Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

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Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Seeker13 »

Hello All!
I would like more information concerning the celestial message, "A Task At Hand, " about the borderlands. Tried searching this site for references to that and the Virginia Jameson papers, but was not successful. It seems like we need a lot more information if we are to arm ourselves! Also, what has been happening to Chris, how can we help and how do we keep it from happening? So I ask, "More information and discussion please!"

Also, more about the new dispensation.

Thanks all,

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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
We will soon be leaving so I haven't much time right now to write, but I will put the URL relating to Valdir's Urantia transmit mentioned in a task at hand. it is entitled, “Give me Peace and I Will Give You Peace in Return.” viewtopic.php?f=2&t=26992

It describes a place for all of us to begin...to seriously and actively bring light and peace to our world.

I will write more later... as I organize the information you request, as will George I suspect.

But first, just want to say there is nothing to fear... these things we are combating are not new and in some instances have operated around many of us without noticeable harm... they aren't good, though, and in some cases can cause real problems. So protections are always a good idea and especially if and when you go on the offensive as some members have been required to do.

For me... nothing has changed... Love trumps hate and ugliness every single time. So no worries... Surround yourself with Divine Love as often as you can...Imagine it pouring through your body, feel it, sense it in every way you can while allowing it to be exhibited through you, through your thoughts words and actions as best you can. Smile. Enjoy life and be optimistic as you focus on what you desire, what you wish for. for yourself, your family and friends, your community, your world....See it in your minds eye... feel it, taste it, see it in your imagination and know it is coming to fruition even as you send these things into the Universe via thought, emotion and deep hearted desire. This is the seed for your/our reality. So focus on love as best you can.
Simple eh? LOL ai yi yi... okay more later...
For now... Love is a beautiful thing...may it shine brightly and boldly in all our precious little souls...
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Lightened717 »

I am also interested in hearing and learning more. That message struck me right in the heart as it parallels my own journey...
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Lightened,
I am also interested in hearing and learning more. That message struck me right in the heart as it parallels my own journey...
How so?

Thanks Sandy, hearing from you helped alleviate my anxiety when reading Georges message. I really would like to know more, have had some weird experiences and would like to help if I can.

Love, Kim
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Lightened717 »

Oh geez. Long story :)

I have gone through a lot of personal tribulation over the last 1.5 years in which I've moved states, lost very close friendships, watched my marriage nearly crumble, and uncovered a history of trauma in my life that I had denied. All the while going through a spiritual/existential crisis during which I was strongly concerned I was being attacked by something...either that or I had a "bumpy" and confusing awakening experience. Weirdly enough, I recently feel as though I've turned a corner even though the feeling is ethereal, and throughout it all, I kept having the impression that I am meant to learn more about "darkness" - to what end I'm not quite sure. I also believed I was being given a "new mind" and was being pushed to grow in my spiritual maturity.

I've been praying for ways to serve, to find meaning in the breaking down that I've gone through, to have the discernment and courage to follow Father's Will. I've questioned all my beliefs, experienced a lot of skepticism about all things metaphysical, and yet...I see this message, and here I am.
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Sandy »


Seeing you on the board this morning made my day. :sunflower:

I am struggling a bit, trying to organize my thoughts on this subject. The funny thing... George and I have sort of denied this end of things for some time. It hasn't been spoken of in the Urantia Book (which of course is a big part of our spiritual development) So we didn't think it was important or needed. Our dear Geoff, of course, studied such things and man, have we had a bit of "crow" to eat. ;) :) But life is about learning and giving of our selves along with that divine energy that flows through us and outwards in so many different ways.
So I suppose learning about the unseen is just as natural as learning about the seen. Earth is more then just the things we touch or view with our senses. When we open our subtle senses we begin to notice these energies... which translate into some of the things both Kim and Peggy mention in their posts. There are times and mostly it is so that you sense energies that are beautiful, energizing and productive and then sometimes something different might be felt... perhaps something draining or uncomfortable. This has only occurred in very limited fashion in my case and thankfully have been quickly dispelled when I've brought in Divine light and love in a commanding way.

I know I've said this many times before, that "Thoughts travel." And even so can be sensed if not in words as feelings by those around us. These thoughts can sometimes almost take on a life of their own under certain circumstances and they can cause humans troubles. But these are one aspect of energies in the unseen. There are more dangerous things/energies that can be welded to the will of unsavory humans. And it is these things that have been organized to attack our light worker friend and Progress Group member, Chris. One thing to remember, these "things" still are always subject to the Light even though they take a little more umph to dispel. Now with all this said, I do not wish for anyone out there to go looking for these or any trouble makers. This is NOT work for a beginner or anyone who is uneasy or fearful. Please first work on building your own personal Light shields and reinforce them frequently. In time this can and will be done easily and effortlessly and become so much a part of your way of being that you will take no more notice of it then brushing your teeth. Once this comes easily and comfortably one might then expand into shield work for others if you are lead to such things. And then from there... perhaps more detailed "defensive work."

Just a note: Building up your shields and filling yourself with light is also very good for you and provides benefits throughout your day.

It also helps and is important to draw in any protections and help from your Angels, Guides, Teachers and Celestial friends. And there are also ways to boost your energy and add protections with crystals as well. So what I am saying is that just as with the spiritual healing modalities, there are just as many ways to nullify and combat anything dark. I believe it boils down to your strength of belief in effectiveness and your strongly felt/worded intention.

Well, I know I have been vague and I/we will post more detailed information with permissions from those involved.

Love you guys,
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Sandy »

Here is information written by Oscar.... explaining from his experience what is gleaned about the borderlands and some entities of origin there.

About elementals --- Oscar --- August 10, 2017

The story

Back in 2000 my wife and I moved to a small house in the grounds of the university I was attending back then. It had been deserted for a while and we didn’t have any furniture, but we managed to get a bed from another student who graduated and was leaving town.

There were only two rooms. Our room was at the end of a very small hallway with two other doors on each side, one to another room and one to the single bathroom of the house. At the other end of the hallway was a furnace for heating during winter.

The first night we were in the house we were sitting on the bed and heard a growl or a screech coming from the hallway. The door to our room was open and my wife and I got really quiet and I looked out to the hallway, but there was nothing there. I wanted to see if there was an animal inside the house and as soon as I got up to exit the room we heard another growl, louder this time. Then I heard ‘that thing’ running toward me, like scratching the floor. The only thing that occurred to me was to slam shut the door of our room. The thing hit the door and then I heard it running over the roof and finally leaving.

It was very strange. My wife was shaken and I told her that maybe it was a cat or a squirrel but neither of us was convinced (you can usually see cats or squirrels and they don’t go through walls to exit the house). Maybe there was something hiding there that got scared when it saw us.Nothing like that happened again in that house, except for one winter night when the furnace at the end of that hallway produced a burst of flames that reached all the way to our room and I had to run to turn it off.

Receiver: What was that invisible ‘animal’ that scared my wife and me almost 20 years ago?

That was an elemental. These beings are not personalities. They are like accumulations of energy that manifest in a manner analogous to animals. Sometimes they can hurt human beings but this doesn’t happen too often. They operate mostly by scaring others and making them hurt themselves. They are like rabid and sick dogs. They fear everything and they attack as a defense mechanism. However, you should not fear them. These beings have as much propensity to flee as they have to attack. They prefer darkness because they can hide. Light makes them feel vulnerable. The challenge is to bring them to the light and there the energies that gave them origin can be dissipated and reused by Gaia for more productive ends.

Just like many human beings indoctrinate their animals (dogs, lions, etc.) to make them fearful and to use this fear to attack others, some among you have perceived these elementals and have learned to use them for their purposes. Their purposes are not noble, because the best purpose for those energies would be to return them to the universal circuits and turn them into something more positive. These human beings do not want to get rid of these manifestations of the borderland because they can use them for their selfish ends. Even powerful organizations use these resources to maintain their unfair advantages over others. These human beings and these groups will not willingly allow the removal of their artificial advantages so be ready for their reprisals. As you have suspected, the powerful in Venezuela are using these dark resources as well. Of course, it is always dangerous to make generalizations. Some use these elementals simply because they can’t imagine another destiny for these energies.

