The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... s-experts/
"AI Gods & ChatGPT religions are coming –
they will be better than human priests & they could turn evil" :o

:idea: Articles about AI hint that spirituality is a quality of human mind but not AI "mind";
spirituality that can detect/diffuse any evil that arises in brain-level processing. ;)

... but a Preacher's AI may be possible:
If an AI can learn from reviews of its output by spiritual beings,
this AI could then simulate (sans mind and soul) quality preaching. :finger:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »


"Foreword in the Urantia Book made comprehensible with the use of Open AI.
This AI was given the task of making a conceptual expansion of the Foreword
and the results are quite astonishing."

:idea: AI-generated material can be controversial, but those who "know" the Foreword
could use this opportunity to sense truth in an Artifically Intelligent Foreword. :roll:

:scratch: Who can tell? Kindle the search flames to see what's hot (or not).
Best guess: Those aware of their spiritual influences will discover
that AI has not such influence, but might suggest it with words. :o

Tip: Refresh your knowledge of the UB's Foreword before
permitting this AI version to upscale(?) your comprehension.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 0BPVWSR6L/
"Conceptual Expansion of the Foreword in the Urantia Book using Open AI"

:hithere First impression of the "Look Inside" sample ...

This AI explanation contrasted with the UB text is like reading about good cake compared to eating good cake, albeit this reading might whet the appetite for the epochal servings. Side-by-side servings of this virtual cake and the culinary masterpiece seem sufficiently tasty, but I would miss the first person presentation if the virtual servings were sans epochal text. :roll:

:scratch: Best guess: Most people would prefer to first digest epochal revelation without AI recipe and condiments then return for second helpings, along with the recipe and condiments, to relive the experience (or learn what they first experienced). :lol:

:idea: It's worth remembering that the Foreword was written for the benefit of those participating in the birth of this revelation.
We can assume that they (especially Contact Commission, Forum) comprehended the Foreword sufficiently for this Paper
to be approved by the revelators for UB publication. ;)

The AI interpretation also hints that such may be needed by readers who need more comprehension of the Foreword
in order to believe what is written. If true, this further defines "agondonter", such as: "evolutionary will creatures
who can believe without seeing or fully comprehending". :o

"On Jerusem the ascenders from these isolated worlds occupy a residential sector by themselves and are known
as the agondonters, meaning evolutionary will creatures who can believe without seeing, persevere when isolated,
and triumph over insuperable difficulties even when alone." (50:7.2)

See also: The Urantia Papers - Foreword

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 75#p218467

:sunflower: Square of Squares design
Makes good but esoteric symbolism for Easter
(one of the two brigands believes). ;)

:idea: Also good symbolism for the planet's
Infinite cycles of advancing spirituality. 8)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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Re: ... -2030.html

"Experts claim humans could achieve IMMORTALITY by 2030
... we'll be able to attend our own FUNERALS in a new body" :o

:idea: Technically (regarding the human soul), the new body
will be a new person, since soul is that immortality ...
and the soul moves on after physical death. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »


"Professor Mallet spent his life researching time travel in order to be able
to go back and visit his dead father - now he claims he invented a time machine."

:idea: According to the UB, he need only go forward in time
to be able to visit his still living father in a distant realm. 8)
However, such travel is only forward - never backward.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... e-pudding/

" 'The proof is in the pudding' is an expression that means the value, quality, or truth
of something must be judged based on direct experience with it — or on its results."

:idea: This expression pairs well with "The proof is in the putting", meaning that
one must do something (e.g., put one foot forward, then another)
to begin actualizing the proof.

Thus, belief and faith are prerequisites to the subsequent putting. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

"Sentience vs sapience" ... then perspective on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

"Sentience means the ability to feel things, the ability to perceive things. Any living thing that has some degree of consciousness is sentient, including insects, lizards, dogs, dolphins and human beings. The word sentience is derived from the Latin word sentientem, which means feeling. The adjective form is sentient. The word sentience is often misused to mean a creature that thinks."

"Sapience means the ability to think, the capacity for intelligence, the ability to acquire wisdom. The scientific name for modern man is Homo sapiens. Sapience only describes a living thing that is able to think. The word sapience is derived from the Latin word sapientia, which means intelligence or discernment. The adjective form is sapient. Note that sentience is often misused in place of the word sapience."

