Manifesting Lottery Numbers

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Manifesting Lottery Numbers

Post by inlikeflint »

So, I'm in my tween state (between sleeping and awake.) and I am focusing on future events... specifically, Lottery numbers.

I can see the numbers vividly and it is like looking though a window and I get the numbers... although they are not always clear. I've managed to get one number consistently... And this takes a lot of energy for me sometimes.

But, here is where it gets weird.
I focus my intention this time, and nothing comes to me... and this goes on for hours like a battle. I drift in and out of sleep and i am wearing myself out trying to get the numbers. At some point I feel sort of irritated and my thoughts almost come out like a demand to "show me the numbers now!"

... and my cell phone goes off.
it is two texts. from Southwest Airlines for boarding pass confirmations at 10:59. It is the 12th & 13th text on the 13th of January. For flight #790 & #1817... So, I play the local lottery game I've been focusing on. (07 - 09, & 17 - 18.)

(the lottery game i am playing has two separate groups of numbers from 1-26 that you select two red & white numbers, and the second set are two black & white numbers from 1-26.)

...and as usual, I get one number, and this time it was #18.
it came as a surprise and it was exciting, because it was like something I had not experienced before.

it isn't so much about winning , not that I don't want to win... The winning would be the bonus. It was the communication on my cell phone about a future event while I am desiring to see the future event.
This is manifestation and am still learning to crawl, but it has made life more interesting.
...and i am grateful and thankful to have discovered it for myself.

11Light11 told me a little bit about manifesting a couple years ago... so, maybe someone else in this forum can use the info.
"Ask, and you shall receive."
Whatever you want.
Money in the parking lot, new girlfriend, lottery numbers, art show, art sale... and it is quick for small things. (Longer for more complex things, and more complex for doing it for someone else.)

It will change your outlook on life.

...Anyway, I thought I would share this.

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Re: Manifesting Lottery Numbers

Post by happyrain »


it's been a while so i hope you see this. i hope all is well. maybe you've won the lottery now and you've disappeared to protect yourself :mrgreen: the mind blowing message here is in the validation of your experience. the power of belief is wild. :hithere
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Re: Manifesting Lottery Numbers

Post by Sandy »

You know, its funny, there was something in Flints's post I needed to hear today. Thanks Eric for bringing Flint's post to attention...And Flint I'm thinking about you too and would love to know what you've been up to.
You both have a special place in my heart. :love
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Re: Manifesting Lottery Numbers

Post by inlikeflint »

Hey all! I had the sudden urge to come back and see what was going on in this forum. I had forgotten that I posted this and I sort of needed to remember/read this today. I never did win the lottery (specifically the jackpot) but I have won several times as far as winning my money back or winning a couple of dollars... I still play but I have not tried to "see" the numbers like I have in the past (like when I was posting this).

Manifesting anything takes some focus and energy, but it works. I've been doing odd jobs like fixing rentals and at one point I needed some money for something and I 'directed' the Universe to help the rental owner to locate an envelope of money so, that she could pay me some money that she owed me. The very next day the rental owner handed me an envelope with a few hundred dollars that she had found in an envelope that morning. (So... even being specific, and visualizing those things manifesting make things manifest). Sometimes, the feeling of being the only one (physically) aware of what is happening feels better than the actual receiving part because you are witnessing a miracle of your own making.

One of the quirky things with manifesting is that sometimes you have to let go of what you are trying to manifest and give things some time to 'cook' before they become tangible. Everything that you put in an order in to the Universe, comes to you eventually. Jim Carey the comedian/actor has a video out about how he wanted to have 5 million dollars in two years and from two years from the date he received an acting part in a movie where his contract was for $5 million dollars. What Jim says is exactly how it works and it is so simple it is absurd that not everybody is doing it. You're technically doing this when you are healing someone, or praying for healing, you are manifesting an energy or a well being into existence. I have been able to make intense pains go away withing an hour or two by self healing, burn fat off of my body without exercising...

I think if you really wanted to walk in the sandals of the Christ Consciousness and perform miracles, you are only limited by the levels of your own creativity. Anyway, thank you for still being here, I needed a reminder of how to overcome another speed bump in my life!!!

Much love,
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Re: Manifesting Lottery Numbers

Post by Sandy »


I was hoping you would see this thread notification and there you are...Okay, that is not quite manifesting but I am very interested in what you, Moksha, and others can relate on this very important subject. Like you, I see it as something so beneficial...don't know why everybody isn't doing it. Still I've got a ways to go and some issues to address but I am enjoying the process of learning...
Can you explain the " thought" processes that you went through to let's use the burn fat off your body. So many people could really use that one especially. and this in itself would allow us to live much healthier lives.

Love this...
I think if you really wanted to walk in the sandals of the Christ Consciousness and perform miracles, you are only limited by the levels of your own creativity.
very well said. :sunflower:

Anyway, it is awesome to see you again!

For those who are in doubt, this is an easy fun book that helps to recognize your own manifesting abilities through do it yourself experiments... ... +Pam+Grout
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Re: Manifesting Lottery Numbers

Post by peacockplume »

Yes Flint,,you are on the right track...

we've all been there,,with Ask and It Is Given,,,Abraham,,,it was all there for us...

I think the only thing I don't see written much about, is the 'emotion' one needs while setting the intention,,then as you said,,let it go.!!

and like everything in life worthwhile accomplishing,,,it takes practice...

good luck and don't give up!!

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Re: Manifesting Lottery Numbers

Post by Dericatio »

Naah I had been playing the lottery for several years in a row and of course, I won a big pile of nothing. Meanwhile, a casino could give all the needed chances for jackpot
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Re: Manifesting Lottery Numbers

Post by peacockplume »

Good luck on that one :bana:
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