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The Meaning of Peace

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:20 am
by overmind
Peace can easily be recognized as the absence of conflict. It can also be viewed as the absence of challenge, in which case it is the cause of stagnation. Peace can be seen as a personal choice. It can be seen as a way of life. It can be seen as a societal goal or reality. It can be seen as a hollow word used merely for political gain. It can be seen as one's philosophy regarding others.

I can talk about my desire for peace because I can define it. I cannot be at peace if I know there are others who desire its destruction. I cannot be at peace when I know there are others who desire this state, but cannot attain it. It should be mentioned that the state of peace is not the absence of physical, mental or spiritual challenges. It should also be stated that there are two versions of peace: outer and inner.

Inner peace comes from seeing order and direction in one's life, as well as knowing why one exists and why they hold value. Inner peace can only exist when there is mental clarity, sane reasoning, emotional intelligence, cosmic insight and love.

Outer peace is the state of love between all peoples. Peace comes from the very Brotherhood of Man spoken of by Christ, and the idea has yet to take root in any large society. When you accept everyone and love all unconditionally, then you are outwardly peaceful. It is when all groups understand the fundamental connection they have with all others.

In my opinion, a true pacifist does not act out of the fear of causing harm, but out of the love they hold for all others. Causing harm, even in self-defense, would harm the individual inside and disrupt their inner peace. With this, I say that neither inner nor outer peace can exist alone.

Re: The Meaning of Peace

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:47 am
by overmind
“Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” - MLK Jr.

Re: The Meaning of Peace

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:02 am
by Sandy
Hey Arthur,
I couldn't help but chuckle when I read this part of your essay...
It can be seen as a hollow word used merely for political gain. It can be seen as one's philosophy regarding others.
We do throw this word around a lot don't we without really thinking carefully about its value... and I chuckle because it reminds me of a scene in the movie, 'Miss Congeniality' with Sandra Bullock. In this role, she is a undercover cop who is infiltrating a National US beauty pageant in the hopes of finding a master criminal. During the contest, when interviewed on stage all the contestants when asked what they most desired (something like that, anyway) responded with, "world peace" and it was clear that was what the audience wanted to hear and expected them to say. Obviously none of them nor the people in the audience really gave much thought to the actual road to world peace.
In the movie it produced a good laugh, yet, in real life, it is rather sad how flippant we are with that word, peace.
Maybe we can all further real peace if we consciously focus on raising our own inner peace then when adequately fed, our peace within will nurture peace without... and as it expands and unites with others doing the same thing, some day a climate of peace may be the norm instead of the exception.

Thanks for giving me something to think about Arthur, as I pick the green beans today. ;)