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Prompts, dream state, digging deeper.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:12 pm
by Panda
There is a world opening to me and I am trying my best to allow and to understand what is happening. I went through a particularly painful break-up which sent me pretty deep into myself in search of growth and answers. During this time the time prompts began, as did other signals of a path to take. The last few months I have had many thoughts manifest into reality and am really beginning to understand the process of my creations, even throughout my life without my conscious understanding.

Recently I believe things have lined up and the person whom i was in this last relationship with has temporarily taken shelter in the room next door to my house. I have been asking for guidance on mending this situation. The time prompts are everywhere. I have seen feathers every single day. Yesterday he and I took a spontaneous day trip to the beach together.

I have a difficult time in mediation and out of an initial fear, I decided I was not yet ready to begin a regular practice. The other night I was particularly in tune with my surroundings and before I went to bed I asked/spoke that I was ready. I entered a dream-state that felt nothing like a dream and remember this very intense situation. I was surrounded by beings, though it was relatively dark and it was known they were not human. They were speaking but I cannot remember what was said. I was present but not being paid attention to.

I am seeking to better understand and i know this will come with time. I am grateful for what has unfolded in my life over these few months but know there is so much more. I just looked at the clock and it read 1:11.

Re: Prompts, dream state, digging deeper.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:39 pm
by jack6251
Hi there Panda :D

I would ask how you're doing but I can see from your post things are a little mixed up just now for you, I'm hoping something moves better for you very soon as I know from my own experiences that what're you going through seems not to have any goodness at all.

I'm a little confused though where you say the person you were with is in a room next to your house, you mean they've moved in next door to you?

Does it look like you can be friends or is one of you wanting more?

It is so so great you're having all these numbers appear around you, be assured there's us here too for you to talk to also. You're obviously of heightend awareness or you'd be missing the number prompts and would maybe struggle to recall your dreams. I'm no dream expert but us guys here are mostly faces peoples, keep posting here and let us know how you're doing in this tricky period, I really hope things transition smoothly for you!

Love and best wishes,

Jack :pig: :loves :sunny:

Re: Prompts, dream state, digging deeper.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:56 am
by Sandy
Hi Panda,
It's good to see you again and to hear a little of what has transpired in your life this past month. :hithere

Relationships can through us off balanced sometimes even long after they have ended as we ponder the "whys" and the "why nots"...maybe even the "what could have beens." Sometimes we feel as if we have lost something special when a relationship, despite our best efforts, fizzles or goes out with a bang. Yet there is purpose in everything we do and in every conversation and action. So the comfortable day at the beach you shared with your past partner has a purpose such as promoting healing and peaceful vibes even if a relationship is no longer desired by either or both of you. Of course anything could happen as the future is never set in stone...changing with each free will thought and decision we make.
Learning to know ourselves...looking deep within us, as you have been doing, is one of the most beneficial things we can do for ourselves. It is there where we learn the how and why we say and think and act the way we do. It is there we find mollification and modification and peace with ourselves, discovering, without effort, ways of being that slip ever more comfortable over our heads as time teaches us the slow and steady way of eternity. Other very beneficial things are found there as well.... greater intuition and effortless we find ourselves desiring closer contact with the Divine Force that creates the fabric of the universe, our Higher Self or God Within. It is this action that gently and surely leads us out of our confusion, helping us to discern the lighted path that is ours alone. But we all travel this journey each in our own way and in our own time. There is no rush to be any certain way that others desire...Their path may very well be unrecognizable for you. It is what you desire, where you want to go, where you are led that provides the endless supply of answers that lead to more questions ever leading us deeper and further than we have gone before.. And it seems you have strong abilities to recognize these things and you will, making your decision as best you can from heart, mind and soul and following the amazing guidance you discover is your best friend and partner within. It is an awesome journey and it begins in each new moment of the day.
It is in that moment you realize extraordinary things are happening in your life and you discover the world is filled with "colors" you never knew existed...some just for you. :happy

Well I am babbling on again but I just wanted to say that I too am not gifted in dream work...but I believe much information can be given to us as we sleep and dream. I know some people who get much information in this way and I feel it is one of the many forms of meditation... which does not have to be what so many people envisage... the eyes closed cross legged on the floor. :) No it begins with a desire and an opening up of yourself to the universe. It is wise to ask for guidance and protection and to only allow beings with our highest good in mind to commune with us. This can be accomplished first with our intent, with our visualizing goodness, perhaps in the form of Divine White light surrounding us and in our faith that this protection and guidance, what we have asked will be provided for us.
Please forgive me if you are aware of these things.
I hope you will continue to share your journey with us, is nice to see you again!

Re: Prompts, dream state, digging deeper.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:03 am
by LurkerAbyss
Hello Panda :)

First of all I just want to say that I am glad you stumbled upon us and found this board, and even more I am pleased and grateful that you took the brave and honest effort to share and consider us worth sharing with. I want you to know that you will never seem silly or crazy here, you will never be judged or written off as the people here are incredibly compassionate and understanding of each other despite being sooo soo different in personality and experience.

As said above, it seems that you have already begun to develop a heightened awareness, whatever that means to you.. it's becoming more and more common to hear of things like "awakening", "awareness", and other such terms as both the quantity and quality of spirituality in the general human experience increases. It is becoming less strange and mystical, and becoming more acceptable, more LOGICAL and understandable that there is more to ourselves and our universe than there seems and that we, as a species, need to stop merely "wondering" and start DISCOVERING.

I thought I had a bunch more to say but I got distracted by music and Youtube videos so I'll just leave it at that for now. I find that with a lot of people who come here, there is already a sense of growing and learning and where this board comes in real handy is not so much in sharing answers but in sharing questions.


Re: Prompts, dream state, digging deeper.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:30 am
by arleneangle
It is so interesting what you said.