Universal Communication

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Universal Communication

Post by Welles »

Please don’t listen to these words. Hmm, that’s not quite right; perhaps what I really mean is don’t be overly concerned about the ideas. While they are the best I can express today, any meaning will only be transmitted if they resonate within your mind. The sole reason to hold onto them for further reflection is if they strike a chord in your heart. Either of those possibilities can occur if we have some connection through the Universal field of Love. The cost of that connection is simply inner quiet. The payment is the work it takes to still the normal self-defining mental chatter stimulated by our emotional defenses and attachments. That feedback loop between mind and emotions has to go on holiday, if only for brief moments here and there.

Everyone will have a unique technique for achieving inner quiet. For some it might be a type of meditation. For others, the attitude you adopt during moments of prayer or worship will be perfect. A simple nuts and bolts approach is to consciously relax the tensions residing in the solar plexus and observe the effect on your mind. You might recognize the feeling of the heart opening as a result of the effort. Everyone will have a slightly different method and very different results. By doing this we are collectively accessing the field of energy called Love. Additionally we create an implicit offering to help each other via our unique access. Each of us can partake of our neighbors’ connection in those areas where we have a congruence of experience.

Recently, while riding the bus to town, an acquaintance asked me this question. “Are we part of nature,” he wondered, “or somehow beyond it, superior to it?” My immediate reaction was to reply that of course we are part of nature. As he sought to clarify his inquiry, I suddenly realized that I didn’t have an answer for him and said so. It seemed to me that his particular use of the word nature indicated that he was looking at the material universe as if that were the only reality. I couldn’t respond in that limited context. He was struggling to understand the failings of our world where many people act as if they were dominant over nature rather than participants within that domain.

Perhaps I should have responded that of course we are all a part of nature, the nature of God. If so, I might have gone on to say that the Universe is a structure of distributed Divinity. One purpose of that design, of particular importance to us, is to provide for the realization of new spiritual potentials through experience. That is our destiny. We are given life in the densest material shell into which personalities are introduced. Our destiny is a marvelous voyage from the fringes of a multi-dimensional expanding universe inward to the center. Along our journey we make incremental spiritual discoveries by reflecting Divine qualities and then making them real them through our actions as we gradually become perfected.

I could have gone on to say that if you could be lifted out of your material form and perceive your real spiritual nature you would see a more or less human outline of tenuous substance, a sort of radiant shadow. That is the spiritual body you are creating from your progress toward the Divine, even as you are living in a material form. It exists in the field of Love emanating directly from God for within that singular unified field spirit has form. Contained in that nebulous spiritual outline would be one solid white shining mote in the location of your current physical heart. It is a fragment of God given to be your own personal guide. It is also the conservator of your soul, the body you are building of the spiritual realities you have manifested. Peculiarly, although you would be completely aware of your sense of self as a seat of personality and consciousness, you wouldn’t seem to have any real substance just yet. Although your actions are building your soul, your own fragment of the Deity distribution holds it in trust for you. You have not yet merged with those other two aspects of your ultimate destiny. That eventual consolidation is what confers eternal life on the type of evolving creatures such as we who are born into the worlds of time and space. Eternal existence is a gift but you have to embrace that gift.

I didn’t say any of that although it was in my mind. People whose experience is limited to the material sphere often feel they need to dominate physical reality. Many suffer isolation from a sense of being locked in the limitations of their earthly forms. They may try excess material attachments, distractions or soporifics to alleviate that feeling of disconnection. The missing sense of union can only be discovered through spiritual exploration. If God is mentioned to someone living in spiritual dissociation, a demand for proof will likely be forthcoming. There is no material proof adequate for a skeptic. A sense of the absolute reality of The Creator only develops within a spiritual seeker as their connection to the Universe becomes firmly established.

The journey begins with inner quiet. It allows you to take the first halting steps of your odyssey by listening for intuitions and then learning to trust them. In general they are emotional in nature; that means they relate to the material universe and are communicated by feelings. Even so, the word intuition implies a deeper meaning. Paying attention to feeling is the tuition one pays for an internal connection to the larger universe. After the experience of intuition, realizations start to occur. They are the moments of enlightenment known as the “Aha!” moment or the light bulb going off.

