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Need help!!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:35 pm
by dragonfly1011
Hi everyone!! :hithere I am new on this site an this is the first time that I am actualy looking for help!! I start seeing 11:11 about 12 YEARS ago. At first I felt my body was shaked up in my sleep and when I woke up it was 11:11.....(many times) It was driving me crazy!!! Then I start to see it everywere!!Last year I made a phone call at 11/1/11 at 11:11 h!!!
And the most srange was when I went back to my parents house I found my first wach that was now broken and it was stopt at 11:11!!( I think I was 14yo) Sins I was that age I was interestig in paranormal world, tarot, coffee cup, angels.... some times I just new when somethig will hapend!
Two years ago I start seeing heart shapes all over, in my coffee, my food, on the street ....I was amazed (have all the photos)
I was born on 10/11/ ,last year on my birthday I went out with a friend (I didn't want to go out that night because the most of my friends was working the next morning) but i did......that night I met a guy.... it was love at fist sight!! but then someone told me that he was married with 3 kids!!!! :( so i left!!! Later that night as I was driving home with a friend suddenly I saw him in front of us and he open the door and jump in........he told me that he was divorced and that he was going to fly a day before( he live in another country) but for some(no) reason he didn't.Next day when I saw masseges I realize that was 11/11/11 !!!!!!!When I went i his new house he show me a huge heart shape in the hill behind his house!!!! Sins then we are together, BUT!!! His life is a mess!! I maen real mess!!! drugs,alcohol, money, family lies!!!
I can not handle this!!!He wants a baby but I am so afraid (I take my pils). I don't know what to do!!! If it was not all these 11:11 and heart thing I would already leave him!
Can somone give me an advise?????

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:30 am
by Sandy
Dear Dragonfly,
As much as I would like to tell you what to do...I am not sure it is something that I or anybody else can decide for you...Life gives us some interesting and often hard choices to make and this may be one of them. Perhaps it will help if I tell you, though, that I do not think that we can attribute the 11:11 prompts to making life decisions. The Angels and celestial friends who often prompt us with this number are not allowed to make our life decisions for is one of the most important things given to us, our free will to choose as this teaches us so much as we follow the results of our choices and arrive a little wiser, stronger and better able to understand and be compassionate of others who are walking the path of Life. The angels with their 11:11 prompt are letting you know they are there for you, loving you, supporting you as you live your life and all that it entails. They will be there for you as you live with your boyfriend and they will be there for you should you decide that breaking ties with him is the best option for you.

Many people who are experienced with family and friends who have drug and alcohol problems will tell you that you cannot change them or make them want to quit and give it up. They have to decide that they themselves want a different life and then go through the hard steps to make living clean a reality. It is rough being a part of that existence and my heart goes out to you.

But I believe you may already know in your heart what is best for you as you have already given a clue of what that is in your writing... and I am hoping that without the worry that you are being directed to stay with him from On High that you will follow the innate wisdom of your heart and mind. Regardless of what you decide, please remember that we are here for you and care about you and that you are welcomed to share your life with us when ever you feel the need or the urge.
You are in my thoughts as I hope and pray for the very best for you.
Much love,

P.S. I was just thinking about you seeing hearts. It seems someone else within the past couple years was also seeing hearts as a prompt but I can't remember who it was. I suspect you have a very loving heart, Dragonfly, and are cherished by our angelic friends. :sunflower:

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:44 am
by dragonfly1011
Hallo Sandy! :)
Thank you for answering my massege and your wise words!!!! :loves
I know that I will have to make this desicion on my own... AS I AM WRITING THIS RIGHT NOW , ON MY COMPUTER IS 11:11!!!!
( I made a whish !!!!)
I am just confused! Like, is there a reason whay I met him at 11/11/11 and the heart abowe his house????
As I wrote before, if I didn't have all that coincidences I would know what to do.....

I read somewhere that 11:11 angels are giving us a massage, like," YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH" or "DIFICULT TIME IS COMING, HOLD ON". Is that thru?
I was wondering if they are trying to tell me somethig like that :roll:

I would like to enjoy you on your sunday prayers,glad if I can help!
I also want to start with sillnes meditation to see what can I achive!

Thanks again for your time and help!! :kiss:
ps: I dont know jet how this site works but somehow I new that you will answer my massege!( was hoping)
or you answer to everyone? :? :D

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 11:46 am
by jack6251
Hello Dragonfly welcome :hithere

I think you're in a tricky place with the decision you need to make. For me it would be kind of easy. Sandy is right, at the end of all the advice in the world, you'll have to make your mind up what you want to do with your relationship.