How to deal with these energies? Imagine an animal – a dog perhaps – that has been locked in for too long, in the darkness, being mistreated and abused. That animal becomes dangerous and a frontal attack would only motivate it to defend itself with all its strength, possibly inflicting a lot of damage. Therefore, the objective is not to attack them or force them to do anything. A better alternative is to appear harmless but powerful (think of ‘docile as a dove but cunning as a snake’). If you stand in front of a scared animal and remain calm the animal will calm down. If you attack, the animal will defend itself. If you run, the animal may stay in place or it may chase you if it thinks it has the upper hand. But if you simply affirm your authority the animal will perceive that you have control over the situation and its fear will not let him attack. Then, if you make attempts to ‘break the ice’, to demonstrate to the animal that even when you appear powerful you don’t intent to harm it, the animal may begin to trust you. This is a slow process and definitely not the best approach when dealing with a horde of elementals attacking you. In the latter case you should know that you are never alone. The Source of universal light is already within you. At all times you are guarded by your Seraphim and you can also count on a team of celestials to help and guide you.

Normally this process is like guiding cattle. We form a circle of light around a group of elementals. They don’t move because they are surrounded by light and remain within the circle. Then we make the light shine upon them and we offer them calmness and security. This is how these energies dissipate and are reclaimed by Urantia. This is how we are clearing the borderland, one of the first steps to establish the age of light and life in this world.

Receiver: Can I perceive these elementals?

You had no problems perceiving the one that attacked you all those years ago. They only manifest themselves when they feel threatened and scared, or when they are sent by others to attack.

Receiver: How can I defend myself from them?

Affirm your authority and let the light of the love inside you shine upon them. Let them know that you don’t fear them and that they should not fear you. Let them know that the best alternative is to enter the light and that everything will be alright. Again, you are never alone.

Receiver: How can I help clearing the borderland?

This cleaning will not be done in a few days. These energies have been forming and festering for millennia. It will take a long time to clean that mess. We need all the help we can get. You ask yourself if this is a task for humans and the answer is yes. These energies are of human origin and they react to humans. Even when they can be said to be halfway between the material world and the morontia world, the elementals are not used to perceiving celestials. Only human beings can direct them effectively. Midwayers need to go through energy transformations in order to be at the same level of these energies, transformations like the ones they need when they want to become visible to their human cousins. This is an energetically expensive process, not a trivial and simple task. This is why the cleaning of the borderland has been on hold for so long. It is only now that we have an adequate group of available humans who are willing to undertake this task that is so needed in this world.

There are many elementals that are like rabid dogs, attacking to defend themselves from anything that makes them fear threatened, but there are many others who are just scared and paralyzed by their fear. There are others who are sad and trapped in their suffering, experiencing that which hurt them once over and over again. There is a lot of variety in the types of energies that need to be resolved and recycled. All of them will dissolve in the light of the love and service of the human custodians who volunteer for this work. There is plenty to be done. Imagine a nation or a continent of abandoned energies that need resolution. It will not be a quick job, but it is another service opportunity for those who have been fortunate enough to be born in this strange and wonderful world.
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Lightened717 »

Hi Sandy! My search takes me too often random corners of the internet but I always make it back here on a semi regular basis somehow 😊. Hope you and George are well!

Ah yes...shielding. my reiki master often told me to ground and shield, and I would question the necessity. Yet time and time again it pops up for me and I have struggled to integrate it into my daily routine as I did meditation. I have a strong feeling that I must learn to protect myself...who knows, maybe it's all my subconscious 😂. Prayer has helped a lot too for me.
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Sandy »

Hi Peggy,
George and I are good here...just plugging along and trying to keep up with what life puts in our path.
Like you, I have sort of cheated a bit with the grounding and shielding but when I have done it I notice a good solid base for what ever prayer or meditation I am doing.
So much to learn, eh? It is a fascinating time to be alive. (if not a little scary sometimes. )
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Peggy!
Nice to see your avvie again! Sounds like you've had the accelerated class in spiritual progression! Hope you're able to draw in a deep breath of relief for a while. It seems so many of us are being challenged at every turn to make those changes in ourselves, or they keep presenting themselves rapidly and repeatedly.

Sandy I have so many questions and so little time this morning. Ahh, I had a train of thought, but need to go back and review a before going any further. Thank you for the information! Hope you both have a beautiful sunny day!

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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Lightened717 »

Hi Kim! Thank you for broaching this subject. I too, have a bunch of questions, and have so many stories but there is so much bunk about this stuff on the internet...

I just wrote out a long reply but when I went to preview it, I had to re-login and it disappeared. I guess I wasn't supposed to post it :D

But yes it does seem I've gotten some sort of "fast pass". It's been a bit of a whirlwind and there were many days where I'd get fearful and get lost in my own subconscious, but I think that's part of my training, learning how to pull myself back up? I forget that I prayed for this! The fear is almost completely gone now, and I feel so much closer to my TA, and when I read the UB it makes more sense than it ever did. I still have some changes to integrate into my life, like a higher level of discipline and self-control. And yes, there are definitely days where I get a breather. But I will tell you I can "hold my breath" much longer now!
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Seeker13 »

Ah, the pain of loosing those most wonderful, insightful posts! Not one to be pithy and/or brief with conversation..., my time almost always expires before I'm ready to post. Before hitting the submit button, copy your message every time! You're not a relic, like some of us, so I assume you know how to do that. Then after you log in again, hit Ctrl V and, "Ta Da! All is well!"
Lightened717 wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:53 pm But yes it does seem I've gotten some sort of "fast pass". It's been a bit of a whirlwind and there were many days where I'd get fearful and get lost in my own subconscious, but I think that's part of my training, learning how to pull myself back up? I forget that I prayed for this! The fear is almost completely gone now, and I feel so much closer to my TA, and when I read the UB it makes more sense than it ever did. I still have some changes to integrate into my life, like a higher level of discipline and self-control. And yes, there are definitely days where I get a breather. But I will tell you I can "hold my breath" much longer now!
There is so much you've written here that I can relate to...

It feels to me that everything I've gone through personally, physically, emotionally, spiritually has been leading up to me being on this board right now in this place and time. I'm far from being done yet, but to quote Sandy
Sandy wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:46 am It is a fascinating time to be alive. (if not a little scary sometimes.)

Thank you! Thank you! For taking the time and expelling the energy of placing all this information in one place! It's funny, last week I thought, "We need to start a thread where we can all come together and dig into the really meaty part of being an 11er. I'm hoping this is it!

Well, after going back and rereading all the related celestial messages, Sandy's posts, taking copious notes and having several realizations smack me between the eyes! I believe/hope this thread will be involved and lengthy! Hopefully many more will be joining in.

Even after living a crazy life of being in a spiritually gifted family, I still consider myself to be a feral child in knowing the right way to approach spirit and shielding and grounding myself. So, please more explanation in this area. I consider myself a healer and would love to be a student of a Reiki master, but my life is so full of children and family, it simply hasn't happened yet. Every morning when leaving the house I ask spirit for a bubble of protection around myself. And have asked in meditation for protection from anyone who wants to harm me.

Time to dig in now!

Beginning with the message, "A Task At Hand." I'm confused as to what exactly the borderlands are. Is it a dimension separate from, 'the packets' of earth bound spirits roaming around? Or all part of the same thing? Several years ago I relayed the experience of going through the process of forgiving my dad for his mistreatment and suicide. Over a period of time, with my daughter's and Christ Michael's help, he was released from wherever he'd been, able to forgive himself and move on. (Still brings tears to my eyes when revisiting that experience). In Oscar's message it said, "All of them will dissolve in the light of the love and service of the human custodians who volunteer for this work." Since his release from that place, my dad has returned to me many times. When feeling his symbol, I know he's helping someone acquainted with me who is greatly depressed and/or suicidal. I'll reach out to this person and find out that was exactly the case. My question is, "Was he then not in the borderlands?"

I'm also confused about the definition of 'elementals', the name of those negative energies in the borderlands. Are elementals only animalistic energies, or does it also include former humans stuck in their anger, fear and pain? My experience with 'elementals' is they are the inter-dimensional beings who are basically caretakers of nature. I could find nothing on the internet referring to them in the negative sense.

Okay that's enough for now to think about. There are several pages of notes, I haven't even gotten to yet!

Love to all,
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning, Kim and Peggy and all,

Well, I do not know much more, if any, then you guys but let's see if we can find some understanding together.

