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11:19 prompt...

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:42 am
by louiss1
:hithere So it's come down to the point where 11:19 is a prompt for me, and I know that for sure. Anybody have an idea to why it would be this number?

Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:26 am
by Sandy
Hi Louiss1,
I wish I could say, yes, I do know, but unfortunately, no I cannot answer you definitely with this one. Is the date important to you in some way? For instance is it a date you would notice like a birthdate, anniversary etc.., a number sequence of a favorite place to be, or perhaps the date of a important and stand out type happening in your life or in the lives of family and friends? My first prompt and the one that grabbed my attention fully was the date of my birth 7:11. "They" used it in almost comically repetition on this one particular day.

Another idea... it could be the numerical number in the name of a midwayer who could be contacting you. For instance, from some of the names of the midwayers who work along side the Progress group. Chief Bzutu (ABC-22) We often see : 22's when he is close by and wishes to communicate. Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8) We often see 08 , Sharmon (MNO-6....:06) and so on.... So 11:19 could be a hello from a midwayer wishing to work or open the lines of communication with you. It also could be a message in the number itself, directing you to something related to 11:19 etc.. Perhaps googling that number would help...?????

This thread may assist in a general type way.
But perhaps, in the end, as so many of us have experienced with some of these private prompts, it may take a bit of your own quiet inner insight to explain what this number means to you....
I would really enjoy hearing what you discover about this time prompt when the meaning becomes clear. 8) :hithere

Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:57 pm
by luvinlife
Hi Louiss! Sometimes we don't know right away the meaning of a prompt. For example, I was seeing 731 or 137 or any other combination of those numbers for a long time. One day a very special person in my life told me how his lucky numbers are 731 as he won a special prize with those numbers. Every since he told me that, when I see those numbers, I think of him!

Love, Clare

Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:12 pm
by MichaelXavier
Beloved, this I was told means that an emergency or something that could have went the wrong way was adverted. Emergency cut off. Maybe you made the right decision, regaurding something that could have went another way, and they are saying good decision.
I know that my destiny guardian is very on point with letting me know that they are always with me. Alot of times when you see these numbers, you will have no idea what they mean. They come at the weirdest times. Most of the time they are meant for you. If you take a second and breathe when you see these, and think you will get the answer that you need. Of course they can always hit you over the head, but thats not their style.
Peace and Blessings,

Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:51 am
by Sandy
Hello MichaelXavier,
Welcome to the message board. It is nice to meet you. :hithere

Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:28 am
by nasra1996
Welcome Michael.... :D

Love Sarah

Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:18 am
by MichaelXavier
Oh yes, Hi every one! Its nice to be a part of this wonderful family of people. I appreciate the warm welcome and send you all love.

Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:34 am
by louiss1
MichaelXavier wrote:Beloved, this I was told means that an emergency or something that could have went the wrong way was adverted. Emergency cut off. Maybe you made the right decision, regaurding something that could have went another way, and they are saying good decision.
I know that my destiny guardian is very on point with letting me know that they are always with me. Alot of times when you see these numbers, you will have no idea what they mean. They come at the weirdest times. Most of the time they are meant for you. If you take a second and breathe when you see these, and think you will get the answer that you need. Of course they can always hit you over the head, but thats not their style.
Peace and Blessings,
If this is true, then this one really helped a lot, thank you!

Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:29 pm
by phoenix911
Hi, I'm new here and thought I'd say hi. Brief intro, I'm a 44 year old male living in the Highlands of Scotland and I've been experiencing the 11 phenomenon now for 6 years. Like so many people, I have just recently become aware that my seeing the number eleven everywhere isn't me going mad and nor am I alone in this experience, both to my surprise. I was so surprised to learn that it wasn't just me; that I couldn't stop reading the many reports people have posted on the net for days.
I read of so many people seeing the numbers 1111, 11:11 or combination of double digits such 22:22, 22 33 44 etc but, for some reason my experience has all be included with the number 9 and in some cases 6 when it is reverted to a 9 up-side-down. I have found that 9 is also a significant partner to the number 11. I have noticed that many people experience the 11:11 or 1111 etc but, I for some reason, have experienced the 11 after the hour, any hour and combinations of numbers that at up to 9 that also establish the number 11. For e.g. My old house number of just 6 months ago was 19 and my ex partners 1, her vehicle reg number 54=9 added the fact that I had what I can only describe as a premonition of seeing her car in a car park on 1-1-09 . As you can imagine I've had so many accounts like this that I find myself on a website with many people having had similar experiences. I have come across many theories that confuse but, the few that do make more sense are those whereby the numbers fit in with the book of Revelations. Whatever this phenomenon is, it is certainly real and to substantiate this I live alone, literally. I have lived a solitudel life for quite some time and I truly thought I was going mad but, to find out it's a global experience, astounds me and confirms for me that this thing is real, whatever it is. This seems to be the most common of all grounds between us all, NONE OF US knew that anyone else was experiencing this until we each searched the net, thinking deeper, that's a phenomenon in itself really, the digital age of computers bringing together so many people all over the world through a very personal experience that's emphasized through the electronic digits 1.1. Although I do believe that it's not just the electronic digit, this has happened to me with an old wind up clock which has stopped on more that one occasion at 9 minutes past 9 and 11.
Anyway, Hi, it's so nice knowing I'm not alone


Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:48 am
by Sandy
Hi Graham,
It is nice to meet you! Welcome to our 11:11 internet family. I hope you enjoy the information and member's experiences on this site. :hithere
This URL is always a good place to start.
11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Re: 11:19 prompt...

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:56 am
by sammy
HI Graham...welcome to the board! :hithere