My younger brother smokes marijuana, he doesn't do heroin or cocaine or any of the hard drugs, but he has lied from time to time about what he does so we don't really know the extent of what else he's up to. He has a big gambling problem which has affected many of his relationships and he's stolen money on occassion to support his gambling addiction. His relationship with my dad was terrible for years, he broke up with many girlfriends throughout his 20's due to his issues, but now he's a little older he's realising he has to stop it all and there are signs he's understanding he has to change. He cheated a lot on his girlfriends and used them for money too, I think he'll be ok as the penny seems to have dropped with his behaviour.

My advice would involve helping your guy out, but don't have a baby with him if he's full of problems, a liar and a cheater etc, this should be only done if he's clean and straight or you're only opening yourself up to a long term world of pain. Why did he get divorced before, what's gone on there? What do you know about him?

It is possible for you to help this guy out without entering into a romantic relationship with him, you have to be careful. You can help him turn good, but if you love him, be careful he doesn't break your heart!

Seeing 11:11 and the love hearts around this guy doesn't necessarily mean go ahead and have a relationship with him! Give him support, use common sense and caution.

I wish you all the best with whatever choice you make!

Jack :pig:

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:12 pm
by dragonfly1011
Hi jack!!!!
thank you ,thank you ,thank you :thumright:
That is exacley what I was thinking!!! I will try to help him because I belive he have a good heart (and because I don't want to feel guilty wondering that maybe I could help him and I didn't do anything :roll: )

You are right about that if they dont want to help them self no body alse can! He do cocain and marihuana.... He was very yang when he married and 4 years ago he made a lot of money(not from drugs!!) So I belive he wanted his freedom again but drugs and alcohol put him on the wrong path.......anyway i will give a try!!

It is a shame what drugs can do to people, look at michael jakson, amy, whitney..... they hade everything but they didn't find them self!
I hope your brother(and my boyfried!) will realize that this road has no happy endings!!!
I also hope that your brother will not go for any other havy drugs, and that he will find his way!!!

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:10 pm
by I_knew_it27
Hi y' still waiting on the book i ordered..But im hearing different stories about this and im so confused and feel misguided..Is there any bibical verse or evidence i could look up? thx

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 5:38 am
by jack6251
I_knew_it27 wrote:Hi y' still waiting on the book i ordered..But im hearing different stories about this and im so confused and feel misguided..Is there any bibical verse or evidence i could look up? thx
Hi I Knew It :hithere

Is there anything in particular you're looking for? What book did you order?

Not altogether sure what you're asking there, but if it's 11:11 related, use the search tool for the forum as there may be something hidden somewhere for you. As for the Bible, it's all worth having a read. I keep an audio version of it on my ipod these days as it's nice to listen to a passage when out and about.

Jack :pig:

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:19 am
by Sandy
Hi Chris,
Did you order a book directly from us or from Amazon or the book distributer? If you ordered from us here in Australia and you haven't received it could you please tell me via a pm when it was ordered and under the name it was ordered (some people have ordered through someone else) and I will look it up and see when it was mailed.

I will do the best I can to help you as far as your feelings of confusion and misguidance. It would help if you could give me a little more detail as to what is specifically confusing you you and I apologize if any of my posts have caused this.

You will hear many things as you browse the internet on this 11:11 subject and as you may have noticed, even the various members who arrive here on this internet website have multiple ideas about what it means.
To be honest, it is a tight rope of a sort that we walk here as we try not to stamp on other's beliefs, protect the information we wish to share, keep the boards purpose intact (that one's not at all easy) and allow people to find their own way to the Divine Source. This spiritual journey leads each of us in many different directions. My own feelings about this is that it is all well and good if the chosen paths lead to greater love, understanding and closeness to God. I know for a fact, this has happened for I grew up in a loving Christian household, brought my children up in the same manner and served the chosen church as Sunday school teacher and even church councillor for many years. Yet, all this time I felt I needed something...something important...a searching kind of feeling...and so it began as I sat quietly by my creek thinking about my life, my purpose, and observing the flow of life around me. It seemed from there a peace and quietness began and nudges of intuition...and so my path continued... in books, in meditation, always with a prayer on my lips asking my Heavenly Father to guide me in the direction He wished me to follow and to protect me along the way from that which is harmful and destructive to my soul. I did this and still do this of a sort every time I meditate or participate in healing work. With that prayer and because I believe whole heartedly in the power of prayer and the Infinite One who answers, I could follow the leadings without fear or worry. I have done a few, what I like to call, “loop de loops of learning” as I explore particular areas or beliefs but I have always in these “encounters” gained experience and discovered “bits and pieces of wisdom” essential for my personal journey. But always I have been led by Love. I follow Love and where It leads.
As it says here in:
1 John 4:16-19 “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. (17) By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world. (18) There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. (19) We love because he first loved us.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. (2) And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (3) If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.”
Colossians 3:14 “And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”

1 John 3:10-11 “By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. (11) For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.”