I believe the wordings vary between spiritual groups/people as to what certain entities and even the name borderland entails... so that does make for some confusion. But we will give it a go and loosely allow for this variation of nouns... perhaps concentrating on the resultant effect these beings have on mortals living on this planet at this time. (when all else fails anyway. LOL)

Once again I am learning right along with you, haven been content to help shield and support the active participants in the collaboration of human /celestial alliance. So off we go.... :)

Kim wrote:
Even after living a crazy life of being in a spiritually gifted family, I still consider myself to be a feral child in knowing the right way to approach spirit and shielding and grounding myself. So, please more explanation in this area. I consider myself a healer and would love to be a student of a Reiki master, but my life is so full of children and family, it simply hasn't happened yet. Every morning when leaving the house I ask spirit for a bubble of protection around myself. And have asked in meditation for protection from anyone who wants to harm me.
Let's think a little more about this shield building as a protection around ourselves and others. Thinking/asking/believing you are protected is a good way to begin. And your shield will be even stronger when you actively build it with Divine Energy. You see, as children of God/ Universe we are imbibed with certain energy abilities...energies that we create with our heart/ mind that "work" for us. So to some extent we can and do protect ourselves with our own energies, yet, these can be strengthened 10 fold when we actively draw through us the energy of the Earth (Gai or Urantia as she is known here.) and the Divine Energies that permeate all things. ( Paradise energy) The process of doing this is often described as grounding... but one can draw energies from either space at any time by asking visualizing in some way, using as many senses as you can as you allow this to happen... By doing this, you actively use spirit in the result you are desiring, open heartedly allowing the Source Energy to flow through you, magnifying your own "reach".
This is well worth the time and effort because as both you know from your spiritual healing work, anytime you allow yourself to be an instrument of healing/good for the Divine you are blessed just as much as the objects of your healing work. Does that make sense?

So taking the time to actively build strong protections and shields is well worth the effort in many ways.

Kim wrote:
Beginning with the message, "A Task At Hand." I'm confused as to what exactly the borderlands are. Is it a dimension separate from, 'the packets' of earth bound spirits roaming around? Or all part of the same thing?
Well to be honest, I am confused on this as well. Some people believe there is an ethereal (not sure that is the right word) mist around the earth that contains all these unresolved thought forms.. some may call it the borderlands? Some think the borderlands are in fact the lower reaches of the mansion worlds or the hells, where passed over beings find themselves with much unresolved shall we say karma.

I do not know the rightness or wrongness of any of the thoughts on this subject.. But for our own beginning work let's assume that these left over energetic thought form beings are at the very least actively existing among the spirit/misty realm around our planet. These thought forms can be created I suspect from strong, sometimes even deliberate emotion, related to some event in the original individual's life.

I'll give you a for instance here...

George mentioned Virginia Jamieson... This was a thought form he actively helped to release many years ago... when he was brought to a place in the ethereal by Bzutu to help release a thought form, thus allowing Virginia Jamieson, a young woman who had been murdered in the early years of the 1900's, to move on. I am posting it below so you can see one method a thought form was released. From what you read earlier Chris is doing this on a large scale and in his own way with guidance from his TA and Celestial Teachers.

Anyway, poor Virginia had her throat cut and thought dead, dumped in a sewer leading to an ocean bay. This is where George found her if you read the story. This was NOT Virginia that he found floating in the bay as he worked in spirit, but a powerful thought form that was preventing her and those who murdered her many many years ago from progressing in the realm after death.

Now according to Chris, there are different levels of the Borderland... But maybe we can look at that later...

Kim wrote:
I'm also confused about the definition of 'elementals', the name of those negative energies in the borderlands. Are elementals only animalistic energies, or does it also include former humans stuck in their anger, fear and pain? My experience with 'elementals' is they are the inter-dimensional beings who are basically caretakers of nature. I could find nothing on the internet referring to them in the negative sense.
I believe you are right in that Elementals are basically caretakers of some form of nature. For instance, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. While they are not negative entities of themselves, they can be used, forced to do the will of nefarious powerful humans. In the end this kind of misuse of energy backfires on those who use a beneficial energy darkly...in other words, it will bite them in the "you know what" in this world or the next. Why is this? Well, I am thinking it is because the only spiritual currency that exists in eternity is Love... everything else is like a shadow that disappears and fades with changes in the environment. Not that these people will not or cannot improve their spiritual circumstances after death...no, but they will have a bit of work to do in understanding and moving on.

There are many indigenous people have some stories of "elementals" stealing their children... for instance a water elemental may be blamed for a child who drowns. Perhaps it is/was simply a way of explaining something that is beyond understanding???? don't know. But I do believe that elementals are neither good or bad. They do have a job to do and they do it as a part of the unseen Earth landscape. So they should not be feared, but respected and certainly not used for evil intent.

Truly, the Earth is ripe with energies that can be sensed when one attunes our human senses to that effect.

Anyway I will stop there... not sure that helped at all... but as you guys said earlier these are open discussions in the hope that with lots of imput and shared experience we can be better aware of our own ascencion scheme and ways in which we can improve the situation of future children of the earth.

Below is the Virginia Jamieson writing mentioned above.
Part of Chapter Eleven
of the book “In The Service Of 11:11.”

Virginia Jamieson

Note: In 1973 there had been a serious disagreement with the Midwayers of the then 11:11 Emergency Platoon and me about a certain project – a healing. I wanted to go ahead, they tried to stop me, but I was stubborn and went ahead anyway. There were dire consequences resulting from my stubborness, and for quite an unbearably long time I saw hide nor hair of the Midwayers. I missed them, and asked to be given another task – for things to be as they once were.

* * * * *
It happened in an immeasurably small fraction of time. Drifting off to sleep one moment, Barnard found himself standing on a concrete pier in the very next instant. There was hardly a hint of color in all he saw; the dark but tranquil bay, the somber, misty night-sky, the concrete pier with its steel safety railing. To his left a distant modern city, at his right, some eight paces away, stood the noble Warrior. Behind ABC-22 stood a group of some ten, perhaps twelve Celestials of widely varied sizes.

The rookie wondered why they were so hard to discern, but he marveled at their vastly different sizes. “You brought many friends, Bzutu,” the human remarked, “a crowd. But they’re hard to see and so are you.”

Something was different about this trip, but the mortal did not know what it was. He had seen other Celestials before, though never so many at the one time, and never before had they looked so vague.

There was no answer from the Warrior. No introductions. ABC-22 shifted his weight, observing his mortal student patiently at all times.

“This is not one of my lucid dreams, is it?” Barnard asked.

“We are here,” came the Guardian’s reassuring answer.

“You said you would guide me,” the human reminded him. “I asked for something worthwhile to do to make up for my willful behavior. I asked for something important to do, so you know I can be trusted again. This can’t be it! Are you playing a joke on me?”

“This is it,” came the somewhat loud and abrasive response.

Barnard looked around. There was nothing to do on this cold, wet and lonely pier but a spot of fishing. What a stupid idea to come here at night, he thought.
“Get about your task, then!” ABC-22 sounded somewhat impatient. He sounded like his student should already know all of what needed to be done.

Barnard looked back at the gentle swell of the bay. There was nothing much to see. Only a solitary seagull circled in the mist and semi-darkness, perhaps fifty meters away — hovering now — circling anticlockwise — hovering again.

Something came to mind. “A sentinel marking a target?” the rookie asked. “Ah! Is there a school of fish down there?” he wanted to know, but no one answered.

“We never brought our fishing rods, nets, scuba gear...”

He was quickly convincing himself the entire effort was meant to be a joke. “Somebody might inform that bird it’s jolly night-time now,” he suggested. He laughed and looked at the group. None of those present appeared to share the mortal’s feelings for making fun. They were a solemn looking lot. Barnard didn’t mind about how they felt and shouted at the bird, “Eh! Feathers! Go home! Time to go to sleep!”

Then he looked down. There was indeed something in the water, right below the hovering bird. As if on cue with his realizing this, the gull drifted away.

It was hard to make out what this object might be. Mostly submerged, the lapping swell momentarily pushed it into view, then out of sight again for many long seconds.

What could it be? He wondered. A dead pig? “You all brought me out here for a dead pig?” He felt deeply insulted. “That is so unkind.”

“Get it now,” ABC-22 ordered.

The human hesitated, unwilling to touch the pig, afraid to disobey his Superior, he stayed planted on the spot. “I think I’ll go home now,” he suggested meekly. “Better that I go home, you Guys.”

“Get it now!” ABC-22 insisted in the gruffest of voices.

Entirely guided by those back on the pier, it seemed, Barnard hovered out with ease, grabbed a limb and slowly dragged the dead body back to the pier. He marveled at his own strength and fitness as he clambered back up onto the pier, lifting the bloated, heavy load from the dark waters with notable ease.

Still feeling belittled and disgraced, he unceremoniously slammed his morbid catch against the steel safety rail. He stepped back and viewed the distasteful blob of a creature. “Oh, my God! It’s a woman!” he cried out.

