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For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:57 pm
by lloyd
....I am being prompt blasted out of this world.

I got hit last night with an 111 and 1111 in a 5 minuted span. (One was a
clock the other an error message.)

Then, today, the receipt from a Chinese eatery was 1111 and 10
minutes later, got hit with 111 on the microwave.

Does it mean anything when prompts come more often?

And no, I don't try to "catch" the clock turning to 111 or 1111. In no way
do I attempt to create these.

Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:54 pm
by sammy
I think they are screaming at you to meditate...they would like to communicate with you. Simply be still, with NO expectations and see what happens. It might take several attempts, but it seems they have a message for you.


Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:24 pm
by Jackaranda1011
You know, I've noticed these kind of weird, random voices when I've meditated in the past. I always thought they were something random from my subconscious, so I never paid attention, and they were just, like a random word here or there, but very distinct and audible.

I got it again this morning when my girlfriend called, I opened my phone and it was 11:10. Last night she emailed me to remind me of an appt on 11/10. She knows nothing about this stuff, but she is, in her own way, a very spiritually in tune person.

Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:31 pm
by lloyd
Thanks, Sammy.

I will try. But can't they also give you some info. when you sleep?

Some people think meditation works, simply like doing a defrag on
your computer. They feel you are just allowing your brain to re-organize,
not that God, spirits, etc. are speaking to you. Not saying I know either
way. But I am open. One thing I know: I am getting hammered with prompts
more than ever.

Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:09 am
by sammy
Lloyd asked:
can't they also give you some info. when you sleep?
I believe so Lloyd. I just mentioned this in another thread, (if I am wrong, I hope George or someone will correct me)...but George has recommended a dream dictionary. Here is the post: ... ary#p99570 Personally, the dream dictionary trick has not worked for you watch, they'll prove me wrong tonight! :lol:

As for meditation, it think it differs from person to person.

My own meditations vary from time to time. The vast majority of my meditations appear as cloud like energy forms that take on the shape of something. Most of the time I can't figure out what they are trying to tell me...but I have had a few prophetic ones...the one I recall the clearest was about a month before the swine flu scare, I saw flying pigs. I "woke up" laughing, thinking "when pigs fly". Then when I saw the news about swine flu I realized it was no fluke.

Other meditations have taken me on short journeys in full living color, the closest I ever came to a midwayer was when a dear friend asked me to try to send healing to a very sick friend of hers. I saw a midwayer picking the lock on the sick woman's AC.

I also have heard voices...4 or 5 times the voice was clear as day, other times it was more like what Jack described.

I also believe they get messages to us through synchronicity (repeated coincidence).

The most important thing you can do is to surround yourself in God's protection and love and ask for direction....AND then you need to be open to the answers. It is quite an adventure!

I can't wait to hear about your experiences Lloyd, I just have a feeling they may surprise you.


Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:17 am
by Jackaranda1011
Just checked my phone for messages...I had no idea what time it was, wasn't even thinking...11:11PM. Also had a street light go out when I passed it on the way home.

Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:28 pm
by lloyd
@ Sammy - Thanks for your feedback. You are such a nice person. And as Frank Burns said, in "M*A*S*H*" - "It's nice to be nice to the nice."

@Frank, you are definitely being prompted. I am up to average about 2 a day at this point. And this has been going on since my teens. And that brings me to a question. If I have been being "tapped on the shoulder" for over two decades, why haven't they given up on me? If this is a signal for us to receive instruction, and they are still having to nudge me, I wonder why they don't feel I can't/won't listen. I can't believe how long this has been going on and the fact that the intensity has picked up so much.

How about our receipt from the Chinese restaurant: It said "11:11" as the time stamp, but it was more like 12:30 when we bought the food.

Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:15 pm
by sammy
Lloyd wrote:
"It's nice to be nice to the nice."
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Ohhhh! Whew! That cracked me up!!!

Ok, this is going to be a bit choppy because my son just got home from school and is coming in and out of the room talking to me...I can't get a good flow I'll just be brief and hope someone else fills in my blank spots.
If I have been being "tapped on the shoulder" for over two decades, why haven't they given up on me? If this is a signal for us to receive instruction, and they are still having to nudge me, I wonder why they don't feel I can't/won't listen. I can't believe how long this has been going on and the fact that the intensity has picked up so much.
Great question! I was prompted with 2's for about a decade before the changed to 1's and then other combinations. When it was the 2's I thought for sure I was going to win the lottery on Feb 2nd or 22nd, 2002...NOPE!

It never occurred to me to look up the 2's on the internet. I was way to busy with "stuff" to concern myself too deeply with spiritual things. Then I had a HUGE series of synchronicities, involving my numbers changing to 11's, my son starting to have some "psychic" abilities...and got a little too sick to keep busy with "stuff" I turned to the internet to start piecing things together.

I believe Midwayers do not experience time as we do (2 decades may be, relatively speaking, a blink of an eye). But more importantly, they see our capabilities better than we do, and they need our help. So they keep knocking on the door.

That said, they do seem to disappear from time to time (for me and many others)...but they do always come back. I would bet if you don't want them nudging you though, you could tell them that is your wish.

So, what do they see in you that they need? Well, I can say that although you are a pretty tough skeptic on the surface, there sure does feel like something bigger and stronger inside you is searching for the truth. They want you to be able to experience truth first hand. AND, the only way you will get to the truth is to work at meditation. Now, just because they are smacking you around a bit trying to get your attention does not necessarily mean you will be able to communicate with them easily. For most people it takes dedication to meditation.

Ok, sorry that's so choppy and not the best answer, but ponder it a bit and let me know if you have more questions about it.


Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:38 pm
by lloyd
Sammy, not a choppy answer at all.

And, I have no problem with the prompts; it makes me feel special. :bana:

I am not such a skeptic. Matter of fact, my over all mindset is totally open
compared to the average person. Most would call me a "nut" for my over all
mindset. As for this, I am just searching and am ambiguous to it all, while
hope to form some opinions eventually. This I am sure of: Something/some one
is making me see 111 and 1111 all the time. And street lights constantly
turn off or on when I go by. There is no question this is occurring.

Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:33 pm
by sammy
Oh! Glad it made some sense anyway...
Matter of fact, my over all mindset is totally open
compared to the average person. Most would call me a "nut" for my over all
Hmmm, you sound like me in some ways. I am open to all kinds of possibilities and consider them deeply...and although I latch on to some beliefs, it takes beating me upside the head with proof for non-tangible things...and even then I can be dismissive. For instance with meditation, I have experienced some pretty amazing things...things that can not be explained away as coincidence, yet I still doubt my abilities quite often.
As for this, I am just searching and am ambiguous to it all, while
hope to form some opinions eventually.
So then...refresh my memory, have you attempted to meditate? And if not, (you don't have to answer this, I am just curious) why haven't you tried?


Re: For whatever it's worth....

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:03 pm
by luvinlife
I went through a "dry spell" as far as my prompts were concerned. Then, this week, they're coming full blast. I'm loving it.

Love, Clare