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2:22 time prompts when with a client in need

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:31 pm
by 11light11
Hi all,

Another work-related angelic or Midwayer interaction!

I've been seeing a client for several weeks who suffers with delusions and hallucinations (I'm a social worker, and I practice psychotherapy). This man has suffered terribly, and has been unable, in his life, to find a consistent therapist who could help him. He was attending a clinic where you get a different therapist each visit (so much for building a rapport!) and felt left-out and forgotten.

Our first session, I had this funny feeling like he'd been "sent" to me specifically, as I felt had some degree of insight into his complex needs, and might be able to help him to heal from his past traumas.

Just then, I glanced at the clock to gauge the time, to see how near we were to the end of the session -- and it was 2:22!

Since then, I've "accidentally" seen 2:22 during each one of our sessions -- and twice, now, when I was pondering this client's life in private moments, I've seen 2:22 as well.

It's made me wonder if indeed this client was directed to my office -- and whether Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22) was the one we can thank for the referral! :love

Thanks Midwayer Chief! :loves

Re: 2:22 time prompts when with a client in need

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:41 pm
by blue nova
client is in need of spiritual help...not freudian help.

i am not sure what psychotherapy is....sorry..

u r obviously one who is spiritual...yet is psychoanalyst ?

what ur client is in need of, imho, is a past life regession. everything that the soul has experienced in the brings foward into this lifetime.......this sooooo much so explains phobias. so much so....there can be no denial of it.

i just went head to head with a shrink a few months doc in this state. he said i was hallucinating ( seeing ghosts) because of traumas from this lifetime. yet told me he is not spiritual. he went into his desk to prescribe me drugs for these '''hallucinations'''....then, his 'dead wife' appeared behind him....and told me to tell him i did. he then put his prescription pad back into his desk.


try regession. try analyzing his the soul...not the brain.

yes....this client was directed to you dearest 11light11....for Reason. not only reason for client...but reason for you too. a milestone for the both of u it leads to.

intuition on ur part is what u need to listen order to help him.and all ur clients.

u r , dearest one, put into ur spot in life to help others....yet u need to help urself too. meditate and try yoga...ok ? :loves

think long and hard....what to prescribe for/to ur patients. everything that is present before here due to our past.

phobias of spiders....phobias of water,,,dark,,,choking,,,drowning,,,etc

remember tho...that most will fear of have phobia of death. remember...death is just part of the process of life. spirals life is like. never ending but continuous. the only the rate of speed that the spiral happens. for some, it is a slow process and for some it is faster.

for the slower.....phobias happen. more so in vividness.

love & ((((((((Hugs))))))))) :love

Re: 2:22 time prompts when with a client in need

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:01 pm
by 11light11
Thank you for your thoughtful reply and I am appreciative of your feedback. Unfortunately, as a social worker, I am held to certain ethics within the profession, and I cannot choose to engage the client in spiritual exercises. Yes, if the client himself has spiritual dilemmas and wishes to discuss those aspects of himself, that is permissible. But when the client does not bring that to the therapy session, it goes outside the ethics for the therapist to be the one who pushes such matters.

You asked what psychotherapy is. While there are many approaches, I honor most the traditions that permit the client to come to know himself more intimately. In speaking honestly about thoughts and feelings, one can experience a relief; particularly when unconscious aspects of self are brought to the fore. While I do follow psychoanalytic theory, my approach diverges from Freud's (to whom I owe quite a debt of gratitude, for his theories have guided me considerably).

The truth is, one can heal spiritually by attending to one's psychological issues. Just as one can heal spiritually by attending to his physical complaints. The body mind and spirit are interconnected. So there is no need to apply therapy only to one area, or to conceive of a client's issues as being "spiritual but not psychological." One can experience spiritual healing, for instance, by receiving regular acupuncture. Or even by undertaking a physical activity such as running. When the body heals, it leaves room for the mind and spirit to heal, and vice versa. If a person undertakes to know himself through the process of psychotherapy, and increasingly finds that he has greater self-understanding and self-acceptance, he will experience spiritual healing as well, for these aspects of self are so closely intertwined.

I am sorry about the experience you had with that doctor. If it sheds any light, current trends in psychology favor coping over healing. I don't know what psychological orientation your doctor holds, but he may have been working from out of that set of expectations. Indeed, most formally-trained psychologists and psychiatrists will reject any ghost sightings as hallucination. In my work, I have had a couple of clients whose "hallucinations" appear to me to have roots in the spirit realm, rather than within their own unconscious minds. It is a difficult distinction to make, and one must exercise great caution. If the doctor you visited did not, himself, hold beliefs about a spirit world, he might have summarily dismissed your claims. For that I am sorry! Perhaps you can find a doctor who better suits your needs.

As far as past-life regression goes, I would reserve such a recommendation for a person whose mental and emotional stability was secure (if indeed it was appropriate for me to make such a suggestion in-session; again, this would owe to the nature of the person's complaints and to their openness of the subject matter). If a person is already struggling with grave fears and anxieties, it would be too much to expect him to contend with information from past lives, in addition to this current life. One life is quite enough to carry!

Thanks for your thoughts, and for sharing them with me. Take care now, and peace to you!