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The Meaning of the 11:11 Prompts

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:40 am
by George
The Meaning of the 11:11 Prompts.
From the Desk of George Barnard – November 30, 2010.

We are sending out this message to the 11:11 Progress List, which is soon to celebrate its ‘10th birthday’. It will also go out to the 11:11 Akashic Construct list. Both lists have many subscribers that are well familiar with the details set out below, but there are also many 11:11 newbies.

If this information is new to you, it will be worth it to you to check it out in detail. If you know it already, it will still be worthwhile for you to re-acquaint yourself with the data.

Those that are prompting you are Planetary Helpers, Secondary Midwayers or ‘lower angels’, originally 1,111 in number. They are opportunists. They will often vary the numbers to make you realize you are dealing with incredible intelligence, and they would like for you to live a more spiritual life. They are all good guys and gals, and by some religions seen as ‘gods’. They are loyal, or fully rehabilitated to assist us mortals. There are no more devious ones to give you a hard time, but they can be playful without doing any harm.

Millions of people all over the world are daily being bombarded with the 11:11 pm and 11:11 am ‘wake-up’ and ‘reminder’ prompts, as well as other time-prompts like 1:11, 9:11, 2:22, 3;33, 22:22, 12:34 and more. Some folks will see this as positive, some will fear, but this is the New Age – the Correcting Time -- and the communication circuits to higher spheres have largely been reconnected. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, because the bad guys are no more.

Getting the 11:11 pm wake-up calls, and the 11:11 am reminder calls, tells you more about you than it does about the 1,111 Secondary Midwayers.

1. You are genetically capable of 2-way contact with the 1,111 and other Celestials if you care to meet them halfway.
2. You are prepared to be guided -- obtain information from those who measure their IQ’s in the thousands.
3. You are fair in your dealings with others, and useful to the 1,111.
4. You are ‘ascending’ in spiritual growth.
5. I’m often told the 1,111 may ask for your help at some (distant) future time, but I rarely get specific details for anyone other than for myself.
6. A member of your family, recently passed on, may have requested this contact, as the Lucifer rebellion has finally been adjudicated (1984).
7. Most importantly, your Thought Adjuster (Spirit Self or God Fragment) wishes for you to get involved with the 1,111.

Your best approach to meeting them halfway is regular stillness meditation, or the easily afforded Akashic Construct CD if you happen to have difficulties stilling your mind. We make the CD available to you from Australia, and it is a service of the 11:11 Progress Group (see below).

God bless….
George Barnard.
The 11:11 Progress Group.