If you analyze enough moments of realization you’ll discover that you can be a conscious participant in the process. By focusing your attention in a particular direction you expand your horizons with new ideas and experiences. The spirit of your intention such as creating beauty, truth or goodness is your umbilical cord to that unified field of Love through which enhanced values and meanings are reflected. Inner quiet allows your heart to open and to access that energy. Those moments accumulate to a point I think of as ‘critical space’, a sort of vacuum that draws energy reflected from a relatively higher aspect of Divinity. A surge of Love pours through you. It gladdens your heart and allows your mind to suddenly discern new and comparatively enlightened concepts and values.

The next quantum level of Universal communication is discovered in inspiration. Those experiences are similar to realizations but much more intense. They always seem to demand action. There is another significant difference between realization and inspiration. The experience of inspiration makes it clear that the energy is coming into you. You are clearly the recipient, not the source, whereas realizations may still seem to be generated from within the self. It is a very big difference for that is a practical basis from which to take the leap of faith that results in the full religious experience. In that case you actually touch or are touched directly by some aspect of the Divine. Religious experiences apply sudden and fundamental transformations to the recipients though it still takes a lifetime for the lessons of those events to be even partially realized.

Intuition, realization, inspiration and religious experience are part of a spectrum of encounters, which could be labeled Universal communication or perhaps spiritual communion. Any categorization is rather arbitrary but there are significant differences between the experiences. Intuitions are almost exclusively personal. Realizations are reflections of relatively higher levels of comparatively Divine minds to our own. The transmission medium is the field of Love. Inspirations are far more powerful and include the seeds of numerous future realizations. The religious experience requires a bit of faith. At first just the willingness to try is enough. Afterward that grain of faith grows increasingly toward absolute surety. That is how we can come to know God.

In a way I should be stop right there but there is one more point that is vitally important. Just because you have an encounter with Divinity, be it great or small, that isn’t the goal. It is only the beginning. You must act on the illumination you receive from those moments of communication with the Universe to give them spiritual substance. That completes the circuit between yourself and the Creator. Actions are the words of our conversation with God.


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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Sandy »

Hi Welles...
You have me thinking this afternoon. (always a good thing! ;) )
It was this part for some reason....
One purpose of that design, of particular importance to us, is to provide for the realization of new spiritual potentials through experience. That is our destiny. We are given life in the densest material shell into which personalities are introduced. Our destiny is a marvellous voyage from the fringes of a multi-dimensional expanding universe inward to the center. Along our journey we make incremental spiritual discoveries by reflecting Divine qualities and then making them real them through our actions as we gradually become perfected.
I was taken back to the earliest of time on this planet and the seas of primitive life that grew and changed into zillions of amazing aspects of the Divine mind's unlimited creativity. I felt as if I was much like one of the tiny microorganisms that swam in those ancient seas, unable to see what time and experience will do to change me into endless possibilities. But we have enormous opportunity to become anything and everything in eternity...AWESOME!

" Actions are the words of our conversation with God."
Thanks for the quiet moments of reflection. :happy
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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Geoff »

Welles wrote: Everyone will have a unique technique for achieving inner quiet. For some it might be a type of meditation. For others, the attitude you adopt during moments of prayer or worship will be perfect. A simple nuts and bolts approach is to consciously relax the tensions residing in the solar plexus and observe the effect on your mind. You might recognize the feeling of the heart opening as a result of the effort. Everyone will have a slightly different method and very different results. By doing this we are collectively accessing the field of energy called Love.
Dear Welles,

In my research I discovered that actually its not quite that simple. And I discovered this difference by researching "bliss". Turns out you can achieve a bliss of the nervous system, in meditation, by connection to CREATION, or achieve a bliss that is Not of the nervous system, by connection to the CREATOR. Its a very big difference, and the teachings on this 11:11 site are all about connecting to our Creator. For a bit more on this, you can peruse a web site I created on the topic.