It is clear that evil cannot abide Divine Love which is God, so I judge my path’s footsteps by the Love that is shared along the way. The celestial beings I have encountered in my personal progress, the Midwayers, My Angels, Christ Michael (Jesus), Nebadonia, Machiventa, and my Celestial Teachers have all exhibited great Love... Love for their celestial and human brothers and sisters and always Love centered in the Divine Creator.

I do not look for others to confirm or deny my beliefs as no one knows better than me and of course God, what resonates in my soul and brings me closer to my Divine home. We all hold the key to that Divine door and we meet infinite sources of this reflected Love along the eternal these beings love and adore their own ideal of God just as much as I do. The 1111 Midwayers who love us and understand us are not perfected children of God but they do love and serve Him/Her (God of course has no gender) to the best of their ability and they serve the Universe sovereign, Christ Michael. (also known as Jesus) I know there are those on the internet who claim they are evil, and I smile because they do not know them. It would be like me saying I know Mel Gibson from the information and misinformation reported. If I have not sat down with him and shared my life and friendship with him how can I make such a claim? So I decided long ago to ask for the protection and follow the leadings of my heart and soul and I have not regreted it one bit. The Midwayers...well they have deferred me to God as they have put my hand firmly in the Creator’s hand, they have helped me through some difficult times in my life and given me bits of beneficial information to allow me to face each day a little stronger, more confident and with greater peace. If you feel inclined read through some of the celestial messages on this website...and hopefully you will see that love abounds in this place and in many places in the realms surrounding us. We live because of God’s bountiful Love and in the reflection of that Love to others we find purpose in its most beautiful simplicity.

And so, the universe is teaming with an infinite number of God’s celestial children. As for myself, I wish to meet them all and I have no fear as I know I have the Love of the Creator to guide me and protect me every step of the way. But this is my path... you, Chris, because of the gift of free will, will choose the way that is best for you and it will be a good one, especially if you allow Divine Love, to guide you.

Ultimately we are here to love and serve our brothers and sisters and in doing that we serve and honour the one who holds the universe in the palm of His/Her Infinite celestial hand.

With love,

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:50 pm
by dragonfly1011
11:11 Progress Group Messages

Michigan, US of A, February 19, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Difficult Decisions.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: “The lesson for today is about accepting the things you cannot change while remaining firm in your determination to live by a high moral standard -- to strive for the good and how to recognize the destructive behaviors in others while you navigate the waters of maintaining relationships with those who remain asleep in the illusion of worldly troubles.

“Many of you reading this message have started out on a path to seek for truth and to change, or desire to change, the way you live, think, and feel about life, your place in it, and your relationship with deity and with those in your ‘life circles’ (family, friends, and associates). Many of you also have awakened out of the slumber of illusion alone in your circles and have had to deal with the pressures of those who choose to stay in darkness and ignorance, who disagree with the direction you have taken with your life.

“You are torn between the relationship and the path, and sometimes you have to make a choice whether or not that relationship is salvageable or is one that needs to be ended. Trying to convince others that your truth is the truth they should embrace is likely to fail miserably and you will end up feeling hurt, frustrated, and rejected. You do not have to conform to the pressures of others who do not see your truth, you only need to state your position and what you will accept and what you will not. They will have to choose whether their need to be right is greater than the value you bring to the relationship and to accept you for who you are. If they choose pride over love, the relationship is shallow, and holds little value for you.

“Those on a destructive path will make the relationship difficult for those on the path to truth and light. Family and close friends who choose this unwise path have chosen the hard lessons of life and despite your good intentions and interventions, you may have to accept that they will have to walk that road alone and work out their own salvation. You need to stay on the path to truth and light and shun the darkened influences of those whose minds are set on self-destruction. No good can come from such an influence.

“These relationships having history and blood relations are the most difficult to deal with and each is unique having many heartstrings attached. For these, you should seek the council of the Father’s presence and lay your troubles there and ask for guidance and opportunities to change who you are so that you may grow and do the inner work necessary to take charge of your own life and make right decisions.

“Spirit is always available and waiting for your asking that we may set in motion those petitions that are in alignment with the Father’s Will. Be aware of the synchronicity that follows a sincere petition that you may see the marker that points the way. Be brave and stand firm in your faith, for the Father sees into the heart of everyone, and those with good intent will always have His ear.

“Peace and love to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”


Soooooo nice!!!!!!!!!! :loves