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Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 7:46 pm
I have a question that I pose to the board. I am not quite sure which forum to put it in, so forgive me if this is the wrong one. :hithere
In my stillness meditations, I have been practicing using a voice recorder. I will ask a question, go down deep, hear a sentence or phrase and/or see a quick vision, then I come back up to quickly speak into my voice recorder. I have to do this because I will forget, like a dream. In fact I even forget my questions sometimes, until I hear my voice recorder later on. I keep doing this procedure, over and over, for what seems like a short time, but when I come out, time has actually flown by. I am sure that some of you understand that when I decipher these messages, they are all quite cryptic, and it is a challenge to find the meaning, although when I do, I am fortunate that the messages are always wise, kind loving and supportive. That leads me to believe I am in competent contact with the right personality. I attribute the majority of these messages to my TA, but I can't really be sure because I am still quite the novice. :baby I guess my question is, how can get better at translating the messages later on when I transcribe into my journal? Although they are fun and enlightening to decipher, I only currently understand about 50% of the messages. The tools I currently use are google, my dream symbol book, my brain and my intuition. There are some questions which I would really love to understand the answer. Can anyone familiar with these hurdles, provide any guidance? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

Peace and Love, :loves

Re: Translation?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:36 pm
by sammy
Hi Phillip,

My suggestion would be to write it word for word as it was given to you, AND then write your thoughts on it's meaning. Although some messages may seem straight forward, you never know when looking back at the journal how the message may develop into a new meaning. (Just my humble opinion).

A neat example happened a few weeks ago. I had a very brief statement (audible in my head) come to me while meditating. When wrote it the statement immediately developed 2 meanings depending on the spelling of one word. The statement was "Once the piece is (or peace is) in place it can not be removed".


Re: Translation?

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:27 am
Thanks Sammy,
Time may indeed be the best translator. I get the almost exact words down with the voice recorder, then I copy them in my journal for further puzzling.
One of my favorites is when I asked what it means when i see 6's and 7's together and I heard, "Love not the notty self, that you are not yourself." I interpret that as reminding me to separate my ego from my true self, for that is not myself. The word "notty" is odd, funny and 'pun-ny' all at the same time.
Or when I asked what 6's and 9's meant, I heard, "This is your drafting board... this should be your office board." I take that to mean whatever art I am working on at the time I see 6's and 9's together, it is something that I should consider taking to the professional level. I have yet to be prompted these #'s, but that is what I was told it will mean (at least for me).
But when I ask when Holly's and my business will take off, I get, "There is like 3... There is a toy. There is going to be a place where you dropped your toy." Now, this is a strange one. I guess time will tell on this one. :bomb
And here is one more for good measure. I asked about business suggestions and I heard three sentences. "There are rivers, really, to melt that." "What about the Hindu and his argument?" "Tell them we have a Delaware coming back." I have just recently read P. Yogananda's take on this in Journey to Self Realization, so the second sentence makes sense, although the other two remain enigmatic. :duh I guess our TA's want us to use our noodle. That way we won't forget.
I have pages and pages of this stuff. It's really fun figuring them out, but I guess it will come at it's own pace, like everything else.
The statement was "Once the piece is (or peace is) in place it can not be removed".
I love this dual meaning sentence. Classic example truth, mystery and hope, and very indicative of the responses I am talking about.
Thanks for sharing Sammy.
