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Living In The Freshest Chamber Of The Heart — by Mark Nepo

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:26 pm
by Welles
"Our ability to find something to love, and to love again for the first time depends greatly on how we resolve and integrate where we've been before. A great model for us exists in the chambered nautilus, an exquisite shell creature that lives along the ocean floor. The nautilus is a deep-sea form of life that inches like a soft man in a hard shell finding his prayers along the bottom. Over time it builds a spiral shell, but always lives in the newest chamber.

The other chambers, they say, contain a gas or liquid that helps the nautilus control its buoyancy. Even here, a mute lesson in how to use the past: live in the most recent chamber and use the others to stay afloat."

Living In The Freshest Chamber Of The Heart — by Mark Nepo


Re: Living In The Freshest Chamber Of The Heart — by Mark Nepo

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:56 pm
by Sandy
Thank you Welles!

Re: Living In The Freshest Chamber Of The Heart — by Mark Nepo

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:55 am
by happyrain
hi welles,
i wanted to respond to this yesterday but the business of the day got the better of me. last weekend i was tasked with watching the dogs. took them to the dog park since they hadn't been in a while. near the end of our time at the park juno(the girl dalmatian) found herself a chewed up ball as a souvenir and i found a spiraled shell. i'm looking at it now and reflecting on these words,
"It tells us that only time can put the past in perspective, and only when the past is behind us, and not before us, can we open enough and empty enough to truly feel what is about to happen. Only by living in the freshest chamber of the heart can we love again and again for the first time."
inayat khan teaches similar... i can't seem to find it now but... he mentions the importance of keeping an open heart. i did manage to find this line,
"Those who have avoided love in life from fear of its pain have lost more than the lover, who by losing himself gains all."
i carry my past with me, it's quite interesting i felt inclined to take this shell as a token and from a dog park a very odd place for a shell? and the next night you share this article. i'm sure there is a message here... i think it's asking me to let go of the past, i've tried to move on and i still carry love despite all that was wrong or imbalanced in our previous relationship. despite still hurting from certain realities. i will always carry the love, i know it's important though to be open to new experience. while the article is informative, it isn't always easy opening yourself up to new adventure even when you try your hardest for exactly that.

well, thanks for sharing

Re: Living In The Freshest Chamber Of The Heart — by Mark Nepo

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:21 am
by happyrain
here's the shell... sorry if the pictures are too large wasnt sure how to resize

and here's juno and smudge(smudge is the brother with a smudge on his nose)


Re: Living In The Freshest Chamber Of The Heart — by Mark Nepo

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:24 am
by Welles
happyrain wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:55 am while the article is informative, it isn't always easy opening yourself up to new adventure even when you try your hardest for exactly that.

No article can possibly be more than a reinforcement of something we already think and are beginning to feel, Eric. It is the repetition of such wisdom that helps it become part of us... eventually. Even ideas that strike us with the weight of epiphany need to be repeated over and over... In a sense that's what most religions do. Strangely it is akin to brainwashing... only we consciously embrace the messages to affect our own behivior rather than unconsciously responding to external manipulation.

So there! Image

Re: Living In The Freshest Chamber Of The Heart — by Mark Nepo

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:21 pm
by happyrain
Welles, an acquaintance believes I found a snail shell. :lol: The message is true nonetheless. Repetition is a part of our every day as we battle(mostly with ourselves) for Peace.