken out unprepared happen to you often? Can you not say, "No, I'm not ready for this right now?" I'm perplexed by this and concerned for you as this does not go along with 'the rules' I've been told about. In your many astral travels, you've gone to painful and uncomfortable places? Running into peaceful beings sounds... amazing!

Now that I think about it, growing up I would feel empathic and/or receive messages from spirit completely unaware of how or why this was happening to me! And it was often frightening and uncomfortable(probably not even close to visiting another realm! :shock:). Now because I've agreed with spirit to being the person this happens to, it's accepted there will be interruptions. Admittedly it's often inconvenient, especially with empathic episodes that can take up several hours of the day.

My understanding is being a receiver was all part of my life plan designed before being born. After becoming 'aware', I've asked my guides and guardians on a few occasions for it to be turned off, or directed to another receiver because I was to overwhelmed to take on the responsibility. I've been led to believe, that overall we are supposed to be the ones in control.
happyrain wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 3:13 amthe Ego is a fragile creature and we are collectively experiencing expansion, dancing with infinity.
Really like this phrase, sounds like the beginning of a poem!

I believe wholeheartedly the types of experiences we have positive or negative, has EVERYTHING to do with the level we're vibrating at.


PS I tried to pull up the link from Facebook, but apparently I don't exist there. :roll: Will try again later.
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by happyrain »

Hi Kim,

No not often. This was a unique experience and I thought someone poisoned my food! :lol:

I felt drugged without taking drugs, and found my self all too entranced by a surreal weight of a grasshopper at one moment. :shock:

As a kid I believe I turned things off due to fear, now I'm trying to navigate back through all of it and have had plenty of help along the way- you and the family here, for example! :loves Plenty of help from the unseen too!

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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by Sandy »

All of you, Dron, Eric, Kim and Antony who started this thread a few years ago...thank you.... such striking conversation. I am an enthralled onlooker as I digest the wealth of thoughts you guys put out to the ether.

Eric, your words describe what may have been some kind of an enlightening experience
I felt drugged without taking drugs, and found my self all too entranced by a surreal weight of a grasshopper at one moment. :shock:
They can come from out of nowhere and without warning sometimes even while you are doing something mundane and non spiritual what so ever.. But despite this, they are a very good thing, although they can make you feel ungrounded and loopy for awhile. How are you feeling now? This is more common then we think. George has a book, an old book written in 1901 called, "Cosmic Consciousness" written by Richard Maurice Burke MD that documents this experience in many well known people of history throughout centuries.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Help? Ringing in ears?

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Sandy, yes, much better now. It took me a few hours to adjust.
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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