She moved ever so slightly and without a moment’s thought, Barnard dropped to his knees beside her, pinning her shoulder against the railing. But she would not open her eyes and the mortal knew he would sense nothing from her closed eyes.

“Spit it out!” he suddenly urged her. That message had seemingly come from nowhere. That was inspired, for sure, he concluded. That came from all those Celestials over there. “Spit it out! All of it, woman!” he urged her on. It seemed to be the right thing to say to her.

A small stream of water shot from her mouth. “All of it! All of it! Now!” Barnard kept urging her, shaking her by the shoulder.

Suddenly, a great stream of water gushed a distance of some meters and the fat and bloated body of a woman, formerly seemingly overweight and scarcely recognizable as human, turned into that of a slim young lady. As she took on her appropriate shape, so did many bruises on her body become evident. Her skin toned up somewhat and there was a deep slash mark across her throat. She felt so very cold.

All the mortal’s inhibitions seemed to be left behind in another world, another reality. He felt only tenderness and charity towards this poor, naked little victim. Above all, there was a pressing urgency for him to get her to liven up.

“Spit it all out, girl!” he told her again. But there was nothing more to spit out. “Look at me now! Look at me!” he insisted. Her head had lolled forward like that of a well-worn rag doll. “Open your eyes, lass! Look at me!”

Slowly, she raised her head like a fearful, cowering dog. She was breathing, unaware of there being no need for her to breathe.

“I’m George Mathieu Barnard. And you are now free,” he informed her. They are not my words! he thought. They were not even my thoughts! “Who put that in my mind?” he grunted, but there was no answer.

Their eyes met at last and all the young woman’s emotions became his. He sensed the horror she had suffered long ago — all of her fears. He felt the love she had given to many in her short life, the bitter lessons learned by her. Her hopes and plans. Her needs and wants. Her slow progress in another time. All of her emotions became those of the Guardians’ understudy, but he could not gather a single fact.

“Who did this to you?” he sharply demanded to know. “Who killed you?”

With that question she whisked away, upwards and at great speed. Barnard was left kneeling on the concrete pier, looking at his empty hand, which only a moment before had held her shoulder to give her support.

“Wow! She flies faster than anybody can!” He stood and turned to all assembled. There was great admiration in his voice. “Can she ever hike! Brilliant!” He felt so excited. Then doubts entered his mind and he turned back to the Guardian. “Bzutu, this was not a lucid dream, eh?” he asked.

“It is not. And we are here,” his Superior answered.

“This was urgent and important, like you promised me?” George asked.

“It is so. Go home, George Mathieu. It is done,” said the Guide.

Barnard noticed the other Celestials seemingly fading into thin air. But ABC-22 was still by his side. I can’t leave now! Leaving now would be very wrong, the mortal thought.

“Go home. It is done,” the Guide told him again. “What takes you so long? Go home. Time to go to sleep.”

“Not likely,” the belligerent mortal answered. He stood fast and held onto the railing. “I don’t even know her name,” he complained. “All her emotions became mine. We were so close, we were as one. I must know her name to find her again, later.” A powerful bond had been formed, so quickly, and the mortal was concerned about never meeting her again.

Though all the other Celestials were now unseen by him, Barnard sensed they were still there. And he sensed their disbelief of the abject contempt for authority of such a willful human.

“I’ll wait here till the cows come home,” the rookie promised the Guardian, “you know me, Bzutu.” Barnard squeezed the cold railing for dear life. “I must know her name.”

Tempers were rising. Barnard could feel it. It bothered him greatly not to be able to see the other Celestials to gauge their feelings more clearly. But the Warrior was in charge, no doubt of that, and he was visibly embarrassed by the student’s tenacity.

“So stubborn you are,” the Warrior complained.

At last it showed, as in bright sunshine — a yellow, flat wooden arrow pointing due west. Attached to a square wooden post, its deeply routed black lettering read VIRGINIA ST.

“Fine,” the human mumbled. “Virginia it is. Might she have been so fortunate as to have inherited a surname as well?” he asked. “Yes?”

Quickly it appeared. A round-edged and enameled metal plate with raised white letters on a dark blue ground. Stuck to a building and facing south, JAMISON Ave.

“Virginia Jamison?” he queried. “Oh, I see. Put an E in there. Virginia Jamieson!” He was delighted to know her name. “Gosh, what took you so long?” he asked jokingly.

“Will you go home now?” came the loud, blunt request.
“Where are we then?” he asked in turn. The answer came, but he missed it in part. It sounded like, “... frisco...”

Many summers of diving on the coral reefs, it seemed, had affected his hearing in everyday mortal existence. Coral deafness, apparently, is just as troublesome in the Half-way Realm, he mused. “What’s a frisco?” he asked. A mental picture of an ice-cream in a cone danced before his eyes. Vanilla flavored, George presumed. Ridiculous! “You’re messing with my mind,” he reproached the now smiling Guardian.

“San Francisco!” the Warrior informed him.

“You were messing with my mind, Bzutu,” Barnard accused him. “You do it all too often. I know you do.” He stopped to think about being so far from home and he glanced back at the mist-shrouded city. It suddenly looked so different, so old. “What’s the use of my being all the way out here?” he asked. “I belong in Australia. There are thousands and thousands of psychics in this big land who could set the lass’ soul free. Why did you transport me all this way?”

“Your request,” sounded the immediate response. “Urgent and important. You are not a Specialist. You come to learn many things, very fast. Go home now! So persistent you are.”

The mortal gripped the railing more tightly still. He glanced back at the city. 1903? 1908? Ah! 1911! Prohibition! “It’s long ago, but someone now knows this Jane Doe’s name,” he muttered. “That is San Francisco! No, it isn’t. It was!”

The Jamieson girl’s soul must have been listed for urgent release, he thought. “Why and how did she die, Bzutu?” he asked. “It seems such a waste. She really wasn’t much more than a child, this one.”

The rookie had pushed the Guardian too far. The Warrior’s patience had run out entirely. The rail Barnard had clasped suddenly ceased to exist. He was now observing a smartly dressed Virginia Jamieson, being kicked and punched around in an upstairs room. She was roughly tossed into a wide, deep chair. Then, while she was held from behind by the hair, a small sharp knife cut her throat. She passed out but she stubbornly refused to die.

Next up, the trunk of a black, vintage model car opened up. It was parked in a deserted street in the industrial quarter, the lower part of the town. Rain was bucketing down on the city and street lights were few. Four eager hands removed a heavy, round and patterned man-hole cover and the same four eager hands took a rug from the boot of the vehicle.

Head first, Virginia Jamieson’s naked body slipped from the rug and splashed into the raging stormwater torrent below. Somehow robbed of all conscious fear, and just before the iron cover slammed back into place, Barnard slipped in after her. She struggled weakly, then washed away.

“You didn’t bleed to death, Miss,” he told her unemotionally. “You... actually drowned.” He was coldly, casually informing her of the precise circumstances of her demise.

He followed the body through the lengthy cavern. One of the rusty bars was missing from the grille at the end of the tunnel. Unaware of the fact she was now quite dead, Virginia Jamieson’s sleek little body slipped through the gap and washed into the bay. Barnard climbed back onto the pier. He was back in the precise spot he had started from. “So, that’s how it was,” he remarked, expecting to be told to urgently head off for home. But no one had waited for him to return. He was alone.

At least, so it seemed.
In a mere moment of time he was back in his room, sitting on the edge of his bed and wondering why he could feel so good, so suddenly, and after such a troubling experience. Less than fifteen minutes had elapsed since he had initially closed his eyes to enjoy a night of undisturbed sleep, just before the Guardians spirited him away. This is what he had asked for many long years ago, only to be told he was not allowed to share their time-frame. “You did it!” he told the Guardians. “That was great!”

He was wide awake now, feeling pleased. Weeks of bother and depression caused by the Jennifer Sutton interment had been taken from his mind, so quickly. Again, he had given ABC-22 a hard time, but there were things Barnard needed to know.

Had not the Warrior told him, “You came to learn many things very fast.” Barnard mumbled sarcastically, “Not a Specialist... So persistent you are, George Mathieu... Yes, a damned-hard-to-get-along-with nuisance, Bzutu, or I’d never learn a thing.”

The Guardians must understand why their student is so obstinate, he thought. They would know more about me than I do.
* * * * *
The Essence, Soul, or Astral Self of Virginia Jamieson had been dormant, resting in ‘Frisco’ bay for a long time. A diminished personality, but all the emotions of experiential living were contained in the ‘ethereal package’ that had now been set free. An awareness of self, and a realization of the passing of time, had surely been missing. So much, at least, was obvious to Barnard.

