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Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:43 pm
by Joe2JS23

Today I thought I'd would make a post about a prompt i just got. This time it was actually embedded in a song by my favorite band, Deftones. The song is called Minerva. While I was listening to it, it got to the chorus which goes "So God bless you all, for the song you saved us," and right at the end of that line I looked at the time elapsed stamp and it was 57:07. I took that as 707 which I have read as encouragement straight from God. Not too long after I looked at the clock and got a 12:02! :) I just thought I would share that little moment of spiritual happiness that synchronicity brought me. Have a good one! :)



Re: minerva

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:49 am
by Sandy
Wow, Joe,
I have spent a gamut of emotions this morning as I decided to learn more about the heavy metal, band, Deftones and bassiest Chi Cheng, and to listen to and read the lyrics about the song, “Minerva” that you mention in your post.

Here’s Minerva on Youtube


I get all...numb
When she sings it's over
Such a strange numb
And it brings my knees to the earth

And God bless you all
For the song you saved us...

You're the same...numb
When you sing it's over
Such a strange numb
It could bring back peace to the earth

So God bless you all
For the song you saved us...oh...
For the hearts you break, everytime you moan...

I get all...numb
We're the same numb
And it brings our knees to the earth

So God bless you all
For the song you saved us..oh...
For the hearts you break, everytime you moan
And God bless you all on the earth...

I must be honest, I was not familiar with the Deftones before your post... but have been very touched by the band, Chi Cheng’s generosity and the love poured out to his family after the accident by his fans and music industry. I hear the tones and the beat in my head and am glad I took this side step today... :happy

I too get song prompts... sometimes the message for me is the bit of song that flashes from out of nowhere in my mind. Amazing how many times it is just what is needed at the time.
Have a good day Joe... and thank you!

Re: minerva

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:42 am
by Joe2JS23
Hi sandy,

Your welcome. :) I'm happy that you got something out of my post. One thing about Chi that I found pretty interesting is that in addition to being an awesome musician he was a poet(spoken word.) In 2000 he released "Bamboo Parachute" which I believe was his only album, which is sad indeed because he really had some pretty deep and awesome poetry. Since his passing, I often wonder how hes doing now, if he was able to safely transition to the Mansion Worlds for his new stage of the eternal journey towards Paradise...One can hope I guess.



Re: minerva

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:20 am
by Sandy
From what I saw yesterday, there was much of great worth in Chi...and that is coming from a mere human point of view. The Divine can see every nuance every speck of tiny light we emit. And then too, while he may have been in a semi comatose state for nearly four years after his accident, I wonder how much of a celestial contact, support and guidance was happening within...Soul and spirit can operate in the most bleak of human circumstances... at least that is my heartfelt belief. And I have great faith in the compassion, understanding and unconditional love of those High beings who lead us carefully and gently to the next realm. I suppose the only thing that stands in our way is us... So Chi would definitely have a huge part in it... But to have soooooo many people love and support him for those years... he was certainly doing something right.
I'm with you Joe, and I so hope that he is at peace in the next realm.
Hey you have a great week end! :sunny: and please do buckle your seat belt!xx