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Twin Flames & Birthdates

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:11 am
by Samglz93
I stumbled across this forum while looking up information on Twin Flames. Back in 2012 I came in contact with a man and it was the strangest feeling. It was like I needed to talk to him, I do find him to be very attractive but it isn't just that, it's like I need to talk to him about everything, like a friend.

We emailed for a few months & then he just stopped responding to any contact. Our birthdates are Feb 22. & Feb 23, 4yrs apart. Since having conversations with Him, I have noticed 11:11 & other numbers sequences. No matter where I go in life, I come back to thinking about him

What Do you guys think about twin flames & birthdate patterns?

Re: Twin Flames & Birthdates

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:53 am
by Geoff
Hi Sam,


I have an unusual opinion on the matter. I totally accept that when our souls were created, they were created with a paired soul. And that there does exist an individual who you almost certainly will eventually meet, but my view is this is not particularly useful on Earth, and is not something designed for this Earth Plane. Clearly there are people who disagree with me, but I have yet to find any that can point to revelation to support that claim. You can find my supporting material here: Soul Mates

These are my reasons:

1. While it is normal because of the polarity of the personalities inherent in a soul-pair, that one incarnates into male foetus and the other into a female, it is by no means always the case, and its not even aligned with whether that mortal is straight or gay. So a male gay guy could have a straight female soul-pair, or even gay female soul-pair or even a straight guy. Hardly conductive to an intimate relationship here.

2. The influence of culture, race and religion and even "class" is so strong here that its very likely you will not even be attracted to your soul-pair.

3. The timing by no means guarantees you will be alive at the same time. It does happen, and happens a great deal, but I also know of one soul pair that were 2000 years apart. The thing is that the un-incarnated soul has no concept of time.

4. If either party is in a relationship, no advanced spirit being (the ones who know who our soul-pair is) will tell you or help you find your soul-pair. But if both are "free" its possible to find your soul-pair, if they are here. I did.

So why is it we can find someone where there is a very strong bond? Well actually its just as well isn't it? Now as to the prompts, typically we do tend to associate lots of prompts with being on the right path, but sometimes if you are really down for some reason, you may also get lots of prompts. And if you are heading in the wrong direction, you may get lots of prompts. Prompts really are the discarnate saying "Hi we are here!!!" Deciding why they are getting excited is better ascertained by meditation, than just guessing.

I don't have any view on birth-date patterns.


Re: Twin Flames & Birthdates

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:31 am
by Sandy
Thanks for all that good information Geoff. :D

Welcome Samgiz.
I'm sorry, I must admit I have no experience or knowledge related to soul mates/twin flames. So I'm not going to be any help. Still, I'm glad you've dropped in and hopefully Geof's info may help answer some of your questions.

Receiving a 11:11 prompt is really a lovely blessing. The Midwayer angels are wonderful friends...supportive and encouraging. If you'd like to know a bit more about them this URL might help. (FAQs)

Nice to meet you. :hithere