She might have been what some call a ghost — an accident of disorderly dissolution of the component parts of a highly complex human creature. How this long-forgotten
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Lightened717 »

Thanks Sandy! God, the existence of this thread is such a relief to me.

Kim, what has helped me with shielding is guided meditations. There are several videos on youtube that I've found really helpful to visualize what's going on, to strengthen my intention. I kept being led to this one on my path (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhuLXYLhz-c). The verbiage used is a little foreign to me but the integrity and strength of this shield feels really good to me. The visuals in the video help too!

Another great grounding exercise is to visualize yourself as a tree or a waterfall, and see your roots going down to the center of the Earth. Connect with her. Feel her energy. I actually often feel a "pop" when I connect, and then a release from my lower chakras. Then, once connected to the Earth, pull her energy back up through you, stopping at each chakra, eventually to send the energy out into space towards Paradise. Connect to the One Source and Center and then pull the energy back and connect the two energies in your heart. I don't know the truth in this statement, but it feels true to me - I had once heard that if you do one or the other and not both, it can cause you to feel a bit...ungrounded, lightheaded. Proceed to visualize an egg around yourself, and be creative/intuitive in your use of colors. Gold or white are great generic healing energies, but you can use other colors if you feel inclined to do so.

The TM Archives have some info on the Borderlands if you search that term.

As far as these energy packets, I've had a few run ins with these thought forms, and other energies that I believe are more conscious. This information is ALL from my first hand (and beginner) experience. There was one night where I felt a thought form "pass through" me - it caused me to yell like a beast at my husband! But then I felt it leave, too, and realized that something had LITERALLY come over me. I've seen them as well, they look like oblong shadows. They are attracted to like energy in my understanding - if you hold anger in your heart, thought forms that feed on angry energy can "connect" with you like I described. But when you realize it's not YOU or that you don't WANT that energy, they leave. We really are powerful.

I did have one experience that quite confused me; one night a few years ago I was doing Reiki on my dog and I felt a disturbance in his energy field - I experience them as almost black little spheres that get lodged in our energy bodies that can be excised. I pulled it out and told it to go with my angel friends to the light, and it spoke back to me! It said, "You are the only light". It's like they cannot see anything beyond us. They must be convinced to expand their consciousness enough to see where they need to go.

Now if you're interested in doing Reiki, I would suggest you checkout www.meetup.com. At least in my area, there are a TON of Reiki practitioners offering classes, and there are Reiki shares where you can practice using your Reiki. I kind of consider myself a "Reiki renegade" - I don't rely on the Reiki symbols or sayings, although I have been attuned to Level 3. I've found the most profound healing experiences happen when I ask for assistance from my angels to heal. I visualize them behind me, putting their hands on my hands and helping direct the energy. The energy comes in through your crown chakra, goes through your heart and down your arms. Sometimes I ask the energy to go where it's most needed, and other times I'm healing a specific injury. As always, I finish my visualization with a prayer of "Please heal this person if it be Father's Will". Sometimes healing is not in their best spiritual interest (yet), and unless the person then develops their own spiritual practice and strives to overcome the energetic imbalance that created the disturbance in the first place, it will come back. BUT you can use your Reiki sessions as a sort of spiritual therapy. Pray to the patient's TA to allow them to say what they need to say to you if it be Father's Will. You'll be surprised at what comes up.
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Seeker13 »

Good evening everyone!
Your responses have been so helpful and intriguing! Sandy you said our shield would be even stronger if we build it with Divine Energy. It brings to mind some things I'm already doing, not the same, but along the same lines, like doing chi gong(know I probably massacred the spelling) in the morning and color breathing. Because of the information you and Peggy have shared, setting my intention and visualization will now become part of my meditation routine.

The borderlands having different levels makes sense. Even among negative entities, there must be differing levels of vibration they would be drawn to.

So if elementals can be manipulated by dark workers, then they must not have free will. No wonder they can become so hate filled and fearful.

You said, "Love is the only spiritual currency." That is so powerful, had to mull this over for several minutes.

Peggy, thank you for sharing the grounding site, made it very easy to visualize. Love the idea of becoming a tree or a waterfall. There is a gorgeous waterfall in my special place in nature. Was thinking the other day that I should spend more time there when in meditation. Becoming a tree or waterfall sounds extremely calming, might make it hard for me to move on. I do a chakra clearing before every meditation. Starting with red, I imagine I'm that color lying down over a silver screen. As my body passes through the screen any particles blocking that chakra is collected in the screen. I move through each chakra successively. When finished, a lever is pulled to open the screens. All the blocking material empties into a cloth bag. Walking to my bridge, the bag is tossed over the side to fall into a wide deep river of source energy. Then I'm ready to move forward in meditation.

I'll have to look further in the TM archives for borderland information. Tried to search there with no luck. Went to the Spiritual book section, having my eye drawn to Outlands of Heaven Volume 5- Beyond the Veil of Heaven.Thank you Geoff for taking the time to turn it into a pdf!

As for packets and negative energies... that's where my crazy family part comes in, unconscious, conscious, just passing through, confused, scared, angry, to down right dangerous has been our experience. So many, too many to get into right now. They are the main reasons George's celestial message captured my attention,causing me to start this thread! I'm relieved we are talking about this stuff, especially with so many indigo, crystal and rainbow children walking about having experiences! I was desperate for information to help my own kids.

Non-corporeal entities are attracted to like energies for sure, but I also believe they are drawn to the light of light workers. One late night meditation I asked about this. Quickly it appeared as if I was elevated high above the ground, viewing the whole area for many miles. Everything was shrouded in darkness, except from a few houses shafts of bright, white light shot up toward the heavens. I understood these were the homes of light workers and(I'm just going to call them ghosts) were attracted by the light because that was the only thing they could sense.

Reiki is definitely on my radar, wish I'd taken that path years ago, along with a few other interests simmering on the back burner. There is too much right in front of me that demands my attention to stray very far from my present course. During almost every meditation I'm involved in healing someone, along with asking spirit to help certain people I pass on the street who look like they need it. That will have to suffice for now.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for all that helpful information Kim and Peggy! I love the video and funny thing just before I watched it I was thinking that creating a Merkaba would be very helpful in this shield building and sure enough almost like the Celestials were saying, "Yes...it is. " LOL Kim I am going to try your passing through screens as you ground and clear your chakras. I must admit I have been a tad lazy and wonder if, like... (what was that fella's name in "A Christmas Carol," ...Markey?) .. I have tons of stuff attached to my chakras..slowing me down to a crawl. So time to do a good clearing.

George and I have alwasy been lucky these past years with the Midwayers keeping unwanted stuff at bay. But with the changes in the work and the additional tasks, it is important that we do the work ourselves. I mean how can we expect to help others with such things if we are not cleaning up our own fields. So with help of all our Many Celestial friends off we go again on another adventure in spiritual learning, eh?
Peggie I wanted to tell you also confirmed for me a question lingering in my heart from a way I build a Merkaba. You being so liberal with Reiki and making it your own...It told me that basically you can change the formula other's use to what fills your own heart and intentions with the powerful energies. It seems it is our very intentions, desires and "visuals" drawing in these God-energies that do the work. awesome! so just about anything would go I suspect if it focused on the very best for all involved along with the will of "the Big Gal Upstairs".

Well I am enthralled with both your posts and am investigating both of them thoroughly as the day progresses But I thought I would add another bit about the borderlands I have finally found saved in the nether reaches of my computer.
So I'll post it down below... Have a lovely week you two and everybody reading...


Spiritual Frequency of Urantia

The Scribe:

Good Morning, this is the Scribe. You are hypothesizing that by clearing the old energy out of the Borderland, it is having an affect on the baseline frequency of the planet and it can sometimes be detected via the Schumann Resonance Frequency (SRF). The SRF is only indirectly affected by this spiritual rise in consciousness—your scientists do not yet have a device for measuring the direct level of spiritual frequency. Clearing the old energy in the Borderland is a major contributor to this rise in frequency which affects human mass-consciousness, but there are other factors that influence this.

