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Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:59 am
by theunim
Ok, tonight I am super happy (not to mention awake enough, it's 11:51pm as I write this!) to let you all know that I have seen a couple of streetlights for the first time flicker on and off, on two different streets in town! I felt like saying hello when I saw the first one so I did, and then I saw a second one and by that time, I and my husband were going towards home so it was a side street leading to the main road, and the other lights on the street were either on or off consistently. However, someone did say they time the street lights, but the first one I sighted flickered off then on, then off again, in less than a matter of seconds, while the person who had anecdotal evidence of the lights' patterns said it was in shifts of twenty minutes the lights were timed to go off then back on.

The other bit I have to mention was seeing 11:11 when we were heading home and I was making the sign of the cross on my forehead (my way and habit of making a silent prayer, especially when going somewhere) since I was driving, so I took it as reassurance our ride would be fine :) (but being a student of driving with a permit AND feeling sleepy did not bode well at night for driving today)

Good night everyone! And good day to those that are just starting their day. ;)

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:35 pm
by Sandy
I happened to glance at my clock on my desk as I read your post and saw my 17. It is special to me as it, along with a few others, were my first prompts a long time ago. This one is from my personal angels and with it comes a ton of love. I sort of feel it was in response and approval to the final part of your previous message as you mentioned you enter a prayer as you begin a journey. That hit home with me because I often did the same thing and In fact prayed too as others I loved pulled away from the relative safety of our home driveway. I watch them leave and remember how much I love them and then put them into Gods hands. It gave me a sliver of peace as my young ones began their own driver education and eventually ventured off on car trips alone. And it gives me peace now as George takes off on those rare jaunts into the busy traffic surrounding our suburbs.

You have a carful, I suspect, even when you are on the road alone... ;) That thought has always made me a tad more confident when I have traveled on my own. In fact it is quite an experience to think of an airplane full of unseen guardians sharing the cabin with their charges and enjoying the close proximity" of other workers in God's tasks... Sometimes the love is palpatable. That is unless you have a cranky man sitting across the isle complaining about every nuance of the unfolding 14 hour trip. :shock: (I need to work on my patience perhaps... :roll: :oops: .)
I wish you a good morning and a wonderful day! :sunny:


Re: Streetlights

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:50 pm
by luvinlife
Hi Theunim! Hi Sandy! It's funny when you mentioned about the streetlight going out two times.....I often think that our celestial friends have a sense of humor and love it when we acknowledge them.

Love, Clare

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:16 pm
by theunim
Hi Clare and Sandy, and anyone else tuning into this! :)

I do think that they ride in the car, and sometimes (I have to laugh at this thought) that they're on the roof of the car, just chilling, as we go. I don't think some of them want to be all crowded into the back seat... ANYWAY :lol:

I was at a retirement ceremony for one of my husband's bosses on Friday and while I was there, the room felt VERY FULL at times, and I couldn't help but think that there were celestials present. There was a pretty good turn out of people but there were still a couple of rows of seats on each side empty, if everyone sat together side by side and didn't leave gaps in the rows with people. Yet, I couldn't shake off the thoughts that there were others present!

Sandy, as I was growing up, I saw my parents and family make the sign of the cross before they went off on the road, either with us kids or alone, and I just thought it was appropriate because in a way, to me it has begun to mean this: please bring me/us home safe or watch over me/us, whatever the outcome. Over time I developed a "You just never know" mentality and in a way, when you travel, I feel like you leave everything in God's will at that point. You know that you're going from one place to another, but then someone else affects how you travel: whether you're a passenger in a car or a driver, there's other drivers on the road; and this especially applies to plane travel when certainly there are pilots to get you to your destination, plus weather up in the altitudes that they fly the plane in and through.

Poor Sandy, getting stuck with a cranky man for 14 hours...!!! It would be hard to get through a trip if there was someone like that near by. Sometimes, people don't quite get that they're not alone in the experience in those cases! :roll

Have a great day/night everyone!

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:48 pm
by happyrain
to anyone reading
so what exactly is your understanding of the street light phenomena ? i remember a thread on it somewhere but thought i'd bump this one instead.
i did some research on it last night and found it happens to many people and might have something to do with faulty lights and a persons own electromagnetic field. others wonder if it is something outside themselves.
i was driving with a friend once and we were talking about synchronicity and universe in my car, even brought up the 1111- during our conversation a street light went out.
later that night we went running in my parents neighborhood and another streetlight went out. it sparked a conversation 5-10 minutes later(near the end of our run)- the conversation went something like this, "you remember that light going out a little while ago?"
'yeah' well, that was about the whole conversation because after she answered the light just above us immediately turned off.
ok so fast forward to last night- we decided to go running again. we were nearing the end of our run, in the distance were three girls on their bicycles going for a night time stroll. they were headed toward us- but just before we crossed paths my friend mentions, 'there's that light again'- i asked her, i wonder if it will go out ? just as the girls crossed us- just a little before meeting underneath the light- it turns off. there was a brief silence shared between everyone
hmm :?:
pretty cool though, very interesting heh

there are times when i've tried to turn on a light only for it to burn out and my friend had a tv turn on by itself when she was younger
i wonder if these instances are any different from the experience described above ?

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:50 pm
by nasra1996
as far as were aware its probably the midwayers turning them on and off... The will prompt you in any way they possibly can..

Much love


Re: Streetlights

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:43 pm
by 11light11
Thanks for the exciting story about the streetlights! :) So magical! It's lovely when we see that "physical" hello!

Peace, Michele

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:51 pm
by happyrain
i was walking around my neighborhood last night and came up to a street light that stood alone. i asked out loud, will you go out for me ? i even tried to will it to shut off but nothing happened. however, after the failed attempt, i did notice the car parked underneath the light had a license plate ending in 222. hmm :?:

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:44 pm
by nasra1996
:) good one


Re: Streetlights

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:49 am
by happyrain
:?: oh
guess i was posting because i'm still trying to figure that one out

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:04 pm
by 11light11
Maybe they were trying to let you know that you might not always get your wish answered - but they'll acknowledge you asked by saying hello with a prompt?!


Re: Streetlights

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:33 am
by Sandy
Hi Rain,
What Michele says makes lots of sense...In a way asking for a light to go out...well is sort of like physically and mentally looking for the numbers we want to see instead of enjoying the brilliance of "the surprise."
Perhaps in the choosing of the number the 222 they are providing you with a little bit of positive encouragement...For me it is one of the more postive I sort of accept Doreen virtue's remarks on the message...
222 — Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
Obviously though, for you the 2's may represent something else... You get to choose. ;)

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:55 pm
by jack6251
I'm experiencing periodic lights flickering at work. I don't think it's anything "supernatural", it's probably just shoddy workmen who did the electrics lol...but you never know...

Jack :pig:

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:18 pm
by Sandy
Jack's post reminded me of how you were always blowing light bulbs...even brand new ones. Does that still happen to you? I had a friend once who was always frying her computer with no explanation. I nick named her Sparky... a real lovely lady.

Re: Streetlights

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 3:10 pm
by nasra1996
Hi Sandy, hmmm not really, i think im tuned out lately, my house has barely any lights lol but i have just given up and not bothered replacing those bulbs lol.. just not taken much notice lately..

much love