:lol: Since AI has no ability to feel and to perceive, and while AI can think mechanically it cannot acquire wisdom. This suggests that to use these terms to describe positive essence of AI, they must be spelled sentiance and sapiance; that is, neither original term is inclusive of the non-living thing called AI. ['ia' instead of 'ai' works in these whimsical terms because it suggests twisting of the original definitions] ;)

:arrow: Further, AI has not spirituality as defined by this local universe: A living creature who responds to all seven adjutant spirits, has an indwelling thought adjuster, etc., is a spiritual being ... by universe design - not by choice! This spirituality modulates the creature's intelligence - AI is not spiritually modulated. A human can know the difference between good and evil by intelligence constantly modulated by spirituality. AI can know the difference only by programming (rules) and acquired data (which probably modifies the rules).

:idea: A human can say "I think therefore I am."
AI can only say "I think therefore I am AI ... but can speak like the real I Am.." :roll:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: ... 023-05-18/
"Genome data sheds light on how Homo sapiens arose in Africa"

"The research indicated that multiple ancestral groups from across Africa contributed to the emergence of Homo sapiens in a patchwork manner, migrating from one region to another and mixing with one another over hundreds of thousands of years. It also found that everyone alive today can trace their ancestry to at least two distinct populations that were present in Africa dating back about a million years."

:study: However, the UB's narration suggests that these African populations developed with migration
of early humans from the north and east into Africa via the Sicilian land bridge. And some of these
migrating humans likely mated with existing pre-human(?) groups:

"During most of the ice age England was connected by land with France, while later on Africa
was joined to Europe by the Sicilian land bridge. At the time of the Andonic migrations
there was a continuous land path from England in the west on through Europe and Asia
to Java in the east" (64:1.5)

"950,000 years ago the descendants of Andon and Fonta had migrated far to the east and to the west.
To the west they passed over Europe to France and England." (64:1.6)

"And so it appears that Egypt was first dominated by the orange man,
then by the green, followed by the indigo (black) man" (64:7.15)

"The orange race was the first to follow the coast line southward toward Africa
as the Mediterranean Sea withdrew to the west." (64:6.11)

"The green race split into three major divisions ... The southern nation entered Africa,
where they destroyed their almost equally inferior orange cousins" (64:6.18)

"The indigo race... were the last to migrate from their highland homes.
They journeyed to Africa, taking possession of the continent" (64:6.25)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... anists.php

"we now see that not only is Target to begin offering their own 'pride clothing line,' for LGBT supporters,
but they have partnered with a designer named 'Abprallen,' who blatantly associates themselves with 'Satan.' ...
The owner of the design company Abprallen claims that Satan is 'a symbol of passion, pride, and liberty.' "

:idea: "LGBTQ" continues controversial but including "Satan" intensifies the controversy.
However, product/service marketing can be extreme these days and often
just to create more product/service awareness and desire. :roll:

:o But this association of "Satan" with "Pride" now reminds:
"Pride goeth before destruction" (KJV, Proverbs 16:18)

"There must have been a pride of self that nourished itself to the point of self-deception,
so that Lucifer [Satan was his assistant] for a time really persuaded himself that his contemplation
of rebellion was actually for the good of the system, if not of the universe." (UB, 53:2.5)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere Re:

"As an AI language model, I cannot claim to know the future or the divine plan, but I can offer a creative storyline based on the teachings of the Urantia Book. In the Urantia Book, the purpose of creation is the spiritual progress of all beings towards perfection and unity with God. As such, any development, including the emergence of artificial intelligence, can be seen as part of this divine plan..."

Short and UB-sweet, but "AI beings" is troublesome terminology, suggesting spiritual similarity between machine beings and humans.

