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They like waking me up

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:40 am
by Jhartsock123
I have been getting alot more auditory name callings recently, just this morning at 2:32 AM I was awoken to the voice of a male aged around 30 calling my name, and then was prompted 2:34 AM on my digital clock 2 mins later. I also heard a very deep groggy voice in my head after I just fell asleep after this prompt, I thought it was God himself, it sounded very commanding. I did not make out what was said.

I've been asking God to talk to me alot recently, I always ask this in my mind, not out loud, I'm about to be 21 in a month, and I haven't done anything with my life physically, and I'm very lost, I need God or some kind of Guide to give me a heads up, I can't move forward because I don't know what to do. I know meditation is the doorway, but I cannot get into that deep meditative state.

A few days ago at 12:30AM I was awoken again by a different voice, and I actually walked outside my room to ask my dad if he called me because he was preparing his bed for sleep, he said no.

I remember my 4-5 dreams I've had this night.

1. Walking though an area that had Serbian and Russian soldiers talking amongst each other, I was wearing combat gear, and recording video with my camera.
2. In a room with my Grandmother who just bought a new dog, named it Apollo. (My grandmother does not own a dog in reality)
3. Driving a WW2 tank that had tree branches and foliage stuck in the top, down a long stretched dirt road with tall bushes to my right, and a huge open field beyond those bushes.
4 .Walking down another long dirt road, that turned around a corner, and to my left was full of giant German Soldier medals hanging from wood pillars, I had my camera with me in the dream, I was taking pictures of it.
5. Talking to German WW2 Officers while walking down the same dirt road with the open fields, I remember the Officers Hats significantly.

Re: They like waking me up

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:37 am
by Sandy
Hello Chris,
I often hear voices too in this peaceful state. Two nights ago I head a woman with a foreign accent call my name. :) You are progressing and natural senses opening and picking up the voices on the ether... I am not an expert but wonder if it is similar in some way to the "flashy mental pictures" we sometimes see of people and places. Sometimes they have meaning but sometimes we are at a loss as to why it was shown.

Often when we meditate we expect to feel/see/hear least have some sense of progress after a time. But to be honest, sometimes we don't seem to recognize our own growth that is right under our noses. We look at someone else's spiritual life and say, "Now that would be nice and totally overlook the joys within our own. I have seen your light grow just in the time you have been here and shared with us on this board. And the Celestials see far more than any of us mere mortals can... It seems to me that even though you may not feel you are deep enough, that good things are happening and you are developing your natural spiritual senses... So celebrate and embrace these meditation times.

Yet what strikes me most and touches my heart from what you said is your longing to converse with God! Yes! that is most beautiful and sooo right! Remember, with God... this infinite Being is always available, always alert to your needs and your desires for more...more understanding ...more Love... more guidance. It is already yours, your birthright, but we mortals do like confirmation don't we? :) Please keep meditating in your own way... with no pressures just peace and enjoyment. Keep talking to God and keep enjoying those special moments when it seems you touch the unseen and more and more each day, you get what you long for until one day you discover is a sudden realization that, "Hey! I'm changed/changing...more at peace...seeing beauty where once I might have passed by...and a zillion other wonders ... Life wonders and true confirmation that the universe is a fabulous place and you are an integral part of it! :sunflower:
It is in that moment that full realization hits... and you know that, gently and quietly, the "Divine hand" has been holding you own the entire time! :happy

At age 21 you are our worlds future... LOL now look whose putting on the pressure. :oops: But it is you and Lucky, T,and Paint just to name a few and thousands (hopefully millions like you) who are looking towards Love in a base way to solve the problems that have been plaguing man and womenkind all these generations of earth life. You are laying the foundations that future generations will build on.

I just want you to know that you have lifted my own sagging spirit from time to time...something you may say...a feeling that emanates from your post... Please do not think that you are not in your own life contributing something special and that your light remains hidden because it is not! :sunny: So while I have this chance, I would like to thank you for those times you have made a difference in my life.
With Love,

Re: They like waking me up

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:55 am
by Braenda
:loves I would also like to thank you Sandy for your beautiful words and how you touch peoples hearts!! You are an amazing lady and I hope that you know how you have helped to change alot of people's lives!! When ever I read your blogs I am so inspired to continue with my journey. I always learn so much from your messages! :sunflower: Thank you dear sweet sister!! hugs Brenda

Re: They like waking me up

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:47 am
by Sandy
(((((Brenda))))) Thank you dear friend. Here's to yours, and all of our bright Lights all over the Globe! :cheers: Let em shine! :sunny:

