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Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Hello!! Im am new here

Post by I2SEE11:11 »

Hi Everyone,

Let me start at the beginning...

My name is Melissa. I am almost 27 years old. Married to my soul-mate and I have 3 amazing little girls. When I was 7, I lost my baby sister to a rare form of children's cancer. It was something like.. a million to one odds of getting it and there was no cure, still no cure today. :(

Immediately after her passing, I began having unexplainable experiences. I never heard her, but I knew she was around me. I was spooked at my ability to see what I was being shown and I blocked it out... It wasn't until I was a teenager that I began becoming more curious about what I had purposely shut out that I decided to open myself up again. When this happened, I found that I was able to read others extremely well. I knew about events that happened in their lives, I could describe family members to them that had passed on. I could make that connection. I don't know what to call it, and frankly I think I like it better that it doesn't have a name. I just know that I can and that is perfect for me :)

I can walk into a room and feel if someone is there that I cannot see with my eyes. Sometimes this spooks me, other times I am alright with it. I wonder if I am afraid of what I can do so I keep it contained.. I started seeing 11:11 and other numbers 1:11 and 3:33 such a loong time ago, I cannot pin point the exact time. I know that this is not just a coincidence, but I also don't know what to do with it.

I have "swung by" this forum before just as a visitor, and now I come back as a member. There is a reason I am here, and Im hoping some of you can offer me some type of guidance on what is it that I should be doing. I get the prompts... but what do I do with it!?

Thanks so much for listening

Melissa :loves
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by nasra1996 »

A warm Welcom Melissa,

The 11:11 guides want to communicate with us, it sounds like you already have great abilities...

Take care

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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Like nasra said, 'they' want to communicate with us and help us realize our spiritual essence.
Perhaps you have a natural inclination to be adept in meditation/"Stillness" and a great potential for directly working with these guides.
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by Sandy »

Hello and welcome Melissa,
There are others on this board too who have similar amazing abilities that you described.. You seem very comfortable with them and that is as it should be. Because in my opinion they are true gifts and blessings ...especially if we are able to use them in ways that benefit others.
Daily meditation of some type is the key to communication with the Midwayers, who are the celestial beings behind the 11:11 time prompt. They want to speak with you and work with you to the betterment of this world.

I'm glad you've joined us and look forward to hearing more of your experiences.
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by luvinlife »

Hi Melissa! I think that we're all able to have this gift, but because of society, religions, etc. some people have made it seem bad or that it was "evil". I think that it's so comforting to know that we are surrounded by our loved ones.

Love, Clare
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by Shield »

luvinlife wrote:Hi Melissa! I think that we're all able to have this gift, but because of society, religions, etc. some people have made it seem bad or that it was "evil". I think that it's so comforting to know that we are surrounded by our loved ones.

Love, Clare
:sunflower: Very well said Clare.
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by I2SEE11:11 »

Thank you all for you're messages!

I am fairly comfortable with my abilities, but I often second guess myself. Perhaps I shouldn't do that. I haven't used meditation in any form for such a long time. Maybe now is a good time to start!!

Today I was in the car and began thinking about my 11:11 sightings and my joining this board, just as that thought crossed my mind I felt the urge to look at the clock, sure enough 11:11, then began seeing 1111 and 111 everywhere. Talk about confirmation =) Im happy to have joined a place that understands.
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by roxiedog13 »

I2SEE11:11 wrote:Hi Everyone,

Let me start at the beginning...

My name is Melissa. I am almost 27 years old. Married to my soul-mate and I have 3 amazing little girls. When I was 7, I lost my baby sister to a rare form of children's cancer. It was something like.. a million to one odds of getting it and there was no cure, still no cure today. :(

Immediately after her passing, I began having unexplainable experiences. I never heard her, but I knew she was around me. I was spooked at my ability to see what I was being shown and I blocked it out... It wasn't until I was a teenager that I began becoming more curious about what I had purposely shut out that I decided to open myself up again. When this happened, I found that I was able to read others extremely well. I knew about events that happened in their lives, I could describe family members to them that had passed on. I could make that connection. I don't know what to call it, and frankly I think I like it better that it doesn't have a name. I just know that I can and that is perfect for me :)

I can walk into a room and feel if someone is there that I cannot see with my eyes. Sometimes this spooks me, other times I am alright with it. I wonder if I am afraid of what I can do so I keep it contained.. I started seeing 11:11 and other numbers 1:11 and 3:33 such a loong time ago, I cannot pin point the exact time. I know that this is not just a coincidence, but I also don't know what to do with it.

I have "swung by" this forum before just as a visitor, and now I come back as a member. There is a reason I am here, and Im hoping some of you can offer me some type of guidance on what is it that I should be doing. I get the prompts... but what do I do with it!?

