UB Cookin'

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Super Blueberry Compote

Post by Amigoo »

Super Blueberry Compote

Upscales super nutrition of wild blueberries
and psyllium fiber balances natural sugar
for better glucose control. :roll

:arrow: Thaw 3lb bag frozen wild blueberries,
process with hand blender (or whatever)
until mashed, stir in 2 pkts lemon powder
and 2 tbsp psyllium husk powder,
then process to compote texture.

Keep refrigerated. 8)

:study: Re: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9696386/
"Potential Benefits of Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)"

"... Aronia berries were found to show potential anti-influenza activity,
and one of its major components, ursolic acid, exhibited anti-COVID-19 activity,
while another major compound, quercetin, has been evaluated in clinical trials
for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19."

Tip: Combine equal portions of aronia berries and wild blueberries to tame
aronia berry tartness with blueberry sweetness, supersizing the nutrition :!:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Glutamine, long story short ...

Re: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5454963/
"Roles of Glutamine in the Intestine and Its Implication in Intestinal Diseases"

"Glutamine, the most abundant free amino acid in the human body, is a major substrate utilized by intestinal cells. The roles of glutamine in intestinal physiology and management of multiple intestinal diseases have been reported. In gut physiology, glutamine promotes enterocyte proliferation, regulates tight junction proteins, suppresses pro-inflammatory signaling pathways, and protects cells against apoptosis and cellular stresses during normal and pathologic conditions."

See also: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8001875/

"The immune system plays a crucial role in the susceptibility, persistence, and clearance of these infections. With 70–80% of immune cells being present in the gut (the "microbiome"), there is an intricate interplay between the intestinal microbiota, the intestinal epithelial layer, and the local mucosal immune system."

Re: https://www.mountsinai.org/health-libra ... /glutamine

"Dietary sources of glutamine include plant and animal proteins such as
beef, pork, poultry, milk, yogurt, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese,
raw spinach, raw parsley, and cabbage."

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WOW Blackberry Sauce

Post by Amigoo »

WOW Blackberry Sauce
(Walk On Water, nutritionally speaking) :roll:

:arrow: Combine 16oz bag frozen blackberries (thawed),
10oz bag frozen wild blueberries (thawed),
1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup dark chia seeds,
and 2 pkts lemon powder.

Refrigerate overnight, then stir briefly. 8)

:idea: Tips: Use hand blender to purée berries,
then stir in remaining ingredients;
increase chia seeds to thicken.

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Guar Gum Slurry

Post by Amigoo »

Guar Gum Slurry

Thickener for sauces and helps
prevent browning of mashed avocado. 8)

:roll Ingredients:

1 1/2 cups cool water
1 tsp guar gum powder
4 pkts True Lime powder

:arrow: Directions:

In a 2-cup jar with lid, vigorously shake water and guar gum,
then stir in lime powder. Add water/lime when needed
so slurry pours easily. Keep refrigerated. 8)

:idea: Tip: Press mashed avocado into bowl or jar,
then top with 1/4" Guar Slurry and refrigerate.

To serve, pour off slurry, then spoon avocado
into serving dish, smooth top of remaining
avocado and cover with new slurry.

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Red Quinoa Chili

Post by Amigoo »

Red Quinoa Chili

A lively, vegan-style chunky chili
with complementary veggies & spices.
Quinoa texture is like ground meat.
Serve hot, cold, or Goldilocks. :D

:roll Ingredients:

1 cup red quinoa, rinsed
1 2/3 cups water
1 1/2 cups diced celery tops
1 1/2 cups diced sweet onion
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
3 tbsp dried cilantro
2 tbsp dried chives
1 tsp garlic granules
1 tbsp chili powder
1 1/2 tbsp paprika
16oz jar chunky mild salsa
1 1/2 tbsp virgin olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

In a large sauce pan,
simmer quinoa in water 15 min.,
spread on remaining ingredients,
recover pan and simmer 20 min.

Stir ingredients, turn off heat,
and let covered pan rest 10 min.