To be even more specific, the issue seems to be that there are at least two love fields, one from the Divine, one from Creation. Or something like that, for sure the Love Energy that emanates from the Creator is different to that which we naturally emanate. So it depends on which you consciously seek.
Welles wrote:Actions are the words of our conversation with God.
I would certainly agree with that, but even more specific is that the action needs to be service. We exist to offer service.

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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Sandy »

It seems to me like the Creator of all would know what our intentions are and would ultimately reach for us, slowly but steadily, if necessary, to achieve that all important relationship. Getting closer to God can sort of be likened to a newbie athlete. First comes the stretching and a little soreness as you use muscles that in some instance have never or rarely been used. Then as a little more confidence is gained and as a greater sense of unity and an early connectedness is fostered... when you make that connection there is little doubt, such a sense of joy and peace is established. But I cannot believe that each and every one of us are going to experience God in the exact same way, since, in all other ways, it seems we are individuals.
Those who have achieved communication with their TA for instance, have established such a love connection, in my honest opinion, and yet, I am not sure it would necessarily fit into any standard DL manuscript.
Things have to make some kind of rudimentary sense for me and I cannot believe Divine Love would ever be withheld for us because we perhaps are unsure of a method to obtain it. He/She is above all a perfect Parent and what perfect parent would not gobble up every scrap of love given in whatever form from His/Her precious but still "toddler child" and then return it tenfold. Especially if they are doing the best they can and their heart is in the right place. (We are very much toddlers at this stage of eternal development.)

Welles wrote:
Everyone will have a unique technique for achieving inner quiet. For some it might be a type of meditation. For others, the attitude you adopt during moments of prayer or worship will be perfect. A simple nuts and bolts approach is to consciously relax the tensions residing in the solar plexus and observe the effect on your mind. You might recognize the feeling of the heart opening as a result of the effort. Everyone will have a slightly different method and very different results. By doing this we are collectively accessing the field of energy called Love. Additionally we create an implicit offering to help each other via our unique access. Each of us can partake of our neighbors’ connection in those areas where we have a congruence of experience.
This reminds me of something I found a few weeks ago when I was researching a monastery a new friend of mine would be visiting in the upcoming weeks. I thought it was quite interesting and illustrates ways that God interacts with His/Her children. It brings to light another way we show our intentions consciously or unconsciously to connect with the giver of all Love to the universes of Time/Space.

This was found in a section about the monastery library...
What is the purpose of a monastic library?
While the purpose of this conference is to launch a joint initiative between the monastic and ecclesiastical libraries of Munster with UCC and UL I am sure that I am not alone among the librarians in thinking that the function of a monastery library is not the promotion of academic endeavour or intellectual life. This is not to deny the academic achievements of the various Munster monasteries but to reassert the primary function for which the monastery exists: the praise and worship of God and the building up of his people. Without becoming too precious about this I think that it is fair to say that a monk’s approach to a book differs from that of an academic and monastic reading from academic research. In Chapter 49 of the RB St Benedict outlines this approach Lectio Divina or sacred reading has been terribly important. This is the slow, meditative reading of the scriptures in which the object is not the accumulation of knowledge or information but an encounter with the living God. It is an approach very much at variance with how we usually read or study; normally the goal is to conquer the text, to master it and extract from it all we can before moving onto something else, in Lectio divina the text of scripture gradually conquers you, becomes part of you, becomes the means by which to hear the ‘voice of the Lord, full of power’.
I know I have unconsciously practiced this type of being at times and felt such a peace and connection with God in this way but never really saw it in this light before. :sunflower:
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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Geoff »

Sandy wrote:It seems to me like the Creator of all would know what our intentions are and would ultimately reach for us, slowly but steadily, if necessary, to achieve that all important relationship.
Dear Sandy,

Yes this is the case, but only for those who desire and seek a relationship with a Creator. Many don't. Its actually your free will choice to reach out to your Creator. We have had a few communications with the original Buddha, and he still does not believe in a PERSONAL Creator. In other words, a real being with personality who is the creator of us all. That being the case, he will never fuse. In fact I actually wonder if he still has a TA in waiting. Bearing in mind that he was not originally in receipt of a TA. But could have received one at Pentecost.