Thanks so much for listening

Melissa :loves
Welcome Melissa,
I too have the same kind of abilities as you describe which really started for me as a young child around the 10th year I believe. I'm not sure that I
understood the ability and didn't know how to accept that really. This ability has come and gone for me over the years and of late it is pretty much non existent . I too
had three kids when I was your age but unfortunately I lost my oldest to cancer over six years ago now . After that I lost my psychic abilities( if you could call it that) but
started seeing 11:11, 11:13, 1:111, 333 thereafter in unimaginable places and on numerous occasions.
Your correct that it is no coincidence, however the what to do with it or explanation for the same I cannot offer . Others here will explain a little further but I'm sure
you will have many more questions. I've been around for less than a year and I have a lot to figure out still. Tis a work in progress for sure. :hithere
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by ofek »

Welcome Melissa :hithere
You truly do have some very cool gifts
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by 1111:1111 »

Hello OP. It is really nice to hear other 11eners speak of some type of psychic ability. I don't like calling it psychic because it has so many negative ideas attached to the label, but there's definitely some sixth sense going on. Pretty much I can either pick up the vibe of someone based on how they feel, or pick up a vibe based on someones motives. Its so weird cause I was taught to look people in the eye when talking to them. It sucks because I can look someone in the eye and suddenly get much information from this person. Often when talking to a customer it is like all though the customer can appear happy, I know something with them is not right. It can be so overwhelming to feel someone roses energies. My issue has always been trying not to let the collective mood of the people around me effect my mood because I can feel there energies. It seems like no one can hide their pain from me. Over the last year this ability has developed extremely. I can see a situation and forded how it will play out but mainly I feel people. Its an odd gift because it is so real. I often am able to give advice to people even when never being in their situation. I wish I knew why I had this gift. I don't wish to. Communicate with the "dead" because I don't believe. Their dead anyway. I just want to uplift those around me. Hang in there these feelings are definitely not easy to deal with while developing your sixth sense but once you have somewhat mastered control over your emotions and feelings it seems to be a very handle gift for spotting people with bad intentions.
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by I2SEE11:11 »

All I can say is WOW, all of you that have replied to my post, a big THANK YOU to you. You all seem to understand perfectly what I'm "going-through" and that is so gratifying. I've decided in my busy mommy life, I need to take the time for myself to re-introduce meditation. After all, I believe the saying goes, if mommy isn't happy, ain't nobody happy. LOL

It's so nice to belong to a forum where people have a common goal, a common idea. In a world where there is so much negativity, it is truly a breath of fresh air. My hopes are to enhance whatever abilities I do have, and learn as much as possible. I have always felt a desire to help people in any way I can, and I often feel like there is more that I can do, although I don't always know what "more" is.

I have had many great experiences, extremely real dreams of things impossible and so on.. I hope to continue to have such experiences. And maybe some of the "veterans" here can help me on my path to finding out the "why" and what to do with all of it. =)

To luvinlife, Very well stated!! Unfortunately society and some religions have almost blacklisted anyone with any belief system that differs from their own. I was so young when I came to this realization. That was a sad time for me, but undoubtedly made me into who I am today so I am grateful for that experience. However, I do wish there would be less rigidity and more love and compassion for the differences in who we are.

To Roxie, It sounds like you and I have some vast similarities in our lifetimes. I truly believe that those experiences we have gone through and will still continue to face have strengthened and molded us into the beings we are today. Good luck to you on your journey and I look forward to hearing about your progress!!

To Sandy, Thank you for your kind words and I do hope I am able to use whatever gifts I have to benefit others. You sound like you have "been around a while".

To Lurker, I absolutely plan on implementing some time of meditation in my daily life. Frankly I miss it!! Its so easy for me to be consumed in my children, I forget to take a few minutes for myself :)

To 1111, Amazing Gifts!! There have been a few times I have had some dreams that unfolded just as I had seen them. Oddly enough, one of them was about me and my family, which never had happened before or has happened since. I awoke the next morning and told my husband what was going to happen that day, and as it did he called me to confirm... I couldn't believe it!! You are special in that you are able to "see" before it happens. The fact that you can also take on their emotions is empathic. The hardest thing to learn it how to receive their feelings and emotions without it consuming you. I still struggle with that and Im sure I will for a long time to come. I find that through their emotions I can get to the root and its the root I want to help fix. Does that make sense?!
I too have a desire to look at people in the eyes when speaking to them... strange I know.. An example of this is when I first met my husband, I asked him to take of his sunglasses because I wanted to look into his eyes while talking to him. LOL he probably thought I was crazy!
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by happyrain »

I2SEE11:11 wrote:I've decided in my busy mommy life, I need to take the time for myself to re-introduce meditation. After all, I believe the saying goes, if mommy isn't happy, ain't nobody happy. LOL
hehe this made me laugh
welcome to the forums melissa :loves
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Re: Hello!! Im am new here

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello and welcome Melissa, good to have you on the boards. I'm glad you
decided to join us and share you stories and experiences. Sorry about your

Love, Petra
ॐ LOVE Petra
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