:idea: Tips: Stir in olive oil after simmer
to maintain flavor and nutrition.
Serve with cooked asparagus.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti ... h-veg.html
"Biggest nutrition myths debunked by experts" :o

"Another video on the platform ... says you are 'better off using a stove or an oven' as microwaves remove antioxidants.
But in reality, all methods of cooking - such as steaming, roasting or microwaving - cause some nutrients to break down
as heat can change their chemical structure; especially true if a food is cooked too long or at a very high temperature."

:idea: Many canned foods are already cooked and just need heating (if desired) - not cooking :!:

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WOW Almondía

Post by Amigoo »

WOW Almondía
(Walk On Water, nutritionally speaking) ;)

:arrow: Soak 1 1/2 cups raw almonds in water overnight,
then drain and stir in 2 1/2 cups natural applesauce,
1/3 cup dried, unsweetened, finely shredded coconut.

Keep refrigerated between servings. 8)

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WOW Peasy Paleo

Post by Amigoo »

WOW Peasy Paleo
(Walk On Water, nutritionally speaking) ;)

Serve cold, hot, or Goldilocks ... also,
add to final cooking of soups & stews.
Upscale with portobello mushrooms :!:

OMG! If adding portobellos, consider Peasy Bello Soup
and simmer Peasy Paleo with a mushroom soup like this:
https://www.kroger.com/p/imagine-portob ... 8425324044
Upscale accompaniment with preferred sharp cheese.

:arrow: Cover frozen petite green peas from 12oz pkg
with 1" salty water and thaw several hours
(use while water is still cool).

Drain well and stir in 1 cup diced sweet onion,
1 cup diced red pepper, and 1 cup diced zucchini.
Then gently stir in 1/2 tsp garlic granules
and 1/2 tsp salt. Refrigerate to chill. 8)

:idea: Serve with desired dressing
and/or accompaniment.

Note: Frozen veggies are usually washed
and blanched before freezing, but packages
often suggest brief cooking. Salt water soaking
seems sufficient for reliable packaging.

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WOW Coconut Bumble

Post by Amigoo »

WOW Coconut Bumble
(Walk On Water, nutritionally speaking) ;)

Super energy for bumble 'n tumble days
(1-2 tbsp per serving suggested).

:roll Ingredients:

16oz jar peanuts only butter
1/4-1/3 cup virgin olive oil
1 cup white sesame seeds
1/2 cup shredded coconut*
2 tbsp local honey

* dried, unsweetened, finely shredded

:arrow: Directions:

Discard oil from top of peanut butter
and replace with olive oil (plus more
for PB to slowly flow from spoon).

Stir in remaining ingredients listed.

Tips: - Stir in glass quart measuring cup
for easier mixing. Upscale servings with
slices of fresh apple or dried prunes.
- Purchase PB jars with most oil at top
for better substitution of healthier OO.
- Store most of mixture in original jar,
the rest in a small container.

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WOW Pumpkin Peasy

Post by Amigoo »

WOW Pumpkin Peasy
(Walk On Water, nutritionally speaking) ;)

A Paleo veggie dish with upscaled nutrition.
Top servings with soaked petite green peas*
and accompany with fresh orange wedges.

* thaw frozen peas in salty water several hours,
then drain and refrigerate for later use.

:roll Ingredients:

16oz container cultured, low-fat cottage cheese
15oz can pumpkin puree
2 tbsp dried parsley
2 tbsp dried chives
1/4 tsp garlic granules
1/2 tsp sea salt

:arrow: Directions:

Combine cottage cheese and pumpkin,
then stir in herbs and spices. Refrigerate.

