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Beyond Content Of Thought — by Ram Dass

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 5:47 pm
by Welles
"Instead of trying so hard to get out of the shadow, the dark, which I think actually reinforces the shadow and its reality, just do your practices. See, if somebody says, “I’m having these terrible thoughts, and I don’t know why, will you help me understand why?” I’d tell them that I’d rather sit with them and help them to follow their breath. The breath has no content to it at all. It’s just breath. It’s better to strengthen their centering, the quieting, the presence, than to keep strengthening the problem, which keeps being reinforced when you work on it directly. It’s a very delicate situation. I don’t want to undercut times when it’s really appropriate to work on thoughts as content, but for the most part, the focusing on the content of thoughts is, to me, a last strategy."

Beyond Content Of Thought — by Ram Dass


Re: Beyond Content Of Thought — by Ram Dass

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:15 am
by Sandy
Thanks Welles,
I'm having a tough morning and found this article helpful.