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My daughter turned 1 on the 11/11/11

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:37 pm
by Shiloh
My daughter was born on the 11/11/10. My daughter came 3 weeks early, I believe this to be as I was under alot of stress as my father was in a car accident and died at 11.30am, the car accident was deliberate. My fathers funeral was on the 11/11/10 I was unable to attend as I was in hospital giving birth to my daughter. I know this sounds crazy but when I take my daughter places Ive noticed people are drawn to her and stop me and say how beautiful she is and i'm talking EVERYWHERE we go. I have 2 other daughters and I never received this kind of attention with them, its weird I go to get groceries or 2 the doctors and I have people say to me "ohh shes so cute or wow what a beautiful baby. Does this mean anything? Ive noticed there is alot of the number 11 around her

Re: My daughter turned 1 on the 11/11/11

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:12 pm
by Sandy
Hello Shiloh,
I am so sorry. That must have been a very emotionally difficult birth... such joy and sorry all in one day. I hope this year you have peace as you celebrated your little daughter's first birthday.

You could be experiencing the 11's because of your little one... but I do not know if the notice by strangers of her beauty and their comments is because of this... all children of course are special and beautiful in their own right but there are children that are called by a term crystal and indigo children that seem to have a deeper connection to a spiritual side. I am on my way to bed now but I wanted to welcome you to our message board.
I will see if I can find some information about these things for you tomorrow. Or perhaps someone with more experience about these children might make some good observations and suggestions.

It is nice to meet you Shiloh! :hithere