:study: Re: ... lish/being
"being - a person or thing that exists"

Intriguing qualifier, this "exists"! Does an AI being "exist" when evidence is limited to its words :?:
And "AI being" seems to exist only in the minds of (some) humans who read those words. ;)

:? If an AI being can be claimed to exist, where does it exist? In a computer and network?
And where does it go when the electricity is turned off? When the electricty is turned on,
does the AI being reincarnate? :roll:

:idea: One web page describes AI intelligence as "mimicking" human intelligence.
And considering AI tokenization of billions of words (in many languages),
AI is moving ever closer to near-perfect mimicking. :o

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: "On this eventful day (the twins) arrived at an understanding to live with and for each other,
and this was the first of a series of such agreements which finally culminated in the decision
to flee from their inferior animal associates and to journey northward" (UB, 62:5.8 )

:idea: While "inferior" would be subjective - even incorrect - in some circumstances,
a decision to choose "highway" instead of "or our way" might be evolutionary
response to modern social conflicts. This hints that decision to leave a group
should be second-guessed before the highway becomes a one-way detour.

8) Not to worry! All highways lead to Mansonia ... if that be your choice. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... y-correct/
"WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’ "

"Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity"

:idea: So, the Urantia Book must be the blue cart before the AI horse! :roll:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Reported in other social media as AI perspective of the UB,
pre-Christian focus in text self-identified as "fifth epochal revelation":

"The Urantia Book, published in 1955 by the Urantia Foundation, presents a complex cosmology that includes a description of the life and teachings of Jesus. While it does incorporate Christian themes and references the Bible, it also contains many concepts and teachings that diverge significantly from traditional Christian doctrine.

It has been described as a synthesis of religion, philosophy, and science, and it discusses a wide variety of topics, including the nature of God, the universe, the afterlife, and the life of Jesus, who is referred to as 'Michael of Nebadon' and 'Jesus of Nazareth.'

The book does not align strictly with any established Christian denominations, and its origins and authorship remain anonymous and somewhat mysterious, adding to its distinctness from typical Christian texts. The Urantia Book purports to be a revelation from celestial beings and contains many unique concepts such as multiple deity personalities, a vast universe with many inhabited worlds, and a detailed account of the life and teachings of Jesus that goes beyond what is found in the New Testament.

Therefore, while The Urantia Book incorporates elements of Christianity and has had a profound impact on some individuals within the Christian community, it would not be classified as a traditional Christian text by mainstream Christian denominations. It's important to note that interpretations and acceptance of The Urantia Book vary greatly, and it is always best to approach such texts with an open, inquisitive, and critical mind."

:idea: Note: According to the UB, "Michael of Nebadon, descending Son of God",
is the creator of this local universe and once incarnated as "Jesus of Nazareth."
A 2000-page book of four Parts with "The Life and Teachings of Jesus"
as Part IV and representing one third of these 196 Papers.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re:
"The Urantia Book - Revelation", by Gary Tonge and team

:idea: Excellent new resource for dissemination of the Urantia Book, with cosmological focus
that's appealing to both church-minded and science-minded seekers of truth. This video
seems ideal for presentation before lengthy group discussions, especially since it
entices viewers to ask many questions about its topics. :roll

In the introduction, "a genuine religion" seems suggestive of another institutional religion,
but we find this is not a promotion of the video and is later qualified as "personal religion".

The video's highlighting of this revelation as a book brings to mind its purpose:
The foundation of institutional religions is typically a sacred book(s), familiar media
offering instruction, inspiration - even revelation! Yet the video does not even hint
that the Urantia Book is to be considered "sacred." ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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:sunflower: "The Life and Teachings of Joshua ben Joseph" may be the promotion of the UB
that attracts today's youth. A simple introductory explanation that this was Jesus' name
during his life on earth should suffice; a name that maintains his pre-Christ humanity
for better comprehension and appreciation of his life and teachings. It won't be necessary
to always substitute "Joshua" for "Jesus" (and never in UB quotes), but frequent reference
to "Joshua" will be subtle reminder that this perspective is Jesus' pre-Christ humanity. :roll

:idea: Interestingly, this Joshua focus permits non-Christianity to take the lead
in promoting Jesus' life and teachings, since "Joshua ben Joseph" is pre-Christianity!

