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Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:35 am
by crimsonorchid
I am new to all of the meaning surrounding 11:11. But my life is undergoing incredible upheaval right now (I know in my heart it is all for the higher good) and I am facing a tough decision. I have to move on from a relationship that is not working. My intuition and heart tells me it is the right thing to do, but I am scared to move on (with feelings of guilt and worry about hurting the other party). Since all of these choices have started to enter my life, along with them I have been seeing 11:11 or 1:11 everywhere, many times a time.

I have looked online for information regarding this coincidence. I do believe in guardian angels and spirit guides. Is this some sort of sign from them? Is this something to be frightened of or to look forward to? Is the universe trying to give me courage in my upheaval?

Any guidance on my experience would be most appreciated. As well, any suggestions for a newbie 11:11 receiver on books to read would be great.

Thank you so much. Best wishes. Light and love.

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:27 am
by Geoff
crimsonorchid wrote:Is the universe trying to give me courage in my upheaval?
Dear J,

Welcome. And yes, that is IMHO the correct interpretation. You must make your own decision, and you are being offer support to do that.


Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:09 am
by Sandy
Dear J,

Many of us have experienced a sadness as a once cherished relationship gradually loses a much needed spark. Only you can decide what is needed in your life... and so I agree with Geoff and feel that the spirit guardians and angels are offering you support as you work through some tough decisions. I guess one thing to consider is that as you move on you are releasing the other party involved in the relationship to move on too and perhaps enabling them to find a partner more aligned with their hearts desires. Yet it isn't easy is it? I hope and pray everything works out for the best for you and all concerned.

Here are a few URLs you may find helpful in your search for answers regarding the number prompts you are seeing.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

It's nice to meet you J! Welcome to the message board. :hithere


Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:25 pm
by crimsonorchid
Thank you so much for your messages. I do feel that the 11:11 prompt that I have been seeing are a "good thing" and are comforting to me in this time. They even make me laugh, which has been difficult lately. I think I will try to get back in touch with my guardian angel (who I used to be able to contact and communicate with very easily). I look forward to learning more about the 11:11 phenomena.

Love and light,

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:33 am
by Sandy
Hi Jenny,
You wrote:
I think I will try to get back in touch with my guardian angel (who I used to be able to contact and communicate with very easily).
:D In many ways that is how my path began. I discovered a book called, 'Ask Your Angels' at the home of a woman I worked for. It intrigued me and she let me borrow it. I was absolutely flabergasted with the idea that in fact we could make contact with angels and celestial being and in fact many people were doing just that. So I practised the meditations daily and was happy to discover that yes, even this" ole wandering mind" could learn to do this. :D

I hope there's lots of smiles and laughter in your future, Jenny. :)

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:43 am
by crimsonorchid
Sandy wrote: I discovered a book called, 'Ask Your Angels' at the home of a woman I worked for. It intrigued me and she let me borrow it. I was absolutely flabergasted with the idea that in fact we could make contact with angels and celestial being and in fact many people were doing just that.
I, too, read the book Ask Your Angels a number of years ago when I was in my early twenties. I discovered I could talk to my guardian angels through writing. I would quiet my mind and write in my journal and I would "hear" what they would say and write it down. It was always very loving and supportive. They never told me what to do, but simply supported my journey. It was wonderful and I need to start it again... I think their 11:11 messages are a prompt for me to do this.

Thank you all for your support and wisdom.

Love and light,

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:59 pm
by luvinlife
Hi Jenny! Welcome to our family! Yes, you will notice that when you're going through a major change that you will see many prompts to show love and support for you. Please let us know how you're doing.

Love, Clare

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:08 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello Jenny, you wrote:
It was always very loving and supportive. They never told me what to do, but simply supported my journey. It was wonderful and I need to start it again... I think their 11:11 messages are a prompt for me to do this.
I think so too! My guides never tell me what to do either, except
a few times to warm me of impending danger.

Welcome to the site and I hope you share more with us!

Love, Petra

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:17 pm
by Irit
crimsonorchid wrote:They never told me what to do, but simply supported my journey. It was wonderful and I need to start it again... I think their 11:11 messages are a prompt for me to do this.
Hi Jenny,

The 11:11 messages are very gentle, supporting, and not judgmental. You have come to the right place...


Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:54 am
by crimsonorchid
Thank you to everyone for your supportive and loving words.