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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Sandy »

I guess I am just wondering since our view of God is so dim at this time, if we can really judge what constitutes a desire for God verses a desire for universe/cosmic unity. After all, how we view this infinite Being is a very individualistic thing. If God's essence is in everything, (though I suppose that does not mean everything is God.) wouldn't a growing kinship with all that is constitute a path of some sort to the Divine? It seems a person must begin somewhere and with some beings the journeys to God will be long and winding, and some a tad shorter.
But I cannot believe that God would give up on one such as this. A few thousand years is a blink of God's eye after all. ;) :) Well what do I know. :lol: :roll: (I like happy endings!)
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Re: Universal Communication

Post by overmind »

To be even more specific, the issue seems to be that there are at least two love fields, one from the Divine, one from Creation. Or something like that, for sure the Love Energy that emanates from the Creator is different to that which we naturally emanate. So it depends on which you consciously seek.
This seems to be my own experience as well. I find that energy/love from God enters directly through the heart, and the other type enters either through the root chakra or the lower stomach area. I like to experiment with energy as I meditate, but I also don't want to overload my body. Gathering it is somehow easy now, I don't even need to meditate to get it. It's just a matter of focusing my will. Properly using it for some important means is a different story though.
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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Geoff »

overmind wrote: This seems to be my own experience as well. I find that energy/love from God enters directly through the heart, and the other type enters either through the root chakra or the lower stomach area.
Yeah thats a very good point, one that I had not considered. For sure the Divine Energy comes through and is felt in the heart region, because thats where the soul attaches.

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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Geoff »

Sandy wrote: But I cannot believe that God would give up on one such as this. A few thousand years is a blink of God's eye after all. ;) :) Well what do I know. :lol: :roll: (I like happy endings!)
Dera Sandy,

Its not a question of God giving up, its a question of free will. And of course we know full well that TA's abandon mortals.

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Re: Universal Communication

Post by overmind »

Sandy wrote:I guess I am just wondering since our view of God is so dim at this time, if we can really judge what constitutes a desire for God verses a desire for universe/cosmic unity. After all, how we view this infinite Being is a very individualistic thing. If God's essence is in everything, (though I suppose that does not mean everything is God.) wouldn't a growing kinship with all that is constitute a path of some sort to the Divine? It seems a person must begin somewhere and with some beings the journeys to God will be long and winding, and some a tad shorter.
But I cannot believe that God would give up on one such as this. A few thousand years is a blink of God's eye after all. ;) :) Well what do I know. :lol: :roll: (I like happy endings!)
Many of those who do poorly in their ascension career find themselves with a destiny bound to Nebadon. This is the case for many of those who die prematurely and lack proper human experience. I don't like it either, but it is not all bad. Many still live forevermore serving the Father on an architectural world with such splendor, we can hardly imagine it. They don't get the extended adventure that we do, receive the higher responsibilities, or meet face to face with the Infinite Being of all creation, but they can still be happy. Perhaps after millions or billions of years of service, some will move on to Uversa and beyond, I don't know. What I do know is that my own desire to reach Paradise is so strong that nothing can stop me.
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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Sandy »

What I do know is that my own desire to reach Paradise is so strong that nothing can stop me.
I'm with you there! :bana:
I always forget about free will. :oops: Good thing I am not God. I would drag everyone kicking and screaming whether they wish it or not to Paradise. Oh geez, can you imagine the chaos that would ensure! :roll: Has me thinking about the cute but silly movie with Jim Carrey years ago, "Bruce Almighty." That movie illustrates the importance of seeing the entire picture...which thankfully God does. :lol:
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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Geoff »

Sandy wrote: Oh geez, can you imagine the chaos that would ensure! :roll:
Exactly. He's not silly.

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Re: Universal Communication

Post by Sandy »

Nope definitely Loving, wise and all knowing.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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