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Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by sunflower123 »

Hello all! I have come across this board as I started wondering about synchronicities. I googled it, and a lot came up about 11:11.....which completely blew me away! I have been noticing 11:11 for about a year and a half now and it almost always followed or preceded a wish or a hope I had, or even when I was struggling and very upset with a personal issue. I most recently noticed 11:11 after a series of coincidences related to this personal issue.

I am in a marriage that I want to leave and have been involved with a man who is also married (not a physical relationship) but I very much care for him. Two months ago we stopped communication with each other due to our complicated situations. I am upset and missing him so much. The other day I woke up unusually early and decided to go for a bike ride even though it wasn't my day to go (I schedule these things!!). Exactly as I was in my driveway the man I was involved with drove right by my house. I couldn't stop thinking about it and felt maybe it was a sign, that he's supppsed to be with me. Then a song that reminds me of him and our situation came on the radio and I glanced at the clock....yup...11:11.

There have been other coincidences between this man and me, and often 11:11 would be on the clock just before he`d text me etc. We have parted before, but somehow he seems to come back into my life, always when I try to let him go. That`s how I started thinking about synchronicity...and here I am...

Just wondered what thoughts anyone may have. Maybe I`m just seeing what I want to see. Thanks for reading.
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Re: New Poster

Post by Geoff »

Dear Sunflower,

Welcome. Yes, a lot of us have had that tricky decision to make. Actually its two decisions, and if I can give you any advice, you would be best to make it two decisions.

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Re: New Poster

Post by Sandy »

Dear Sunflower,

Hello! :hithere As humans, it seems we often find ourselves in a position where we must make tough decisions and live with the consequences. :? But as I have observed the midwayers and angels working in my own life and those who pass through this board it has become clear that the Midwayers do not make decisions for us. It would be wonderful if they could and would, but no, we must make those all important free will decisions ourselves and learn from what unfolds.

The Midwayers and angels are prompting you with 11:11, saying hello and letting you know that they are with you regardless of what you decide. They also know that there is more to this world then what we observe in the physical and they wish for us to discover this too and to benefit by actively working towards a greater knowledge of God, the angels, midwayers and many different celestial beings who like us, are also children of God. This process is benefited by learning to quiet your mind in some type of daily meditation. I have found meditation to be something that holds many benefits for my physical well being as well as my mental and spiritual well being.

You may find these URLs helpful as you continue your search for answers.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

Welcome to the MB Sunflower! I hope everything works out for the very best for you whatever you decide and whatever happens. :finger: :)
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Re: New Poster

Post by sunflower123 »

Thank you for your replies. I never really thought of it before as someone making my decisions for me. It just seems that whenever I am struggling about this situation with this man there are coincidences that occur and often a number promt.

I know in my heart what I want to do, and I guess I wondered if getting coincidences that support that decision were, for lack of a better term, "signs"

Thank you for reading and taking the time to respond. I'm in a lot of emotional pain at the moment and appreciate it.
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Re: New Poster

Post by Petra Wilson »

Dear sunflower, welcome to the message board. I hope you solve your dilemma soon
and be happy and at peace with yourself.
I understand where you're coming from too. I had something similar happen to me
during my first marriage. Not with my second husband though, I met him later. Alas!
we weren't meant to be together, his marriage had been arranged from the age of 5!!!

Love, Petra
ॐ LOVE Petra
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