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:15 am
by Sandy
Hello Irene!!!!! I can't tell you how good it is to see you on the board! How are you lady? :sunflower:

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:32 am
by Tiggy
Hi Jenny :hithere

It seems many of us here have had to face life changing descions that have caused us deep reflection......I too, am going through a very similar situation to you........I feel scared, guilty and unsure........but I've found that the more I put my trust in the Creator, the more strength I begin to feel. This strength may trickle slowly at first and challenge you on every level but it is a great gift too....through connection with the Creator, we can learn to listen to our own hearts and to start to make choices ....that feel right....... I think you too are being gently guided and supported by your own connection....I hope and pray you find some truths.

Love and peace
Tiggy :loves

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:43 am
by Geoff
Irit wrote:
crimsonorchid wrote:They never told me what to do, but simply supported my journey. It was wonderful and I need to start it again... I think their 11:11 messages are a prompt for me to do this.
Hi Jenny,

The 11:11 messages are very gentle, supporting, and not judgmental. You have come to the right place...

Its good to see you again Irene. Gee, you joined this board before Sandy, that's going some way way back.


Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:32 am
by Irit
Geoff wrote: Its good to see you again Irene. Gee, you joined this board before Sandy, that's going some way way back.
Hello All,

I have been working 2 jobs and long hours and it was hard to chat. Now I have a few weeks off and will not be working as hard. So, I signed up to do some volunteer work with seniors 2 weeks ago. The address of the facility is 1111 ( :roll ) and that confirmed it all for me once again!


Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:19 am
by Sandy
Hi Irene,
You are a saint in my book! After working so hard and then out volunteering on your time off... yes, you are definitely an inspiration! :sunflower: Sounds like the Midwayers think so too! Well, I hope you are treating your "deserving self" at least on some of those days to something wonderful. Wouldn't a banana split taste good about now? ;) :D

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:54 pm
by Irit
Hi Sandy,

Thanks for your kind reply. Just received an email from a new vegetable market that I started to frequent and the address is 1111.

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:21 pm
by Petra Wilson
Lovely to hear from you again after so long Irene :loves

My husband got a cool prompt today on a receipt...22.22 litres
and "Caissier: 111" I took a pic but for some unknown reason
suddenly my laptop won't download any photos today!

Love, Petra

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:27 pm
by luvinlife
Irene, you have 111 posts!

Love, Clare

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:57 pm
by Irit
luvinlife wrote:Irene, you have 111 posts!
WOW, good catch Clare! Several years ago I think I had over 500 posts and then it was reset to 50. So, I guess I am starting all over again.

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:21 pm
by johbo
I was seeing 11:11 all the time. I was telling people and they would just look at me strange. I always assumed it was because my child has 11:11 as their birth date. That I just thought about it and looked at the clock because of this fact. Now that I read other people see this. I will have to study this. My name adds up to a 22. I wonder if this has something to do with it? Hi everyone. I look forward to learning about this.

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:13 pm
by Geoff
Dear johbo,

Welcome to our site.


Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:25 pm
by Irit
Hello Johbo,

Welcome to the 11:11 group...

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:51 am
by Sandy
It's nice to have you on board Johbo, Welcome! :D

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:29 pm
by johbo
I will say when I was seeing 11:11 all the time. It made me very uncomfortable. I use to try to not look at the clock. But I always glanced at it and low and behold it was always 11:11. I thought it had some bad meaning pertaining to my child. I attempted to try and find out if this happened to my friends or family. One person said it happened to them. Now this person happens to be A INFJ . Jungian Personality Types. INFJ are rare 1 percent of the population. I am one also. I wonder if this is a common personality type that see's 11:11 . We are very intuitive. I also wonder if my child's birth on 11:11 is part of this whole phenomenon? I remember watching the fall of the Berlin wall while in labor. I didn't start seeing 11:11 till long after his birth. I also have a feeling that I won't be seeing 11:11 for awhile. Since I have put it out there I did not see it yesterday or today. Is this common? I still am no closer to finding out what this all means. What is it trying to tell me? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Am I living wrong? Do I need to fix something? So many questions. I look forward to some answers.
All the best

Re: Newbie to 11:11

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:12 am
by Geoff
johbo wrote: I still am no closer to finding out what this all means. What is it trying to tell me? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Am I living wrong? Do I need to fix something? So many questions. I look forward to some answers.
All the best
Dear JB,

Read this thread:

11:11 signals are driving me nuts

That should help. There are a few more in the first forum that will help you.