Re: They like waking me up

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:43 am
by paintboxx92
Hello J, Hi Sandy, Hi Braenda

Whats Uppity lol! Man where to begin, I had that same mindset some years ago, being new to the prompts and spirituality. how i just needed someone to talk to me. I always ( and still do) look at others who I feel are more spiritual than me and think that im like sheeple compared to them. but I always remind myself that their path and mines are different. Ive actually learned more things about myself by not paying any mind to being "spiritual" at all, or at least abiding by whatever rules there were because our very existence is spiritual. Like many people say, we are spirits having a human experience. An I can relate to you hearing voices. this just made me conscious of what i actually hear because at times when im really calm, not thinking at all, as if im meditating, but not consciously doing so, I hear many different voices call out my name. there was one instance, i think im going to have to draw this out because i cant explain too clearly. i was getting ready to take my nap, and i was laying on my right shoulder, facing my window, when i heard a voice call my name. it said "Shakayla, Shakayla, wake up.." the voice sounded like one of my friends, and it was a girl, high pitched voice and it sounded happy as if it wanted to play. when i ignored it ( here comes the hard part) it sorta grabbed me, but it didnt grab my body, it grabbed my spirit. it grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me back. I am not kidding, i felt everything, and I jolted n looked up at the clock. no i didnt see a time prompt, but it wanted me to. it all happened during 3:33, i looked at the clock and it said, 3:34. I had the greatest nap after that too lol!

such a nice post, it was really touching, all of your posts are. Your spirit shouldn't be sagging, EVERRR!!! its always the ones who love to do good for others who just feel down about everything. I have my moments too, I know I should never depend on someone else to effect me emotionally and effect my self esteem, but after a while it takes its effect. If a person calls you stupid and you hear it from many different people all the time, those low vibrations will resonate with you and you are going to feel stupid or have some sort of thought about it. your not going to feel good. oh i love getting off topic lol. i just have alot of things on my mind lol. dont mind my blabbering lol.

I dont know if i said this, but im really happy to be a part of this family, although I dont know any of you personally, and i would love to get to know u all, you all just seem to lend others the right amount of light and positivity and love.

so concluding my rant lol
Love and the BRIGHTEST light to you all,
Paint Boxx :mrgreen: :hithere

Re: They like waking me up

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:00 am
by sammy
Hi Chris,

I typed this, then almost deleted it...I lost track of where I was going with it. Perhaps there was a reason...who knows. I decided to post it anyway.

Sigh. I read your post and it so reminded me of my own boys. I have a 17 year old and a 21 year old. Both are very bright, but lacking in the "direction" department. The 21 year old just joined the army (much to my dismay) and the other is planning on joining the Marines. The 17 year old has wanted to be a Marine for many years now, the 21 year old just decided out of the blue that he wanted to join. I should be proud, but I only worry. I can't help but think about why in the world I brought these beautiful souls into this world only for them to fight wars. (I only bring this up because you seem to have a lot of military related dreams.) I can only hope the path my boys are determined to take bring about peace rather than killing.

Well, I had a point I was going to make, but it is gone now. You "feel" like a beautiful soul...stay that way.


Re: They like waking me up

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:48 pm
by Sandy
Hi everyone, :sunny:

Hope you guys are enjoying a lovely week end...
Sammy, you dear sweet sound as if you could use a (((hug))) tonight. I pray your two beautiful boys will remain safe in the paths they are trodding, hoping they never have to draw a weapon on another human being. And as a parent myself I can only imagine what other parents must go through as their children take this route and sudden leap into an arena full of shall we say "surprises." Yet, sometimes from the eyes of experience, even hard experience resolve and better ways are seen. These young boys of yours... they too may come home resolved/determined to find this better way... to look for the solution, to stauch the blood flow and heal the wounds of this world at the source of the problem rather then slap on another ineffective bandaid. Do not think their mother's ability to Love has not affected them or even their choices. You are a great teacher...a great mother and a great friend. Wait and see how they translate what they have learned into those little and big "wonders" that become their lives. :kiss:

Paint.. you are wise beyond years... :D I love this...
Ive actually learned more things about myself by not paying any mind to being "spiritual" at all, or at least abiding by whatever rules there were because our very existence is spiritual. Like many people say, we are spirits having a human experience.
It certainly takes some of the exhaustion, worry and fear out of "being" doesn't it? We already have what we desire...we already are what we hope for! ..Just let it be... ( :lol: hearing John Lennon's voice now.) :roll