Mother Urantia has a spiritual frequency just as each of you do and it is symbiotic with the consciousness of both the living beings and deceased energy of a planet—let me explain: The old energy in the Borderland acts as an insulator or a dampener of the frequency and has kept it steady and at a low vibration for thousands of years. Darkness feels comfortable in this lower frequency and the medium from which darkness holds this frequency is the old deceased energy of billions of people who have past from material life that were unprepared for ascension for various reasons having many unresolved issues and confusion—what life is about and how it ended for them? This heavy energy is unable to pass into the light of ascension on its own and remains bound to the Borderland of the planet, thus keeping the darkness at a comfortable level. This whole system was engineered by Caligastia as a means of controlling and containing many souls from their ascension path. This, of course, is all changing now that Urantia has been reconnected to the universe circuits.

The chaos that persists on the planet—wars, greed, hatred, political polarization, and corporate control, continue to feed this system of confusion and the unresolved issues that many leave this planet with. You may surmise by listening to mass-media that this is all spiraling downward, but it is clearly not the case. Urantia has surpassed the threshold and is on an upward curve of “wakefulness” which is counteracting the confusion causing the planetary frequency to rise. Like the ocean tide, it “lifts all boats.” As more souls pass directly to the mansion worlds, there is less unresolved energy trapped in the Borderland, and together with the work of many light workers on the planet and the new generations being born, this is exponentially affecting the rise of spiritual frequency in human consciousness.

As more and more souls awaken to the spiritual path and the realization that they are part of the Oneness of all things, this spiritual indicator will continue to rise and feed itself until we arrive at the gates of Light and Life. There is still a lot of hard work to do, which you shall be assisted with by the coming of the Magisterial Son that shall accelerate this process. I admonish you to stay away from the “negative press,” for it feeds the darkness and keeps it comfortable.

I AM the Scribe
...and from Chris:

The Borderland – Between Life and Afterlife.

From the Desk of Chris Maurus


This paper is a description of what I have learned over the course of several months working with other light workers through a campaign of clearing the mass accumulation of unresolved (deceased) energies from myriad generations that exist in a plane of reality we call “The Borderland.” The prosecution of this campaign has become one of necessity for human consciousness to move beyond its stagnant state of Luciferian programming and onward toward a new and more enlightened era. It is written in a form for which human minds may better understand its structure, function, and purpose as it relates to the current state of consciousness on Urantia. It is—at best, a child’s understanding of the true nature of planetary/consciousness mechanics.

The Borderland may be thought of as a “buffer zone.” It is the “back-end” of the out-workings of freewill—the mechanics of which most inhabited planets in the universes of time have to deal with in one way or another. On a planet such as Urantia that has been infected by rebellion, the back-end becomes a very complex structure which weighs heavy on the collective subconscious and the race consciousness of its citizens, acting as a governor that limits the natural progression of planetary consciousness into higher states. Although mankind has achieved much in the way of science and technology, it has seriously lagged in its understanding of spiritual realities and the ascension path of souls which makes for a very dangerous condition on the planet and its citizenry when considering the destructive power of war and weapons that could end all life on the planet.

This deficit in spiritual understanding began long ago with the onset of the Lucifer Rebellion and continues to be the main source of confusion in the lives of so many of its citizens which results in a disconnect from the true reality of the meanings and values of a life lived in truth, beauty, and goodness—its soul purpose. Many humans cannot reconcile this disconnected life and hold on to the fear, pain, anger, and the burdens of an unfulfilled life after death. These disconnected and discarnate components of consciousness are too heavy to enter into the light of ascension and remain bound to this back-end structure until they can be reconciled, rescued, and released (or recycled).

Once this unresolved energy reaches a critical level where it becomes a drag on consciousness evolution, the deities may invoke a millennial or special dispensation to release this energy en-mass so that a new era can begin to evolve on the planet (higher consciousness). This mass release of deceased energy is integral to the awakening of the sleeping survivors at the row call of justice.

Because this back-end structure exists as a buffer zone and is the result of free-will, it may be more effectively managed co-creatively by living humans executing their free will. Spirit assists in nearly everyway, but may not directly intervene by fiat in these matters as a directive of non-interference in free will. The Father indwells all personalities on Urantia with his Spirit and so any “needful thing” can and shall be done by his elect.

Planetary Management—our spiritual administration, has declared a “special dispensation” of sorts to liberate the trapped consciousness of those in the upper rooms and awaken these “sleeping survivors” to their morontia investitures awaiting them and their Thought Adjusters on the mansion worlds. This massive movement of energy is, for all intents and purposes, the “Row Call of the Sleeping Survivors.” As far as we know from our text, this occurs at the beginning of a new dispensation and may be perquisite to the appearance of a divine being. The way in which this is occurring on Urantia at this time is unique to this sphere.

49:6.3 (568.6) Throughout the earlier ages of an inhabited world, many are called to the mansion spheres at the special and the millennial resurrections, but most survivors are repersonalized at the inauguration of a new dispensation associated with the advent of a divine Son of planetary service.

49:6.5 (568.8) The group guardians of assignment to the sleeping survivors always function with the judgment Sons on their world advents. “He shall send his angels, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds.” With each seraphim of assignment to the repersonalization of a sleeping mortal there functions the returned Adjuster, the same immortal Father fragment that lived in him during the days in the flesh, and thus is identity restored and personality resurrected. During the sleep of their subjects these waiting Adjusters serve on Divinington; they never indwell another mortal mind in this interim.

In addition to this back-end structure that holds this unresolved conscious energy, we have the “basement” where certain energies have become so twisted and perverted with hate and anger, that they have become the embodiment of evil having no redeemable value to the ascension scheme. This dark energy is then manipulated and leveraged by groups (Luciferian and Satanic) of living humans and elite power structures to enslave, control, and instill fear through various means of intimidation most of which humanity accepts as normal to the human condition. This dark influence is very much like a battery that is constantly being re-charged which continues to confuse and snare those who are passing out of the material plane creating an exponential reservoir of broken lives and discarnate consciousness that may eventually fall victim to the darkness in the basement. This fear and intimidation adds to the ranks of the irredeemable which then adds more “voltage” to the Luciferian agenda in control of the planet. Deity has declared that this basement structure is to be completely dismantled and sanitized. It no longer serves any good purpose and is to be eliminated/recycled.

Borderland Structure

The Borderland is a multi-layered domain of consciousness that exists around Urantia and extends from the planetary core up to the surface and into the troposphere of Earth’s atmosphere. Although consciousness itself occupies no geographic location, the subtle energies that aggregate as a result of conscious free-will exist in this geographic area and have a symbiotic relationship with the Planetary Supreme as a “homeland.”

In the Borderland there are 24 boundary layers that serve consciousness of various qualities. These 24 layers are divided into two sub-groups (2 sets of 12). If we think about the layers in terms of light and dark, the 1st layer is the lightest (light-weight, highest vibration), while the 12th layer is the darkest (heaviest weight, lowest vibration). The first sub-group of 12 will be referred to as the “Twilight Realm,” and the second sub-group of 12 is what we would consider the “Dark Realm,” varying degrees of darkness—heavy, malevolent, and evil. This is not to be confused with the Christian concept of Hell where souls are kept in torment for eternity—there are no souls here, only the mental aberrations of twisted and perverted consciousness that have accumulated over time and gravitated to the lowest form of unreality.

Each layer in these two realms has two phases and they are polarized. You might think about it like an electric circuit of positive and negative—they are 180 degrees out of phase with each other. The positive phase for the Twilight Realm is the domain of consciousness for living humans during sleep, while the negative phase is the domain of consciousness for deceased humans who have not crossed over into the light of ascension. Likewise, for the Dark Realm, the positive phase is the consciousness domain of the Elementals while the negative phase is the domain of the dark malevolent and evil entities and energies.

The Twilight Realm

The 12 positive layers of the Twilight Realm is where human consciousness dwells during the “Sleep Life.” Although the physical body may lay unconscious during sleep, the mind however, continues to communicate, learn, and have experiences. Many of you can and do recall waking from sleep having had dreams of being in crowded rooms or places where many people gather and communicate in a somewhat “party-like” atmosphere. Some describe being in large rooms that are connected to other large rooms. Moving from room to room brings a different “feel” as if you may not belong with the others there. This is what it is to move from one layer to another. You are not barred from doing so, but you may not feel comfortable in some of these other rooms—it is literally a “different vibe.” In the sleep state and in the absence of material world conditions where you have duties, responsibilities, and obligations to others, you naturally may gravitate toward more kindred souls, and so it is that you shall find your place in comfortable layers in the Borderland during sleep. For many this freedom to be with like minds becomes a relief from the constraints and stresses the soul may be under during conscious life. For those with more ego driven personalities, they will naturally gravitate to layers that facilitate their desire for recognition or control. Those personalities with a more developed spiritual life would feel uncomfortable in these layers—and so it is, “As above, so below.” These nocturnal excursions become a “trial run” for the next phase of your ascension on the mansion worlds.