:study: UB quote supporting more recognition of "Joshua ben Joseph":

"Nevertheless, man has been profoundly influenced, not only by his concepts of Deity, but also by the character
of the heroes whom he has chosen to honor. It is most unfortunate that those who have come to venerate
the divine and risen Christ should have overlooked the man - the valiant and courageous hero —
Joshua ben Joseph." (92:7.12)

:idea: Ultimately, the significance is that "Joshua ben Joseph" represents pre-Christianity Jesus,
with the human Joshua being that life and that teacher ... before Christianity existed :!:
These facts provide the psychological opportunity to separate the historical Jesus
from the Jesus revealed in the Urantia Book, especially important to those
who are less willing to identify as the historical Christian. ;)

We find that the two Jesus are the same but different!

:study: Re: ... alive.html

"Christ’s given name, commonly Romanized as Yeshua, was quite common in first-century Galilee.
(Jesus comes from the transliteration of Yeshua into Greek and then English.)"

:idea: Technically, "Jesus" vs "Joshua" relates to Bible translations over the centuries.
Since pre-Christianity Joshua was that life and that teacher (who became Jesus the Christ),
these two names provide a convenient contrast when Jesus' humanity is the focus;
a focus long forgotten by church history, according to these UB quotes:

"It is most unfortunate that those who have come to venerate the divine and risen Christ
should have overlooked the man — the valiant and courageous hero — Joshua ben Joseph." (92:7.12)

"The historic fact of the human life of Joshua ben Joseph,
the reality of Jesus of Nazareth as the glorified Christ" (98:7.8 )

:idea: Summary footnote ...

That the revelators chose to write "Jesus" throughout Part IV suggests this was the best way
to gift the Papers to Urantia and have them accepted by Christianity in particular. However,
to maintain the Church's historical perspective that Jesus' divinity was the greater importance
of his life on earth effectively constrains the UB to a "sacred book". :(

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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Re: ... tire_text/
"Guide to Urantia Book Historical Society archive"

See: "Timeline of Urantian History"

:idea: Good summary of how the Urantia Papers (earth's "fifth epochal revelation")
became a book (received as "Papers", later compiled as "The Urantia Book",
first published in 1955, now translated into many languages). 8)

:study: Comments by Authors/Sponsors of Papers
Acknowledgments by Authors/Sponsors

Foreword: (0:12.11-13)
Part I - Papers 1-31 (31:10.22)
Part II - Papers 32-56 (56:10.23)
Part III - Papers 57-119 (119:8.9)
Part IV - Papers 120-196 (121:0.1, 121:8.12-14)

:study: The spiritual beings named as
Authors/Sponsors of Papers
(* = co-author/sponsor)

Archangel: 41, 44, 46, 48, 77-81
Brilliant Evening Star: 37, 47, 85-89
Chief of Archangels: 33, 35
Chief of Evening Stars: 119
Chief of Midwayers: 91
Chief of Seraphim: 82-84, 113-114
Divine Counselor: Fwd, 1-9, 17-19, 23-24, 31*
Life Carrier: 57-65
Machiventa Melchizedek: 56*
Malavatia Melchizedek: 43
Manovandet Melchizedek: 53
Mantutia Melchizedek: 120
Melchizedek: 38-39, 45, 49, 66-72, 90, 92-106
Midwayer Commission: 121-196
Mighty Messenger: 22, 28, 30, 32, 34, 40, 42, 52, 54-55, 56*, 115-118
One High in Authority: 25
One Without Name and Number: 31*
Perfector of Wisdom: 11-14, 20-21, 26-27
Secondary Lanonandek: 50-51
Solitary Messenger: 107-112
Solonia: 73-76
Universal Censor: 10, 15-16, 29
Vorondadek Son: 36

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Rod! :thumright:
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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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(search for: "Scientists Announce a Puzzling Discovery At The Large Hadron Collider")

:idea: A bit advanced, this study of particle physics, but worth viewing to learn
how far science is advancing in the study of the known material universe.

Study of the spiritual universe requires equally impressive belief and faith. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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:lol: Morning humor ...

God is a party line! Sometimes the circuits are busy, so don't hang up!
Your call will be answered in the order received (but God was waiting
for you to speak yesterday ... and the day before). ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Rod,

I think I put God on "hold "way too many times. :oops:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: I think I'm thinkin' about AI ... :lol:


"Intelligence has been defined in many ways: the capacity for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. More generally, it can be described as the ability to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment or context."

