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What is it you all SEE in 11:11 ?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:19 pm
by rhythm ranger
When i receive the signature prompting


Of the Loyal Secondary Midwayer's Group on my alarm clock and elsewhere;

my spirit, my soul sees:

^i^ ^i^ : ^i^ ^i^

The two pair of guardians that live and work along side me.
Protecting me from falling away from my spark represented in
the upper portion of the colon, our joint prosody.

The seedling of my soul then being the lower half of same colon;
The Prosody my father fragment wishes us to sing together.

co·lon [koh-luhn]

1. the sign (:) used to mark a major division in a sentence, to indicate that what follows is an elaboration, summation, implication, etc., of what precedes; or to separate groups of numbers referring to different things, as hours from minutes in 5:30; or the members of a ratio or proportion, as in 1 : 2 = 3 : 6.

2.Classical Prosody. one of the members or sections of a rhythmical period, consisting of a sequence of from two to six feet united under a principal ictus or beat.

Prosody is defined as the musical quality of language-- including pitch and timing features

These two pair of angels of fairly high order were assigned to me on the day i received my spark; a day so terrifying to a young lad of five that only in recent times has my soul been granted memory bank access to that awesome event. A situation so dire that after i did what they needed me to do i forgot all about it and never mentioned it to another soul for maybe 44-45 years later..

The year in which The Urantia Book published . 1955

the essentially dry text (as George would put it), given to those of us of the angels of progress camp as an advance on our allowance. To help aid us in our task. in our charge of correcting the record of Urantia's awesome and beautiful yet sullied history.

My intuition tells me the authors of the text were admonished to keep all personal, political coloring and shading of the facts to enter in the dissemination and only rarely do i read any personal remarks in the UBook

The celestial artisans, for one, i know had a rough go at remaining admonished and still give us their portrayals

and Melchizedek,

of a certainty. had the toughest job, in my opinion in staying admonished during the dissemination
starting at paper 66.

As Detective Sergeant Joe Friday would say on Dragnet every week; "just the facts ma'am, just the facts."

Welp, just looked up to see another daily prompt..

gotta go get ready for work now.. :)

Have fun family!

That is what i was admonished to have during these times to keep my own life's burdon a light and enjoyable one!

Re: What is it you all SEE in 11:11 ?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:28 pm
by Shield
Thanks. With the limited time I have been aware of the Urantia book I do get the feeling it is factual and without the political coloring as you said.

I almost dropped my coffee cup when I saw the reference to Dragnet and Sgt. Joe Friday. LAPD retired shield # 714 in honor of his character and the tv show.

Re: What is it you all SEE in 11:11 ?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:00 am
by LurkerAbyss
To be honest, the only criticisms and "arguments" against the Urantia Book I've ever really come across seemed to be based in an intellectual ceiling and incapacity to understand "concepts" behind the semantics and extravagant details.