The negative phase of these first 12 layers are for the deceased humans who have failed to cross-over into the light of ascension. They also aggregate in layers by the state of their consciousness at death. I have found that some gather in groups that have a common burden, vice, or demise where others may just wander and lose all cognition of time and space. The living maintain their consciousness in the material plane by the intake of energies derived from food which fuels the subtle fields of consciousness. The deceased however, have no physical body to take in energy and so they must pursue an energy source to continue their existence in the Borderland. They may attach themselves to the subtle fields of living humans or to animals. I cover this subject in more detail in my earlier paper on Clearing the Borderland.

The Dark Realm

The 12 positive layers of the Dark Realm is the consciousness domain for the Elementals. Although there are many varieties of Elementals, they may not all be necessarily “dark,” but they do occupy these boundary layers in the positive phase for which there are the 12 “qualities” of consciousness. I really have no insight into this area of the Elemental world or how it operates nor what its purpose is for Urantia and so I will not speculate about its nature and purpose.

The 12 negative layers within the Dark Realm are the most mysterious of the entire Borderland boundary layers. As I mentioned earlier, these are levels where consciousness erodes down into its most vile and twisted forms and is the result of what we would call a life of “iniquitous thinking.” It is the epitome of selfishness, hatred, greed, anger, and every form of murderous and destructive thought—completely devoid of love and mercy. There is no redeemable value here. When a human mind willfully chooses this form of unreality, their Adjusters take leave of them prior to death and there is no resurrection for the unjust—their consciousness descends into the basement of the dark realm awaiting some form of adjudication or recycling—we do not know. What we do know is that there are certain groups of living humans that communicate with this darkness and use their energy and influence in psychic attacks. Those practicing black witchcraft and other satanic rituals can enter into contracts with these unspeakable evils and cause all kinds of peril in the lives of their targeted victims.

The Twilight Realm and the Dark Realm are segregated but there seems to be a one-way door from layer 12 of the Twilight Realm to the first layer of the Dark Realm. The energies there can not directly intermix—their frequency and vibration are discordant, but there are channels of mind that can be accessed to allow for their psychic influence to penetrate into other realms including our wakeful state of consciousness. Those that practice the dark arts act as conduits or “mediums” that channel these dark influences to other areas of consciousness. This can create more fear and intimidation in the Twilight Realm adding to the confusion there which can interfere with the process of reconciliation in the minds of those unprepared for ascension. This interference by the Dark Realm is now targeted by deity for permanent resolution.


The Borderland serves several functions in the mechanics of planetary consciousness that is necessary for the functioning of free will:

1) It facilitates “Sleep Life” communication.

2) Acts as a buffer zone for the deceased consciousness of those unprepared for ascension

3) A container for thought forms with no ascension value

As of the date of this paper, nearly all the deceased energies in the 12 layers of the Twilight Realm have been reconciled and released into the light of ascension where the activities of the Sleeping Survivors can now be processed by the Row Call of Justice. This morning I learned that Twilight layers 11 and 12, although they may be processed for ascension, are likely to have a “no answer” from their Adjusters during the row call of the Sleeping Survivors. The cleansing of the Dark Realm is about to begin, but I am not clear on how or who shall be involved in this activity. It would appear that the preclusion of a major dispensation has taken place and this event signals the beginning of a new era, most fittingly, on the anniversary of the birth of Jesus – August 21, 2017.

Other Considerations

It is to be noted that currently on Urantia, all souls who are prepared for ascension go directly to the Resurrection Halls of Mansonia #1 and do not enter the ranks of the sleeping survivors. Since all 12 layers of deceased have been processed, the question remains about what happens to those newly deceased who are now entering the Borderland? What I am understanding about this is that these deceased energies will remain in the borderland until the next millennial adjudication where they shall again be moved en-mass, but may be rescued by light workers interim when they are ready to ascend. What we have now is a “manageable” buffer zone that no longer acts as a drag on planetary consciousness. What happens next is yet to be discovered as far as the rise in human consciousness is concerned. We are hopeful that things and events will begin to turn around on this planet where compassion shall take hold and make a marked uptick in the actions human choose. However, people who have been conditioned to think in terms of a purely material existence or from a radical viewpoint will continue to be fearful of the future and may continue to add to the chaos as we have seen in recent days around the world—a knee-jerk reaction to the changing energies in and around the planet. I surmise that in the coming weeks, with the cleansing of the Dark Realm about to begin, that there may be other horrific events to deal with before its complete.

We now look forward to the advent of the Magisterial Mission and to the arrival of the Avonal Son.
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Welles »

This is a fascinating thread. I've been vaguely curious about the Borderlands from occasional references. Now I have a bit of an idea. Thank you all!

I would like to add a thought about self-protection from evil influences. In my meandering through this world I've often run into people who assert that black magicians are trying to rule the planet and all of humanity. My response has always been, I don't believe in them - they aren't real. That's caused a number of people to become defensive about their fearfulness (sometimes to the point of aggression). I've had to explain my point a bit more.

You see I know some people like that exist and their actions are affecting and sometimes dominant over those who live in fear. However they aren't real! Reality is conferred by proximity to God, to Divinity. We can achieve that proximity right here on earth by acting on faith. Actualized faith is perfect armor. I don't believe one actually needs special rituals unless they are comforting for you.

We will persist whereas those who are unreal will cease to exist. We don't need to worry about them. I emphasize - they aren't real! Remember, the biggest fear-based buggaboo they wield is Death. Death isn't real either. It's just a transition.

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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Lightened717 »

I would agree with you, Welles, that the rituals are not necessary. However my belief is that rituals are helpful in that they penetrate the subconscious actively, so they are a good way to integrate new practices, beliefs, and thinking into our lives. But just like anything material we can get attached to the ritual and believe that is what is affecting the changes in our life, and not the Grace of God. They are a step on the path, not the path.

I myself have "tripped" on things in my subconscious that I did not know were there and therefore did not know how materially they were affecting my life and my choices (trauma is a tricky mistress, but hey that's our legacy and what we're here to learn to clean up, right? :bike:).

In my mind, my rituals were my way of saying, "I surrender" both to the idea that I needed to change and that I did not know or was not aware of all the healing that I needed to go through. It was a bit of a stumbling block at first intellectually (e.g. how can smudging a space with sage help clear energy, I mean, really?). It was a way of acting out my intention, give it some "oomph", like the materialization of a visualization. Plus it helps build that feeling in us that things beyond our imagination or our conscious understanding are possible. They can give us the trust we need to start really co-creating.

I also do have the feeling that consciously shielding each day is just a phase of spiritual maturation, as it is evidence of us being willing to take responsibility of learning to care for our developing psychic selves in a harsh world. My intuition tells me that eventually we grow to be stable enough in our Light where we no longer need to shield as our Light is a natural repellent - we just have to get it to the point where our system has reached Critical Light Mass - no different than Urantia as a system. As above, so below.
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Sandy »

Hi Guys,
For me, rituals are a way of making the unseen energies real... sort of like throwing a handful of gold dust into the air to accentuate what is real in the subtle realms. I'll use meditation practices in general as an example.
How many times have we suggested for someone to meditate to draw closer to God. I suppose one could simply believe right off the bat that they were in the presence of God and with enough faith it would be so...thus nullifying the need for the meditation exercise/practice/ritual. Yet most of us in the beginning and then some have not that faith and experience and we need these "connecting bridges" until our faith develops to the point it is all engulfing.
Another example of this is seen in the spiritual practice of Wicca, a nature based religion whose members often use magick in problem solving, healing, and protection. Not all Wiccans practice magick but those that do use spells of many sorts to formalize and focus their intentions, and make the energies real to them as they send the desired outcome out into the Quantum field for manifestation. As above so below. Obviously the effectiveness would vary as to each individual and their strength of belief in their connection to Divine energies.

Yet there is also something missing... a little bit anyway.... in these discussions. We are forgetting the power of the human mind...which is one reason, I suspect, these thought forms can be so formidable. George, many years ago, was allowed to see the material actuality of thought when he made a derogatory statement about the awesome Primary Midwayer, Andrea. What he said so upset, Bzutu that he sent an angry thought of reprisal to Andrea and then she back to him and George saw this thought as a physicality. Thankfully Andrea was not deterred. LOL as at those times the Midwayers were still armed.

