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How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:11 am
by memawlaura
:loves To my MB Family,
I cant help but find out for my buddy Geoff why so many of us have returned and perhaps why?

I have missed communing with like minded individuals and need that more than ever right now. As most of you know I'm in Louisiana recuperating and its a very heavily dense place. Bless the hearts of my husband's family but there like I was so many years ago going around and around in the same negativity. I have tried to help but without open mindedness I can run out of fuel here, so my lesson learned was to shine my light as big and bright as I can and let them bathe in it. So I need as much positive and loving interaction with my family here and my bulb will burn bright and far for these beautiful people here in Louisiana. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:05 am
by memawlaura
:sunflower: This excerpt was just posted on The Harp of God today:
Draw on his PEACE, my brethren. Let your own houses of your physical,
emotional, mental selves be full and rich containers of this quality of
your Father. Let your hearts soften with this PEACE and then feel your
desires for all Urantia to be bathed in this quality of who Michael is and
what he wishes to share with his children, not only of this world, but with
his universe. Let yourselves expand and receive.
I would say thats why I've returned :sunny:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:17 am
by Braenda
:hithere Good to see you and welcome back!! Hugs to you! Love Brenda

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:15 am
by theunim
Nice to meet you, Memawlaura! I'm glad you're there with family, helping as best as you can! My positive thoughts to you!!

:loves Theunim

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:00 pm
by luvinlife
Laura! Welcome HOME! I hope all is well with you and that you're recovered fully.

Love, Clare

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:08 pm
by Sandy
Hey!!! Laura!!! I am so thrilled to se your bright light on the board again! :sunflower: You have been missed but never forgotten in far away Louisiana. Yes, you too noticed all the many eleveners returning... feels like a warm bonfire to me as we all gather in peace and unity again... (makes me hungry for toasted marshmellows. :mrgreen: )
We love you, sis... :kiss:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:27 pm
by memawlaura
:loves Thank you Thenium, Claire and Sandy,

I'm on the mend Claire but I'm going to be as good walking as I use to because that is my intent and I know I have help from above. Theunim its my pleasure to meet you and I hope to visit with you more often. Sandy, I'm already a step ahead of you I bought me a brand new tent at the flea market for $10 :shock: what a deal. My husband is chomping at the bit to get to the New Mexico desert. He said he's so lonely on the truck without me and he's had enough. I believe the delay was for him to realize where and what he would like to be doing. Work should not be a job it should be your passion that IMO.

Bless all of you and I'm so grateful to be back and on a computer that works :sunflower: :bana:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:21 pm
by sammy
Sandy Wrote:
You have been missed but never forgotten in far away Louisiana. Yes, you too noticed all the many eleveners returning... feels like a warm bonfire to me as we all gather in peace and unity again... (makes me hungry for toasted marshmellows. :mrgreen: )
Hmmm...We should all DANCE around the fire!!!!...And there she goes again...back to the food! :mrgreen:


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:57 am
by Sandy
I am just starting to realize how much I talk about food! I wonder if I really do have a food hang-up or if it is this crazy carb diet haunting my every waking thought! :shock:
(kidding...don't think I'm going off the deep end just yet... but I may not be too far from the edge! :geek: :) )

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:15 pm
by sammy
Hehehe! Sandy - A few year ago, Jack and I went on the Atkins diet (low carb and I am a carboholic!)...By day 3 I thought I might kill someone if I didn't have a bagel or eat some chocolate! Finally on day 5, I couldn't take it anymore and binged...I mean BINGED....2 bowls of icecream loaded with toppings, a huge bowl of popcorn and then an entire bag of Oreos....My goodness I did some damage to my intestinal track that night :lol: ...Then we switched the diet to what we called "Fatkins"....we did traditional Atkins all day and had a chocolate bar after dinner. Amazingly I still lost weight...also, although my total cholesterol did not go down, my good cholesterol went up to the point it was something like 70% of the total cholesterol.

Am I remembering correctly that your change in diet has to do with triglycerides?

I remember reading how protein and eating on a regular basis cause the body to maintain an even level of blood's the spikes and valleys of blood sugar (caused by carbs and/or not eating frequently enough) that reeks havoc in our bodies. So by golly - eat something!


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:15 pm
by memawlaura
Hey Sammy,
You should patent 'Fatkins' if you lost weight who wouldn't want a chocolate bar to finish their diet day :love .

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:42 pm
by sammy
:mrgreen: Mmmm...not that's a very TASTY idea Laura!


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:32 pm
by memawlaura
;) I tried the Atkin Diet and just like you I needed some carbs for energy, of course I would have never eaten a candy bar. That could have made the difference for me. I've been working on my nutrition and I'm having a hard time giving up the ice cream, soda's, chocolates, etc. I'm round like a budda and it needs to go away or at least go to my rearend. I've been sitting so much in a wheelchair that its gotten even flatter if that's possible :shock: . I'm beginning to walk now so perhaps working on my food intake and some exercise will help me slim down. I cant wait to be actively walking again, I just took it for granted and I want to dance and run (or swifly walk). I'm grateful that I have my leg and one day will walk, run and play again!!!!!!

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:46 am
by LurkerAbyss
Hello memawlaura :hithere

Sweetest to you all


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:27 am
by memawlaura
:kiss: Right back at ya Lucky, its my pleasure knowing.

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:10 am
by MichelleP
Hi Laura,

It is great to see you. :hithere


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:21 pm
by memawlaura
:loves Mechelle,
Well hello there its great seeing you, I missed coming around here and being with family. Happy Easter and have a great weekend.

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:42 pm
by CathyLynn
Hi Laura, I also returned a few weeks back! It's great to see you and everyone else!

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:08 am
by memawlaura
:hithere Cathy Lynn good to see you again have a beautiful weekend up tere in NH :kiss:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:43 am
by November
After losing and gaining a job and losing and gaining a computer, I had stumbled across my 11:11 t-shirt and thought I should check in on how everyone was during here. I still get prompts all the time :hithere

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:13 am
by sammy
Hello November! :hithere

Nice to meet you! And glad to see another 11'er returning! Sheez, this has to be some sort of record for returns in such a short period of time!


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:37 am
by LurkerAbyss
Hello there November! I'm glad you decided to pop in and see how everyone is, but there is a catch: once you take a leave of absence and return, you have to stick around! I joke of course...but I still hope you stick around!

And I'm with Sammy for sure; it's probably not even worth me saying it anymore, but I can't believe how many are coming back.. I wish we all lived near enough to have one big family gathering!


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:46 am
by sammy
Lucky! Now that sounds like something fun to try...Sandy can plan the party (she'll devise the menu :mrgreen: )....we'll each bring something, and meet up at a designated place "somewhere out there"....we could bring all aspects to the, fun, dancing around the fire (still can't remember where I read that)...and of course some good healing! :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: (you'll bring the party bananas!)


Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:07 am
by memawlaura
:kiss: November,
I remember you so glad things picked up in the work dept. I myself have been trying to go to New Mexico and with God's Grace it will be after summer. Originally Lucky, we were going to meet up but that was right before the crazy economy went sour. I plan on creating a beautiful community and then we can plan a get together. :bana: :bike: :finger:

Re: How many Old Friends have returned?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:58 am
by Geoff
:hithere :hithere :hithere Hi there November, great to see you here too.
