Book of Jesus

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Book of Jesus

Post by Geoff »

A group calling themselves "Jesusanity" has a book out called "Book of Jesus". I cant seem to find any reviews and I wonder if this is actually based on the Urantia book. Does anyone know?

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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Sandy »

I haven't heard of this book or Jesusanity before. In looking on the web, I have found conflicting information as to what they actually believe, probably because some of what I read came from the outside looking in, or in other words, Christian individuals trying to minimize them or discredit them. Not sure, if Jesusanity and this book hails from someone or some group with Ubook roots... In a quick look I did not find any linking information to the UB. But I haven't searched very deeply.
Maybe Sarah or Rod will know. :finger:
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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by nasra1996 »

I'll have a nosey later..

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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Geoff »

Thanks guys
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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Sandy »

I'll have a nosey later..
I love how you said that, Sarah! I'll have you know George and I have been thinking of you every week night here at 6:00 pm. We have gotten slightly hooked on the show "Antique Road Show." So I am subconsciously constantly searching the crowds for you and the family. LOL I know the odds are against me but it is lovely thinking about you guys on such a regular basis. :lol:
Have a great week end! :sunflower:
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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Geoff »

See here: ... dhood.html
122:7.4 Joseph and Mary were poor, and since they had only one beast of burden, Mary, being large with child, rode on the animal with the provisions while Joseph walked, leading the beast. The building and furnishing of a home had been a great drain on Joseph since he had also to contribute to the support of his parents, as his father had been recently disabled. And so this Jewish couple went forth from their humble home early on the morning of August 18, 7 B.C., on their journey to Bethlehem.

Their first day of travel carried them around the foothills of Mount Gilboa, where they camped for the night by the river Jordan and engaged in many speculations as to what sort of a son would be born to them, Joseph adhering to the concept of a spiritual teacher and Mary holding to the idea of a Jewish Messiah, a deliverer of the Hebrew nation.

Bright and early the morning of August 19, Joseph and Mary were again on their way. They partook of their noontide meal at the foot of Mount Sartaba, overlooking the Jordan valley, and journeyed on, making Jericho for the night, where they stopped at an inn on the highway in the outskirts of the city. Following the evening meal and after much discussion concerning the oppressiveness of Roman rule, Herod, the census enrollment, and the comparative influence of Jerusalem and Alexandria as centers of Jewish learning and culture, the Nazareth travelers retired for the night’s rest. Early in the morning of August 20 they resumed their journey, reaching Jerusalem before noon, visiting the temple, and going on to their destination, arriving at Bethlehem in midafternoon.

(The inn was overcrowded, and Joseph accordingly sought lodgings with distant relatives, but every room in Bethlehem was filled to overflowing. On returning to the courtyard of the inn, he was informed that the caravan stables, hewn out of the side of the rock and situated just below the inn, had been cleared of animals and cleaned up for the reception of lodgers. Leaving the donkey in the courtyard, Joseph shouldered their bags of clothing and provisions and with Mary descended the stone steps to their lodgings below. They found themselves located in what had been a grain storage room to the front of the stalls and mangers. Tent curtains had been hung, and they counted themselves fortunate to have such comfortable quarters.

Joseph had thought to go out at once and enroll, but Mary was weary; she was considerably distressed and besought him to remain by her side, which he did.
Yup its Book four, of the Ubook, but they don't attribute it. Which is rather dishonest. If you have the Ubook, why would you want this book.

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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Sandy »

Yup its Book four, of the Ubook, but they don't attribute it. Which is rather dishonest. If you have the Ubook, why would you want this book.
I agree. Perhaps it will appeal to some...and maybe it is easier to read then the wonderfully complex and fascinating Ubook. I positively adore Master Jesus/Christ Michael and I suppose if you made a religion about anyone, you couldn't go wrong emulating His life as revealed in the Urantia Book. (and other places ;) ) but it seems in the Urantia Book Jesus was always deflecting worship away from Himself and directing it to the Paradise Father, ( insert whichever God name you are comfortable with here) encouraging prayer and communion with Him/Her frequently. Seems a "Ubooker" would understand that so the name is a puzzle.