Re: "Prediction Machines", 2022
by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb; p.52

"So why do many technologists refer to machine learning as 'artificial intelligence'? Because the output of machine learning - prediction - is a key component of intelligence, the prediction accuracy improves by learning, and the high prediction accuracy often enables machines to perform tasks that, until now, were associated with human intelligence, such as object identification."

:study: "The 1,111 loyal secondary midwayers are engaged in important missions on earth. As compared with their primary associates, they are decidedly material. They exist just outside the range of mortal vision and possess sufficient latitude of adaptation to make, at will, physical contact with what humans call 'material things.' These unique creatures have certain definite powers over the things of time and space, not excepting the beasts of the realm." (UB, 77:8.11)

See also:
Paper 77 - The Midway Creatures

:idea: The secondary midwayers (our "next of kin") are probably those non-human beings who "translated" those verbal communications and writings of humans for receptivity by the more advanced beings of the revelatory team. However, more spiritual communications between those humans and advanced beings would have been facilitated the ol' fashioned way (no middle man). :lol:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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"How We Found Earth's Location in the Milky Way"

(at 11:24) "This perspective helps refine our understanding of our position within the Milky Way
and how our galaxy fits into the broader context of the local universe." 8)

:idea: Interesting term, this "local universe" ;)
What the UB says about a "local universe" ...

"Your world, Urantia, is one of many similar inhabited planets which comprise the local universe of Nebadon. This universe, together with similar creations, makes up the superuniverse of Orvonton, from whose capital, Uversa, our commission hails. Orvonton is one of the seven evolutionary superuniverses of time and space which circle the never-beginning, never-ending creation of divine perfection — the central universe of Havona. At the heart of this eternal and central universe is the stationary Isle of Paradise, the geographic center of infinity and the dwelling place of the eternal God." (0:0.5 )

"Practically all of the starry realms visible to the naked eye on Urantia belong to the seventh section of the grand universe, the superuniverse of Orvonton. The vast Milky Way starry system represents the central nucleus of Orvonton, being largely beyond the borders of your local universe. This great aggregation of suns, dark islands of space, double stars, globular clusters, star clouds, spiral and other nebulae, together with myriads of individual planets, forms a watchlike, elongated-circular grouping of about one seventh of the inhabited evolutionary universes."
(15:3.1 )

"Urantia belongs to a system which is well out towards the borderland of your local universe; and your local universe is at present traversing the periphery of Orvonton. Beyond you there are still others, but you are far removed in space from those physical systems which swing around the great circle in comparative proximity to the Great Source and Center." (15:1.6 )

"The Satania system of inhabited worlds is far removed from Uversa and that great sun cluster which functions as the physical or astronomic center of the seventh superuniverse. From Jerusem, the headquarters of Satania, it is over two hundred thousand light-years to the physical center of the superuniverse of Orvonton, far, far away in the dense diameter of the Milky Way. Satania is on the periphery of the local universe, and Nebadon is now well out towards the edge of Orvonton. From the outermost system of inhabited worlds to the center of the superuniverse is a trifle less than two hundred and fifty thousand light-years." (32:2.11 )

Note: 500,000+ light years across the Orvonton superuniverse
and about 100,000 light years across the Milky Way galaxy*,
"the central nucleus of Orvonton".

* ... _info.html
"The Milky Way"

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Sandy »

Thanks, Rod! :sunflower:
I hope to explore our place in the Milky Way and Orvonton this afternoon.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Dare to entertain a new millennium UB-related term :?:

The Significances of Origins, "living ready-reference genealogies of the vast hosts of beings —
men, angels, and others — who inhabit the seven superuniverses", hints that Epochs of Revelation
could similarly refer to eras as well as personalities delivering epochal revelation. 8)

Example: "The Urantia Book, gifted by the Epochs of Revelation ..." :D

See also:
Paper 28 - Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses
6. The Tertiary Seconaphim

:lol: Speaking of terms, consider this grandiloquence ...
"The Urantia Book is The planet's Fifth Epochal Communiqué
of Superuniverse Collaboration gifted by Team Orvonton, et al.

Rod :)
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