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Couple of Questions for the Experts :)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:55 pm
by AngelBeliever
Hey again everyone! :D

I've got a couple of questions for anyone who can answer them. First, I've been seeing 444 pretty much every day now for a few days. I've been reading up and found out that this particular number means thousands of angels are surrounding me. 444 has started to show up a whole lot more now and I'm now seeing it as often as I see the other prompts. Are my guides trying to talk to me?

Second, when I see the prompts, will they hear me if I say hello? I often stop and smile when I see a prompt like 11:11 or 2:22 and say hi. Can they hear me when I acknowledge them? and also can I ask them for help with stuff that isn't major?

Thanks to anyone who can help :)


Re: Couple of Questions for the Experts :)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:49 pm
by sammy
Hi Joey,

I'm still learning a LOT, but I'll give it a shot and one of the "real" experts will correct me where I'm mistaken.

They will hear you if you speak out loud - they do not have "authority" to read your mind. That said, I believe you can verbally give them permission to hear your thoughts if you so choose. (And I do believe the prompts are them letting you know they are around and wanting to chat and help you grow spiritually.)

Yes, you can ask them for guidance, you can ask them whatever you want, but remember, they CAN NOT interfere with free will...your's or anyone else.

Hope that helps!


Re: Couple of Questions for the Experts :)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:04 am
by Geoff
Hi Joey,

With regard to what midwayers can do, we have to rely on George. He says midwayers are not, in the normal course of things, permitted access to your private thoughts, or in this case, currently expressed thoughts. That being the case, some of us have "permitted" any celestial who has our greatest interests at heart, total access. But, you have two guardian angels, who certainly have full access. They will pass on anything "interesting" to the right channels. The point of talking out loud, is to bypass that channel.

There are certainly "angels" who do have such access to all our thoughts and indeed all our past memories. You have an "indwelling Spirit" also called "Father Fragment" or "Thought Adjuster" that is literally "a piece of God". It is fully integrated with your mind. I have heard the repeated 4's as as meaning "all four of us" ie you, your TA and your two guardian angels. Whether it means that for you, I can't say.

You celestials will always help, but its far more of a help to learn to fish, than help catching a fish. They are interested in you learning lessons, but cannot take any decisions for you.


Re: Couple of Questions for the Experts :)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:12 am
by AngelBeliever
Wow! that was incredibly interesting, Geoff!

So, let me see if I understand you correctly. I have two guardian angels that have full access to my mind and everything about me. They're constantly listening to me and watching out for me. When I pray or when I speak out loud, if I say something "interesting" (w/e that may be), they will pass that message to other Celestials that might be able to push it along.

What I don't understand is this "Father Fragment". What exactly does it do? Does it help me in anyway?

As for the 444's, I remember a posting written by you somewhere on this site where you try to help explain what the prompts mean and how ultimately, we are the only ones who can interpret what they mean to us. If that holds true, then I can tell you that there is something inside of me telling me, "We're listening to you and we're here for you." I can't explain it, but I have to believe that if Celestials have made themselves known to me because I have the ability to accept their presence and they're trying to get me to grow spiritually, then if I'm praying with my whole heart for something with good reason, they must be telling me something that doesn't necessarily correspond to the meanings I've read. What I'm getting at is, the prompts might not always mean what I've read about. Sometimes they just want me to know they're around. And if I'm getting a whole bunch of prompts that mean different things, the message they must be trying to send to me is that they're here and they're around me.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks Sammy and Geoff!


Re: Couple of Questions for the Experts :)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:27 am
by Geoff
AngelBeliever wrote:So, let me see if I understand you correctly. I have two guardian angels that have full access to my mind and everything about me. They're constantly listening to me and watching out for me. When I pray or when I speak out loud, if I say something "interesting" (w/e that may be), they will pass that message to other Celestials that might be able to push it along.
AngelBeliever wrote:What I don't understand is this "Father Fragment". What exactly does it do? Does it help me in anyway?
This fact is actually totally central to your entire spiritual path, and your success or otherwise in attaining your "birthright" You can read about "Thought Adjusters" online in the Urantia Book, as your whole purpose here is to grow your soul to a sufficient level that fusion with this fragment of God is possible. At that instant you will have achieved "rebirth by spirit" that Jesus talked about, and sadly no Christians ever understood. So he had to tell us again. Its a very big deal. Some of us can hear our TA, and we have a whole book of such communications: also online here:
AngelBeliever wrote:As for the 444's, I remember a posting written by you somewhere on this site where you try to help explain what the prompts mean and how ultimately, we are the only ones who can interpret what they mean to us. If that holds true, then I can tell you that there is something inside of me telling me, "We're listening to you and we're here for you." I can't explain it, but I have to believe that if Celestials have made themselves known to me because I have the ability to accept their presence and they're trying to get me to grow spiritually, then if I'm praying with my whole heart for something with good reason, they must be telling me something that doesn't necessarily correspond to the meanings I've read. What I'm getting at is, the prompts might not always mean what I've read about. Sometimes they just want me to know they're around. And if I'm getting a whole bunch of prompts that mean different things, the message they must be trying to send to me is that they're here and they're around me.
Sounds right to me.


Re: Couple of Questions for the Experts :)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:45 am
by AngelBeliever
Geoff you're awesome :) Thank you!


Re: Couple of Questions for the Experts :)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:19 am
by memawlaura
Hey Joey Hi again,

Have you tried George's guided meditation, the 'AC Construct' this will help you not only stop worrying :lol: as was discussed on your other thread but help you to learn to open communication with those attempting to contact you. Learning to be still was and is quite a challenge, but well worth it. Not only will wonderous events take place in your own construct/sanctuary you will learn to manage the chaos around you and gain better health. There are many types of meditations just taking 5 or 10 minutes in stillness will begin to assist you. I talk with my angels and midwayer friends all the time and tell them hi when I see their prompts and I've learned to pay close attention to my thoughts and feelings and have received many messages subliminally, its like a light bulb goes on, and I understand. Hope this helps and see ya around.

Re: Couple of Questions for the Experts :)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:45 pm
by AngelBeliever
Hey Memawlaura,

I might just have to try that. Since I'm seeing the prompts pretty regularly, I might want to see if I can actually talk to them. Even if I can't for a while, at least I will have learned some new techniques for meditation and use them to help me relax. Thanks for the tip! :D


Re: Couple of Questions for the Experts :)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:12 am
by memawlaura
:D good for you and if you need some tips on how to still your mind send a pm,