Still, if they're lightening this world in some way, and harming none, more power to them. :)
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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by nasra1996 »

Sandy wrote:
I'll have a nosey later..
I love how you said that, Sarah! I'll have you know George and I have been thinking of you every week night here at 6:00 pm. We have gotten slightly hooked on the show "Antique Road Show." So I am subconsciously constantly searching the crowds for you and the family. LOL I know the odds are against me but it is lovely thinking about you guys on such a regular basis. :lol:
Have a great week end! :sunflower:
Awe thanks Sandy, it's nice of you both to be thinking of me lol :kiss: :loves Naw don't think I have ever been to an antiques road show event lol but yep, ive been getting interested in that programme too lately, my girls said its a sign of old age, only old people watch it apparently :cry: :?

Love y'all :loves :sunflower:
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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Geoff »

I joined the FB Jesusonian community, asked a simple question as to whether it was based on the Ubook, and got my question deleted and my membership revoked.

Then "Joshua Ben Joseph" private messaged me, and does not think there is any problem with concealing the fact that its an identical copy - mirror imaged - of Book 4. Apart from the fact that he claims he is promoting the true religion of Jesus, yet I am 100% sure the Master would not have thrown me out for asking a question. I have yet to discover if he believes he is the Master. (He says he uses this name to prevent others doing so.)

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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Sandy »

Hi Geoff,
Well, you little trouble maker! :lol: ;)
No, really I am surprised that they kicked you out for asking a question. I wonder why they wish to hide the Ubook connection? very strange.
Maybe they've had trouble in the past with hard line Urantia Book readers.???
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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Zachary »

This conversation is an interesting one to me. Glad you started it Geoff.
I actually understand why someone would quote the Ubook and call it something else.

I'm at a constant struggle (literally everyday) when it comes to sharing wisdom and knowledge of the Ubook with Christians. There are so many varying degrees of a Christians that the idea of giving them one name does not make sense to me. Some Christians are strongly devoted to the bible, and it's every word to how it was worded. Some use the bible as a guideline. Some use the bible to answer their questions...
What I'm trying to say is- with all these varying degrees of belief it makes sense to me to quote the truth and give it a different name when the name is what deters the truth in the first place. Perhaps a different name is all that's needed for some to understand more

I agree with this. As I struggle to share knowledge of the Ubook with Christians, I see a huge flaw. I can tell them ideas that the bible does not speak of. They will sincerely consider these ideas I give them. Allowing ideas from the Ubook to reform their ideas they already had formed from the bible. But, as soon as I am to mention this knowledge comes from the Ubook they will immediately reject considering the ideas I gave them because they see it as conflicting against the bible, (what they believe)and there goes the potential of greater truth right out the window. If I could get them to read a book with more truth in it and give it another name... I would, only because I see it as helping them grow more. Sure it's not the purest way of doing it, but I believe it to be a step towards progression and you can only progress a step at a time

I find it funny they kicked you of their forum Geoff, lol
Thanks a lot for the topic, its something I need to think about more. I mean it when I say everyday I try to share a piece of truth with someone, and when it gets turned down due to tradition I become tiresome of trying. This conversation motivates me to continue - Thank you!
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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Geoff »

Dear Zack,
Zachary wrote:This conversation is an interesting one to me. Glad you started it Geoff.
I actually understand why someone would quote the Ubook and call it something else.
Well its not just quoting, its copying verbatim the whole of Book Four. From pages 1323 to 2087. And yes the U Foundation lost its copyright, but still, I believe its unethical to do that without attribution.
Zachary wrote:What I'm trying to say is- with all these varying degrees of belief it makes sense to me to quote the truth and give it a different name when the name is what deters the truth in the first place.
You can only reach someone where they are. If you find someone is stuck in the Bible, you have to be able to use that to challenge them. In any event, the most you can do is get them thinking, you can't out-argue them. Its one reason why I typically read everything. But that "stick in the mud attitude" equally applies to many many Ubook readers. There is more advanced Truth, but they aren't interested in many cases. Its how humans operate it seems, although it certainly never applied to me.

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Re: Book of Jesus

Post by Zachary »

Geoff wrote:You can only reach someone where they are. If you find someone is stuck in the Bible, you have to be able to use that to challenge them. In any event, the most you can do is get them thinking, you can't out-argue them.
Love this quote Geoff... I've been learning this lesson the hard way. You really do have to meet them where they are.
It just goes to show the relationship between our Creator and the mortal is incredibly personal

Thanks again for your thoughts Geoff!
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