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Paleo Pumpkin Ice Cream

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.realfoodwithjessica.com/pal ... ice-cream/
Paleo Pumpkin Ice Cream


15oz can pumpkin puree
2 13.5oz cans coconut milk
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 tsp grass-fed gelatin
1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon

:idea: See also: https://handletheheat.com/how-to-make-i ... a-machine/
"How to Make Ice Cream without an Ice Cream Machine" 8)

Use Method #3 for Paleo Pumpkin Ice Cream
(or freeze mixture in silicone ice cube trays
then mix cubes with food processor)

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Baked Apples 'n Oats

Post by Amigoo »

Baked Apples 'n Oats

Comfort food with breakfast appeal ;)
Serve with milk and sliced almonds
or half & half with raw walnuts.

:roll Ingredients:

2 lg tart red apples, chopped
2 tsp cinnamon or pumpkin spice
1/2 cup steel cut oats
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp virgin olive oil
2 cups water

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil 2 1/2 qt baking dish;
pre-heat oven to 350F degrees.

In a large bowl, toss apples
with remaining ingredients,
olive oil last.

Spoon mixture into baking dish,
drizzle on water, cover dish
and bake 1 hour 15 min.;
let rest covered 10 min.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supp ... ts-moringa
"Health Benefits of Moringa"

"Moringa has many important vitamins and minerals. The leaves have about as much potassium as a banana,
and about the same amount of vitamin C as an orange." :o

:scratch: Doesn't this hint that eating bananas and oranges is a better option?
that real food is better than most of the related supplements?
... and that plants are better than "plant-based" foods? ;)

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Scrambled Tofu

Post by Amigoo »

Scrambled Tofu

Unexpected taste/texture synergy
of two popular high-protein foods.
Serve hot, cold, or Goldilocks.

:roll Ingredients:

8oz container extra firm, sprouted tofu
2 xlg eggs + 1/3 cup egg whites
2 tbsp dried cilantro or parsley
1/2 tsp garlic granules
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp virgin olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

Pre-heat non-stick pan.
Beat eggs and set aside.

Drain tofu and place in mixing bowl.
Coarse chop tofu with pastry cutter,
then sprinkle on spices, stir briefly,
and mix in olive oil.

Drizzle olive oil in pan, add tofu mixture
and slowly fry, turning several times.

When tofu is well heated, pour on eggs,
cover pan until eggs begin to cook,
then fry like scrambled eggs.

Serve like scrambled eggs.

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Midnight Cacaophony

Post by Amigoo »

Midnight Cacaophony (really dark chocolate, :roll
brand mentioned for ingredients reference)

Re: https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/ghira ... 19-product
:idea: Good price for dark chocolate that's closer to baking chocolate!
:idea: Also, include half of 4oz bar Ghirardelli Baking Chocolate!

:arrow: Melt, stir in 1/3 cup dried, unsweetened, finely shredded coconut
to add nutritional fiber, spread on plastic wrap on small tray,
cover with wrap, and refrigerate until it breaks into pieces.

Tip: Melt chocolate in glass measuring cup in pan simmering with water.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://blog.kulikulifoods.com/2020/01/ ... a-vs-kale/

:idea: A pro-Moringa article, but note that in the Moringa vs Kale chart,
Kale is a better source of Vitamin C, Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin A
... and remaining nutrients are easily supplied by other foods :!:

Bottom line (typical of many supplements):
Supplements are often a good next choice
... when fresh foods are not available. ;)

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Ginger Turmeric Tea

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.traderjoes.com/home/product ... tea-056397
"Organic Ginger Turmeric Herbal Tea"
(brand mentioned for ingredients reference)

:bana: Super yum! Tasty, nutritional contrast to typical leaf teas. :roll
Upscale with small slice of frozen fresh ginger when brewing
(wash, slice, and freeze ginger for more convenience).

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/14/health/u ... index.html
"multiple health conditions, including cancer, linked to ultraprocessed foods (UPF)" :o

"Taken with all the other scientific evidence it is very likely that some types of UPF
do increase the risk of later disease, either because they are directly harmful or because
they replace healthier foods such as vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, olive oils, etc."

