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Testing My Angels

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:55 pm
by Jhartsock123
So I've been reading Doreen Virtue information about Angels alot lately, because I've been prompted for 11:11 for 1 week straight, 2 times a day, and I know my Angels are getting my attention. They also use 11:17 as a reminder too, I don't know why. I'm being prompted exactly as I'm typing this because its 11:44PM right now, and I can guarantee they're watching me type every word, and smiling. Doreen Virtue states that you can communicate with your Angels by many ways, and just last night I wrote on a piece of paper stating that I gave them permission to use my dreams to convey a message to me.

Exact words on paper:

"Angels, I give you permission to use my dreams to convey a message to me that I will remember in the morning. I need guidance on my spiritual life, and I seek a clear direction, Thank you."

That night I had two notable dreams, but I don't see a real connection to my angels with either dream.

1st Dream, written exactly how I wrote on the paper:

"Dream about a girl I knew as a child named 'Linda'. She had brown hair, in the dream I met her when I was older, and it was like a reunion. I don't know her in reality, but in the dream it's like we were best friends".

2nd Dream:

"I remember shooting bullets out of a revolver and I could see them flying in slow motion, and they would drop on the floor, and I could pick them up, I specifically remember them sizzling with heat. I was shooting at the guys from the movie 'The Wrong Turn' (2003)".

I recall in this dream, that I was trying to duck underneath the bullets, because I felt one might hit my head. It makes no sense cause I was the one firing the gun. Very weird dream.

So I didn't really experience much from my angels, except that while I was sleeping I kept feeling like I was briefly waking up during sleep paralysis, but was barely conscious about it. I do in fact remember waking up in the morning, and my whole right arm was numb, It took so much effort to try to move it, but it felt so light.

Editors note: 'Postby Jhartsock123 ยป Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:55 am' Prompt again.

Re: Testing My Angels

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:48 am
by overmind
Well, one thing to remember is that just because you gave permission does not mean it will necessarily happen, at least not the night you gave permission. Also, you may need to stick to some sort of system for dream interpretation. I'm not sure our Destiny Guardians are capable of knowing how we will interpret something, there needs to be some common ground somewhere or both parties (you and them) may be kept guessing. I would pm George about a good dream interpretation book, we've discussed this months ago, but I cannot remember what his suggestion was. The search feature may find it. Keeping a dream journal might help as well. Hope this helps (I'm not capable of interpreting dreams, this was all I could do).

Re: Testing My Angels

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:41 am
by Jhartsock123
overmind wrote: Keeping a dream journal might help as well.
I have a dream journal but I tend to recall dreams without even having to write them down.

Re: Testing My Angels

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:26 pm
by overmind
Well it's more for long-term use. They also help you train yourself to lucid dream, but that isn't your goal here.

Re: Testing My Angels

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:49 am
by Jhartsock123
I recall just this morning, I only woke up 2 hours ago, I do remember for about a few seconds I was lucid while dreaming, and I felt like I was flying, but I never really have long lucid states where I remember everything. I do remember my normal dreams though.