The thing is...(I am thinking anyway,) there is free will. It has been said many times that free will must always be respected. So I wonder if even so... this applies to the things inherent in the Borderland. Eventually all things not of Light, not of God will fade and be no more as we and the universe spiritually matures into perfection and Light and Life. But at this stage in our progression as a world, there is a reckoning of sorts. Perhaps there always has been, I don't know. I do know and was shocked by seeing that sometimes even those mortals of great light can be attacked and even made to feel extremely uncomfortable by Borderland energy. I couldn't understand it then and still am not real comfortable with it today. Yet, we are given methods that can and will work to successfully rid ourselves and others of these associate problems of re establishing Universe citizenship.

It comes down to our own individual beliefs, strengths, allowances, acceptance....etc... If rituals so concrete your powerful belief to the point it changes the Quantum field, allowing you to work powerfully for the good of yourself and others then by all means do it! If these rituals make you feel safe, clean, peaceful and invigorated then do it with all the power and skill of your God-given mind.

Anytime you allow Divine Love to flow through you in any way shape or form it is a blessing.
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by George »

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan A
Sent: Wednesday, 25 October 2017 7:29 AM
To: 11:11 Progress Group
Subject: Re: Unity and Cooperation.

George, has there been a recent upswelling of activity by these borderland things?
God Bless & Love,

Hi Dan,

Calling them "things" is pretty well right. In the early 70's Chief Bzutu (ABC-22) Called them "packets" of hatred and grudges housed in another dimension of this world.
Michael now wants this borderland cleaned right out for good.

He suggested to me that collectively we've stacked it full of grudges whilst we know so little about it only Mormons and 11:11 Progress have had some success --- the <Mormons by baptising their members in the name of those long ago departed, 11:11 Progress dis-solving those thought-forms now by 1000's at a time.

Lytske writes out by hand thousands of names with Life Carrier Orion and a human helper.
Anyas does too, but a lesser number.
Next day they say a special prayer over those names.

Chris and his sons ship those thought-forms "off to the Light."

Chris and his sons battle "elementals" that can be very hurtful and energy depleting.

Back here in Oz I control a black magic guy in Northern California and 6 dark witches in Washington DC who even use elementals to bother us -- mainly Chris and sons.

Our thorough lack of knowledge of the borderland is a big part of the problem.

We would learn more if we understood the questions to be asked, the concepts, but packets are not souls.

Cheers . . .

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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by happyrain »

Hi guys,
I don’t want to intrude to much but wanted to comment:
Welles thank you for this realization- unfortunately fear of death is very prominent in my life still...
Chris mentioned elite power structures utilizing these dark energies. I understand it that the old foundations are breaking and we’re undergoing a lot of change- and although we can’t see it I think there has been a silent war within those elite infrastructures. They’re trying to get us involved by baiting us over morality issues and the like...
So, speaking of rituals Nov 4th is a full moon- the same day violent protestors wish to yell in the sky to show their outrage that Donald Trump is president of the US. I don’t mean to bring politics into this but would Jesus teach us to yell at the sky over politics?? I don’t think you should partake in this practice even if your are unhappy with it- I think there are those in this elite power structure using this as a way to harness fear- Something here just seems like an attempt to practice dark magic and bring fear/confusion to the masses and a prelude to an actual strike down the road. ???
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
You wrote:
So, speaking of rituals Nov 4th is a full moon- the same day violent protesters wish to yell in the sky to show their outrage that Donald Trump is president of the US. I don’t mean to bring politics into this but would Jesus teach us to yell at the sky over politics?? I don’t think you should partake in this practice even if your are unhappy with it-
I must admit there have been moments when I wanted to howl at the sky over Donald Trump, myself. LOL But in context of what we are talking about on this thread it seems like that would be detrimental and in fact cast a lot of angry ugly thoughts into the subtle realms that could bite us in the backside down the road. I suppose afterwards after releasing all their hatred to the Moon Mother they might actually feel better for awhile...don't know. ????

One thing though it is easy to blame every dark thing or action on Witch craft ..when in fact many Wiccan witches are following the light, working in spirit healing, working on solutions for the ails of this world, fostering understanding between the natural world and humans. It is the church that has long cast dark shadows on anything...and it is the corrupt church of Centuries past that wanted no usurping of their authority in any way shape or form and so they burned all the village healers at that time...deeming them witches and a blasphemy to God in an attempt to establish a powerful and Patriarchal religious/government system. It was also another way to discredit women. :(
But truthfully, many involved in Wicca Spirituality speak to the same dieties we do, they just call them by different names and visualize them in differing forms. They consider the Moon a representation of the Mother God and would never in a million years act so disrespectful to her as to send such anger in Her direction. This type of protest is not being waged by witches...more so because it is October I would bet it is a Halloween form of protest, something to grab the attention of everyone out there... Seems it has worked, eh?
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy
I’m aware of the good witches im not blaming this on Wicca- rituals are held by all kinds of folk, I’m thinking there are powerful elites who practice dark magic. Violent protestors will be joining in on this hateful yelling in the wind. This yelling at the sky on a base level seems a little silly to be honest- but I think there’s more to it that aids to the fear, hate and confusion. It’s a gateway- perhaps some organized “chaos” or something more sinister... ? I don’t know and I’m not trying to stir the pot- I just feel like it’s not something to get caught up in- it seems like a desperate attempt from the dying structures to harness what they can from these lower energies- even if this is just a prelude to something later ???
Not trying to scare, just discussing the lower levels mentioned by chris and my thoughts
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Lightened717 »

I can totally see what you're saying happyrain. The recent apparent upstep in the political dichotomy in the US, if not the entire globe, is a desperate attempt from a dying system to drag us back in. To get us to fear more, to get us to hate our brother, to make us believe our differences are greater than our similarities. It's easy to slip into. The confusion and conflicting information also helps their cause - the internet is both a blessing and a curse. And at least from what I've seen, a lot of people who purport to be living in the Light deny the existence of these things. It's an attractive lie, but also a coping mechanism for folks as they're ascending and shedding their fear, so I understand that frame of mind. People have to develop a desire for the Truth and it takes time for Spirit to build our hunger in that regard, especially given our legacy of Rebellion (and therefore betrayal by those who were given the great responsibility of caring for our growing souls).
Knowledge is possessed only by sharing; it is safeguarded by wisdom and socialized by love. ~ The Urantia Book, (48:7.28)
There are what seems like a LOT of people who are more than willing to give away their personal sovereignty and critical thinking skills to believe in a savior, whether that be based on the potential return of Jesus or some political party or politician. Now, I can't for the life of me understand why people would trust Donald Trump to fix their lives but that's a whole other discussion...

We, as light workers, can offset it by wishing for peace, by encouraging peace verbally with our friends, by sending loving, healing thoughts, and by being personal representatives of True Personal Responsibility in the Brotherhood of Man. By having patience, tolerance, and tact with our brothers who "know not what they do".

This last year and half it has been hard for me personally as many of my friends are starkly progressive and very anti-Trump. Some of them buy into Antifa (I'm still not sure about that movement myself being a pacifist). They have wanted me to be angry with them and can tend to turn their anger on people like me who don't WANT to be angry. But then I also feel indignant and a huge sense of righteous anger and the idea of the US falling into fascist state and have a strong desire to be that little old lady (metaphorically) hitting a Nazi with her purse. Not quite sure what to do with those strong feelings and impulses. :lol:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Woman_H ... er_Handbag

I am glad Wicca is being brought up - I've personally felt a sense of trepidation about not being able to discern between true psychic phenomena that is aligned with Father's Will vs. metaphysics, mediumship, and the like. I had a nasty experience with a Ouija board as a kid, but have also felt drawn to Tarot, Reiki, crystals, intention work, and channeling. I deeply desire to settle these confusions within me.
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Re: Celestial message, "A Task At Hand..."

Post by Seeker13 »

HI all!
... I've spent several accumulated hours now, wading through all the information presented on this thread. Wow! It is exciting and confusing trying to digest personal experiences, hypothesis, suggestions and celestial messages. My conclusion is we are mostly talking about the same thing, but also this thread could be split up into several separate topics that we are concerned about. We should congratulate ourselves for spending so much thought,time and energy trying to figure out what it all means and what our individual roll is in all of it!

My attention is fractured as to what I should concentrate on first and then what after that? If the goal of this dispensation is to clear the borderlands all the way down to it's last level to help raise the vibration of Urantia. What can we as individuals do to help? Obviously clear our own fears that may add to the comfort of the borderlands, educate, arm and shield ourselves, what else?

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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