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Do they Listen?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:38 pm
by AngelBeliever
Good Afternoon, everyone!

So as a newbie, I'm gonna have a ton of questions, lol. I hope I don't start to annoy anyone, but as someone who now has the honor of having new angelic friends, I wanna know as much about them as possible.

My question was this: When I see the prompts either on the clock on my computer or randomly throughout the day, is it OK to ask them for help with prayers or help with other things? The reason I ask is because I have a friend who lives pretty far away. We've been best friends over the internet for a few years now. The problem is life kinda gets in the way and we don't talk as much as we used to. So I really wanna know if it's OK to ask my angels, when I see the prompts, if they can help out and help two best friends talk? Is this ok?

Thanks for the help! :thumright:


Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:47 pm
by Irit
AngelBeliever wrote:My question was this: When I see the prompts either on the clock on my computer or randomly throughout the day, is it OK to ask them for help with prayers or help with other things?
Hey Joey,
I don't know what other people do...but when I get a prompt if I am not thinking about something specific, then I do ask for assistance. I feel that there is a strong connection at that point and you might as well ask for help or guidance at that time.


Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:23 pm
by LurkerAbyss
Hi there Joey

I think it is perfectly okay to ask for help or guidance in our lives; in fact it is almost safe to say this is part of why we have the help surrounding us we do. Personally, I find myself "chatting it up" all the time as I would a regular conversation with anyone else, and this is the beauty of believing and *knowing* you are surrounded by love. The only thing to be careful about as far as asking for help is that you do not "demand" anything or ask them to do the work for you.. but to work *with* them is the wonderful partnership that groups like this board are trying to bring to light.

All the best to you and your friend Joey!


Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:40 pm
by AngelBeliever
Thanks Irit and Lucky!
LurkerAbyss wrote:
The only thing to be careful about as far as asking for help is that you do not "demand" anything or ask them to do the work for you..
Oh, no. I would think demanding anything from them would be a sure way to get them to leave. But I always ask nicely if they can just help me out with little things. Nothing like winning the lotto or anything, lol.

Thanks again!


Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:01 am
by Geoff
LurkerAbyss wrote:The only thing to be careful about as far as asking for help is that you do not "demand" anything or ask them to do the work for you.. but to work *with* them is the wonderful partnership that groups like this board are trying to bring to light.
It took George quite some years to learn that. In his case they obliged, for some years, doing errands. They sure had an eye to the future, and put up with a lot!!!


Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:54 am
by Sandy
It took George quite some years to learn that. In his case they obliged, for some years, doing errands. They sure had an eye to the future, and put up with a lot!!!
They definitely used every scrap of Midwayer patience with our George!

Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:16 pm
by sammy
Sandy wrote:
They definitely used every scrap of Midwayer patience with our George!
LOL Sandy!!!!!

Hi Joey!

Personally (and I am FAR from an expert), I would think what you are asking would be fine. When I first started meditating, it was with 2 wonderful individuals who I met over the internet. I would ask my "angel guides" (whom I feel but STILL have yet to "meet"), to take me to meet up with them at a special location...then we would go off to work (together and with the help of angels) to work on healing each other. I would also think that if they have a problem with what you are asking they would let you know in some way. As Geoff and Sandy mentioned, they are very patient beings, much more intelligent than ourselves; they see the "bigger picture" and help us however they are able.


Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:17 pm
by AngelBeliever
Thanks Sammy and thanks everybody!

I just wanted to let you all know that not long after I posted this topic, I actually heard from my best friend. :D Not only that, but strange things happened before hand. Before a trip to the auto parts store to get something for my car, I saw a 2:22 on my microwave before I left. Not only that, but as I was in the store there was a guy with a team t-shirt that had the word "angels" in the front.

Now that was just too cool, lol. I had to smile at the very thought of the moment.

Peace be with you all.


Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:09 am
by Sandy
Ahhh that's great! I am glad you heard from your friend, Joey. :D

Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:34 am
by LurkerAbyss
AngelBeliever wrote:Thanks Sammy and thanks everybody!

I just wanted to let you all know that not long after I posted this topic, I actually heard from my best friend. :D Not only that, but strange things happened before hand. Before a trip to the auto parts store to get something for my car, I saw a 2:22 on my microwave before I left. Not only that, but as I was in the store there was a guy with a team t-shirt that had the word "angels" in the front.

Now that was just too cool, lol. I had to smile at the very thought of the moment.

Peace be with you all.

It's little stories and tidbits like these that manage to give me a big stupid grin inside, if not out. That is very nice to hear. I have a feeling things will only get more interesting :)


Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:26 am
by happyrain
:!: :mrgreen: :study: :D :cat: :sunny: :eye: :D

Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:29 pm
by luvinlife
Wow! Great posts! I agree, Lucky, that it's these "tidbits" that bring a smile to our face.

Love, Clare

Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:00 pm
by Irit
That's wonderful Joey, thanks for sharing that with us. I always love to hear how people get excited about life and the may surprises that life brings us.


Re: Do they Listen?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:35 pm
by theunim
Hi Joey,

Glad you're with us on the board, welcome!

It's nice to read small details from someone's life. Always feel free to share your positive experiences and ask all the questions you need, we will help you as best as we can. :)