:idea: Apparently, minimal nutrition of ultra processed foods is the greater problem,
but ultra processing may include (stuff) that's not so healthy. Interestingly,
labels on UPF suggest good nutrition is present but the added nutrition
is probably not comparable to natural nutrition of less processed foods. ;)

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Dine-O-Mighty Condimania

Post by Amigoo »

Dine-O-Mighty Condimania

A very garlicky red pepper condiment,
bold accompaniment to a cheese tray
or however you dare to serve. :roll:

:roll Ingredients:

2/3 cup dried red bell pepper
1/2 cup very hot water
1 cup peeled garlic cloves
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp dried cilantro
2 tbsp dried chives
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tsp paprika
1/3 cup virgin olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

Stir red pepper flakes into hot water
and let soak 20 min.

In a food processor, dice garlic cloves,
then add remaining ingredients,
processing just until mixed.

Refrigerate overnight, then serve
with complementary disclaimer. ;)

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Ding Dong Peanuts

Post by Amigoo »

Ding Dong Peanuts

(reference to red bell pepper flakes
with complementary hummus flavors;
skip peanuts for Red Bell Hummus)

:roll Ingredients:

2/3 cup red bell pepper
1/2 cup very hot water
29oz can chick peas, pureed*
3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp turmeric extract powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
2 tbsp dried cilantro
2 tbsp dried chives
3 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp virgin olive oil
3 tbsp sesame tahini
1 1/2 cups roasted Spanish peanuts

* pour off juice from can, then add
just until chick peas covered ...
or add water if necessary.

:arrow: Directions:

Stir red pepper flakes into hot water
and let soak 20 min.

Combine ingredients as listed.
Refrigerate overnight, then stir
briefly before serving.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: About Spanish peanuts ...

Re: https://www.specialtyproduce.com/produc ... s_2408.php

"Spanish Peanuts are a significant source of micronutrients, including copper, niacin, manganese, phosphorus, and thiamin, as well as vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant in the body, protecting cells from the damage caused by free radicals. Peanuts are also one of the richest sources of biotin, an enzyme that helps break down fats and carbohydrates in the body." 8)

"Spanish Peanuts are exceptionally high in protein, specifically arachin and conarachin, two proteins
that can cause severe and life-threatening allergic reactions in some people." :(

:study: See also: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2676716/
"Peanut sensitivity "

"Treatment consists of avoiding peanut protein products and using self-administered epinephrine.
A number of peanut protein-containing products are allergenic, although peanut oil is not."

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Survival Popcorn

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Few people know about Survival Popcorn
(delicious, nutritious, makes you feel ambitious) :D

:idea: For gourmet survival, cook popcorn in hot air popper,
drizzle on virgin olive oil, sprinkle on nutritional yeast,
then sprinkle with a bit of salt if desired.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

I could go for some of that Survival Popcorn tonight. I am so tired and still have so much to do here before I can go to bed. Thank you, Rod, for all the new recipes and all you do on the board. Not sure how we'd get on without you. :love
The recipes look yummy and intriguing. If I ever have some time again I would love to try them. :hithere
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S&S Eggplant

Post by Amigoo »

S&S Eggplant (simmered & steamed)

Simple method to tenderize skin of eggplant
for consumption of more eggplant nutrition. :roll

:arrow: Directions:

Wash then cut unpeeled eggplant into 3/4" rounds.

Lightly oil bottom of fry pan (with lid),
place eggplant rounds in pan, add 1/2" water,
cover pan and simmer eggplant 15 min.
(or until desired tenderness). Add water
as necessary but not too much.

:idea: Sprinkle on herbs and spices
while eggplant is simmering; top with
cheese and/or preferred sauce ...
or just drizzle with olive oil,
then spinkle with S&P.

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Coconutty Pears

Post by Amigoo »

Coconutty Pears

Tasty synergy - serve with fresh cherries :!:
(firm red pears have appealing texture)

:roll Ingredients:

3 cups natural applesauce
3 med. red pears, cored & chopped
1/3 cup dried, unsweetened coconut

:arrow: Directions:

Mix and refrigerate. :lol:

Rod :)
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