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In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:54 pm
by Changing12
I have posted once here before because I thought I was going crazy. For two years my life has been challenging with work, relationships, self doubt and family illness. I had been seeing 1234 everywhere and in the past many months to a year I've been seeing 11:11. I have been labeled the "Doubting Thomas" by the Church I used to attend years ago. In a way it was a compliment because I have to ask questions. I am an Analyst by trade, and in an analyst's world there is no room for "faith" or "hope". There must be evidence - proof and a concrete solution. I do not claim to know anything about any spiritual powers.

From reading previous posts I came to believe that 1234 is for Change and 1111 or 11:11, for me is like being tapped on the shoulder "Kent, we are here. You are not alone". I have experienced many events in my life from addiction, death of my brothers, abuse, terminal cancer etc. Somehow I knew and know that these events, if I was open, were there to teach me something. I am still here. I shouldn't be. No I'm not crazy. So I have been seeking, and seeking and seeking for the past 40 odd years for an answer - there is the analyst in me. My bookcase is full of spiritual and various religious teachings and nothing to prove to me that there is anything but science. No spiritual world whatsoever.

I have read, and now believe that the 11:11 phenomenen is a very personal thing. An event happened on Thursday that made it all come together - for me. I was undergoing another life crisis. I was at work. In the midst of the crisis all within 10 minutes everything that was in crisis at work and in my personal life was reversed into a very positive thing. I sat at my desk head in hands exhausted and confused how all this "stuff" could be reversed so fast without my doing anything. I raised my head, without purpose looked at my computer screen, as it was directly in front of me. The time???? 11:11 and it stood out. I could not tell you what else was on the screen. In that second "doubting thomas" disappeared. I felt lighter, blissful actually, and I'm never blissful. I could almost feel the tap on the shoulder - "See we are here". That was it. This analyst experienced a deeply personal and profound spiritual experience. I am 52 and never thought I would ever experience this.

You see if I hadn't been seeing 1234 and 1111 for the past couple of years this event would have meant nothing. I know I am not alone.

The night before this I couldn't sleep. I was completely defeated and I've survived a lot so to feel defeated is very unpleasant. I had, had enough. I put my hands out to I don't know what and said - "help". The next day....well you decide. I know this was the wakeup call. And I guess I did do something to have all this change. I said "help".

And to just add. The next day I had just got of the phone with a "difficult" staff member. I kept my cool. After all I was and am still in bliss. I use my IPhone at work to listen to music. Right after that phone call I tapped the screen as it had dimmed and the time in huge numbers.....11:11

Fear, anger, negativity fell away leaving Love, humility, acceptance and positivity - hope.

You can say this is all a bunch of garbage, and I'm ok with that......but I assure you - I am loved and not alone anymore.


Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:27 am
by theunim
Welcome, Changing/Kent,

I'm glad things are positive for you, no matter how much negativity has been present in your life in the past several years.

With Love,

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:04 am
by jfarris
Changing12 wrote:....You can say this is all a bunch of garbage, and I'm ok with that......but I assure you - I am loved and not alone anymore...
Hello Kent! :hithere

I really doubt you would find anyone here who would say that!! Most of us already know that it is real AND what a prompt feels like as opposed to clock-watching. You know what I mean?? :D

Loved you post. :bana:

See you around, brother! :roll

Light and LIfe,


Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 3:09 am
by Changing12
No I didn't think so Jody. This is a brilliant place to post where like minded people understand. :bana:

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:33 am
by Sandy
Hi Kent,
It's good to have you back again. That was an awesome post! I got to share in your "celestial joy" as I read it myself and so I thank you for sharing. :sunflower:

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:17 am
by arleneangle
It is so interesting what you talk about.

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:17 am
by Daddy - O
That was a wonderful story Kent...thanks for posting.

Daddy - O

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:36 am
by Changing12
You all make this a very special place.

Love... :sunflower:

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:56 am
by arleneangle
Yes,What you talk about is so amazing.

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:09 pm
by 11light11
Dear Kent,

I loved reading your message. I really loved the part about Doubting Thomas - I always thought he got a bad rap!! What did he do wrong? I think doubt is one of our greatest gifts, and helps us to continue searching and finding new inner truths.

Your story really resonated with me - I'll be thinking of you and excited to hear more about your journey!

Thanks for sharing!

Take care now and peace to you and yours - Michele :loves

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:16 am
by Changing12
Thanks Michele,

I'm so glad you can relate. I agree 100%. Questioning and doubting is a great motivator to keep searching for the "truth" within.

I will provide you with a little update. Since that experience, I am still being reminded quite often that "I'm not alone". Being a doubting Thomas I guess I need reminders and reassurance of such a profound enlightenment, and I keep getting it. Twice today alone. And the reminders seem to come when something, fear or a negative feeling or thought, enters my brain. A reminder...."Kent, you're not alone. We are watching. Let go" then I feel the love. I seem to have many souls, spirits offering me guidance. Truly blessed and humbled.

Love and peace.....Kent :sunny:

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:39 pm
by 11light11

I can relate only too well. However many 'experiences' I have, I can turn to doubt on a dime! I still have gratitude toward my doubt, for it has brought great insights and understanding, and yet at times the doubt is painful. Yet - they always know how to return me to the 'knowing' they seem to sense I need!!!

Michele :loves

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:19 pm
by jack6251
That is a great account of number prompts Kent! I think your post will give other people searching for answers some reassurance that they're not alone too and serve as a reminder for older and longer serving number promptee's. Long may your numbers continue along with your state of well being!

Jack :pig:

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:15 pm
by JonahBC
KNOK ...Hi Everyone...

Kent, boy oh boy... I sent you a personal message.. if you receive it and so dare... :finger:

To all...oh yes... here I am again.....home. Tis Sunday morning and of course I was "prompted" to send you all this message :)

Twists, turns, lessons, growing.... it has been a seriously crazy spring and summer. Just when I thought I have seen it all, lets say, situations thrown in front of my path that I seem to trip over constantly :shock:... my most recent is a real challenge. Me, CNN and a group of atheists... now what could be more challenging... but indeed I like a good one! Baby steps with this group... but they seem to be quietly listening...

Love you all...

Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:06 pm
by Changing12

I'm still getting used to this beautiful site. I didn't know I had messages? I've read it and responded.....I think. But yes.

Hmm, yes I too had a challenging week. But I had to laugh because I knew there was a confrontation about to occur with an individual and just before I got one of my two prompts. I laughed and was ready.

It's a nice warm day here. The mountains are crisp to the eye. It's a good life.


Re: In a nanosecond everything changed

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:24 am
by Sandy
Good Morning everybody! :sunny:

Kent, it's funny you should mention your beautiful Canadian mountains looking crisp because George and I were just saying that yesterday as we walked about our local escarpment... you could see every detail and you felt as if they were merely a stones throw away. Just gorgeous! Spring is arriving in a few days but Mother Nature doesn't always follow our human calendars and we can smell it in the air...Love it!

Kathy! :bana: It is great to see you on the board again! I suspect if anyone is capable of inspiring those who see little left for us after death, it would be you so you are just where you need to be.
LOL I just heard a quote from one the Star Wars movies in my head. "The force is strong with this one." ;)
I send you much love and energy from the land down under!