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I am realy sad

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:22 pm
by livia
Hi. I am Portuguese. and I need help
The year 2014 has been a difficult year.
I started to invest in businesses that have gone wrong and lost a lot of money. Now I have debts.
Then I had a car accident. I lost the car. A car that took four years to pay.
Now I am experiencing a situation that shattered my heart.
My heart is broken. I am so depressed. I am not loved by the man I love.
I see many times the numbers 11:11, 11, 22, 33, 44, 66, 88
What this mean?
What this mean?
I just want to die.
Do not want to live. Not like living.
I have no motivation to live.
Send me love please.

Re: I am realy sad

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:15 pm
by Geoff
Dear Livia,

I am but a conduit. That I was able to send you a great deal of spiritual energy simply means that Father Loves you greatly. And you were open to receive. You are greatly loved. You also posted at 12:22 my time.


Re: I am realy sad

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:29 am
by Sandy
Dear Livia,

I join Geoff In sending you all the love in my heart, all the love reflected from the First Father of all that is. "Today" can sometimes be the worst day in our lives and we wonder how will we get through another minute or hour of it. These low moments seemingly go on forever and yet they can pass as we gather strength even in something as small as someone who allow us to smile, just a quick one in the beginning, but perhaps it grows and gathers power within us.
Please do not give up on your life. From all the loving number prompts you are receiving it is obvious to me that celestials in high places consider your life worthy of their love, encouragement and attention. They love you, they love us and the numbers are just one reflection of the infinite love the Creator has for us.

I hope you will feel free to share with us what you are feeling and we will try to be with you as best we can. I know that sounds strange but we have discovered that love has no geographic boundaries and flows just as quickly from afar as right next door. You will remain in my heart as I pray for your well being and peace.

Re: I am realy sad

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:50 am
by nasra1996
Dear Livia.. sending on God's love to you too :kiss: :loves :kiss: :loves :sunflower:


Re: I am realy sad

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:24 pm
by lilaslight
Please, please, please, have faith. I, also, suffer from depression but GOD LOVES YOU! I know what it is like to be sad BUT hold on... God and the angels have a plan for you. IF you are seeing the numbers, it means something.

Love and Light,

Lila's Light