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The Battalions of Heaven vol 4 Life Beyond the Veil

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:03 am
by Geoff
This is the fourth Volume in a five volume set.

This book was originally published in England in 1920. The recorder is the Rev. G. Vale Owen, vicar of Orford, Lancashire. The messages contained in this book were also published in a daily newspaper by the owner Lord Northcliffe. As such they were widely read, and widely acclaimed. It is curious therefor that they have slipped into relative obscurity only 100 years later, even though they were widely accepted within the Church of England and beyond.

The content of these volumes is not quite as fact-packed as for example the works by Anthony Borgia, but they have a unique style. In a way that is hard to describe, its almost as if you are accompanying each spirit as they go about their day. This conveys their life in a way not found in any other source. The facts conveyed are much the same as a great many other spirit communications, but it is this sense of being there that is different.

This particular volume is dictated by Arnel, a spirit residing in what is termed the Tenth Sphere in this series, but which will be more familiar as the Fifth Sphere to readers of other similar publications. This book is more philosophical that the earlier volumes. However one major event is described that lasted many years. Apparently because of the very poor spiritual condition of mankind, the energy signature surrounding the earth had begun to negatively influence inhabited planets in our vicinity. So a massive project was launched to cleanse this energy.

This volume also describes the problem of leadership, especially that which is typical of the male on earth, and how it is necessary for women to take up this role, but not using the same style that men use which is one of dominance.

I have added myself as editor because I have removed most of the archaic words and adjusted sentences that were not clear, as our language has changed over time. I have also added numerous footnotes, and a chapter on recommended reading which is similar in nature to this volume.

This is now available at Amazon as an ebook. There is also a free pdf.

Re: The Battalions of Heaven vol 4

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:59 am
by Sandy
Hi Geoff,
It sounds like you have been very busy. I was just thinking how such writings were much more accepted a hundred years ago then they would be now by the general populace. For instance, can you see a modern newspaper running this in a regular column? :) And there were, it seems, many of these type books written about the afterlife during this time period. They make for a very interesting read. Thanks for taking the time to bring them back to life and for allowing us access to them again. :thumright:

Re: The Battalions of Heaven vol 4

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:00 am
by Geoff
Sandy wrote: I was just thinking how such writings were much more accepted a hundred years ago then they would be now by the general populace. For instance, can you see a modern newspaper running this in a regular column? :)
Yeah well in this case the owner of the newspaper had decided to run them, and that could still happen, excepting I think guys like Rupert Murdock don't think much about this sort of stuff, these days.

Funny enough a very few sentences in this book has upset my applecart. I had a pretty considered view that we have distinct and separate "dimensions" for earth and humans, one for the spirit spheres, and one for the Celestial Realm, one for midwayers etc. Now I am not sure any more. The statement was made in this book that there are alien humans we cant see. Not dead aliens, living ones. Apparently we cant see them or their planet, because they are too spiritually evolved, and their energy signatures have caused their entire planet to be beyond our normal vision. So maybe there are not really dimensions, but simply that we can be limited in perception irrespective of who or where we are?
